Sarms/Test vs Roids/Test for heightmaxx and facemaxxing



busy being a cuck
Nov 10, 2019
Hello guys i'm quite new to the forum.
I'd appretiate an advise on which sarms/roids are best for facemaxxing.
I'm 17 and just started getting forming a good face shape in my journey to become a chad.
Though i was a bit worried about growth plates closing sooner because due to genetics I'm not that tall (5'8).
Any advise surrounding height/face maxxing would help me a lot.
I'm already mewing.

Thank you in advance future chads
Sounds like you're gonna fuck yourself up. Some proviron maybe.
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Get some hgh and inject .5 iu 6 times a day
can you elab?

wouldn't proviron suppress natty test?

proviron is kinda unique in that regard. Also actually improves sperm quality unlike other roids.
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proviron is kinda unique in that regard. Also actually improves sperm quality unlike other roids.
Does it require a pct?
proviron is kinda unique in that regard. Also actually improves sperm quality unlike other roids.
but you wouldn't recommend it to a teenager going through puberty correct?

I've heard it doesn't have any effect on the hpta

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