[Serious] Most people totally overestimate their gymcel potential, MUSCLE FIBER MAKEUP PILL, GTFINH!

Jordan Barrett face > 100 roided Jeff seids
Jeff Seid has a great face Lmao tf are u on about + his physique is near ideal it’s just a shame that he’s kinda short. Pretty sure most girls would pick Jeff over Jordan
  • +1
Reactions: Dystopian
Most arab/mena/curry guys will never be able to have that vascular, tight roided look too cuz of their thick skin
I have that look and I'm Indian
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate
I can't be the only one who thinks this body
2923685 1654466412223

Looks better than this body
2923678 1654466339477
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate raw,

Raw meat, raw dairy, honey, (obv eating balanced) is life
View attachment 1718332

Semen retention as well as full body sun exposure are also potent ways to improve androgen receptor density and sensitivty. Topical D3/k3 or even androgens like dht as well.

Get naked sunbathing boys

Let them have some fun (did i mention eating testicles is another good test increase dont do it for more than 3 days in a row hence inhibiting ur own production, raw oysters is another @WTFCGod
View attachment 1718400

In fact, studies on the effects of light on the testes go way back to 1939, when researchers exposed various parts of men's bodies to UV light. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120%+ when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light, and they went up by 200% with UV exposure to the genital area.

I'd highly recommend reading Andreas Moritz's Heal Yourself with Sunlight book

(Boston university of research and Medicine)

Upon sunlight exposure on some testosteorne shot up a whopping 400%+ .

Red Light therapy is another good one to add. Cholesterol maxxing (raw dairy , meat, eggs) + sun =insane testosterone output.

https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19539973/i-put-a-giant-red-light-on-my-balls-to-triple-my-testosterone-levels/#:~:text=In fact, studies on the,exposure to the genital area.

Sarms route: The Sarm Only the "SARM" YK-11 is also a potent myostatin inhibitor if you choose to go down the exogenous route

Bonus (superiority of red meat and beef liver ) Nutritional index
View attachment 1718335

Creatine was found to be a potent myostatin inhibitor. So again get your meat/fish eaten raw (alot of other amino acids like it) get wasted during the cooking process and/or just supplement it.

https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Creatine also raises IGF-1.

Source: https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Be ware of the bloating though if it happens though. Food sources always mog

Red meat, Salmon, Herring, Mutton, Pork/Sausage, Chicke and other white meat, Venison (Deer meat), Cod, Tuna, are excellent sources of creatine and other essential amino acids and proteins.

View attachment 1718349


"The MSTN gene provides instructions for making a protein called myostatin. This protein is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body."

Gene editing via a crispr kit (available on the market, so are other genes, i would recommend testing on other things first) and inhibiting this gene via epigenetic editing also (requires extreme levels of knowledge and very new as of now i dont recommend) would be potent ways to inhibit this

I am not responsible nor reliable if you engage in this, get caught, something goes wrong, etc. This is just for informational purposes and do as u like with this information

I wont say much else on the topic for now @enchanted_elixir .......... I cant have everyone becoming a terachad god
View attachment 1718365View attachment 1718418

Be careful to stay within the law, i wish you the best if any of you engage/research this powerful contemporary technology.

Blessings and godspeed to pubertycels to view and act on any of the methods discussed itt. Truly 🙏

Thanks for Reading and Happy Looksmaxxing Buyos!😍
View attachment 1718377
[@gamma @alienmaxxer @looksmaxxer234 @Korea @Gargantuan @Prettyboy @Reckless Turtle @StrangerDanger @Biiyo03 @enchanted_elixir @geezcel @forevergymcelling @ForeverRecession @xefo @Adriana Lima @Kingkellz @ @ArvidGustavsson @Amnesia @Salludon @Armadillo @MakinItHappenReturn @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @fogdart @whiteissuperior @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Purefxrm @WontStopNorwooding @chaddyboi66 @LooksOverAll @VenomGT3 @Clark69 @alienmaxxer @papi mew @Alexanderr @slayer69 @Preston @VicMackey @rdsky @6ft4 @FastBananaCEO @lutte @coolguy1 @RecessedPrettyboy @kalefartbomb @Vermilioncore @Ass-ender @Ada Mustang @LMSMaxxer @Afrikancel @MentalCel @Wincel @TeenAscender @tyronelite /SPOILER]

I've been lifting pretty long and I'm trying to focus on Bidelt for now. Would you say someone like Hamza has good/bad/or average genetics ?
Symmetry doesn't matter aslong as it's not shit tier

Images 15
I like how you compare a bunch of roidcels with nattycopers.
great post as always
the sprinter-pill devastated me so much

  • JFL
Reactions: Lmao
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate raw,

Raw meat, raw dairy, honey, (obv eating balanced) is life
View attachment 1718332

Semen retention as well as full body sun exposure are also potent ways to improve androgen receptor density and sensitivty. Topical D3/k3 or even androgens like dht as well.

Get naked sunbathing boys

Let them have some fun (did i mention eating testicles is another good test increase dont do it for more than 3 days in a row hence inhibiting ur own production, raw oysters is another @WTFCGod
View attachment 1718400

In fact, studies on the effects of light on the testes go way back to 1939, when researchers exposed various parts of men's bodies to UV light. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120%+ when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light, and they went up by 200% with UV exposure to the genital area.

I'd highly recommend reading Andreas Moritz's Heal Yourself with Sunlight book

(Boston university of research and Medicine)

Upon sunlight exposure on some testosteorne shot up a whopping 400%+ .

Red Light therapy is another good one to add. Cholesterol maxxing (raw dairy , meat, eggs) + sun =insane testosterone output.

https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19539973/i-put-a-giant-red-light-on-my-balls-to-triple-my-testosterone-levels/#:~:text=In fact, studies on the,exposure to the genital area.

Sarms route: The Sarm Only the "SARM" YK-11 is also a potent myostatin inhibitor if you choose to go down the exogenous route

Bonus (superiority of red meat and beef liver ) Nutritional index
View attachment 1718335

Creatine was found to be a potent myostatin inhibitor. So again get your meat/fish eaten raw (alot of other amino acids like it) get wasted during the cooking process and/or just supplement it.

https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Creatine also raises IGF-1.

Source: https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Be ware of the bloating though if it happens though. Food sources always mog

Red meat, Salmon, Herring, Mutton, Pork/Sausage, Chicke and other white meat, Venison (Deer meat), Cod, Tuna, are excellent sources of creatine and other essential amino acids and proteins.

View attachment 1718349


"The MSTN gene provides instructions for making a protein called myostatin. This protein is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body."

Gene editing via a crispr kit (available on the market, so are other genes, i would recommend testing on other things first) and inhibiting this gene via epigenetic editing also (requires extreme levels of knowledge and very new as of now i dont recommend) would be potent ways to inhibit this

I am not responsible nor reliable if you engage in this, get caught, something goes wrong, etc. This is just for informational purposes and do as u like with this information

I wont say much else on the topic for now @enchanted_elixir .......... I cant have everyone becoming a terachad god
View attachment 1718365View attachment 1718418

Be careful to stay within the law, i wish you the best if any of you engage/research this powerful contemporary technology.

Blessings and godspeed to pubertycels to view and act on any of the methods discussed itt. Truly 🙏

Thanks for Reading and Happy Looksmaxxing Buyos!😍
View attachment 1718377
[@gamma @alienmaxxer @looksmaxxer234 @Korea @Gargantuan @Prettyboy @Reckless Turtle @StrangerDanger @Biiyo03 @enchanted_elixir @geezcel @forevergymcelling @ForeverRecession @xefo @Adriana Lima @Kingkellz @ @ArvidGustavsson @Amnesia @Salludon @Armadillo @MakinItHappenReturn @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @fogdart @whiteissuperior @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Purefxrm @WontStopNorwooding @chaddyboi66 @LooksOverAll @VenomGT3 @Clark69 @alienmaxxer @papi mew @Alexanderr @slayer69 @Preston @VicMackey @rdsky @6ft4 @FastBananaCEO @lutte @coolguy1 @RecessedPrettyboy @kalefartbomb @Vermilioncore @Ass-ender @Ada Mustang @LMSMaxxer @Afrikancel @MentalCel @Wincel @TeenAscender @tyronelite /SPOILER]

Jesus Christ m8 u jost need to hit some calve raises
  • Hmm...
Reactions: AscendingHero
My Afghanistani mate has some of the most crazy veins all over his arms and legs even untrained I haven’t seen a curry guy with it tho
BF%? when i lost like 7 pounds which is nothing i saw way more defined vascularity.
Lmfao fucking retarded ass noob

This post needs to be taken off this form and banned. so much misinformation

Frank yang isn’t natty. What gives him that dry look is something like anavar or sarms or some other roid that gives you the dry look

Also LMAO at using that high body fat pic of alpha destiny.

These 2 pics prove your whole bs wrong.

What a retard


  • 836AF212-E1AA-4F60-B537-B76B714F72E3.jpeg
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  • 71D658C7-757E-4870-AD42-8B1389BE31AC.webp
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  • +1
Reactions: CsCurry
If you can do 185/225/315 on ohp/bench/deadlifts and be lean I think it’s pretty much impossible to look bad unless ur a turbomanlet
Brutal gym pill @Zenturio
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2729
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate raw,

Raw meat, raw dairy, honey, (obv eating balanced) is life
View attachment 1718332

Semen retention as well as full body sun exposure are also potent ways to improve androgen receptor density and sensitivty. Topical D3/k3 or even androgens like dht as well.

Get naked sunbathing boys

Let them have some fun (did i mention eating testicles is another good test increase dont do it for more than 3 days in a row hence inhibiting ur own production, raw oysters is another @WTFCGod
View attachment 1718400

In fact, studies on the effects of light on the testes go way back to 1939, when researchers exposed various parts of men's bodies to UV light. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120%+ when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light, and they went up by 200% with UV exposure to the genital area.

I'd highly recommend reading Andreas Moritz's Heal Yourself with Sunlight book

(Boston university of research and Medicine)

Upon sunlight exposure on some testosteorne shot up a whopping 400%+ .

Red Light therapy is another good one to add. Cholesterol maxxing (raw dairy , meat, eggs) + sun =insane testosterone output.

https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19539973/i-put-a-giant-red-light-on-my-balls-to-triple-my-testosterone-levels/#:~:text=In fact, studies on the,exposure to the genital area.

Sarms route: The Sarm Only the "SARM" YK-11 is also a potent myostatin inhibitor if you choose to go down the exogenous route

Bonus (superiority of red meat and beef liver ) Nutritional index
View attachment 1718335

Creatine was found to be a potent myostatin inhibitor. So again get your meat/fish eaten raw (alot of other amino acids like it) get wasted during the cooking process and/or just supplement it.

https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Creatine also raises IGF-1.

Source: https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Be ware of the bloating though if it happens though. Food sources always mog

Red meat, Salmon, Herring, Mutton, Pork/Sausage, Chicke and other white meat, Venison (Deer meat), Cod, Tuna, are excellent sources of creatine and other essential amino acids and proteins.

View attachment 1718349


"The MSTN gene provides instructions for making a protein called myostatin. This protein is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body."

Gene editing via a crispr kit (available on the market, so are other genes, i would recommend testing on other things first) and inhibiting this gene via epigenetic editing also (requires extreme levels of knowledge and very new as of now i dont recommend) would be potent ways to inhibit this

I am not responsible nor reliable if you engage in this, get caught, something goes wrong, etc. This is just for informational purposes and do as u like with this information

I wont say much else on the topic for now @enchanted_elixir .......... I cant have everyone becoming a terachad god
View attachment 1718365View attachment 1718418

Be careful to stay within the law, i wish you the best if any of you engage/research this powerful contemporary technology.

Blessings and godspeed to pubertycels to view and act on any of the methods discussed itt. Truly 🙏

Thanks for Reading and Happy Looksmaxxing Buyos!😍
View attachment 1718377
[@gamma @alienmaxxer @looksmaxxer234 @Korea @Gargantuan @Prettyboy @Reckless Turtle @StrangerDanger @Biiyo03 @enchanted_elixir @geezcel @forevergymcelling @ForeverRecession @xefo @Adriana Lima @Kingkellz @ @ArvidGustavsson @Amnesia @Salludon @Armadillo @MakinItHappenReturn @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @fogdart @whiteissuperior @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Purefxrm @WontStopNorwooding @chaddyboi66 @LooksOverAll @VenomGT3 @Clark69 @alienmaxxer @papi mew @Alexanderr @slayer69 @Preston @VicMackey @rdsky @6ft4 @FastBananaCEO @lutte @coolguy1 @RecessedPrettyboy @kalefartbomb @Vermilioncore @Ass-ender @Ada Mustang @LMSMaxxer @Afrikancel @MentalCel @Wincel @TeenAscender @tyronelite /SPOILER]

People here have been going through life not knowing the rules of the game.
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate raw,

Raw meat, raw dairy, honey, (obv eating balanced) is life
View attachment 1718332

Semen retention as well as full body sun exposure are also potent ways to improve androgen receptor density and sensitivty. Topical D3/k3 or even androgens like dht as well.

Get naked sunbathing boys

Let them have some fun (did i mention eating testicles is another good test increase dont do it for more than 3 days in a row hence inhibiting ur own production, raw oysters is another @WTFCGod
View attachment 1718400

In fact, studies on the effects of light on the testes go way back to 1939, when researchers exposed various parts of men's bodies to UV light. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120%+ when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light, and they went up by 200% with UV exposure to the genital area.

I'd highly recommend reading Andreas Moritz's Heal Yourself with Sunlight book

(Boston university of research and Medicine)

Upon sunlight exposure on some testosteorne shot up a whopping 400%+ .

Red Light therapy is another good one to add. Cholesterol maxxing (raw dairy , meat, eggs) + sun =insane testosterone output.

https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19539973/i-put-a-giant-red-light-on-my-balls-to-triple-my-testosterone-levels/#:~:text=In fact, studies on the,exposure to the genital area.

Sarms route: The Sarm Only the "SARM" YK-11 is also a potent myostatin inhibitor if you choose to go down the exogenous route

Bonus (superiority of red meat and beef liver ) Nutritional index
View attachment 1718335

Creatine was found to be a potent myostatin inhibitor. So again get your meat/fish eaten raw (alot of other amino acids like it) get wasted during the cooking process and/or just supplement it.

https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Creatine also raises IGF-1.

Source: https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Be ware of the bloating though if it happens though. Food sources always mog

Red meat, Salmon, Herring, Mutton, Pork/Sausage, Chicke and other white meat, Venison (Deer meat), Cod, Tuna, are excellent sources of creatine and other essential amino acids and proteins.

View attachment 1718349


"The MSTN gene provides instructions for making a protein called myostatin. This protein is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body."

Gene editing via a crispr kit (available on the market, so are other genes, i would recommend testing on other things first) and inhibiting this gene via epigenetic editing also (requires extreme levels of knowledge and very new as of now i dont recommend) would be potent ways to inhibit this

I am not responsible nor reliable if you engage in this, get caught, something goes wrong, etc. This is just for informational purposes and do as u like with this information

I wont say much else on the topic for now @enchanted_elixir .......... I cant have everyone becoming a terachad god
View attachment 1718365View attachment 1718418

Be careful to stay within the law, i wish you the best if any of you engage/research this powerful contemporary technology.

Blessings and godspeed to pubertycels to view and act on any of the methods discussed itt. Truly 🙏

Thanks for Reading and Happy Looksmaxxing Buyos!😍
View attachment 1718377
[@gamma @alienmaxxer @looksmaxxer234 @Korea @Gargantuan @Prettyboy @Reckless Turtle @StrangerDanger @Biiyo03 @enchanted_elixir @geezcel @forevergymcelling @ForeverRecession @xefo @Adriana Lima @Kingkellz @ @ArvidGustavsson @Amnesia @Salludon @Armadillo @MakinItHappenReturn @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @fogdart @whiteissuperior @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Purefxrm @WontStopNorwooding @chaddyboi66 @LooksOverAll @VenomGT3 @Clark69 @alienmaxxer @papi mew @Alexanderr @slayer69 @Preston @VicMackey @rdsky @6ft4 @FastBananaCEO @lutte @coolguy1 @RecessedPrettyboy @kalefartbomb @Vermilioncore @Ass-ender @Ada Mustang @LMSMaxxer @Afrikancel @MentalCel @Wincel @TeenAscender @tyronelite /SPOILER]

What do you think about YK11? It seems like a potent way to increase fast twitch muscle fibers and widen the frame.

Have you also tried stuff like breathing squats, reeves deadlifts etc?

Myostatin (MSTN) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily that negatively regulates skeletal muscle development. A lack of MSTN induces muscle hypertrophy and increases formation of fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibres.

Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
I had to bump this thread because it's genuinely one of the most utterly dogshit threads I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

shame on that utter moron "BuddyBoyo" (yes, he's genuinely a fucking pseudointellectual retard who can barely get a single thing right in any single one of his threads, but this is the worst case of it by far)

+ fuck you OP and the 60 fucking utter jesters who liked the thread without doing a MOLECULE of research which would have taken less than 60 seconds.

+ LMFAO at the fact that no person on the entire thread replied realising that the thread was an utterly misinformative pile of steaming shit either.

Now let's get into the brutal evisceration of this utterly dogshit thread. I'll type in the 2nd person as if directed towards BuddyBoyo.

Take a look at him

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training
Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin..? ....Hemoglobin......? why the FUCK would hemoglobin be in your fucking muscles? it's MYOGLOBIN you fucking idiot. how do you even get that wrong?
His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER
one in thousands if not millions? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

how the fuck do you expect people to look when they're sub 10% body fat you utter moron? wow he has symmetrical abs! well guess what? MOST people do.


bird tier outer-chest insertions, love handle tier oblique insertions, small frame, manlet

and what the fuck is this shit about skin tightness? that's to do with LEANNESS you moron. just be LEAN and don't be a loose-skin-ridden ex-obese SUBHUMAN.

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density
Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density
While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense
so not only has hemoglobin been brutally and embarrassingly confused with myoglobin but this retard got the fiber types completely backwards LMFAO!

there are 3 muscle fiber types:
- type 1 (slow twitch, oxidative, SO)
- type 2a (the slowest type of fast twitch, oxidative, FOG)
- type 2x (the fastest type of fast twitch, glycolytic, FG)

based on the above you can already fucking guess where this cretin fucked up. fastest twitch muscle fibers (GLYCOLYTIC) mainly use GLYCOGEN as energy and therefore they contain/store far more GLYCOGEN. slow twitch muscle fibers (OXIDATIVE) mainly use OXYGEN to produce energy, and what stores the OXYGEN? the MYOGLOBIN does.

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency
no they don't, you utter fucking retard.

so here we segue to the next part of the evisceration

90% of the difference in definition here is BODY FAT. and any remaining difference is likely just because the guy on the right is substantially MORE MUSCULAR too. the only other factor that could determine actual muscle definition is high sodium levels and high sodium to potassium ratio -- both cases increase interstitial fluid.

the left image is ~15-16% body fat, borderline bear mode, and the right image is a GENUINE ~8%, completely and utterly shredded to the bone. let me guess, you saw some slight ab definition and then assumed alphadestiny was fucking lean enough to hop on the olympia stage? and that any further lack of definition must be purely because of what's inside his muscles? LMFAO!!!!!!! imagine seriously thinking it had anything to do with fucking "glycogen"...

i mean, we just proved that sprinters have EXTREMELY glycogen-dense muscles due to an extremely high proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers. and let's not even get into the fucking hemoglobin/myoglobin bullshit again...

overall, it's no secret that this is a complete trainwreck of a thread. i don't even know which part of it is the dumbest because there are so many parts that are genuinely sub 70 iq:
- mixing up hemoglobin and myoglobin
- getting the fiber types completely backwards
- thinking that asian framecel subhuman has 1 in a million insertions
- not understanding how body fat works even slightly and not realising body fat (alongside sodium-based interstitial fluid retention) is basically the only relevant factor in determining physique definition

Tie the rope and kick the chair, BuddyBoyo.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Bilda, ryuken, MonoTBB and 14 others
I had to bump this thread because it's genuinely one of the most utterly dogshit threads I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

shame on that utter moron "BuddyBoyo" (yes, he's genuinely a fucking pseudointellectual retard who can barely get a single thing right in any single one of his threads, but this is the worst case of it by far)

+ fuck you OP and the 60 fucking utter jesters who liked the thread without doing a MOLECULE of research which would have taken less than 60 seconds.

+ LMFAO at the fact that no person on the entire thread replied realising that the thread was an utterly misinformative pile of steaming shit either.

Now let's get into the brutal evisceration of this utterly dogshit thread. I'll type in the 2nd person as if directed towards BuddyBoyo.

Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin..? ....Hemoglobin......? why the FUCK would hemoglobin be in your fucking muscles? it's MYOGLOBIN you fucking idiot. how do you even get that wrong?

one in thousands if not millions? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

how the fuck do you expect people to look when they're sub 10% body fat you utter moron? wow he has symmetrical abs! well guess what? MOST people do.

View attachment 3108389

bird tier outer-chest insertions, love handle tier oblique insertions, small frame, manlet

and what the fuck is this shit about skin tightness? that's to do with LEANNESS you moron. just be LEAN and don't be a loose-skin-ridden ex-obese SUBHUMAN.

so not only has hemoglobin been brutally and embarrassingly confused with myoglobin but this retard got the fiber types completely backwards LMFAO!

there are 3 muscle fiber types:
- type 1 (slow twitch, oxidative, SO)
- type 2a (the slowest type of fast twitch, oxidative, FOG)
- type 2x (the fastest type of fast twitch, glycolytic, FG)

based on the above you can already fucking guess where this cretin fucked up. fastest twitch muscle fibers (GLYCOLYTIC) mainly use GLYCOGEN as energy and therefore they contain/store far more GLYCOGEN. slow twitch muscle fibers (OXIDATIVE) mainly use OXYGEN to produce energy, and what stores the OXYGEN? the MYOGLOBIN does.

no they don't, you utter fucking retard.

so here we segue to the next part of the evisceration
View attachment 3108435View attachment 3108436
90% of the difference in definition here is BODY FAT. and any remaining difference is likely just because the guy on the right is substantially MORE MUSCULAR too. the only other factor that could determine actual muscle definition is high sodium levels and high sodium to potassium ratio -- both cases increase interstitial fluid.

the left image is ~15-16% body fat, borderline bear mode, and the right image is a GENUINE ~8%, completely and utterly shredded to the bone. let me guess, you saw some slight ab definition and then assumed alphadestiny was fucking lean enough to hop on the olympia stage? and that any further lack of definition must be purely because of what's inside his muscles? LMFAO!!!!!!! imagine seriously thinking it had anything to do with fucking "glycogen"...

i mean, we just proved that sprinters have EXTREMELY glycogen-dense muscles due to an extremely high proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers. and let's not even get into the fucking hemoglobin/myoglobin bullshit again...

overall, it's no secret that this is a complete trainwreck of a thread. i don't even know which part of it is the dumbest because there are so many parts that are genuinely sub 70 iq:
- mixing up hemoglobin and myoglobin
- getting the fiber types completely backwards
- thinking that asian framecel subhuman has 1 in a million insertions
- not understanding how body fat works even slightly and not realising body fat (alongside sodium-based interstitial fluid retention) is basically the only relevant factor in determining physique definition

Tie the rope and kick the chair, BuddyBoyo.
Buddy Boyo was funny wasn't he. Claimed to have special connections that helped him to grow from 186 cm to over 200 cm at 24 yo :feelsokman:
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken and AscendingHero
I had to bump this thread because it's genuinely one of the most utterly dogshit threads I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

shame on that utter moron "BuddyBoyo" (yes, he's genuinely a fucking pseudointellectual retard who can barely get a single thing right in any single one of his threads, but this is the worst case of it by far)

+ fuck you OP and the 60 fucking utter jesters who liked the thread without doing a MOLECULE of research which would have taken less than 60 seconds.

+ LMFAO at the fact that no person on the entire thread replied realising that the thread was an utterly misinformative pile of steaming shit either.

Now let's get into the brutal evisceration of this utterly dogshit thread. I'll type in the 2nd person as if directed towards BuddyBoyo.

Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin..? ....Hemoglobin......? why the FUCK would hemoglobin be in your fucking muscles? it's MYOGLOBIN you fucking idiot. how do you even get that wrong?

one in thousands if not millions? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

how the fuck do you expect people to look when they're sub 10% body fat you utter moron? wow he has symmetrical abs! well guess what? MOST people do.

View attachment 3108389

bird tier outer-chest insertions, love handle tier oblique insertions, small frame, manlet

and what the fuck is this shit about skin tightness? that's to do with LEANNESS you moron. just be LEAN and don't be a loose-skin-ridden ex-obese SUBHUMAN.

so not only has hemoglobin been brutally and embarrassingly confused with myoglobin but this retard got the fiber types completely backwards LMFAO!

there are 3 muscle fiber types:
- type 1 (slow twitch, oxidative, SO)
- type 2a (the slowest type of fast twitch, oxidative, FOG)
- type 2x (the fastest type of fast twitch, glycolytic, FG)

based on the above you can already fucking guess where this cretin fucked up. fastest twitch muscle fibers (GLYCOLYTIC) mainly use GLYCOGEN as energy and therefore they contain/store far more GLYCOGEN. slow twitch muscle fibers (OXIDATIVE) mainly use OXYGEN to produce energy, and what stores the OXYGEN? the MYOGLOBIN does.

no they don't, you utter fucking retard.

so here we segue to the next part of the evisceration
View attachment 3108435View attachment 3108436
90% of the difference in definition here is BODY FAT. and any remaining difference is likely just because the guy on the right is substantially MORE MUSCULAR too. the only other factor that could determine actual muscle definition is high sodium levels and high sodium to potassium ratio -- both cases increase interstitial fluid.

the left image is ~15-16% body fat, borderline bear mode, and the right image is a GENUINE ~8%, completely and utterly shredded to the bone. let me guess, you saw some slight ab definition and then assumed alphadestiny was fucking lean enough to hop on the olympia stage? and that any further lack of definition must be purely because of what's inside his muscles? LMFAO!!!!!!! imagine seriously thinking it had anything to do with fucking "glycogen"...

i mean, we just proved that sprinters have EXTREMELY glycogen-dense muscles due to an extremely high proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers. and let's not even get into the fucking hemoglobin/myoglobin bullshit again...

overall, it's no secret that this is a complete trainwreck of a thread. i don't even know which part of it is the dumbest because there are so many parts that are genuinely sub 70 iq:
- mixing up hemoglobin and myoglobin
- getting the fiber types completely backwards
- thinking that asian framecel subhuman has 1 in a million insertions
- not understanding how body fat works even slightly and not realising body fat (alongside sodium-based interstitial fluid retention) is basically the only relevant factor in determining physique definition

Tie the rope and kick the chair, BuddyBoyo.
Brutal shit, all the replies were saying how high iq this thread was too
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 6PSLcel and androgenic
I had to bump this thread because it's genuinely one of the most utterly dogshit threads I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

shame on that utter moron "BuddyBoyo" (yes, he's genuinely a fucking pseudointellectual retard who can barely get a single thing right in any single one of his threads, but this is the worst case of it by far)

+ fuck you OP and the 60 fucking utter jesters who liked the thread without doing a MOLECULE of research which would have taken less than 60 seconds.

+ LMFAO at the fact that no person on the entire thread replied realising that the thread was an utterly misinformative pile of steaming shit either.

Now let's get into the brutal evisceration of this utterly dogshit thread. I'll type in the 2nd person as if directed towards BuddyBoyo.

Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin..? ....Hemoglobin......? why the FUCK would hemoglobin be in your fucking muscles? it's MYOGLOBIN you fucking idiot. how do you even get that wrong?

one in thousands if not millions? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

how the fuck do you expect people to look when they're sub 10% body fat you utter moron? wow he has symmetrical abs! well guess what? MOST people do.

View attachment 3108389

bird tier outer-chest insertions, love handle tier oblique insertions, small frame, manlet

and what the fuck is this shit about skin tightness? that's to do with LEANNESS you moron. just be LEAN and don't be a loose-skin-ridden ex-obese SUBHUMAN.

so not only has hemoglobin been brutally and embarrassingly confused with myoglobin but this retard got the fiber types completely backwards LMFAO!

there are 3 muscle fiber types:
- type 1 (slow twitch, oxidative, SO)
- type 2a (the slowest type of fast twitch, oxidative, FOG)
- type 2x (the fastest type of fast twitch, glycolytic, FG)

based on the above you can already fucking guess where this cretin fucked up. fastest twitch muscle fibers (GLYCOLYTIC) mainly use GLYCOGEN as energy and therefore they contain/store far more GLYCOGEN. slow twitch muscle fibers (OXIDATIVE) mainly use OXYGEN to produce energy, and what stores the OXYGEN? the MYOGLOBIN does.

no they don't, you utter fucking retard.

so here we segue to the next part of the evisceration
View attachment 3108435View attachment 3108436
90% of the difference in definition here is BODY FAT. and any remaining difference is likely just because the guy on the right is substantially MORE MUSCULAR too. the only other factor that could determine actual muscle definition is high sodium levels and high sodium to potassium ratio -- both cases increase interstitial fluid.

the left image is ~15-16% body fat, borderline bear mode, and the right image is a GENUINE ~8%, completely and utterly shredded to the bone. let me guess, you saw some slight ab definition and then assumed alphadestiny was fucking lean enough to hop on the olympia stage? and that any further lack of definition must be purely because of what's inside his muscles? LMFAO!!!!!!! imagine seriously thinking it had anything to do with fucking "glycogen"...

i mean, we just proved that sprinters have EXTREMELY glycogen-dense muscles due to an extremely high proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers. and let's not even get into the fucking hemoglobin/myoglobin bullshit again...

overall, it's no secret that this is a complete trainwreck of a thread. i don't even know which part of it is the dumbest because there are so many parts that are genuinely sub 70 iq:
- mixing up hemoglobin and myoglobin
- getting the fiber types completely backwards
- thinking that asian framecel subhuman has 1 in a million insertions
- not understanding how body fat works even slightly and not realising body fat (alongside sodium-based interstitial fluid retention) is basically the only relevant factor in determining physique definition

Tie the rope and kick the chair, BuddyBoyo.
You're in your 20s

Calm Down and stop twerking for incel reacts

This is an out dated thread, move along now

Nonetheless appreciate the insightful remarks at least
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken, lestoa, 6PSLcel and 1 other person
I had to bump this thread because it's genuinely one of the most utterly dogshit threads I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

shame on that utter moron "BuddyBoyo" (yes, he's genuinely a fucking pseudointellectual retard who can barely get a single thing right in any single one of his threads, but this is the worst case of it by far)

+ fuck you OP and the 60 fucking utter jesters who liked the thread without doing a MOLECULE of research which would have taken less than 60 seconds.

+ LMFAO at the fact that no person on the entire thread replied realising that the thread was an utterly misinformative pile of steaming shit either.

Now let's get into the brutal evisceration of this utterly dogshit thread. I'll type in the 2nd person as if directed towards BuddyBoyo.

Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin..? ....Hemoglobin......? why the FUCK would hemoglobin be in your fucking muscles? it's MYOGLOBIN you fucking idiot. how do you even get that wrong?

one in thousands if not millions? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

how the fuck do you expect people to look when they're sub 10% body fat you utter moron? wow he has symmetrical abs! well guess what? MOST people do.

View attachment 3108389

bird tier outer-chest insertions, love handle tier oblique insertions, small frame, manlet

and what the fuck is this shit about skin tightness? that's to do with LEANNESS you moron. just be LEAN and don't be a loose-skin-ridden ex-obese SUBHUMAN.

so not only has hemoglobin been brutally and embarrassingly confused with myoglobin but this retard got the fiber types completely backwards LMFAO!

there are 3 muscle fiber types:
- type 1 (slow twitch, oxidative, SO)
- type 2a (the slowest type of fast twitch, oxidative, FOG)
- type 2x (the fastest type of fast twitch, glycolytic, FG)

based on the above you can already fucking guess where this cretin fucked up. fastest twitch muscle fibers (GLYCOLYTIC) mainly use GLYCOGEN as energy and therefore they contain/store far more GLYCOGEN. slow twitch muscle fibers (OXIDATIVE) mainly use OXYGEN to produce energy, and what stores the OXYGEN? the MYOGLOBIN does.

no they don't, you utter fucking retard.

so here we segue to the next part of the evisceration
View attachment 3108435View attachment 3108436
90% of the difference in definition here is BODY FAT. and any remaining difference is likely just because the guy on the right is substantially MORE MUSCULAR too. the only other factor that could determine actual muscle definition is high sodium levels and high sodium to potassium ratio -- both cases increase interstitial fluid.

the left image is ~15-16% body fat, borderline bear mode, and the right image is a GENUINE ~8%, completely and utterly shredded to the bone. let me guess, you saw some slight ab definition and then assumed alphadestiny was fucking lean enough to hop on the olympia stage? and that any further lack of definition must be purely because of what's inside his muscles? LMFAO!!!!!!! imagine seriously thinking it had anything to do with fucking "glycogen"...

i mean, we just proved that sprinters have EXTREMELY glycogen-dense muscles due to an extremely high proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers. and let's not even get into the fucking hemoglobin/myoglobin bullshit again...

overall, it's no secret that this is a complete trainwreck of a thread. i don't even know which part of it is the dumbest because there are so many parts that are genuinely sub 70 iq:
- mixing up hemoglobin and myoglobin
- getting the fiber types completely backwards
- thinking that asian framecel subhuman has 1 in a million insertions
- not understanding how body fat works even slightly and not realising body fat (alongside sodium-based interstitial fluid retention) is basically the only relevant factor in determining physique definition

Tie the rope and kick the chair, BuddyBoyo.
I love when Loox shows his iq
Hello buyos, today your boy AscendingHero back with another blackpill:blackpill:

View attachment 1718240
This thread was not written by me (not entirely at least) but BuddyBuyo on forum.**************** @Kingkellz @Pendejo. I just thought it was a very informative post that more users need to be made aware of. Majority of this thread is his with sprinkles of my own input, mostly looksmaxxing geared.

Original Post: https://forum.****************/threads/most-people-totally-overestimate-their-gymcel-potential.1494/

Now with that out of the way let's get into the post, shall we?

View attachment 1718220

The Muscle Fiber Makeup Pill

We already know that gymcelling cant fix a bad Frame and a short height

But there are users who still post examples of roid and gymmaxxed framecels like that recent Video where frank Yang goes through thailand

Take a look at him
View attachment 1718225

It's a typical look of dry high haemoglobin muscle mass, something your average gymcel wont get even after countless years of natty Training

His muscle insertions are also godlike, a average guy doesnt even nearly have such symmetrical insertions. Not to mention his delt, chest and ab insertions are top tier

He's one out of thousand if not millions who have such insertions

Also his Skin is naturally very tight/firm and adapted to his muscles, the ability to get such a strong core Definition totally depends on your genetics -> (cope imo)

he contour and Tension of his abdominal tendons is WAY ABOVE AVERAGE TIER

This is how a gymcelled/roidcelled average guy Looks:
View attachment 1718232

As you can see, no over the top capped delts and arms and Ultra chiseled strong core insertions

The Reality:
-Most guys here totally overestimate their gymcel potential

Most of you guy WILL NEVER look like your Fitness Idols etc. because your muscle insertions are dogshit
View attachment 1718380View attachment 1718381View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718387View attachment 1718416

Also the Consistency of your muscle determine how buff and ripped you will look

Incels usually have high slow twitch low fast twitch Fiber muscles along with a General low muscle Tonus and low haemoglobin in their muscle and lots of glycogen and sarcoplasmic fluid due to lesser dense androgen receptor Density and higher Estrogen receptor density

How ripped you look has not only to do something with your bodyfat percentage

Alpha Destiny

Alpha Destiny is a prime example of someone with a extreme amount of sarcoplasmic bloated muscle mass with lots of glycogen and water and almost No haemoglobin or myofibrillar muscle density

View attachment 1718251

His bodyfat is quite low, but he still Looks bloated as fuck, even if he would take extreme roids such as tren and winstrol, he would not look any much better because his genetics and hormonal output, simply aren't made to hold a significant amount of useful athletic muscle mass

While here are perfect examples of those with myofribrillar hypertrophied high fast twitch Fiber and high haemoglobin muscle mass
View attachment 1718254
UK Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey

View attachment 1718259
I dont know his name unfortunately, if someone does please @ me

Brutal Sprinter vs Long Distance runner pill
View attachment 1718268

Jogging and long distance running burns your muscles (as your body doesn't want to carry the excess weight), making you skinnyfat. They are also horrible for joints since each workout takes a long time to finish. They doesn't burn a lot of calories either. Stay away from them, period.

On on my note to add, sprinters vs long distance runners need an acute and immense amount of force and power for them to achieve what they do.
In contrast to long distance runners who like aforementioned dont need to carry that actual mass.

No hate against long distance runners if you that's your field of endeavor but anyways i digress.

a high fast twitch amount doesnt mean that you're more explosve but it also means that your muscles are more capable of using glycogen and Glucose as fuel which again results in more dense and more ripped Looking muscles, the haemoglobin amount in their muscles is also higher which allows them to contract faster and more dense plus making the muscle more harder and fuller even if they are unflexed

slow twitch fibers again are more prone to store glycogen which makes them more bloated and less dense

These 2 Sprinters have a higher bodyfat than you think (since sprinting isnt About burning much fat anyways) but they look way more harder, dry and ripped because of their muscle Consistency

the sad Thing is that you cannot really much Change to haemoglobin to glycogen Ratio in your muscles or the General fast twitch to slow twitch Ratio

You can also not Change your muscle insertions

These Things are dependend on your genetics and also your prenatal Hormone exposure and the androgenic tendencies of your parents

gymcelling for looksmaxxing is only possible for a small amount of the world population

Whilst there is some truth of it, this doesnt tell the full story and im not of the notion to not looksmaxx or go ahead in something just because you werent genetically/hormonally or whatever the cope is not to do it.

That being said

1. IGF-1 (Peptides Science is a reliable source)

IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly size and the Insertion shape
IGF could theoretically be possible to totally Change your muscle insertions, for example: Some guys have quite big but still flat shaped delts which dont Project much laterally, IGF could theoretically Change the shape into roundish lateral projecting delts

IGF increases the glycogen storage in the muscle, but much more important: It increases the glycogen Density which results in extreme hard and dense muscles even unflexed

It's also very effective for Burning fat, especially visceral fat

MGF Peptide could be effective in growing new stem cells for IGF-1 to work off of

@2d v2 "MGF c-terminal definitely created the muscle base for the IGF to work off of because it makes the actual muscle stem-cells that IGF uses to increase muscle density."

A reddit tutorial on how to incorporate this:

Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840678/#:~:text=The MGF peptide is then,decrease for differentiation to occur.

The MGF peptide is then responsible for activating quiescent satellite cells to enter the cell cycle and develop into mononucleated myoblasts; MGF then promotes myoblast proliferation. However, MGF also inhibits differentiation; thus, levels of MGF must decrease for differentiation to occur.

Mechano Growth Factor E peptide (MGF-E), derived from an isoform of IGF-1, activates human muscle progenitor cells and induces an increase in their fusion potential at different ages. Mech Ageing Dev.


Androgens (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189473/)

View attachment 1718319
As we all know Androgens play a big role in muscle density makeup, fibers, ability to pack on muscle, inducing a lean/dry effect, debloating, etc etc

Androgens are life. Now besides roids like anavar, tren, winstrol, dbol, there is also the natural route.

Myostatin plays a huge role in your ability to pack on muscle, stay lean, etc. Babies with a lack of myostatin tend to come out of the womb looking jacked af:

Animals can also have this rare genetic mutation as well

Androgens in high serum levels in of itself is already very effective at improving sensitivity.

L-carnitine and other L based amino acids are good at increasing sensitivty. So inject it, (oral form has shit bioavailibility) and/or eat raw meat/fish which has a ton of it.

For carnitine transdermal applicant (cheap af) via dmso , source Purple Panda Labs or inject sources like ..... plenty of reputable l-carnitine injection sources out there, will check my notes on a good one and let y'all know in the comments.

George Hackimschmidt (natural bodybuilder) who ate raw,

Raw meat, raw dairy, honey, (obv eating balanced) is life
View attachment 1718332

Semen retention as well as full body sun exposure are also potent ways to improve androgen receptor density and sensitivty. Topical D3/k3 or even androgens like dht as well.

Get naked sunbathing boys

Let them have some fun (did i mention eating testicles is another good test increase dont do it for more than 3 days in a row hence inhibiting ur own production, raw oysters is another @WTFCGod
View attachment 1718400

In fact, studies on the effects of light on the testes go way back to 1939, when researchers exposed various parts of men's bodies to UV light. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120%+ when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light, and they went up by 200% with UV exposure to the genital area.

I'd highly recommend reading Andreas Moritz's Heal Yourself with Sunlight book

(Boston university of research and Medicine)

Upon sunlight exposure on some testosteorne shot up a whopping 400%+ .

Red Light therapy is another good one to add. Cholesterol maxxing (raw dairy , meat, eggs) + sun =insane testosterone output.

https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19539973/i-put-a-giant-red-light-on-my-balls-to-triple-my-testosterone-levels/#:~:text=In fact, studies on the,exposure to the genital area.

Sarms route: The Sarm Only the "SARM" YK-11 is also a potent myostatin inhibitor if you choose to go down the exogenous route

Bonus (superiority of red meat and beef liver ) Nutritional index
View attachment 1718335

Creatine was found to be a potent myostatin inhibitor. So again get your meat/fish eaten raw (alot of other amino acids like it) get wasted during the cooking process and/or just supplement it.

https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Creatine also raises IGF-1.

Source: https://ast-ss.com/creatine-monohydrate-new-effects-increase-muscle-growth/#:~:text=Important Creatine Research&text=Myostatin is a catabolic regulator,to build more muscle faster.

Be ware of the bloating though if it happens though. Food sources always mog

Red meat, Salmon, Herring, Mutton, Pork/Sausage, Chicke and other white meat, Venison (Deer meat), Cod, Tuna, are excellent sources of creatine and other essential amino acids and proteins.

View attachment 1718349


"The MSTN gene provides instructions for making a protein called myostatin. This protein is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body."

Gene editing via a crispr kit (available on the market, so are other genes, i would recommend testing on other things first) and inhibiting this gene via epigenetic editing also (requires extreme levels of knowledge and very new as of now i dont recommend) would be potent ways to inhibit this

I am not responsible nor reliable if you engage in this, get caught, something goes wrong, etc. This is just for informational purposes and do as u like with this information

I wont say much else on the topic for now @enchanted_elixir .......... I cant have everyone becoming a terachad god
View attachment 1718365View attachment 1718418

Be careful to stay within the law, i wish you the best if any of you engage/research this powerful contemporary technology.

Blessings and godspeed to pubertycels to view and act on any of the methods discussed itt. Truly 🙏

Thanks for Reading and Happy Looksmaxxing Buyos!😍
View attachment 1718377
[@gamma @alienmaxxer @looksmaxxer234 @Korea @Gargantuan @Prettyboy @Reckless Turtle @StrangerDanger @Biiyo03 @enchanted_elixir @geezcel @forevergymcelling @ForeverRecession @xefo @Adriana Lima @Kingkellz @ @ArvidGustavsson @Amnesia @Salludon @Armadillo @MakinItHappenReturn @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @fogdart @whiteissuperior @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Purefxrm @WontStopNorwooding @chaddyboi66 @LooksOverAll @VenomGT3 @Clark69 @alienmaxxer @papi mew @Alexanderr @slayer69 @Preston @VicMackey @rdsky @6ft4 @FastBananaCEO @lutte @coolguy1 @RecessedPrettyboy @kalefartbomb @Vermilioncore @Ass-ender @Ada Mustang @LMSMaxxer @Afrikancel @MentalCel @Wincel @TeenAscender @tyronelite /SPOILER]

I was going to write a thread like that 😭😭😭
The same
Except i was gonna talk about gear how much muscle you could build realistic expectations different training styles….
With Team 3d alpha videos
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
I was going to write a thread like that 😭😭😭
The same
Except i was gonna talk about gear how much muscle you could build realistic expectations different training styles….
With Team 3d alpha videos
Go ahead still write it, this thread has large amounts of half truths/copypastas, etc

It's outdated but I still leave it up because we've come a long way 🕊️

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