This is the physique that 90% of girls are attracted to! (Brutal Natty Pill)

Why were u talking about the coping pendlay row? Why would I ever do that JFL. You're way too fixated on numbers. You said how much you can curl like??? Why would you progressively overload a muscle group that is more about pump and contraction? You need to give other methods a try and not be so stubborn ngl. I progressively overload pressing movements, squats, leg press, rows etc. I don't track arms, forearms, side delts, chest flies etc. Why would I? Those movements are completely about pump and feeling the movement, not trying to ego lift more weight. You need a mix of both bud otherwise it would be the case that the strongest people are the biggest. This isn't the case. Look at Jay Cutler, Phil etc. Arnold had the best chest ever yet couldn't bench as much as Franco.

The problem is that you are using guys who take steroids as examples of what is achievable naturally when in reality, those guys aren't natural.

You can't use Arnold Schwarzennegger as an example of what is achievable unless you take the same steroids as him and have the same genetics.

Also, even when steroids are involved, strength training makes it so that it takes lower amounts of drugs to achieve the same results, which is why a lot of steroid users nowadays also focus on strength because for the same dose of steroids, they are able to become much bigger.

With the data that we have nowadays, both from scientific studies and statistics, and from people's bodybuilding experience, it is an undeniable fact that a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, and that applies to all the muscle groups, even the arms.

There is no secret technique to getting bigger arms, all you can do is get stronger while of course, maintaining proper form.

I'm not talking about cheat curls, I'm talking about regular curls done with only the strength of your biceps, without using other muscle groups to make the exercise easier. Ultimately, training to failure is the only way to cause muscle growth as a natural lifter.

What people like you fail to realize is that doing 12 reps with 120 lbs on curls is the same as doing 1 rep with 170 lbs. But the benefit that you get by doing more reps is that you get more volume, and volume is what drives muscle growth.

So, to make progress in the gym, you need:

Progressive overload,
High volume,
Consistent and proper technique,
Good diet,
Good recovery,
and Consistency

Of course, the numbers themselves don't matter, the most important thing is that you train harder than last time, that is what can be defined as real progress, just going to failure with the same weights over and over again, that is not progress, that is sandbagging, it is a waste of time.
  • JFL
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Get your test levels checked. I think your issue is that you’re very tall so you have a hard time putting on size. Consider increasing your calories further.
Like I said, my testosterone levels were tested already and the result was 536 ng/dl, which is at the lower end of the spectrum (350-1100 ng/dl), not too low to make decent progress, but definitely too low to build an impressive physique. I could get strong, but my physique would still look frail and small most likely.
The problem is that you are using guys who take steroids as examples of what is achievable naturally when in reality, those guys aren't natural.

You can't use Arnold Schwarzennegger as an example of what is achievable unless you take the same steroids as him and have the same genetics.

Also, even when steroids are involved, strength training makes it so that it takes lower amounts of drugs to achieve the same results, which is why a lot of steroid users nowadays also focus on strength because for the same dose of steroids, they are able to become much bigger.

With the data that we have nowadays, both from scientific studies and statistics, and from people's bodybuilding experience, it is an undeniable fact that a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, and that applies to all the muscle groups, even the arms.

There is no secret technique to getting bigger arms, all you can do is get stronger while of course, maintaining proper form.

I'm not talking about cheat curls, I'm talking about regular curls done with only the strength of your biceps, without using other muscle groups to make the exercise easier. Ultimately, training to failure is the only way to cause muscle growth as a natural lifter.

What people like you fail to realize is that doing 12 reps with 120 lbs on curls is the same as doing 1 rep with 170 lbs. But the benefit that you get by doing more reps is that you get more volume, and volume is what drives muscle growth.

So, to make progress in the gym, you need:

Progressive overload,
High volume,
Consistent and proper technique,
Good diet,
Good recovery,
and Consistency

Of course, the numbers themselves don't matter, the most important thing is that you train harder than last time, that is what can be defined as real progress, just going to failure with the same weights over and over again, that is not progress, that is sandbagging, it is a waste of time.
dnrd after you mentioned steroids.

Muscle is built the same way if you're natty or not :forcedsmile:
  • +1
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No, I'm actually on a 3000 calorie diet which is my TDEE, I'm recomping and I'm not finding it difficult to make progress in strength, it's just that there are naturals that I know who can curl much less than me who have much bigger arms than I do.

I know a guy who has 16 inch arms who can only curl 50 lbs for 8 reps, while I can curl 65 lbs for 10 reps and I have 12 inch arms.

Unless I can somehow raise my curl to 150-170 lbs, I'll never have 16 inch arms. And the weights that I mentioned are not for dumbbells of course but for the total weight that you lift with both arms.

For the rest of my muscles though, it is just because I am weak at the main lifts, but for curls, I have been doing them for years with no arm growth at all, no matter how I trained, so they may never grow.

That is crazy your arms stay at 12 inches despite all the working out. Strength gains usually lead to quick growth when you start from a size like 12 inches. Not sure if the weight will equal a certain size but when I had 17 inch pumped up arms I was curling 135 lb. for 10 rep sets.
Kim freire almost has the ideal male body besides his hips and thin bones.


Tall, with a naturally broad frame. He's more appealing to women than most famous fitness models, because he has a naturally wide, non roided frame.
  • Hmm...
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Why do you sound so pessimistic? Stop typing out essays that have zero value to yourself. Like I said your main problem is not test levels or anything like that, it’s the fact that you’re very tall. How many 6’3+ guys do you see that can look big as natties? Your attitude will get you nowhere in life, ditch the “woe is me” mindset and focus on results. Are you getting the results you want and if not what needs to be done to achieve them. Keep it simple. That’s one thing I learned from watching MPMD’s YouTube channel, he started out as a normie but worked extremely hard to max out everything he could. He maxed out his physique, his social skills, his hair, his skin, EVERYTHING. You don’t see him complaining and whining like a beta male. The number one trait of an alpha male is how they respond to adversity and difficult situations. Do you keep your cool and try to improve or fall into self pity? For everything you wish you had, there’s someone else out there that wished they had something you have. I’m sure plenty of guys wish they were 6’4 like you. Ditch your garbage attitude and focus completely on results.
MPMD is a good channel yes but he isn't natural, his physique looks impressive because he took high amount of drugs to get there, he said so himself, he is the reason why i want to take steroids, although he isn't very good looking in the face, his body has allowed him to get laid with lots of beautiful women, and he is tall like me so I have the potential to be even better than he was if I take steroids because my face looks way better than his.

Being alpha has nothing to do with mindset, it has everything to do with your personality and your looks, both of which are directly linked to your hormonal profile. The more testosterone you have, the more manly you are, the less you have, the more effeminate you are.
This is where the soyboy phenomenon comes from. Betas are not the way they are due to a lack of self esteem, but due to a lack of testosterone, and this is caused by bad genetics.

The difference is that in the past, people couldn't change their hormonal profile even if they wanted to so betas were condemned to be beta forever, while alphas got all the prettiest women. But nowadays, it is very achievable for a beta to become alpha is he changes his hormonal profile with drugs. Many men have achieved this with the help of steroids. Zyzz is a pefect example of that, steroids made him go from shy beta gamer virgin to confident alpha Chad Slayer. Natural lifting can't achieve that effect, so if Zyzz hadn't taken steroids, he would have remained a beta, he would have lived a much longer life but as a beta in a mediocre relationship with a mediocre girlfriend, like most average men.

I'm not pessimistic at all, all I'm saying is that the secret to looksmaxxing and NTmaxxing is not surgeries, it is steroids and serious lifting, that is what has the potential to take any beta and turn them into an alpha. Nothing else can achieve that for you, even if you build a muscular physique, if your hormonal profile is bad, you will still be a beta in your relationships.

And, it's not like I'm jealous of guys who are more muscular than me, but I wish I was an alpha, that is what I care about, I wish I was a muscular ripped dominant guy who could approach women and get laid with ease instead of being a kissless virgin at the age of nearly 23. At 16, I was willing to be patient but I now know that I need to accept the truth and make a real change, otherwise I'll remain a beta for the rest of my life.
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Im an not peak natty no. The thing is I don’t know how to gain size without gaining fat. Run a 100 calorie surplus? I don’t want to become bloated due to bulking.
Yeah I barely train back tbh.

Lmao to gain size literally just lift and stay consistent mate, if you want to gain size without gaining weight consistency is key, if you have body fat you don't even need to go on a surplus to gain size from muscles, it'll only take longer if you're bad with training or if you're already 4 years into lifting

also back is super important for posture and a V taper, get a pull up at home
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dnrd after you mentioned steroids.

Muscle is built the same way if you're natty or not :forcedsmile:
That is completely false.

Since testosterone makes it easier to build muscle and lose fat and estrogen makes it easier to gain fat and lose muscle, the more testosterone you have, the more muscular and ripped you will be as a result.

There have even been studies where they took noobs who never touched a weight in their life in they gave them steroids and made them sit on the couch watching tv for 3 months, and at the same time, they took guys who also had no prior lifting experience and made them train hard with a good trainer but without steroids, and the group who had taken steroids without training at all got bigger than those who trained hard.

This proves that when you take steroids, just upping those will make you get bigger.

Also, for maximizing results, steroid users don't need strength training because their muscles grow based on the response of muscle damage combined with the drugs in their system, so the more they train their muscles and the higher the dose they use, the bigger their muscles will be.

But for a natural, the key to progress isn't muscle damage, it is progressive overload, because naturals don't have drugs to help them stimulate muscle growth, so if they focus only on muscle damage, they just get a pump without actually getting stronger.

But steroid users have the advantage in being able to train like naturals if they want and studies have shown that it can maximize their results, because if they get stronger, the drugs will work even better so their muscles will grow even more.

This is why strength training is the most effective way to build muscle, it doesn't matter if you're natural or not, strength training remains effective in both situations, it's just that for naturals, strength training is the only way to cause muscle growth because you don't have drugs to help you when you're a natural.
bad genetics.

Low T is fixable if it is caused by:

Micronutrient deficiency.


Too high body fat %.

Too high bf %.

I myself have a varicocele and a vitamin d deficiency.

Honestly though, your actual test numbers say little about your body's own needs. Some guys feel like shit at 700+, while others feel okay at 400. It mainly depends on your androgen receptor content.
  • +1
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MPMD is a good channel yes but he isn't natural, his physique looks impressive because he took high amount of drugs to get there, he said so himself, he is the reason why i want to take steroids, although he isn't very good looking in the face, his body has allowed him to get laid with lots of beautiful women, and he is tall like me so I have the potential to be even better than he was if I take steroids because my face looks way better than his.

Being alpha has nothing to do with mindset, it has everything to do with your personality and your looks, both of which are directly linked to your hormonal profile. The more testosterone you have, the more manly you are, the less you have, the more effeminate you are.
This is where the soyboy phenomenon comes from. Betas are not the way they are due to a lack of self esteem, but due to a lack of testosterone, and this is caused by bad genetics.

The difference is that in the past, people couldn't change their hormonal profile even if they wanted to so betas were condemned to be beta forever, while alphas got all the prettiest women. But nowadays, it is very achievable for a beta to become alpha is he changes his hormonal profile with drugs. Many men have achieved this with the help of steroids. Zyzz is a pefect example of that, steroids made him go from shy beta gamer virgin to confident alpha Chad Slayer. Natural lifting can't achieve that effect, so if Zyzz hadn't taken steroids, he would have remained a beta, he would have lived a much longer life but as a beta in a mediocre relationship with a mediocre girlfriend, like most average men.

I'm not pessimistic at all, all I'm saying is that the secret to looksmaxxing and NTmaxxing is not surgeries, it is steroids and serious lifting, that is what has the potential to take any beta and turn them into an alpha. Nothing else can achieve that for you, even if you build a muscular physique, if your hormonal profile is bad, you will still be a beta in your relationships.

And, it's not like I'm jealous of guys who are more muscular than me, but I wish I was an alpha, that is what I care about, I wish I was a muscular ripped dominant guy who could approach women and get laid with ease instead of being a kissless virgin at the age of nearly 23. At 16, I was willing to be patient but I now know that I need to accept the truth and make a real change, otherwise I'll remain a beta for the rest of my life.
Good points. I’m on the fence about using gear myself, but I am considering it.
That is crazy your arms stay at 12 inches despite all the working out. Strength gains usually lead to quick growth when you start from a size like 12 inches. Not sure if the weight will equal a certain size but when I had 17 inch pumped up arms I was curling 135 lb. for 10 rep sets.
My guess is that my arms will only grow to 14 inches when I will be curling 135 lbs for 10 rep sets, and then, if I want to get bigger, I'll need the help of steroids. I say this because, even when I add 10 lbs to my curls, my arms don't grow at all, not even a quarter inch.

And people on here think that I am ego lifting but the truth is that I started by curling 10 lb dumbbells (20 lb total) and I only managed to reach 65 lbs after training for a long time and my arms look the same as in the beginning. As for those who claim that it's my height, they are wrong because I measured my arms, they don't just look small, they ARE small. And the guy that I mentioned previously, who has 16 inch arms while being only able to curl 50 lbs for 8 reps, he is 6 feet tall, so it's definitely not my height.
  • +1
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frame over size, if you have wide hips and narrow ribcage and clavicles, its over for your physique and might be over even with good face
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  • JFL
  • Woah
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Why were u talking about the coping pendlay row? Why would I ever do that JFL. You're way too fixated on numbers. You said how much you can curl like??? Why would you progressively overload a muscle group that is more about pump and contraction? You need to give other methods a try and not be so stubborn ngl. I progressively overload pressing movements, squats, leg press, rows etc. I don't track arms, forearms, side delts, chest flies etc. Why would I? Those movements are completely about pump and feeling the movement, not trying to ego lift more weight. You need a mix of both bud otherwise it would be the case that the strongest people are the biggest. This isn't the case. Look at Jay Cutler, Phil etc. Arnold had the best chest ever yet couldn't bench as much as Franco.

@Bill Bruce This guy actually knows how to train properly

Do progressive overload on compounds, high numbers/going heavy on isolation don't really mean shit if you're trying to grow.

Isolation is about getting the pump and burn which can be done and is better with higher more controlled reps and sets with good mind muscle connection. Going heavy on shit like biceps curls will actually hurt your gains or at least slow it down.
@Bill Bruce This guy actually knows how to train properly

Do progressive overload on compounds, high numbers on isolation don't really mean shit if you're trying to grow.

Isolation is about getting the pump and burn which can be done and is better with higher more controlled reps and sets with good mind muscle connection. Going heavy on shit like biceps curls will actually hurt your gains or at least slow it down.
Why does getting stronger on compounds not mean anything for size? I thought as a natty getting stronger means gaining more muscle. All the nattys that are bit are also strong guys. It seems to be the roided bodybuilders that focus on isolation.
Low T is fixable if it is caused by:

Micronutrient deficiency.


Too high body fat %.

Too high bf %.

I myself have a varicocele and a vitamin d deficiency.

Honestly though, your actual test numbers say little about your body's own needs. Some guys feel like shit at 700+, while others feel okay at 400. It mainly depends on your androgen receptor content.
The only situation where your testosterone can be increased naturally is if you are obese, or if you are a malnourished starving child living in a third world country.

In my case, my body fat percentage is between 10 and 15% body fat, I don't have any deficiencies and my health is perfectly fine.

Also, your last 2 sentences comes from the same doctors who are usually out of shape and know nothing about muscle growth, they will usually say that your testosterone levels are fine because they don't want to encourage young men to take steroids, because in our society of hypocrites, taking steroids is frowned upon but at the same time, those who take steroids are worshipped by the media and get all the most beautiful women and this can be seen not only by looking at how women view muscular male actors but also by how they tend to treat muscular high testosterone men VS skinny low testosterone men.

I have always been low T, and I have always been treated as such. Meanwhile, I have seen guys who were clearly taking steroids who were getting all the girls just because they were taking steroids, and at the same time, they were respected by all the men at their workplace because they looked intimidating enough and this effect was a thing for shorter men, who were seen as more alpha than tall lanklets like me.

To be honest, I wish I would have realized all of this 5 years ago, because if I had started taking steroids earlier, I could have been a Chad slayer in my late teens instead of my mid 20s. I really regret wasting all those years gymcelling for pathetic results both in the gym and outside of it.
MPMD is a good channel yes but he isn't natural, his physique looks impressive because he took high amount of drugs to get there, he said so himself, he is the reason why i want to take steroids, although he isn't very good looking in the face, his body has allowed him to get laid with lots of beautiful women, and he is tall like me so I have the potential to be even better than he was if I take steroids because my face looks way better than his.

Being alpha has nothing to do with mindset, it has everything to do with your personality and your looks, both of which are directly linked to your hormonal profile. The more testosterone you have, the more manly you are, the less you have, the more effeminate you are.
This is where the soyboy phenomenon comes from. Betas are not the way they are due to a lack of self esteem, but due to a lack of testosterone, and this is caused by bad genetics.

The difference is that in the past, people couldn't change their hormonal profile even if they wanted to so betas were condemned to be beta forever, while alphas got all the prettiest women. But nowadays, it is very achievable for a beta to become alpha is he changes his hormonal profile with drugs. Many men have achieved this with the help of steroids. Zyzz is a pefect example of that, steroids made him go from shy beta gamer virgin to confident alpha Chad Slayer. Natural lifting can't achieve that effect, so if Zyzz hadn't taken steroids, he would have remained a beta, he would have lived a much longer life but as a beta in a mediocre relationship with a mediocre girlfriend, like most average men.

I'm not pessimistic at all, all I'm saying is that the secret to looksmaxxing and NTmaxxing is not surgeries, it is steroids and serious lifting, that is what has the potential to take any beta and turn them into an alpha. Nothing else can achieve that for you, even if you build a muscular physique, if your hormonal profile is bad, you will still be a beta in your relationships.

And, it's not like I'm jealous of guys who are more muscular than me, but I wish I was an alpha, that is what I care about, I wish I was a muscular ripped dominant guy who could approach women and get laid with ease instead of being a kissless virgin at the age of nearly 23. At 16, I was willing to be patient but I now know that I need to accept the truth and make a real change, otherwise I'll remain a beta for the rest of my life.
MPMD also said he would approach 40 girls a day sometimes and was approaching girls like crazy. Yes he has a good physique due to roids but you still have to approach and put in the work to meet girls.
@Bill Bruce This guy actually knows how to train properly

Do progressive overload on compounds, high numbers/going heavy on isolation don't really mean shit if you're trying to grow.

Isolation is about getting the pump and burn which can be done and is better with higher more controlled reps and sets with good mind muscle connection. Going heavy on shit like biceps curls will actually hurt your gains or at least slow it down.
LOL, I hope for your sake that you are trolling, you want me to take advice from Rich Piana, the guy who took such high amounts of drugs that he died at 40 years old.

This is also the same idiot who said that shrinking your balls because of steroids is good because it makes you dick look bigger.

Why would I take advice from a fake natural instead of taking advice from real naturals like AlphaDestiny, Scott Herman and Omarisuf ????
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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The only situation where your testosterone can be increased naturally is if you are obese, or if you are a malnourished starving child living in a third world country.

In my case, my body fat percentage is between 10 and 15% body fat, I don't have any deficiencies and my health is perfectly fine.

Also, your last 2 sentences comes from the same doctors who are usually out of shape and know nothing about muscle growth, they will usually say that your testosterone levels are fine because they don't want to encourage young men to take steroids, because in our society of hypocrites, taking steroids is frowned upon but at the same time, those who take steroids are worshipped by the media and get all the most beautiful women and this can be seen not only by looking at how women view muscular male actors but also by how they tend to treat muscular high testosterone men VS skinny low testosterone men.

I have always been low T, and I have always been treated as such. Meanwhile, I have seen guys who were clearly taking steroids who were getting all the girls just because they were taking steroids, and at the same time, they were respected by all the men at their workplace because they looked intimidating enough and this effect was a thing for shorter men, who were seen as more alpha than tall lanklets like me.

To be honest, I wish I would have realized all of this 5 years ago, because if I had started taking steroids earlier, I could have been a Chad slayer in my late teens instead of my mid 20s. I really regret wasting all those years gymcelling for pathetic results both in the gym and outside of it.
You are 100% right when you said physique and roids is more effective than surgeries. There is reason why RTT is the most effective ascension strategy for guys that are facially average looking. It could be argued that even Zyzz wasn’t that good looking facially but he ascended due to RTT and being low inhib.
Why does getting stronger on compounds not mean anything for size? I thought as a natty getting stronger means gaining more muscle.

No, go heavy on compound.

Don't go heavy on isolations, on isolations you want to focus on one muscle group and if you go heavy on isolation you'll have shit form and start recruiting other muscles which might take over the muscle you're trying to isolate, not to mention if the muscles recruited gets tired faster than the one you're isolating you're not going to be able to get the pump and the burn on the isolated muscle which leads to growth.
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  • +1
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LOL, I hope for your sake that you are trolling, you want me to take advice from Rich Piana, the guy who took such high amounts of drugs that he died at 40 years old.

This is also the same idiot who said that shrinking your balls because of steroids is good because it makes you dick look bigger.

Why would I take advice from a fake natural instead of taking advice from real naturals like AlphaDestiny, Scott Herman and Omarisuf ????
Yeah these guys keep linking Golden age bodybuilders and other roided guys.
No, go heavy on compound.

Don't go heavy on isolations, on isolations you want to focus on one muscle group and if you go heavy on isolation you'll have shit form and start recruiting other muscles which might take over the muscle you're trying to isolate, not to mention if the muscles recruited gets tired faster than the one you're isolating you're not going to be able to get the pump and the burn on the isolated muscle which leads to growth.
Very interesting. I have been trying to go heavy on bicep curls and noticed my form is not as good. What is the best strategy for growing arms? Delts, chest, and back all get worked by progressive overload on compounds. But what about arms? Should I pick a weight like 35-40 pounds and focus on high volume?
LOL, I hope for your sake that you are trolling, you want me to take advice from Rich Piana, the guy who took such high amounts of drugs that he died at 40 years old.

This is also the same idiot who said that shrinking your balls because of steroids is good because it makes you dick look bigger.

Why would I take advice from a fake natural instead of taking advice from real naturals like AlphaDestiny, Scott Herman and Omarisuf ????

Fuck you on about you fucking retard?

I'm giving legit advice which works, doesn't matter if you're natty or not you stupid fucking donkey
  • JFL
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The only situation where your testosterone can be increased naturally is if you are obese, or if you are a malnourished starving child living in a third world country.

In my case, my body fat percentage is between 10 and 15% body fat, I don't have any deficiencies and my health is perfectly fine.

Also, your last 2 sentences comes from the same doctors who are usually out of shape and know nothing about muscle growth, they will usually say that your testosterone levels are fine because they don't want to encourage young men to take steroids, because in our society of hypocrites, taking steroids is frowned upon but at the same time, those who take steroids are worshipped by the media and get all the most beautiful women and this can be seen not only by looking at how women view muscular male actors but also by how they tend to treat muscular high testosterone men VS skinny low testosterone men.

I have always been low T, and I have always been treated as such. Meanwhile, I have seen guys who were clearly taking steroids who were getting all the girls just because they were taking steroids, and at the same time, they were respected by all the men at their workplace because they looked intimidating enough and this effect was a thing for shorter men, who were seen as more alpha than tall lanklets like me.

To be honest, I wish I would have realized all of this 5 years ago, because if I had started taking steroids earlier, I could have been a Chad slayer in my late teens instead of my mid 20s. I really regret wasting all those years gymcelling for pathetic results both in the gym and outside of it.

When it comes to muscle gain, it is androgen receptor content that determines muscle hypertrophy.

Fun fact.

this guy actually admitted to doing test and tren.
  • +1
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Fuck you on about you fucking retard?

I'm giving legit advice which works, doesn't matter if you're natty or not you stupid fucking donkey
Chill bro. His point is that you’re using examples of non natty guys to draw conclusions about natty bodybuilding. There is a point but there is also an overlap I agree.
When it comes to muscle gain, it is androgen receptor content that determines muscle hypertrophy.

Fun fact.

this guy actually admitted to doing test and tren.
But do we know what Cassady’s diet was like for that transformation? What was his training program? What were his cycle doses? There could be other factors at play.
MPMD also said he would approach 40 girls a day sometimes and was approaching girls like crazy. Yes he has a good physique due to roids but you still have to approach and put in the work to meet girls.
Cold approaching doesn't attract women.

Looks attract women, cold approaching just gives you the opportunities that you never would have if you just waited for them to come to you.

This is why in the PUA community, guys who are too ugly or short can approach 1000 women and get rejected every single time.

If you're not getting IOIs from women, you have no business approaching women. In my case, I get IOIs mainly because of my height, but I still behave like a beta.

My low testosterone doesn't make me unattractive, because luckily enough, I am tall. But, it does make it very difficult for me to build muscle and for me to be confident and dominant around women.

Guys think that their beta sexual fantasies come from porn when in reality they come from a bad hormonal profile and a lack of muscle mass which make them feel less manly than they should be. Some guys cope with nofap while not actually achieving anything, while others use steroids to looksmax and NTmax and they acquire the personality and the looks that they need to be an alpha male.

The biggest mistake that most men make for self improvement is that they think that it's a question of mindset when in reality, it really isn't because even if you change your way of thinking, it will not change your actions and only your actions matter, not your thoughts.
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Yes something like that and this is an achievable goal in natural training
That guy is not natty. I checked again and his chest is to big for that bf%. He is full at a low bf% which is an indicator of juicing. He is also a paid model so he has a lot to gain from having a good physique.
  • +1
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Chill bro. His point is that you’re using examples of non natty guys to draw conclusions about natty bodybuilding. There is a point but there is also an overlap I agree.

My advice literally works for everyone whether natty or not, for efficient muscle growth.

He's a fucking retard for quoting me first when I never mentioned anything like "muh huh train arms for 8 hours"
When it comes to muscle gain, it is androgen receptor content that determines muscle hypertrophy.

Fun fact.

this guy actually admitted to doing test and tren.
What I know about androgen receptors is that when you take steroids, your traps and calves become huge because of the androgen receptors in those areas. Guys who have big traps or big calves as a natural just tend to have good genetics for those areas.
I'm getting so much mogged in this thread. With muh skinny fat -ish, low musclemass body shape.


It was once said. that for female appeal.
Brad Pitt body shape in fightclub was best.
Basically beling low bodyfat, lean alot, and having some muscle mass, but not alot.

I dunno if true though.
i know to little about it.
might be cope, from men wanting to feel better about not being muscle maxxed out.

He hangs out with Eric Kanevsky who is a huge roidhead so probably a lot.
Cold approaching doesn't attract women.

Looks attract women, cold approaching just gives you the opportunities that you never would have if you just waited for them to come to you.

This is why in the PUA community, guys who are too ugly or short can approach 1000 women and get rejected every single time.

If you're not getting IOIs from women, you have no business approaching women. In my case, I get IOIs mainly because of my height, but I still behave like a beta.

My low testosterone doesn't make me unattractive, because luckily enough, I am tall. But, it does make it very difficult for me to build muscle and for me to be confident and dominant around women.

Guys think that their beta sexual fantasies come from porn when in reality they come from a bad hormonal profile and a lack of muscle mass which make them feel less manly than they should be. Some guys cope with nofap while not actually achieving anything, while others use steroids to looksmax and NTmax and they acquire the personality and the looks that they need to be an alpha male.

The biggest mistake that most men make for self improvement is that they think that it's a question of mindset when in reality, it really isn't because even if you change your way of thinking, it will not change your actions and only your actions matter, not your thoughts.
I’m not saying cold approaching attracts women I am saying that if you are willing to approach tons of girls you are bound to find some that are attracted to you. That’s why it’s called the “numbers game”. Why do you think MPMD was approaching 40 girls a day? Were all of them hooking up with him? No he was doing it because the more you approach the more girls you can meet. Even a normie can find girls attracted to him if he approaches enough of them. This what PUA gets right. I don’t believe in any of the high level game stuff but I do believe that approaching and playing the numbers game is important to expand the number of girls you can meet. Yes obviously the better you look the fewer girls you have to approach. This is why you should focus on improving looks AND approaching tons of girls. And tbh why don’t you try running 300-400 mg test or some kind of basic cycle and see how you feel. It could be very worth it if you are not making progress natty.
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My advice literally works for everyone whether natty or not, for efficient muscle growth.

He's a fucking retard for quoting me first when I never mentioned anything like "muh huh train arms for 8 hours"
I genuinely don’t understand why he’s not making progress despite being in a caloric surplus and focusing on compounds. It’s not testosterone level because being within the normal range doesn’t affect you gains that much even if you are high normal or slightly lower. Maybe he is underestimating his caloric needs? Or he is not getting adequate rest to recover? Idk what it is.
What I know about androgen receptors is that when you take steroids, your traps and calves become huge because of the androgen receptors in those areas. Guys who have big traps or big calves as a natural just tend to have good genetics for those areas.
No your calves don't blow up on steroids.

There are pro bodybuilders who take grams of testosterone, igf-1, insulin, and HGH who have lagging calves

My advice literally works for everyone whether natty or not, for efficient muscle growth.

He's a fucking retard for quoting me first when I never mentioned anything like "muh huh train arms for 8 hours"
Do you think it’s worth it to just bite the bullet and blast/cruise test? I made a post before on hair safe cycles and Test + Dut is NOT hair safe but it’s the only option aside from doing Deca only. I’m on the big 3 for hairloss right now but I’m wondering if roiding and just getting a hair transplant down the road if it comes to that is worth it. My issue is that I don’t look good in clothes while lean and I look to bloated when bulked up. This is the age old natty dilemma. How many guys do you know that are natty and look full and big while staying lean. Very few.
Your frame size also matters a ton for growth. I would argue even more than hormones.

Chestbrah did test, tren, and deca for years and doesn't look that good. I see boomers who frame mog him to death every day.

After all, a larger bone structure has larger muscles BY DEFAULT
  • +1
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Fuck you on about you fucking retard?

I'm giving legit advice which works, doesn't matter if you're natty or not you stupid fucking donkey
He doesn't know how to train. He's tracking his fucking bicep curl strength then talks about how he's not gaining muscle eating 3000 calories at 6'4-5 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. 3000 calories at that height is fucking dieting calories JFL. Bet you he tracks how many swings he can do with his side laterals also
  • JFL
Reactions: Effortless
I genuinely don’t understand why he’s not making progress despite being in a caloric surplus and focusing on compounds. It’s not testosterone level because being within the normal range doesn’t affect you gains that much even if you are high normal or slightly lower. Maybe he is underestimating his caloric needs? Or he is not getting adequate rest to recover? Idk what it is.

Probably not consistent, doesn't know how to train or probably not getting enough rests and wouldn't be surprised if he's been castrated.

One of them I already know he's doing wrong.

Do you think it’s worth it to just bite the bullet and blast/cruise test? I made a post before on hair safe cycles and Test + Dut is NOT hair safe but it’s the only option aside from doing Deca only. I’m on the big 3 for hairloss right now but I’m wondering if roiding and just getting a hair transplant down the road if it comes to that is worth it. My issue is that I don’t look good in clothes while lean and I look to bloated when bulked up. This is the age old natty dilemma. How many guys do you know that are natty and look full and big while staying lean. Very few.
I don't know much about PEDS bro so I'm not the person to ask. Imo if you haven't been lifting consistently for at least 2 years you shouldn't even think about gear. As much as getting big and having muscles look good, you need to be concerned for your health and longevity too.

Best thing to do is get blood work done just in case you have underlying medical conditions or are prone to possible side effect of being on gear.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13325
No your calves don't blow up on steroids.

There are pro bodybuilders who take grams of testosterone, igf-1, insulin, and HGH who have lagging calves

rip johnny jackson. Black people usually have shitty calves ngl (Paul Dillet is an exception)
  • +1
Reactions: VeryFuglyNiyguhs
Probably not consistent, doesn't know how to train or probably not getting enough rests and wouldn't be surprised if he's been castrated.

One of them I already know he's doing wrong.

I don't know much about PEDS bro so I'm not the person to ask. Imo if you haven't been lifting consistently for at least 2 years you shouldn't even think about gear. As much as getting big and having muscles look good, you need to be concerned for your health and longevity too.

Best thing to do is get blood work done just in case you have underlying medical conditions or are prone to possible side effect of being on gear.
I’ve been training for 2.5 years but over a year was at home lifting with dumbbells due to covid and not being able to progressive overload. I will get blood work done and think about it. Even training 10 years natty there is a limit to what you can achieve.
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
Probably not consistent, doesn't know how to train or probably not getting enough rests and wouldn't be surprised if he's been castrated.

One of them I already know he's doing wrong.

I don't know much about PEDS bro so I'm not the person to ask. Imo if you haven't been lifting consistently for at least 2 years you shouldn't even think about gear. As much as getting big and having muscles look good, you need to be concerned for your health and longevity too.

Best thing to do is get blood work done just in case you have underlying medical conditions or are prone to possible side effect of being on gear.
Bet you he thinks bro splits or modified bro splits are also cope, eats only 0.8g of protein per pound of bodyweight and is fucking vegan
  • JFL
Reactions: Effortless
Get lean before putting on muscle. It is way easier to lose 10 pounds of fat than build 10 pounds of muscle.

The limit to your max size is basically frame, androgen receptor content, muscle belly length.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7419
I’ve been training for 2.5 years but over a year was at home lifting with dumbbells due to covid and not being able to progressive overload. I will get blood work done and think about it. Even training 10 years natty there is a limit to what you can achieve.
NGL you don't look exceptional for 2.5 years. Do you drink a lot, smoke a lot or have a medicore diet? You don't look bad by any means but meh 2.5 years
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
Bet you he thinks bro splits or modified bro splits are also cope, eats only 0.8g of protein per pound of bodyweight and is fucking vegan

This is him btw

  • JFL
Reactions: 5'8manlet, volcelfatcel and Deleted member 10330
WTF. Why is he complaining about being skinny and shit but is eating only 3000 calories :feelsuhh:. If he wants to get big he should slowly up his food to 4000+ eating at least 5 meals a day, eating properly around his training and having optimised macros. People on this forum don't understand that weight plateaus and seem to think their 200 calorie surplus is gonna help them put on muscle mass indefinitely. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
I'm getting so much mogged in this thread. With muh skinny fat -ish, low musclemass body shape.


It was once said. that for female appeal.
Brad Pitt body shape in fightclub was best.
Basically beling low bodyfat, lean alot, and having some muscle mass, but not alot.

I dunno if true though.
i know to little about it.
might be cope, from men wanting to feel better about not being muscle maxxed out.

The idea that Brad Pitt's physique is ideal for attracting women comes from people who don't actually lift weights and women who say the opposite of what they do.

Women will claim that they don't like muscles but at the same time, they go see movies like Magic Mike and they read erotica novels with a very muscular ripped guy on the cover, those are the men that women wish they could have sex with, and they are the men that women want on Tinder.

Brad Pitt's physique in Fight Club is still better than being average, but the truth is that for women, the bigger your muscles are and the more your abs are visible, the more attractive you are to them.

This only stops being the case when you look at pro bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman who don't look proportional.

Women like the look that Joe Manganiello, Chris Hemsworth, Jeff Seid, Brandon Carter and Gabriel Sey have. That is the physique you need to aim for if you want to be reap the full benefits of gymmaxxing and leanmaxxing. And of course, achieving that requires steroids.

To give you an idea, here is the type of physique that women love (all those guys used steroids):

Joe Manganiello Abs
Brandon Carter01

By comparison, this is the type of physique that is achievable by training for many years as a natural (without drugs):

Maxresdefault 1

The main reason why women will claim to prefer the natural physiques than the fake natty physiques is because they don't want to be judged by other people for liking big muscles and they don't want to hurt men's self image by telling them that they need to take steroids to look attractive enough for sex.

But by looking at the 2 sets of pictures it's clear now the huge difference between being natural and being on steroids.

Steroid users have lots of great benefits that naturals don't have. For example, the physique that Chris Hemsworth has only took him a cycle of around 5 months, while the natural physiques that you see took many years of training.

So if you are a natural, you can expect to waste your youth gymcelling while not being able to get laid.

And if you are a steroid user, you can expect, in only a few months, to have such a great physique that Tinder will become extremely easy for you and women will line up to date you.

It is very common for naturals to say bad things about steroid users because the naturals are jealous of the attention and the success that the steroid users get, and at the same time, the naturals aren't willing to risk a few side effects to get their dream physique, so they waste years of their life making poverty gains while their looks slowly deteriorate and their chance of becoming a Chad slowly disappears.

The right choice is now clearer than ever before, if you want to be considered a Chad, steroids are not just an option, they are mandatory, unless you somehow have such great genetics that you already look amazing without drugs but that is not the case for most people.
  • +1
  • JFL
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The idea that Brad Pitt's physique is ideal for attracting women comes from people who don't actually lift weights and women who say the opposite of what they do.

Women will claim that they don't like muscles but at the same time, they go see movies like Magic Mike and they read erotica novels with a very muscular ripped guy on the cover, those are the men that women wish they could have sex with, and they are the men that women want on Tinder.

Brad Pitt's physique in Fight Club is still better than being average, but the truth is that for women, the bigger your muscles are and the more your abs are visible, the more attractive you are to them.

This only stops being the case when you look at pro bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman who don't look proportional.

Women like the look that Joe Manganiello, Chris Hemsworth, Jeff Seid, Brandon Carter and Gabriel Sey have. That is the physique you need to aim for if you want to be reap the full benefits of gymmaxxing and leanmaxxing. And of course, achieving that requires steroids.

To give you an idea, here is the type of physique that women love (all those guys used steroids):

View attachment 1145808View attachment 1145809View attachment 1145814View attachment 1145815View attachment 1145816

By comparison, this is the type of physique that is achievable by training for many years as a natural (without drugs):

View attachment 1145818View attachment 1145826

The main reason why women will claim to prefer the natural physiques than the fake natty physiques is because they don't want to be judged by other people for liking big muscles and they don't want to hurt men's self image by telling them that they need to take steroids to look attractive enough for sex.

But by looking at the 2 sets of pictures it's clear now the huge difference between being natural and being on steroids.

Steroid users have lots of great benefits that naturals don't have. For example, the physique that Chris Hemsworth has only took him a cycle of around 5 months, while the natural physiques that you see took many years of training.

So if you are a natural, you can expect to waste your youth gymcelling while not being able to get laid.

And if you are a steroid user, you can expect, in only a few months, to have such a great physique that Tinder will become extremely easy for you and women will line up to date you.

It is very common for naturals to say bad things about steroid users because the naturals are jealous of the attention and the success that the steroid users get, and at the same time, the naturals aren't willing to risk a few side effects to get their dream physique, so they waste years of their life making poverty gains while their looks slowly deteriorate and their chance of becoming a Chad slowly disappears.

The right choice is now clearer than ever before, if you want to be considered a Chad, steroids are not just an option, they are mandatory, unless you somehow have such great genetics that you already look amazing without drugs but that is not the case for most people.

My physique is superior to those natural mutants you posted and I've only trained 2 years :forcedsmile:. You set ridiculously low limits

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