The Greypill Pandemic | Why Forum is Becoming Increasingly Bluepilled

I don't know what redpillers talk about now, but the last time I checked, red pillers believed behavior was more important than looks. Some even believed that behavior was the ONLY thing that mattered. Which is obviously not true. Looks are way more important than everything else.
Godfather of redpill rollo tomassi says that looks is critical and even encourage looksmaxxer to do plastic surgery, but as a boomer he didnt approve it, just a boomer thing imo, brb the future is here old man meme
Personality does matter that shouldnt really be a matter of discussion.
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Men are the OG bluepillers. They hate knowing that genetics determine their fate. Women have come to terms with this a long time ago.
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View attachment 1099376
Can status undermine looks? No it can't. So if it can't do this then it means 'status' itself doesn't hold attraction on it's own. When you say 'equel' you accept the notion that attraction can be done with status alone.

Indeed it doesn't have an impact. The reason why is because looks importance can't be undermined.

Well after all the bs you said it here. This can only happen with your looks. Not your personality, not your suit not game. It happens by your facial 'worth' Turn the argument around.
Most of these men have never experienced women being attracted to their looks/genetics. Nothing else compares. Status & money are absolute copes.
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Godfather of redpill rollo tomassi says that looks is critical and even encourage looksmaxxer to do plastic surgery, but as a boomer he didnt approve it, just a boomer thing imo, brb the future is here old man meme
To be honest. Rollo Tomassi, is all OVER the place, with his advice.
Kinda gaslighting ish advice. Everything has been suggested to matter, and not matter.

It's all about sales, and making money off off dudes. WITHOUT helping dudes.

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Personality does matter that shouldnt really be a matter of discussion.
people here are talking about some giga autistic hypothetical chad as if that disproves looks theory when that's a hypothetical situation which will pretty much never happen irl.
people here are talking about some giga autistic hypothetical chad as if that disproves looks theory when that's a hypothetical situation which will pretty much never happen irl.
Do a test. on status rating.
based on full body pictures, and how much status helps matters in adding SMV. ( i kinda did in my reply)

ABC NEWS did it 1 time already, with a line up.
The manlet had to be made Status and Money GOD, to level up in SMV with a Chadlite-ish looking school teacher. (and this was even old times)

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  • +1
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Do a test. on status rating.
based on full body pictures, and how much status helps matters in adding SMV. ( i kinda did in my reply)

ABC NEWS did it 1 time already, with a line up.
The manlet had to be GOD, to level up in SMV with a Chadlite looking school teacher .

I remember that one from .co. Giga-brutal for manlets. Could you link it here and @@MaherGOAT
I remember that one from .co. Giga-brutal for manlets. Could you link it here and @@MaherGOAT
I accidentally linked the wrong video with muh post answer to you. I corrected it now.
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You are welcome.
A good video to see, how much StatusMaxxing and MoneyMaxxing, a short man has to do. To maybe have same level SMV as a decently looking gym teacher.
But probably, in this day and age, he can't move up in the West like that anymore.
Same for ugly face imo.

I think.
A high tier normie man (face 75 percenatile) with more than 6' height. That has low level job and thus has kinda lower status and money.
Will SMV mogg always in general, a dude with below average face (40 percentile) and like 5'7 height; that has a great job and thus status. and money
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Semi true. However look at one of moonblunts lastest posts
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Y'know, for a supposedly blackpilled forum this place is surprisingly blue-pilled. Many, in fact most users here haven't fully embraced the looks pill despite all of the evidence being there. They are still being delusional, they are still coping, they are still going on and on about 'exceptions' to this rule and that rule and talking about how the blackpill is 'exaggerated' and this and that.. (insert more coping nonsense).

Most users here are not blackpilled.

They are what I would like to call 'Grey-pilled,' meaning that they accept the black-pilled, but not fully. They still cope, they still believe in exceptions and what not but they do acknowledge that looks matter in dating.

A common belief of such people is that once you become a 6/10 facially that you can compensate for your facial flaws and lack of chad-stauts through things such as money, status, personality.

Not too long ago I made a poll titled "Does Game/Personality Matter" and was simply floored by the response which I got.

Out of the 66 people who responded to the survey a whopping 46.97% (the majority) said 'somewhat.'
43.94% said 'yes'

and only 9.09% of respondents said 'no'

Guys, this is data taken from a survey done on looksmax users. People who supposedly should be blackpilled and lookspilled since they're improving their appearance to make their life better, right?

And if you look at other such experiments done on the looksmaxxing population you will get similar results. it wasn't too long ago when I saw @MakinItHappen talking about how he was in various redpill forums and preached that we should learn 'game' and 'how to talk to women.'

No one called him out on his bullshit.

Your personality is your face guys.

You can't be greypilled, you can't be bluepilled, redpilled or whatever else pilled and still looksmax, that's cognitive dissonance.

This is also why I believe most people here don't genuinely looksmax. The idea the it's looks only that matters is still not somethign which they fully accept so rather than go to the gym, eat right and follow guides on how to become more attractive here they do things like seek out redpill forums.

They do things like seek out redpilled youtube content.

When will you guys learn?

It's looks, looks, looks.

People here may type that to fit in. But they will never internalize the idea within themselves. They will still find this way or that way to cope, even with all the data, saying shit like 'after 6/10 personality matters,' or 'looks is the main thing, but game and confidence can help you' or 'NT HTN is outslaying aspie Chad."

But I know why this is happening.

It's happening because many such people know that admitting the full blackpill would be admitting that they have no chance with women. It would be admitting that quite simply, it's over. And that's a scary thing to accept.

But you still have to stop being greypilled. You need to see the reality for what it is.

If you are greypilled, bluepilled, redpilled etc, then I hope this thread serves as a wake up call for you.

Personality does not matter.

For the sake of everyone here and the integrity of the forum. stop fucking coping.

Women Preferring 'Personality'

Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest

View attachment 1099343

Previous Threads:
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why the 1-10 'Looks Scale' Is Flawed
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why The 'PSL Scale' Is Flawed
Religious Women Have Sex MORE Than Atheists (Studies Inside)
From Sub-human to Chad | Can Looksmaxxing Erase A Bad First Impression?
This Redpiller Made An SMV Calculator!

Future Threads:
A Look Into Female Looksmaxxing Forums
Fixing The PSL System (With Science)

tagging people who may be interested in this topic:
@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31
react with ':love:' to be added to the @ list​

Lefort 3 or rope.
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Just like some visual attributes can be sexually attractive, some vocal attributes can be sexually attractive, some behavioural attributes can be sexually attractive etc. so can attributes of your personality. This is made most clear in fetishes where personality is extremely important. For instance, since every girl is a sub (i really got to get around to making my fetishes thread), then personality definitely matters.

This is TRUE attraction too created by personality, thar is, direct attraction and not indirect attraction like betabux where she is just using you to get something else she is directly attracted to.
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[1]yea he's projecting tbh
[2]he was trying to call @TsarTsar444 and @Blackgymmax twink copers when THEY GO TO THE GYM
[3]it's always like this. the people who actually gymcels realize it's not going to make them chad especially at natty level and meme about it being useless. the twinks takes offense
[4]i can say with 100% confidence @MaherGOAT doesn't regularly work out but he likes to preach gymmaxxing online
JFL I managed to stay logged out for 6 hrs I'm hopeless :lul:

[1] What am I projecting?

[2] I never called anyone twink nor copers, I simply argued that a natty physique clearly looks better than an untrained physique

[3] JFL, gymcelling will obviously never make anyone Chad. It will improve your looks, however.

[4] My best lifts are 115KG bench, 180KG squat and 220KG DL. Nothing special, but you do have to work out regularly to achieve those lifts. Interestingly, I never really saw any signifcant gains until I switched my programming to a more volume based approach. I do work out regularly and know what I am talking about. But its easier to be intellectually dishonest and attack the person making any argument instead of addressing the actual claims and arguments being made.
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tbh, I can't see it that way totally. Obviously there is overlap, and cross influence. But I also think, we have to see them in essence as seperate things.
They do corrolate with each other obvioulsy.

Personality/Game Correlates with Status

But also, Looks also correlated with Status and Personality.
And we won't say due to that: game/personality is a part of Looks.
[1]Because good looks, will give you extra status I noticed. AND, good Looks will also give you some personality halo bias. Hence, correlation.

[2]But I personally do also like to see them all, as seperate matters. For clarity, for preciseness, and for keeping things clear and clean and not mixxing everything into 1 potpourri concept

I agree alot. There is a deffo overlap, correlation, cross influence.

to add. same ith looks by the way:
[3]Looks can can raise your status, both perceived status and actual status

[4]A guy looking good like this. He imo can't drop below a certain status level even with certain low status traits.
Let's say status can go from 1-10. Below man, can imo (as long not hobo) never drop below 5/10 in status. Even when he will be NEET. Like his status starts at 5/10

* [5]Whereas below looking man in the blue shorts/pants. His status starts at like -2 or something. This man will have to have plenty good/reat traits to bring his status up to 5/10. Due to height, looks.

I can agree.

I agree. Being social, outgoing, care free, etc.. Wil have an effect on ones percieved status.

power, fame, wealth, money. Are matter than can help alot. And even flip a woman from no (based on looks), to yes. Although it might be a bit or totally will be in a betabuxxing type of way. But some is better than nothing.
I did kinda betabuxx once, in muh previous LTR, I disliked it overall.
Firstly, I want to address something: I am happy you take effort into formulating well constructed arguments in a search to find the truth, and discuss respectfully. I also want to thank @Jamesothy for the same type of constructive debating.

[1] Indeed, Looks is an extremely strong inherent status indicator, people will perceive everything about you from sense of humour to intelligence to be better because of your looks. But notice how good looks works in the same way as real status in general - it is power. Just like a group of people respect and fear very powerful people like rich business owners, powerful politicians etc in a group, the same treatment is afforded to good looking people. As such, we can see that both looks and status are extremely affective at granting these halo effects.

[2] Discussing everything seperately is definitely useful, however it lends itself to extreme black and white thinking as we see so often on blackpilled forums like this one. The reality is that everything matters. In the same way that me and you are literally exerting an extremely weak gravitational pull on earth, making no practical difference, the smallest differences also have SOME impact. The black and white thinking of "ONLY LOOKS MATTERS" is a result of being distracted by how massively important looks are in reality, compared with the disney dream young men are being sold growing up. But the actual reality is that everything from your personality, body language and clothing matters to some extent, just way less than looks does.

[3] Definitely. I would say looks, in general, add real status. It adds perceived status in the cases where a girl has a personal inclination towards your looks (i.e if you are big tattooed guy, some girls will be more into that than others even though its universally attractive)

[4] I completely agree. Looks definitely provide you a baseline of status. If you are very GL, you can be perceived as insane status even if you just work a dead end job and do nothing with your life. Your looks gives you so much status automatically.

[5] Yes, and if a man is below looks threshold i.e incel looks or below average, there is needed an absurd amount of statusmaxx (literal fame or similar) to even attract normie women.

Looks are BY FAR the most important factor, but my point in refuting the OP is that it is not the only one, which is easily provable through simple observation and logic.
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Looks are BY FAR the most important factor, but my point in refuting the OP is that it is not the only one, which is easily provable through simple observation and logic.
Yeah. an high Status average looking man. Will generally mogg ALOT all other average looking man with normal or low status, in options.

So in that sense, it's clear that status matters.

I like LMS concept. I feel it holds real halo truths:
Money (wealth)

after LMS.
I think the matters list is:
* voice, and
* being socially good and having conversational skills.

Beyond those. it feels like entering teritories of to little importance to significantly worry, talk and effort about.
  • +1
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Yeah. an high Status average looking man. Will generally mogg ALOT all other average looking man with normal or low status, in options.

So in that sense, it's clear that status matters.

I like LMS concept. I feel it holds real halo truths:
Money (wealth)

after LMS.
I think the matters list is:
* voice, and
* being socially good and having conversational skills.

Beyond those. it feels like entering teritories of to little importance to significantly worry, talk and effort about.
Also sex abilities are very important. I too like LMS a lot, it just makes sense when observing the world. I think socially good and conversational skills are related to status directly or indirectly as you've already stated
Personality and the resulting lifestyle can make you rich, well-dressed and good-looking. Or turn you into homeless looking fat slob.
  • Hmm...
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Retard thread, if you think personality/game doesn't matter, you're probably autistic and coping by hoping that you can ascend by just focusing on looks.
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  • JFL
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Personality and the resulting lifestyle can make you rich, well-dressed and good-looking. Or turn you into homeless looking fat slob.
I know 2 multi millionaires. Both a bit older.
It shoudl make them high status.

But they decide to dress, like complete hobo's. 1 in particular.
old pants, shoes that are giga old and ugly, but keeps because they fit well. bad size clothes, styless cloths. etc..

In daily life, people think they are poor.
This 1 guy was almost kicked out of the shop of a real estate agent, when he went in there and was looking. Because they thought he could never buy a home anyways. He brought his annual statement of income with him, so when they tried make him to leave. He showed that as proof. And all of a sudden they changed 180 degrees, and they offered him to sit and coffee and cake and etc..

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  • +1
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I know 2 multi millionaires. Both a bit older.
It shoudl make them high status.

But they decide to dress, like complete hobo's. 1 in particular.
old pants, shoes that are giga old and ugly, but keeps because they fit well. bad size clothes, styless cloths. etc..

In daily life, people think they are poor.
This 1 guy was almost kicked out of the shop of a real estate agent, when he went in there and was looking. Because they thought he could never buy a home anyways. He brought his annual statement of income with him, so when they tried make him to leave. He showed that as proof. And all of a sudden they changed 180 degrees, and they offered him to sit and coffee and cake and etc..

They must've grown up without much wealth I am guessing?
Sometimes it's an advantage, other times a disadvantage to look rich and succesfull. Although usually it's an advantage.

With my dad I used to go to the local market quite often towards the end of the afternoon. When they are deciding to throw stuff away or package it and take it with them to sell it again on another day. Because my dad and I both looked like poor people, we would often get shitton of vegetables/fruits etc for very low prices because the people from the market pitied us I assume. They were like, yeah take this whole pallet so we don't have to put it back in the truck.

Shit like 25kg(!!!) of asparagus for 10 euro lmao. At the local albertheijn u would get 1kg for that.

smh poor family of 4 people with 3 freezers like this;


completely filled up with random frozen food, vegetables, meat, etc. Could survive half a year from the food that was frozen in there jfl.

If I ever become rich, I doubt I will ever get rid of this personality of dressing like a poor person and spending modestly. Lived my entire childhood like that.
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They must've grown up without much wealth I am guessing?
1 was raised poor. The other one was raised higher middle calss actually. The most hobo like one, came from pretty well off family. But he had no concept of astehtics and what looks good. Plus he has no sense of value for things it kinda seems.

The guy also has way to much very great art things hoarded in his house, that he let just dust away an deteriorate there.
He is also funny. When I parked my car on his driveway, and he couldn't pass his 50+K Volvo without me moving it. I said I would move it. But he said don't bothers. And he just passed scratching his car massively against the bushes and ruining plenty of the paint of the car. He couldn't be bothered. He rather scratches his car, than wait 2 minutes.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 275
1 was raised poor. The other one was raised higher middle calss actually. The most hobo like one, came from pretty well off family. But he had no concept of astehtics and what looks good. Plus he has no sense of value for things it kinda seems.

The guy also has way to much very great art things hoarded in his house, that he let just dust away an deteriorate there.
He is also funny. When I parked my car on his driveway, and he couldn't pass his 50+K Volvo without me moving it. I said I would move it. But he said don't bothers. And he just passed scratching his car massively against the bushes and ruining plenty of the paint of the car. He couldn't be bothered. He rather scratches his car, than wait 2 minutes.
sounds like an idiot jfl

no point in having an expensive car if ur gonna roll around scatched up. Might aswell drive a 10k car then
sounds like an idiot jfl

no point in having an expensive car if ur gonna roll around scatched up. Might aswell drive a 10k car then
that man has a level of wealth, I guess. That stuff like that doesn't matter
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JFL I managed to stay logged out for 6 hrs I'm hopeless :lul:

[1] What am I projecting?

[2] I never called anyone twink nor copers, I simply argued that a natty physique clearly looks better than an untrained physique

[3] JFL, gymcelling will obviously never make anyone Chad. It will improve your looks, however.

[4] My best lifts are 115KG bench, 180KG squat and 220KG DL. Nothing special, but you do have to work out regularly to achieve those lifts. Interestingly, I never really saw any signifcant gains until I switched my programming to a more volume based approach. I do work out regularly and know what I am talking about. But its easier to be intellectually dishonest and attack the person making any argument instead of addressing the actual claims and arguments being made.
you must be really bored to argue about whether gym is important
it obviously is. again when people say it they are simply trolling and exaggerating. the fact that you can't understand that and would type essays arguing with people over it is just...
maybe you do understand but you like spending time debating people over the internet over things that can't be objectified. if that's you then you do you.
  • +1
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you must be really bored to argue about whether gym is important
it obviously is. again when people say it they are simply trolling and exaggerating. the fact that you can't understand that and would type essays arguing with people over it is just...
maybe you do understand but you like spending time debating people over the internet over things that can't be objectified. if that's you then you do you.
I have a typing speed of about 140 WPM so it doesn't really take me that long to write these posts. If you think I'm wasting my time by discussing various topics on an internet forum, I can't imagine how you justify having 12k posts on the very same forum likely producing posts of laughably low value. But you do you.
  • +1
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I have a typing speed of about 140 WPM so it doesn't really take me that long to write these posts. If you think I'm wasting my time by discussing various topics on an internet forum, I can't imagine how you justify having 12k posts on the very same forum likely producing posts of laughably low value. But you do you.
your various topics is literally arguing with people joking around on off topic, get over yourself
  • +1
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your various topics is literally arguing with people joking around on off topic, get over yourself
But they're not joking. They consistently write about it. But I get it, its easy to just say "lmao you wrote an essay I was only kidding lollll" to somehow cope with being wrong.
  • +1
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But they're not joking. They consistently write about it. But I get it, its easy to just say "lmao you wrote an essay I was only kidding lollll" to somehow cope with being wrong.
see you write good stuff. i just reacted to it. the problem is some of these things don't belong in looksmaxxing.

people like you give off the impression(impression, not fact), that gym can ascend you harder than it actually does

imo looksmaxxers should learn redpill before moving on to lookspill. but they come here prematurely and start preaching about gym and personality which the mature users know already. it drowns out the real looksmaxxing information we all came here for
  • +1
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see you write good stuff. i just reacted to it. the problem is some of these things don't belong in looksmaxxing.

people like you give off the impression(impression, not fact), that gym can ascend you harder than it actually does

imo looksmaxxers should learn redpill before moving on to lookspill. but they come here prematurely and start preaching about gym and personality which the mature users know already. it drowns out the real looksmaxxing information we all came here for

Well if someone makes a thread saying "gym is irrelevant, girls would rather date anorexic holocaust victims", and I reply "no, that is not the case", I don't think I'm giving off the impression that gym will be some sort of insane ascenscion. If someone takes it as that, then that someone is simply misinterpreting what I'm saying. If I assert that gym maxing is someone everyone should does as a way of looksmaxxing, that doesn't really say anything about my overarching philosophy on how men attract girls, what matters the most hierarchically etc. I am simply stating that it is a good and effective technique for looksmaxxing. Will this single technique make someone go from incel to slayer Chad, or even significantly alter his success? No, and it depends on a host of factors such as the person PSL, height, how much of a failo his physique is etc (normal healthy athletic physique obviously gains way less from gymmaxx than holocaust victim)

I don't know what redpill philosophy is now, but I read redpill thinking many years ago when I was younger. As I can remember, redpill philosophy gets it entirely wrong because they overemphasize the role of behavior. Similarly, blackpill philosophy overemphasizes looks. Remember, blackpill arose from people realizing that redpill thinking was obviously wrong, and started seeing how looks actually correlated with everything that redpillers thought was correlated with behavior.

You might believe that the active users here have "figured it all out" and "already knows all this", yet I keep ending up in discussions with people convinced that different lines of extreme thinking is the answer. Examples being "face is cope, height is everything" or "lmao behavior doesn't matter if you're not getting regularly approached by girls its over bro" etc. I mean, maybe you're right, maybe everyone is just joking. But I really, really don't get the impression that users here understand or are even close to understanding a full picture to how men attract girls. I don't claim to understand it fully either, but I am searching for it, and engaging in debates to get closer to the truth.
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You might believe that the active users here have "figured it all out" and "already knows all this", yet I keep ending up in discussions with people convinced that different lines of extreme thinking is the answer. Examples being "face is cope, height is everything" or "lmao behavior doesn't matter if you're not getting regularly approached by girls its over bro" etc. I mean, maybe you're right, maybe everyone is just joking. But I really, really don't get the impression that users here understand or are even close to understanding a full picture to how men attract girls. I don't claim to understand it fully either, but I am searching for it, and engaging in debates to get closer to the truth.
height is extremely important. coming from a 5'9 manlet who has been heightpilled by countless women

its over
  • So Sad
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214, Selinity and AlwaysHaveQuestions
Y'know, for a supposedly blackpilled forum this place is surprisingly blue-pilled. Many, in fact most users here haven't fully embraced the looks pill despite all of the evidence being there. They are still being delusional, they are still coping, they are still going on and on about 'exceptions' to this rule and that rule and talking about how the blackpill is 'exaggerated' and this and that.. (insert more coping nonsense).

Most users here are not blackpilled.

They are what I would like to call 'Grey-pilled,' meaning that they accept the black-pilled, but not fully. They still cope, they still believe in exceptions and what not but they do acknowledge that looks matter in dating.

A common belief of such people is that once you become a 6/10 facially that you can compensate for your facial flaws and lack of chad-stauts through things such as money, status, personality.

Not too long ago I made a poll titled "Does Game/Personality Matter" and was simply floored by the response which I got.

Out of the 66 people who responded to the survey a whopping 46.97% (the majority) said 'somewhat.'
43.94% said 'yes'

and only 9.09% of respondents said 'no'

Guys, this is data taken from a survey done on looksmax users. People who supposedly should be blackpilled and lookspilled since they're improving their appearance to make their life better, right?

And if you look at other such experiments done on the looksmaxxing population you will get similar results. it wasn't too long ago when I saw @MakinItHappen talking about how he was in various redpill forums and preached that we should learn 'game' and 'how to talk to women.'

No one called him out on his bullshit.

Your personality is your face guys.

You can't be greypilled, you can't be bluepilled, redpilled or whatever else pilled and still looksmax, that's cognitive dissonance.

This is also why I believe most people here don't genuinely looksmax. The idea the it's looks only that matters is still not somethign which they fully accept so rather than go to the gym, eat right and follow guides on how to become more attractive here they do things like seek out redpill forums.

They do things like seek out redpilled youtube content.

When will you guys learn?

It's looks, looks, looks.

People here may type that to fit in. But they will never internalize the idea within themselves. They will still find this way or that way to cope, even with all the data, saying shit like 'after 6/10 personality matters,' or 'looks is the main thing, but game and confidence can help you' or 'NT HTN is outslaying aspie Chad."

But I know why this is happening.

It's happening because many such people know that admitting the full blackpill would be admitting that they have no chance with women. It would be admitting that quite simply, it's over. And that's a scary thing to accept.

But you still have to stop being greypilled. You need to see the reality for what it is.

If you are greypilled, bluepilled, redpilled etc, then I hope this thread serves as a wake up call for you.

Personality does not matter.

For the sake of everyone here and the integrity of the forum. stop fucking coping.

Women Preferring 'Personality'

Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest

View attachment 1099343

Previous Threads:
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why the 1-10 'Looks Scale' Is Flawed
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why The 'PSL Scale' Is Flawed
Religious Women Have Sex MORE Than Atheists (Studies Inside)
From Sub-human to Chad | Can Looksmaxxing Erase A Bad First Impression?
This Redpiller Made An SMV Calculator!

Future Threads:
A Look Into Female Looksmaxxing Forums
Fixing The PSL System (With Science)

tagging people who may be interested in this topic:
@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31
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no... you are wrong

blackpill is truth and truth is looks are not everything. they matter to a high degree but every single one of us knows enough exceptions to disprove looks are everything
Y'know, for a supposedly blackpilled forum this place is surprisingly blue-pilled. Many, in fact most users here haven't fully embraced the looks pill despite all of the evidence being there. They are still being delusional, they are still coping, they are still going on and on about 'exceptions' to this rule and that rule and talking about how the blackpill is 'exaggerated' and this and that.. (insert more coping nonsense).

Most users here are not blackpilled.

They are what I would like to call 'Grey-pilled,' meaning that they accept the black-pilled, but not fully. They still cope, they still believe in exceptions and what not but they do acknowledge that looks matter in dating.

A common belief of such people is that once you become a 6/10 facially that you can compensate for your facial flaws and lack of chad-stauts through things such as money, status, personality.

Not too long ago I made a poll titled "Does Game/Personality Matter" and was simply floored by the response which I got.

Out of the 66 people who responded to the survey a whopping 46.97% (the majority) said 'somewhat.'
43.94% said 'yes'

and only 9.09% of respondents said 'no'

Guys, this is data taken from a survey done on looksmax users. People who supposedly should be blackpilled and lookspilled since they're improving their appearance to make their life better, right?

And if you look at other such experiments done on the looksmaxxing population you will get similar results. it wasn't too long ago when I saw @MakinItHappen talking about how he was in various redpill forums and preached that we should learn 'game' and 'how to talk to women.'

No one called him out on his bullshit.

Your personality is your face guys.

You can't be greypilled, you can't be bluepilled, redpilled or whatever else pilled and still looksmax, that's cognitive dissonance.

This is also why I believe most people here don't genuinely looksmax. The idea the it's looks only that matters is still not somethign which they fully accept so rather than go to the gym, eat right and follow guides on how to become more attractive here they do things like seek out redpill forums.

They do things like seek out redpilled youtube content.

When will you guys learn?

It's looks, looks, looks.

People here may type that to fit in. But they will never internalize the idea within themselves. They will still find this way or that way to cope, even with all the data, saying shit like 'after 6/10 personality matters,' or 'looks is the main thing, but game and confidence can help you' or 'NT HTN is outslaying aspie Chad."

But I know why this is happening.

It's happening because many such people know that admitting the full blackpill would be admitting that they have no chance with women. It would be admitting that quite simply, it's over. And that's a scary thing to accept.

But you still have to stop being greypilled. You need to see the reality for what it is.

If you are greypilled, bluepilled, redpilled etc, then I hope this thread serves as a wake up call for you.

Personality does not matter.

For the sake of everyone here and the integrity of the forum. stop fucking coping.

Women Preferring 'Personality'

Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest

View attachment 1099343

Previous Threads:
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why the 1-10 'Looks Scale' Is Flawed
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why The 'PSL Scale' Is Flawed
Religious Women Have Sex MORE Than Atheists (Studies Inside)
From Sub-human to Chad | Can Looksmaxxing Erase A Bad First Impression?
This Redpiller Made An SMV Calculator!

Future Threads:
A Look Into Female Looksmaxxing Forums
Fixing The PSL System (With Science)

tagging people who may be interested in this topic:
@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31
react with ':love:' to be added to the @ list​


I cant cope anymore at 5'6
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel and Selinity
but he's not attractive to women. That's the main point. The blackpill isn't about getting a date, or getting a gf. it's about female attraction and sex, and the data, studies and anecdotal evidence point to Chad being what women are attracted to.
  • +1
Reactions: Selinity
Wait, you're trashing on people that answer "yes" to if personality matters?
Everything matters and youre just low IQ if you think otherwise.
Incels got no nuance, damn.

Good taste in anime though.
Last edited:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Selinity
Wait, you're trashing on people that answer "yes" to if personality matters?
Everything matters and youre just low IQ if you think otherwise.
Incels got no nuance, damn.
"If I reproduce with this man I will produce genetically unfit children who'd most certainly be disadvantaged and struggle to pass their genes... but he did make me laugh that one time, so let's do it!"

--Absolutely no women ever​
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Marsiere214 and Deleted member 12669
:forcedsmile::lul: half the things u said made no sense and I will make no effort or attempt to convince u otherwise. Just letting u know.
:forcedsmile::lul: half the things u said made no sense and I will make no effort or attempt to convince u otherwise. Just letting u know.
>half the things u said made no sense and I will make no effort or attempt to convince u otherwise.
>>Just letting u know.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
no... you are wrong

blackpill is truth and truth is looks are not everything. they matter to a high degree but every single one of us knows enough exceptions to disprove looks are everything
Whg dont u leave to lookism
And no blackpill is not just โ€œmostly looksโ€
Black pill is looks only
Y'know, for a supposedly blackpilled forum this place is surprisingly blue-pilled. Many, in fact most users here haven't fully embraced the looks pill despite all of the evidence being there. They are still being delusional, they are still coping, they are still going on and on about 'exceptions' to this rule and that rule and talking about how the blackpill is 'exaggerated' and this and that.. (insert more coping nonsense).

Most users here are not blackpilled.

They are what I would like to call 'Grey-pilled,' meaning that they accept the black-pilled, but not fully. They still cope, they still believe in exceptions and what not but they do acknowledge that looks matter in dating.

A common belief of such people is that once you become a 6/10 facially that you can compensate for your facial flaws and lack of chad-stauts through things such as money, status, personality.

Not too long ago I made a poll titled "Does Game/Personality Matter" and was simply floored by the response which I got.

Out of the 66 people who responded to the survey a whopping 46.97% (the majority) said 'somewhat.'
43.94% said 'yes'

and only 9.09% of respondents said 'no'

Guys, this is data taken from a survey done on looksmax users. People who supposedly should be blackpilled and lookspilled since they're improving their appearance to make their life better, right?

And if you look at other such experiments done on the looksmaxxing population you will get similar results. it wasn't too long ago when I saw @MakinItHappen talking about how he was in various redpill forums and preached that we should learn 'game' and 'how to talk to women.'

No one called him out on his bullshit.

Your personality is your face guys.

You can't be greypilled, you can't be bluepilled, redpilled or whatever else pilled and still looksmax, that's cognitive dissonance.

This is also why I believe most people here don't genuinely looksmax. The idea the it's looks only that matters is still not somethign which they fully accept so rather than go to the gym, eat right and follow guides on how to become more attractive here they do things like seek out redpill forums.

They do things like seek out redpilled youtube content.

When will you guys learn?

It's looks, looks, looks.

People here may type that to fit in. But they will never internalize the idea within themselves. They will still find this way or that way to cope, even with all the data, saying shit like 'after 6/10 personality matters,' or 'looks is the main thing, but game and confidence can help you' or 'NT HTN is outslaying aspie Chad."

But I know why this is happening.

It's happening because many such people know that admitting the full blackpill would be admitting that they have no chance with women. It would be admitting that quite simply, it's over. And that's a scary thing to accept.

But you still have to stop being greypilled. You need to see the reality for what it is.

If you are greypilled, bluepilled, redpilled etc, then I hope this thread serves as a wake up call for you.

Personality does not matter.

For the sake of everyone here and the integrity of the forum. stop fucking coping.

Women Preferring 'Personality'

Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest

View attachment 1099343

Previous Threads:
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why the 1-10 'Looks Scale' Is Flawed
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why The 'PSL Scale' Is Flawed
Religious Women Have Sex MORE Than Atheists (Studies Inside)
From Sub-human to Chad | Can Looksmaxxing Erase A Bad First Impression?
This Redpiller Made An SMV Calculator!

Future Threads:
A Look Into Female Looksmaxxing Forums
Fixing The PSL System (With Science)

tagging people who may be interested in this topic:
@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31
react with ':love:' to be added to the @ list​

Shower, haircut, confidence. Mog any chad with this combo :feelsuhh:
excellent thread
Y'know, for a supposedly blackpilled forum this place is surprisingly blue-pilled. Many, in fact most users here haven't fully embraced the looks pill despite all of the evidence being there. They are still being delusional, they are still coping, they are still going on and on about 'exceptions' to this rule and that rule and talking about how the blackpill is 'exaggerated' and this and that.. (insert more coping nonsense).

Most users here are not blackpilled.

They are what I would like to call 'Grey-pilled,' meaning that they accept the black-pilled, but not fully. They still cope, they still believe in exceptions and what not but they do acknowledge that looks matter in dating.

A common belief of such people is that once you become a 6/10 facially that you can compensate for your facial flaws and lack of chad-stauts through things such as money, status, personality.

Not too long ago I made a poll titled "Does Game/Personality Matter" and was simply floored by the response which I got.

Out of the 66 people who responded to the survey a whopping 46.97% (the majority) said 'somewhat.'
43.94% said 'yes'

and only 9.09% of respondents said 'no'

Guys, this is data taken from a survey done on looksmax users. People who supposedly should be blackpilled and lookspilled since they're improving their appearance to make their life better, right?

And if you look at other such experiments done on the looksmaxxing population you will get similar results. it wasn't too long ago when I saw @MakinItHappen talking about how he was in various redpill forums and preached that we should learn 'game' and 'how to talk to women.'

No one called him out on his bullshit.

Your personality is your face guys.

You can't be greypilled, you can't be bluepilled, redpilled or whatever else pilled and still looksmax, that's cognitive dissonance.

This is also why I believe most people here don't genuinely looksmax. The idea the it's looks only that matters is still not somethign which they fully accept so rather than go to the gym, eat right and follow guides on how to become more attractive here they do things like seek out redpill forums.

They do things like seek out redpilled youtube content.

When will you guys learn?

It's looks, looks, looks.

People here may type that to fit in. But they will never internalize the idea within themselves. They will still find this way or that way to cope, even with all the data, saying shit like 'after 6/10 personality matters,' or 'looks is the main thing, but game and confidence can help you' or 'NT HTN is outslaying aspie Chad."

But I know why this is happening.

It's happening because many such people know that admitting the full blackpill would be admitting that they have no chance with women. It would be admitting that quite simply, it's over. And that's a scary thing to accept.

But you still have to stop being greypilled. You need to see the reality for what it is.

If you are greypilled, bluepilled, redpilled etc, then I hope this thread serves as a wake up call for you.

Personality does not matter.

For the sake of everyone here and the integrity of the forum. stop fucking coping.

Women Preferring 'Personality'

Predicting Romantic Interest at Zero Acquaintance: Evidence of Sex Differences in Trait Perception but Not in Predictors of Interest

View attachment 1099343

Previous Threads:
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why the 1-10 'Looks Scale' Is Flawed
The Problem With Rating Male Attractiveness | Why The 'PSL Scale' Is Flawed
Religious Women Have Sex MORE Than Atheists (Studies Inside)
From Sub-human to Chad | Can Looksmaxxing Erase A Bad First Impression?
This Redpiller Made An SMV Calculator!

Future Threads:
A Look Into Female Looksmaxxing Forums
Fixing The PSL System (With Science)

tagging people who may be interested in this topic:
@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31
react with ':love:' to be added to the @ list​

@looksmaxxer234 this is kinda you tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: Looks234

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