Rate PSL this dude whose slept with like 150 women



Sep 25, 2019
If my friend is to be believed this dude (one of his friends) has slept with 150 or so women (and, no, not just landwhales, a decent amount of them were 7-8/10s). What would you guys rate him PSL? Currently sleeps with at least one (maybe two) women a week according to my friend. He's low inhib maxxed af from what I hear (my friend tells me that it's because of the fact that he's low inhib maxxed that he pulls a lot).


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i don’t believe it tbh
and ur FRIEND is telling you about HIS friend about how many women he’s slept with. definitely sus
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Absolute bullshit
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Great medial canthus, @medialcanthuscel. I believe it
i don’t believe it tbh
and ur FRIEND is telling you about HIS friend about how many women he’s slept with. definitely sus

It is kind of sus but I trust my friend, that's the only reason I took his word for it. He explicitly told me that it's because of the fact that he's super, super, *super* low inhib maxxed that he is capable of doing this.
It is kind of sus but I trust my friend, that's the only reason I took his word for it. He explicitly told me that it's because of the fact that he's super, super, *super* low inhib maxxed that he is capable of doing this.
i don’t think so tbh. 150 women. 150. that’s a crazy high number. think of all of them individually. maybe he fucked like 10-14 women, 150 times.
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i don’t think so tbh. 150 women. 150. that’s a crazy high number. think of all of them individually. maybe he fucked like 10-14 women, 150 times.

yeah I'm definitely skeptical too. but my friend says that this is literally all he does and been doing for the past 6 years or so (that is, going out to bars and clubs like 2-3x a week every week and attempting to pull). what do you rate him strictly PSL by the way?
not possible
i don’t think so tbh. 150 women. 150. that’s a crazy high number. think of all of them individually. maybe he fucked like 10-14 women, 150 times.
Bug eye cope
yeah I'm definitely skeptical too. but my friend says that this is literally all he does and been doing for the past 6 years or so (that is, going out to bars and clubs like 2-3x a week every week and attempting to pull). what do you rate him strictly PSL by the way?
i honestly can’t rate psl anymore tbh
i don’t think so tbh. 150 women. 150. that’s a crazy high number. think of all of them individually. maybe he fucked like 10-14 women, 150 times.

on a side note, I have a friend personally (he's a former male model) whose lay count is near 200 if not at 200 by this point. But he started sleeping around with women at age 15 and he's close to (if not at) age 24 now. this is him btw: https://looksmax.org/threads/what-psl-rating-is-my-former-model-friend.54134/
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Face is carried by eye area. Is he doing this all sober or at clubs where girls are drunk
Honestly if he said like 20 i might have believed it but 150 is insane, like for a dude to sleep with 150 women he'd have to be one tall handsome as mf or rich as fuck.
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Face is carried by eye area. Is he doing this all sober or at clubs where girls are drunk

mixture of both from what i hear. what would you strictly rate him?
mixture of both from what i hear. what would you strictly rate him?

4.8-5.1 going by his best picture. The rest of them he looks close to average
If my friend is to be believed this dude (one of his friends) has slept with 150 or so women (and, no, not just landwhales, a decent amount of them were 7-8/10s). What would you guys rate him PSL? Currently sleeps with at least one (maybe two) women a week according to my friend. He's low inhib maxxed af from what I hear (my friend tells me that it's because of the fact that he's low inhib maxxed that he pulls a lot).
That dude is just a good liar. No dude with his looks can sleep with 150 women at such young age.
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That dude is just a good liar. No dude with his looks can sleep with 150 women at such young age.

yeah that's probably true. what do you personally rate him PSL?
Most of your threads are absolute dogshit. You don't know jack shit about how to rate people nor do you posses any knowledge about facial aesthetics at all. It would be fine if you were willing to learn but on top of all that you are also full of yourself and come at me for underrating. Now you post this bullshit thread based on false information and rumors. Worst poster on this forum by far.
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  • JFL
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There’s no way he has.

he’s a decent looking dude ngl but 150? Lol no

I’d believe maybe20-50 with his looks
He looks like the guy from the "you guys are getting paid ?" meme
Bullshit lol, also I don't think he would survive to 150 without dying from aids or some STD. Unless he only did virgins
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  • JFL
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Chadlite. 5.5 psl prettyboy pheno. Could slay if he's 6+ tall
What's his height?
Whats his dick size?

These two things matter more than face when it comes to slaying.
5.5 PSL seems too high. I think a flat 5 is fair.

6 feet tall. No clue about dick size lol
Dick size doesn't matter that much.
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I'd say he's like a 7 IRL, so I guess that makes him like a 5psl?

I'd doubt his numbers, especially if he's young!

Not to say it's impossible to get super high lay counts even without good looks. I have a friend in the RAF who would be considered super ugly on this site, and has banged a similar number of girls (100+), although he's late 20's or so. Some ugly girls, but a fair few very very hot ones, too. Extreme persistance and low inhibition seems to be his angle lol
Why not? You’d be surprised at how many lays some guys have lol
Maybe he didnt mention it was 150 prostitutes? :feelshah: :ROFLMAO:

He's a high tier normie, eye area is good, decent face overall but nothing special enough. He's probably a narcy faggot telling tales from his basement, I dont believe he fucks so many girls but surely he gets some pussy, just not 150+.
  • JFL
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I'm 33 and I'm only around the 50 mark
Possible, my 5'10 balding 5psl friend has slept with 30 women because he's super NT.
My friend's brothes has supposedly had sex with 100+ women at age 21. He's shorter than average but with psl 6 face.
  • JFL
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