Steriods are a MASSIVE healthmin AND can also be a LOOKSmin, too

Steroids are essentially the best thing you can do as a men. They basically override nature and your shitty genetics. They wont make u a alpha chad if you were a subhuman to begin with or very short but for the average and especially above average guys, its like night and day. U look way more aesthetic, u have lower cortisol and more DHT which makes u more alpha, you get more confidence, you mog guys and people will respect u, you get better fat placement, you are less prone to bad mood through testosterone fluctuations and u dont need as much sleep. On top of that, more horniness, better erections, less water bloat, bigger dick size.

All negative side effects are overblown. If it was that dangerous, no bodybuilder from the 60s, 70s, 80s would be still alive today. They take huge amounts while the normal steroids user uses way healthier dosages because they dont try to be 130Kg with 6% body fat. People are just blowing the dangers out of proportion because they are low inhib and to retarded to do them. If the media portrays them as bad, they believe.

In the end, its better for steroid users because they will have less competition. Its a little secret to enhance the male live by 1000x but u have to have a solid base to begin with. If you are not 5'8-5'9 or taller and have a at least average face, you wont gain much by taking them. The average lifestyle habits of society are way more detrimental to health than steroids.
I just dont wanna rape my hair and skin man lol.
But im training natty for the coming years anyway tbh
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no roids for my shit frame and face
While they cope with "muh beyond natural limit gains tee hee!" they will soon in a few years suffer from liver disease, heart disease, kidney and a LAUNDRY LIST of other health issues.

Over for them ngl
Laugh 10
  • JFL
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All negative side effects are overblown. If it was that dangerous, no bodybuilder from the 60s, 70s, 80s would be still alive today.
But lots of them died from heart and liver diseases before their 50s, see Mike Mentzer for example. The ones who are still alive are struggling, Schwarzenegger for example had many heart surgeries done.

It is worth for people who want to live fast and die young but if you want to live long it is definitely not worth it.
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its funny, I had horrible acne naturally from 14-23, never did accutane but did everything else under the sun, nothing worked. since I started messing with my hormones last year, my skin has never been clearer, its just weird.
  • Woah
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Steroids are essentially the best thing you can do as a men. They basically override nature and your shitty genetics. They wont make u a alpha chad if you were a subhuman to begin with or very short but for the average and especially above average guys, its like night and day. U look way more aesthetic, u have lower cortisol and more DHT which makes u more alpha, you get more confidence, you mog guys and people will respect u, you get better fat placement, you are less prone to bad mood through testosterone fluctuations and u dont need as much sleep. On top of that, more horniness, better erections, less water bloat, bigger dick size.

All negative side effects are overblown. If it was that dangerous, no bodybuilder from the 60s, 70s, 80s would be still alive today. They take huge amounts while the normal steroids user uses way healthier dosages because they dont try to be 130Kg with 6% body fat. People are just blowing the dangers out of proportion because they are low inhib and to retarded to do them. If the media portrays them as bad, they believe.

In the end, its better for steroid users because they will have less competition. Its a little secret to enhance the male live by 1000x but u have to have a solid base to begin with. If you are not 5'8-5'9 or taller and have a at least average face, you wont gain much by taking them. The average lifestyle habits of society are way more detrimental to health than steroids.
what cycle you recommend bro?
But lots of them died from heart and liver diseases before their 50s, see Mike Mentzer for example. The ones who are still alive are struggling, Schwarzenegger for example had many heart surgeries done.

It is worth for people who want to live fast and die young but if you want to live long it is definitely not worth it.

Mike mentzer ran some absolutely insane cycles. Do you really think the average looksmaxing is gonna run anything close to that? Why when trying to make examples to prove their point to people also point to the most extreme examples
  • +1
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Most normies run like test only or test + anavar cycle which is mild as fuck and could probably be run indefinitely. Yes even oral Anavar indefinitely. I said it.

I mean for Christs sake medical doctors prescribe that shit to millions of men including to themselves.

What's more is that most fitness guys eat and live A LOT healthier than the average normie and are much more aware of their general health level and blood values not to mention they have A LOT less bodyfat which is TERRRIBLE for you. That "Dad bod" stomach isn't good for you.
  • +1
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I just dont wanna rape my hair and skin man lol.
But im training natty for the coming years anyway tbh
They wont be raped if you dont use obscene high cycles. Hair is a very genetic matter but I understand when guys wont to steroids because they have balding genetics. I am not too much into the matter but I think they are some PEDs who have a very little chance of causing hair loss.

But lots of them died from heart and liver diseases before their 50s, see Mike Mentzer for example. The ones who are still alive are struggling, Schwarzenegger for example had many heart surgeries done.

It is worth for people who want to live fast and die young but if you want to live long it is definitely not worth it.
Who? There is a very small percentage of guys having issues after their career. Of course some do but look at your example. Arnold was popping Dbol like fucking candy since he was 15. What did you expect is gonna happen to him? He had almost 0 knowledge on steroids and their dangers. Look at guys like Dorian Yates, Jay Cutler, Odd Haugen, even Ronnie Coleman is totally healthy besides his spine which was caused by bad form/high weights and not steroids. Dont get me wrong, steroids are not healthy (when you blast) and they wont make you life longer but they have the same negative effects like drinking alcohol, eating shitty food or being overweight,

what cycle you recommend bro?
Bro, just stay with the basics. You have to have very good discipline, nutrition and training to make the most out of your cycles. Of course you can compensate bad training/nutrition with more steroids but this will increase your side effects. To stay in the fake natty zone, I recommend
500mg testo e + anavar
Its very basic, low risk. I would recommend staying on TRT for life, so not PCT. Look up the plebbit/r/steroids wiki.
  • +1
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Blackpill: Your girlfriend is on a Deca only cycle for life.

"But stereod bad fur jooo lol"

  • JFL
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They wont be raped if you dont use obscene high cycles. Hair is a very genetic matter but I understand when guys wont to steroids because they have balding genetics. I am not too much into the matter but I think they are some PEDs who have a very little chance of causing hair loss.

Who? There is a very small percentage of guys having issues after their career. Of course some do but look at your example. Arnold was popping Dbol like fucking candy since he was 15. What did you expect is gonna happen to him? He had almost 0 knowledge on steroids and their dangers. Look at guys like Dorian Yates, Jay Cutler, Odd Haugen, even Ronnie Coleman is totally healthy besides his spine which was caused by bad form/high weights and not steroids. Dont get me wrong, steroids are not healthy (when you blast) and they wont make you life longer but they have the same negative effects like drinking alcohol, eating shitty food or being overweight,

Bro, just stay with the basics. You have to have very good discipline, nutrition and training to make the most out of your cycles. Of course you can compensate bad training/nutrition with more steroids but this will increase your side effects. To stay in the fake natty zone, I recommend
500mg testo e + anavar
Its very basic, low risk. I would recommend staying on TRT for life, so not PCT. Look up the plebbit/r/steroids wiki.
The list of bobybuilders who died young is enormous. Sure blasting Dbol and Tren will be worse but injecting T and weak roids will cause damage too, it is like a man who drinks everyday and a man who drinks 3x/week both will get a fucked up liver but one will get it worse.
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  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel, Gaia262 and gaymidget
I agree. I only recommend steroids to those older than 40 when your natural test levels start to drop drastically.
I’ve done 2 cycles in the past and both times lost some hair and 90% of the gains. A lot of people compare themselves to fitness models not realizing that these guys cruise on 500mg/week for years.
  • +1
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The list of bobybuilders who died young is enormous. Sure blasting Dbol and Tren will be worse but injecting T and weak roids will cause damage too, it is like a man who drinks everyday and a man who drinks 3x/week both will get a fucked up liver but one will get it worse.

Its difficult to say how much roids do increase your chance of dying. You gave just one list of 10 bodybuilder who died. There are many people who die suddenly because of heart complications because of genetics. We also dont know how this guys lived besides the sport, maybe they did drugs like coke. I agree that roids increase your chance of heart issues but like u said, this guys did several heart enlarging drugs like insulin, HGH, Tren etc. Its not comparable to a rather mild cycle for guys who just want to look like Jeff Seid (size wise, not the aesthetics)
I agree. I only recommend steroids to those older than 40 when your natural test levels start to drop drastically.
I’ve done 2 cycles in the past and both times lost some hair and 90% of the gains. A lot of people compare themselves to fitness models not realizing that these guys cruise on 500mg/week for years.
How can u lose 90% of your gains lol. Post your cycle.
I agree. I only recommend steroids to those older than 40 when your natural test levels start to drop drastically.
I’ve done 2 cycles in the past and both times lost some hair and 90% of the gains. A lot of people compare themselves to fitness models not realizing that these guys cruise on 500mg/week for years.
Yup and the fitness models also have the "stars aligned" genetics where they dont get severe side affects, acne, balding, bloating etc.
(phrase from this):
Steriods suck
  • +1
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Its difficult to say how much roids do increase your chance of dying. You gave just one list of 10 bodybuilder who died. There are many people who die suddenly because of heart complications because of genetics. We also dont know how this guys lived besides the sport, maybe they did drugs like coke. I agree that roids increase your chance of heart issues but like u said, this guys did several heart enlarging drugs like insulin, HGH, Tren etc. Its not comparable to a rather mild cycle for guys who just want to look like Jeff Seid (size wise, not the aesthetics)
I think if you do T only and keep it around 1000 you will be alright because this is still in the natural range, the only bad side would be suppression. But to do that you would need pharma T and take tests often.
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Inject T op you fag
  • +1
  • JFL
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I think if you do T only and keep it around 1000 you will be alright because this is still in the natural range, the only bad side would be suppression. But to do that you would need pharma T and take tests often.
You will be good even with higher dosages as long as you do it good. Like I said, its a difference to take insulin, HGH, several grams of test and Tren and just taking <1g Test + some lighter compounds like Proviron or Anavar
The amount of coping in this thread is cringe. Yeah, If you dont know how to train or eat, you gonna look like shit even with roids on. But if you know what you are doing, you gonna look very aesthetic unless you have very bad Indian genetics. The average Joe is gonna look very good.
How can u lose 90% of your gains lol. Post your cycle.
Any cycle will do that unless you have a perfect diet and don't drink alcohol. You won't lose much right after the cycle, maybe 30%, but 5-6 months down the road, it goes away.
Why does everyone think natty lifting is a meme? In 2-5 years I would say 80% of men that have normal test, androgen receptors, diet, rest, work ethic, consistency can get this big and alot bigger if good genetics.


If they have elite genetics then they can be alot bigger and better as a natty. Most steroid users look like shit tbh. Knowing how to train rat sleep and optimize lifestyle is essential for gains. Steroids alone will build muscle but you will still look like shit if high bodyfat or bad diet etc
  • +1
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Any cycle will do that unless you have a perfect diet and don't drink alcohol. You won't lose much right after the cycle, maybe 30%, but 5-6 months down the road, it goes away.
looool, that means that your training and nutrition is dogshit. U lose some mass after a cycle because you lose the water and the fullness from the cycle but the pure muscle mass stays. You will always stay at least on ur natural max.
Why does everyone think natty lifting is a meme? In 2-5 years I would say 80% of men that have normal test, androgen receptors, diet, rest, work ethic, consistency can get this big and alot bigger if good genetics.

View attachment 527928

If they have elite genetics then they can be alot bigger and better as a natty. Most steroid users look like shit tbh. Knowing how to train rat sleep and optimize lifestyle is essential for gains. Steroids alone will build muscle but you will still look like shit if high bodyfat or bad diet etc
Bro, just look up Omar Isuf, he's the epitome of averageness. Thats how you can look when training is ur life. He doesn't look bad but despite his work ethic, every steroid user with 3 Brain cells hogs him aesthetic wise. He benches 180kg, deadlift over 220kg but he still looks DYEL with shirt on. Compared to an average guy, he looks good but he is either big or shredded. Lets say u want to have maximum facial looks, so you try to be as low bf as possible. Now u look like little kid in a shirt. There are some guys who can look good while being low bf and natural but they often have top 10% frame genetics. For the average guy, steroids is the way to go.
  • +1
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Bro, just look up Omar Isuf, he's the epitome of averageness. Thats how you can look when training is ur life. He doesn't look bad but despite his work ethic, every steroid user with 3 Brain cells hogs him aesthetic wise. He benches 180kg, deadlift over 220kg but he still looks DYEL with shirt on. Compared to an average guy, he looks good but he is either big or shredded. Lets say u want to have maximum facial looks, so you try to be as low bf as possible. Now u look like little kid in a shirt. There are some guys who can look good while being low bf and natural but they often have top 10% frame genetics. For the average guy, steroids is the way to go.
Can confirm.
I've been skinny my entire life and in certain cases i look DYEL in a fucking S sized shirt JFL.

A lot of shitty steroid sides come from retards who haven't researched it and just think injecting a random chemical for 8 weeks will make them big whilst they are on a shitty training regimen and diet and after the 8 weeks lose it.

Any steroid user with more than 3 braincells who took to time to research it can negate a fuck ton of sides.
looool, that means that your training and nutrition is dogshit. U lose some mass after a cycle because you lose the water and the fullness from the cycle but the pure muscle mass stays. You will always stay at least on ur natural max.
Of course my nutrition is dogshit, I have more important stuff to do than counting every little thing I eat and adding it to various apps.
Genetics play a big role. Some people will look great with basic test cycle while others will look like shit with test + deca + tren.
All in all, steroids are not worth it unless for TRT purposes.
  • +1
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Why does everyone think natty lifting is a meme? In 2-5 years I would say 80% of men that have normal test, androgen receptors, diet, rest, work ethic, consistency can get this big and alot bigger if good genetics.

View attachment 527928

If they have elite genetics then they can be alot bigger and better as a natty. Most steroid users look like shit tbh. Knowing how to train rat sleep and optimize lifestyle is essential for gains. Steroids alone will build muscle but you will still look like shit if high bodyfat or bad diet etc
Theoretically? Sure. In practice? Maybe 1 out of 100 achieve that. I don't know how tall that model is but on someone with my frame that amount of muscle with that body fat would be 90kg. Better start training young lol.

Also with steroids you don't have to count every fucking calorie you eat and always order a fucking salad when everyone is having steak. JFl what a quality of life min that must be.
Not really, the insulin insensitivity comes from gh abuse nigga

Anybody running >3 iu of growth is also (read: should be) regulating their blood sugar with exogenous insulin.

You don't know what you're talking about kid, go run your mouth to somebody else.
Anybody running >3 iu of growth is also (read: should be) regulating their blood sugar with exogenous insulin.

You don't know what you're talking about kid, go run your mouth to somebody else.
Whatever kill yourself
Whatever kill yourself

Ah, the measured response of an intelligent, capable young man who knows what he's talking about - nice!

All the normies on here should go read the exhaustive wiki over at r/steroids because the (steroid) advice posted on this site is nothing short of hot garbage.
Ah, the measured response of an intelligent, capable young man who knows what he's talking about - nice!

All the normies on here should go read the exhaustive wiki over at r/steroids because the (steroid) advice posted on this site is nothing short of hot garbage.
Whatever kill yourself
  • WTF
Reactions: Gaia262
People underestimate what you can achieve naturally after a year of lifting. Besides, this is supposed to be a blackpilled site so why are people even risking to compromise their FACE. FACE is the only thing matters not how much muscle you have. Studies have already proven that FACE and FACE alone counts for 70% of attractiveness so why risk your hair, skin, potential bloat and organ failure for a few extra lbs of muscle.

Gym-maxx natty to halo your FACE not the other away around. If you juice you're no better than the incel Redditors telling each other to hit the gym and take a shower. Redpilled bullshit with so many potential health implications.
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with my luck, i would go bald and get a heart attack within the first cycle... dat feels when forever natty crew feelsokman
  • So Sad
Reactions: RAITEIII
Well, let's not bullshit ourselves here:

Steroids promote anabolism and growth (mtor, etc...), and their use if often coupled with higher caloric intake (more digestion, more oxidative stress, faster aging),

which is directly antagonistic to what promotes longevity, and youth (caloric restriction).

I know, I know, it's all about LOOKING YOUNG, not necessarily staying young on a biological level.

But still, I really think, if we are really to be serious about looksmaxxing on the long term, we cannot do it on external youthmaxxing alone.

Technically, every breath we take is aging, every calorie we eat is aging, every cope we tell ourselves to indulge (less sleep, cheat meals, skip exercise sessions, etc...) is aging.

It won't make a difference now, but if, like me, your goal is to LOOK and FEEL like a 25 year old when you are 40, we have to get obsessive about it.

Which means, one way or another, implementing a Caloric restriction protocol, or at least some type of fasting regimen.

I'm not saying we have to say goodbye to a lean, muscular body, and quality of life (studies show reproductive ability is inversely correlated to lifespan in men, which seems to make sense);

Living a longer "youthful" period of life (let's say, trying to extend relative youth to 40 and beyond, instead of being done at 30) shouldn't come at the price of a lower quality of life.

So, instead of living the miserable life of cutting caloric intake day in, day out, I put in place a protocol geared towards the goal of maintaining youth EXTERNALLY, and INTERNALLY; seems to work for me for now:

I alternate between:

- Three-week periods of "normal" living (Weight training with lean bulking, slight caloric surplus, anabolism is required)


- 6-7 day water fasting (Activates catabolism and clearing of senescent cells, promotes multi-system level regeneration).

So yes, life is not that fun one week out of every month (although fasting is easier than thought, once you overcome hunger pangs).

But that's the price I'm willing to pay to extend the youthful part of my life.

Ofc it comes alongside some sort of looksmaxxing regimen (Skincare, softmaxxing, surgeries)
very shit thread, keep coping you high inhib subhuman op

steroids are legit for tall fags with shit genetics and side effects are low if you know what you're doing

you should do roids for better quality of life or if you want to be a pro, you don't need fucking zyzz physique to look good to women bodywise

trt or cruising on light cycle dose for life is ideal
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262 and Deleted member 5912
very shit thread, keep coping you high inhib subhuman op

steroids are legit for tall fags with shit genetics and side effects are low if you know what you're doing

you should do roids for better quality of life or if you want to be a pro, you don't need fucking zyzz physique to look good to women bodywise

trt or cruising on light cycle dose for life is ideal
Keep coping bro. Keep shutting down your natural testosterone production and keep getting side affects you subhuman roidcuck
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Roids give you permanent muscle gains, as you gain muscle cell nucleus and probably fibers too.
The worst aspect of roids is that they seem to shrink your brain, as studies show. For people using their brain for a living, this is a big no no. If it wasn't for the brain shrinkage i would do some roids hands down.
is this true? The only study I read where roids influence the brain was with high doses of Nandronlone I think
Testosterone isn‘t that bad as for toxicity/general side effects but the effects on the HPTA are the biggest issue imo
is this true? The only study I read where roids influence the brain was with high doses of Nandronlone I think
I downloaded like the first 10 studies from google, just use "testosterone/steroids effects on the brain" or something alike, there is plenty. I got to read them though, but in one of them the IQ difference was like 8 pts or so and there was relation between roid use and brain shrinkage. I got to delve more into it but people just abuse steroids hardcorely nowdays, maybe if you do it right you can probably get few sides or almost no sides depending on the compound and dosages.
The thing is you don't really know if it is due to specific compounds, tren causes the most brain damage and probably interrupts your deep sleep. Supraphysiological test produces neurotoxicity, but the thing is how neurotoxic is it? is it worse than a couple beers?
Other compounds may not be bad at all, i have to click on it, but once i googled about RAD and first links said it had neuroprotective properties, some sarms can be used to fight balding too, so you got plenty to look at. Estrogen is probably neuroprotective though, so you need aromatization.
Im trying to find out some substance to shield yourself against neurotoxicity but didn't get there yet.

So far, low doses of test like 250+another compound seems superior to 500mg of test for sides and probably muscle gains too, even for a first cycle. Like 4 weeks pure test and then add a compound after you are familiar with what test do to you, and if you dont plateau keep on it.

Testosterone isn‘t that bad as for toxicity/general side effects but the effects on the HPTA are the biggest issue imo
I don't know what's the % of people that fuck their shit forever but seems minuscule, didn't hear of anyone yet, are there studies about it?
Seems to me that with a good PCT you can run 1-2 cycles a year, with HGH, insulin and whatnot and get few sides and big gains, if you really take those 8-12 weeks like gym is your 1# priority in life. And that's what im about to do.
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  • +1
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I don't know what's the % of people that fuck their shit forever but seems minuscule, didn't hear of anyone yet, are there studies about it?
Seems to me that with a good PCT you can run a 1-2 cycles a year, with HGH, insulin and whatnot and get few sides and big gains, if you really take those 8-12 weeks like gym is your 1# priority in life. And that's what im about to do.
If gym is your priority in life and you‘re 25+ you might as well just blast and cruise forever. It‘s very possible that your priorities will change eventually tho
shit thread, most of my friends roided and didn't really have any noticeable sides and especially no persistent side effects, of course you have to account for all things: having an AI, cabergoline for prolactine (if tren or deca), HCG, PCT, blood tests every few weeks etc.
If gym is your priority in life and you‘re 25+ you might as well just blast and cruise forever. It‘s very possible that your priorities will change eventually tho
I mean that for those 8 weeks you have to do everything perfectly, no alcohol, no partying, sleeping as much as you can, perfect diet, gym as much as your body can handle, cardio the same, and so on. Then you continue with your life but with 10 extra kg of muscle and a lean body, to me it seems worthed.

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