Thoughts on New Custom Cheekbone & Mandible Implants

Yes, exactly what that post says. It sure is a process. Already had a buccal removal, and liposuction isn't permanent so in my mind thats always pointless.

I asked Dr. Y about the scan previously and he said we don't need to. I'm concerned he will deny that it is malpositioned - but then how would he explain it? Then it would be the design, which is still him.

Pretty sure its malpositioned. Do you know if one can independently get a scan, or will I likely need Eppley to sign off?
You need a scrip/order for it. If you scheduled a consult already, you should 100% ask eppley for one before your consultation so you have it when you talk to him. You'll need it anyway. Otherwise it's useless for him to tell you what you already know. You can also show it to Dr Y. You can also try to ask Dr Y for one again, citing the asymmetry and desire to confirm. Could also a schedule a consult with any other maxfac and ask for one.
You need a scrip/order for it. If you scheduled a consult already, you should 100% ask eppley for one before your consultation so you have it when you talk to him. You'll need it anyway. Otherwise it's useless for him to tell you what you already know. You can also show it to Dr Y. You can also try to ask Dr Y for one again, citing the asymmetry and desire to confirm. Could also a schedule a consult with any other maxfac and ask for one.
Thanks for mentioning that.

I'll give Eppley's office a call Monday, and also see if I can see a local maxfac this week.

And yes, of course I'll upload the scan results here
  • +1
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The malpositioning of implants seems to be a problem with silicone implants.
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Your expectations regarding what implants can achieve are unrealistic. Also, why did you approach all of this with the intention of plastering the features of gl people on your face when they have a completely different phenotype and harmony than you? If I were you, I'd just get all the implants out. Maybe get a HT or some other minor surgery to fix failos. And then just softmax.
Your expectations regarding what implants can achieve are unrealistic. Also, why did you approach all of this with the intention of plastering the features of gl people on your face when they have a completely different phenotype and harmony than you? If I were you, I'd just get all the implants out. Maybe get a HT or some other minor surgery to fix failos. And then just softmax.
I have to disagree. Aside from the asymmetries which Dr. Y is fixing they are exactly what I wanted. Evidently the majority of issues were produced by swelling.

Also, what you said about pheno is incorrect. I have been rated 'chadLite' and wanted something to push aesthetics a bit further, and that's what I got. Never had issues getting attention as it was, wanted to push further.

Absolutely would not remove them, good improvement and worthwhile. Already been softmaxxing as well
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  • +1
Reactions: zeek
I have to disagree. Aside from the asymmetries which Dr. Y is fixing they are exactly what I wanted.

Also, what you said about pheno is incorrect. I have been rated 'chadLite' and wanted something to push aesthetics a bit further, and that's what I got. Never had issues getting attention as it was, wanted to push further.

Absolutely would not remove them, good improvement and worthwhile. Already been softmaxxing as well
Ok. You may be a chadlite. But I think you have fallen for the 'muh bones' meme on this forum. It matters a lot less IRL than you think. There is also a risk that these implants make you look weird/uncanny and you lose all your appeal. For below avg looking people who can't get shit, I think it can be a worthwhile gamble because you have less to lose. But if you are above average and already get women, it is probably better to proceed carefully.
Ok. You may be a chadlite. But I think you have fallen for the 'muh bones' meme on this forum. It matters a lot less IRL than you think. There is also a risk that these implants make you look weird/uncanny and you lose all your appeal. For below avg looking people who can't get shit, I think it can be a worthwhile gamble because you have less to lose. But if you are above average and already get women, it is probably better to proceed carefully.
The implants are actually extremely natural looking. Dr. Y did a great job on achieving that type of result - I asked for 'natural, but 'better than natural'. The angularity they have added is a big plus.

Absolutely understand what you are saying but that was also my biggest concern going into it. Did not want to overdue it.

Excited to resolve the symmetries and finalize this stage of the looksmaxing journey
  • +1
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Met with Eppley, and heard detailed versions of what I was concerned about. Dr. Y failed on essentially everything.

PROBLEM 1: The 'swelling' IS NOT swelling. Submalar / cheek fullness is due to the implant design. Implant should stop before natural cheekbone starts to curve inwards - Dr. Y broke that rule and augmented WAY too low. Permanent swelling look.

PROBLEM 2: Malar vertical asymmetry is due to misplacement, one malar was placed much higher than the other by the eye.

PROBLEM 3: Other malar asymmetry is due to design issues. One side is a good amount larger than the other.

PROBLEM 4: Malar implants DO NOT provide undereye support due to lack of saddling. Completely missed the mark here.

PROBLEM 5: Given the above they ARE too large. Eppley suggested no more than 3.5mm augmentation for men

**MALAR SOLUTION: I don't see how implant trimming can fix Problem 1 (submalar fullness), Problem 2 (vertical misplacement), and definitely not Problem 4 (lack of saddling/undereye support). Only option seems to be removal, redesigning, and replacement. UGH, what a headache.

PROBLEM 1: Adds too much fullness to side of nose.

PROBLEM 2: Upturns nose too much.


PROBLEM 1: The larger side is significantly malpositioned. Sticking out and up at an angle which gives an effect larger than even the noted 10mm on design. Trimming entirely unpredictable due to how improperly it's placed.

PROBLEM 2: The better placed side is 2x too low (low gonian) AND has 0 definition. Blends right in with neck. Needs to be higher gonian at least.

PROBLEM 3: Jaw is too wide. It's not swelling.

**JAW SOLUTION: 2/3 (the nonchin sides) of the implant likely need to be removed, redesigned, and replaced. Required changes are TOO complex for trimming to resolve at all. Might need chin portion replaced as well based on nature of procedure and new design.

Dr. Y fell short on essentially every aspect. I am not sure if this is his Surgical Assistants fault or not - I will be getting answers from him tomorrow. I explicitly told and discussed MALAR PROBLEM 1, 4, and 5 with him in the design stage. He obviously just sent my CT over to ImplantTech/3D systems and didn't give it much attention or thought. Opposite of what I'd expect from a Harvard instructor. Seems he may indeed be so arrogant and full of himself that he gives 0 attention or thought to any of the process because he is 'gods-gift,' to the world or some outlandish ego of those sorts.

Even worse, because he used medpor removal is more challenging of a procedure. How can I trust his Surgical Assistants to do AN EVEN MORE CHALLENGING surgery if they royally fucked up the first? Dr. Y doesn't do the surgery, his Harvard assistants do. They DONT have the experience physically doing the surgeries.

ZERO reason to pay top dollar for this service. DO NOT consider Dr. Y. What's the point of paying for ZERO attention and communication given during your implant design process and then an inexperienced fresh surgical assistant in residency to do your top dollar surgery? It makes ZERO sense of you have this information. Remember FIVE issues with the infraorbital MALARS, THREE issues with the jaw, and paranasals shouldn't be there either.

Horrible experience. Looking for surgeons I can trust to do medpor removal well AND redesign new implants. Eppley and Pagnoni come to mind. Any recommendations?
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Reactions: Corleone, StrangerDanger, NoPainNoChick and 4 others
Saw Dr. Y recently about my existing implants. He's trimming one side of the jaw's width in a bit, and redesigning the 1/3 of wraparound jaw implant (no changes to middle chin portion) thats too low to match the good side. I do want to mention that the jaw's level of definition and angularity is incredible - it's very good and I do have a very prominent ogee curve. I'm not so sure Eppley 'got' what I was going for after thinking about that exchange more.

Also Dr. Y is revising one malar to match the other (removing and replacing seems to be best bet imo). My right side malar's infraorbital rim is too high and isn't at the same level/manner of projection as the left side which is essentially perfect. Infraorbital saddles may have compromised the aesthetic and looked unnatural given the amount of projection, so its good Dr. Y didn't incorporate those.

He explained that the lower region of the implant is for increasing definition and 'pop' - which makes a lot of sense. He pointed out that the submalar fullness I have isn't the implant itself - he used his hands to touch and outline the implant shape themselves. So, Dr. Eppley doesn't seem right on that. Based on the discussion it seems the paranasal implant is actually causing that. The cheekbones are like these guys ATM, that lower portion of the implant gives that 'pop' on the lower outer region of the cheekbone (like in the below images) yes, they have that amount of definition minus the fullness I mentioned - I'm not fully healed yet also (Eppley may have assumed my goals were something else):


I was very impressed with his attitude and bed-side manner this time around. He gave me the extra couple minutes to hear me out and make sure he gets everything aesthetically there. Our initial meeting time ran over, so he briefly saw another patient, and then came back to talk to me further. Very impressed by that.

Also, I asked him about removal concerns with medpor - he explained that surgeons specializing solely in silicone have difficulty removing them. If the surgeon is experienced with medpor primarily thats not an issue. Medpor is better fixated than silicone. Bascially medpor seems better long-term but you MUST get a surgeon who uses it extensively over silicone. If any of you guys want to go the medpor route, I'd say Dr. Y is a good choice. Understand later adjustments may very well be needed (as with any surgeon).

I'll keep you guys updated. I am feeling optimistic that this will come out great.

This is a process - this thread is essentially a log of it and as it progresses perspective and understanding develops. Hope the progression of my posts here can serve as guide to you guys so you know what to expect mentally and that these implant surgeries rarely go 'perfect' in the first session. But again, the angularity and definition they gave is insanely good - better than fillers AND permanent. Dr. Y's demeanor was very different this time around and he geniunely seemed to want to make things right.
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  • +1
Reactions: Corleone and Wallenberg
I feel like you are wasting the opportunity of having a better compact eye area without the saddle.
  • +1
Reactions: Silver
Saw Dr. Y recently about my existing implants. He's trimming one side of the jaw's width in a bit, and redesigning the 1/3 of wraparound jaw implant (no changes to middle chin portion) thats too low to match the good side. I do want to mention that the jaw's level of definition and angularity is incredible - it's very good and I do have a very prominent ogee curve. I'm not so sure Eppley 'got' what I was going for after thinking about that exchange more.

Also Dr. Y is revising one malar to match the other (removing and replacing seems to be best bet imo). My right side malar's infraorbital rim is too high and isn't at the same level/manner of projection as the left side which is essentially perfect. Infraorbital saddles may have compromised the aesthetic and looked unnatural given the amount of projection, so its good Dr. Y didn't incorporate those.

He explained that the lower region of the implant is for increasing definition and 'pop' - which makes a lot of sense. He pointed out that the submalar fullness I have isn't the implant itself - he used his hands to touch and outline the implant shape themselves. So, Dr. Eppley doesn't seem right on that. Based on the discussion it seems the paranasal implant is actually causing that. The cheekbones are like these guys ATM, that lower portion of the implant gives that 'pop' on the lower outer region of the cheekbone (like in the below images) yes, they have that amount of definition minus the fullness I mentioned - I'm not fully healed yet also (Eppley may have assumed my goals were something else):

View attachment 1900866

I was very impressed with his attitude and bed-side manner this time around. He gave me the extra couple minutes to hear me out and make sure he gets everything aesthetically there. Our initial meeting time ran over, so he briefly saw another patient, and then came back to talk to me further. Very impressed by that.

Also, I asked him about removal concerns with medpor - he explained that surgeons specializing solely in silicone have difficulty removing them. If the surgeon is experienced with medpor primarily thats not an issue. Medpor is better fixated than silicone. Bascially medpor seems better long-term but you MUST get a surgeon who uses it extensively over silicone. If any of you guys want to go the medpor route, I'd say Dr. Y is a good choice. Understand later adjustments may very well be needed (as with any surgeon).

I'll keep you guys updated. I am feeling optimistic that this will come out great.

This is a process - this thread is essentially a log of it and as it progresses perspective and understanding develops. Hope the progression of my posts here can serve as guide to you guys so you know what to expect mentally and that these implant surgeries rarely go 'perfect' in the first session. But again, the angularity and definition they gave is insanely good - better than fillers AND permanent. Dr. Y's demeanor was very different this time around and he geniunely seemed to want to make things right.
Thanks for the detailed update. I would be very cautious surgeon hopping to another for a revision. Dr Y gave you a more robust cheekbone design by covering more surface area on the lower portion. You picked good examples of guys who have this kind of cheekbone, those guys have less lower cheek fullness which helps show the definition in the lower cheek.

If one side is near perfect it makes the most sense to leave alone and correct the one that needs improvement, rather than trying to overhaul everything.

And another thing - Dr Y's assistants do not perform the surgery, just speculation on this forum because he's older and some patients have been dissatisfied. He absolutely still operates and they watch and assist. That's how fellowships work, he's a fellowship director.

Paranasal implants don't work for everyone even if they are small, sometimes filler or fat grafting is better or it's just worth not doing anything to them.
  • +1
Reactions: Swole bravo
I feel like you are wasting the opportunity of having a better compact eye area without the saddle.

I feel like you are wasting the opportunity of having a better compact eye area without the saddle
Dr. Y doesn't seem to mainly offer implants with saddles - given this, I don't want to take a huge gamble in territory hes not as strong in. I wouldn't trust any other surgeon to work with Medpor so I'll probably just have to cut my losses on that.
Thanks for the detailed update. I would be very cautious surgeon hopping to another for a revision. Dr Y gave you a more robust cheekbone design by covering more surface area on the lower portion. You picked good examples of guys who have this kind of cheekbone, those guys have less lower cheek fullness which helps show the definition in the lower cheek.

If one side is near perfect it makes the most sense to leave alone and correct the one that needs improvement, rather than trying to overhaul everything.

And another thing - Dr Y's assistants do not perform the surgery, just speculation on this forum because he's older and some patients have been dissatisfied. He absolutely still operates and they watch and assist. That's how fellowships work, he's a fellowship director.

Paranasal implants don't work for everyone even if they are small, sometimes filler or fat grafting is better or it's just worth not doing anything to them.
Yea, after discussing the design in detail with him it makes a lot of sense and thats exactly what it does.

He initially suggested just to trim the part of the bad side thats too high. The problem with that is it doesn't have the same level of anterior projection so the entire thing is less shaped and sculpted in appearance. Him just trimming the part thats too high wouldn't satisfy me and I'm sure I would inevitably get it removed and replaced anyway. Given that, I'm gonna be persistent about removing and replacing it with one that matches the good side.
  • +1
Reactions: zeek
You are the most schizophrenic individual I've ever seen get implants, no offence

You talk to one Dr. and they convince you of something and then talk to another and they sweet talk you into the opposite conclusion. You need to be less naive going into these meetings.

You also seem to be going back and forth between thinking the result is 'perfect' on Oct 1st then 5 days later there's 6 different problems.

Now you seem to heading towards the worst option possible of Dr. Y messing around with your current implants and trying to fix his original errors. Given that there is misplacement and misdeign errors combined, this option will likely just waste your time and money and leave you looking worse before you inevitably go for full removal.

The best options based on your case and similar ones.

1) Either accept your implants as they currently are and move on.

2) Get full removal from Dr. Y and then have Eppley or someone else design replacements and fit them in.
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT, VenatorLuparius and StrangerDanger
You are the most schizophrenic individual I've ever seen get implants, no offence

You talk to one Dr. and they convince you of something and then talk to another and they sweet talk you into the opposite conclusion. You need to be less naive going into these meetings.

You also seem to be going back and forth between thinking the result is 'perfect' on Oct 1st then 5 days later there's 6 different problems.

Now you seem to heading towards the worst option possible of Dr. Y messing around with your current implants and trying to fix his original errors. Given that there is misplacement and misdeign errors combined, this option will likely just waste your time and money and leave you looking worse before you inevitably go for full removal.

The best options based on your case and similar ones.

1) Either accept your implants as they currently are and move on.

2) Get full removal from Dr. Y and then have Eppley or someone else design replacements and fit them in.
Swelling has fluctuated a good amount throughout the process and as it in general reduces, even at this stage post-op, the previous issues resolve themselves. This has indeed caused a lot of uncertainty in terms of resolutions, etc. As before said, at this point the adjustments needed to be exactly what I want are not the far off and complete removal and going with someone new makes no sense at this point.

I am getting a scan of current implants to determine positioning this week. This will be used by Dr. Y to be precise about any adjustments. If the margin of error is less than it is now, which again, isn't that big, they will be close enough and I'll consider it all said and done.

They have made a major improvement and outside of those changes nothing huge. I was ChadLite before this and am absolutely above that now. For something like the face, additional analysis is generally helpful
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  • +1
Reactions: OnlyWs and zeek
Swelling has fluctuated a good amount throughout the process and as it in general reduces, even at this stage post-op, the previous issues resolve themselves. This has indeed caused a lot of uncertainty in terms of resolutions, etc. As before said, at this point the adjustments needed to be exactly what I want are not the far off and complete removal and going with someone new makes no sense at this point.

I am getting a scan of current implants to determine positioning this week. This will be used by Dr. Y to be precise about any adjustments. If the margin of error is less than it is now, which again, isn't that big, they will be close enough and I'll consider it all said and done.

They have made a major improvement and outside of those changes nothing huge. I was ChadLite before this and am absolutely above that now. For something like the face, additional analysis is generally helpful
Hey Madcap, I know we talked in private. I'd advise you not to let Dr. Yaremchuk do your revision. Revision is going to be much harder then the initial surgery. Coupled with that fact he couldn't do surgery the first time to your standards, I feel as if you're risking a botch. When i had a consultation with him, the first thing on his mind was when I could pay for surgery, not if I'm a perfect canidate for surgery. You're not ugly from the implants and they still made you handsome as we know. I'd look at Eppley or other competent surgeons at this point.
Brutal shit
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Here are profile shots.

In terms of jaw.. The higher gonian side is misplaced, which is why it is higher. It's supposed to be as low as the other side.
Nonideal lighting btw

HIGHER gonian (jaw) side:

LOWER gonian (jaw) side:

Decision is essentially:
1) Dr. Y repositions higher gonian side to match lower, less wide side.

2) Dr. Y removes entire wraparound and redesigns to have higher gonian like the malpositioned higher side on both sides, and maybe chin width a bit to match. This will also create a stronger v-taper effect from front view. Since the current design has lower gonians, the angle from chin edge to gonian on front view isn't as sharp as the misplaced sides.

Interested in thoughts. And any 'rules' I may be missing or overlooking here.

They say measure 7 times and cut once. Good to be thorough so that next step is the right and final move.

Will post other pics soon.

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  • +1
Reactions: WanderingBurro, zeek and Wallenberg
Front views. One again with unideal lighting and other has some lens distortion.

Wider side is higher gonian side that is malpositioned. Should be lower and less wide like other side


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Heres a pic. Also included Toni Mahfud and Mario Rodriguez who were references for surgeon.
you have good mandible shape, just need it to be wider
Front views. One again with unideal lighting and other has some lens distortion.

Wider side is higher gonian side that is malpositioned. Should be lower and less wide like other side
The size of the implants need to be reduced. The angularity and definition all around is good. But imo your lower third and zygos look too large for your skull. You have blocked out your mouth and eyes so I can't judge things properly. But if your eyes are small and close set and/or your mouth is narrow, then it would makes things a lot worse.
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT, Deleted member 17920 and Wallenberg
Front views. One again with unideal lighting and other has some lens distortion.

Wider side is higher gonian side that is malpositioned. Should be lower and less wide like other side
The higher narrower side looks a little bit better.

Overall, I think you’re best off opting for the redesign and perfecting it based off the first dimensions.

Go a little bit narrower with gonions than the good side and keep the angle at that height from the front.

Can’t judge the chin width because you covered mouth but can PM if you want opinion.

Fortunately, revision recovery is easier because the pocket is already created so the swelling be a lot less.
The higher narrower side looks a little bit better.

Overall, I think you’re best off opting for the redesign and perfecting it based off the first dimensions.

Go a little bit narrower with gonions than the good side and keep the angle at that height from the front.

Can’t judge the chin width because you covered mouth but can PM if you want opinion.

Fortunately, revision recovery is easier because the pocket is already created so the swelling be a lot less.
The higher side is actually the wider one.

So you think 1) keep the higher gonian/shorter ramus length, and 2) reduce width (less than narrower side)?

I'm thinking to a) increase the gonian flare, and b) increase chin width in that case. Think anything narrower than the current narrow side will lose too much angularity/definition and look too curved without additional flare
Front views. One again with unideal lighting and other has some lens distortion.

Wider side is higher gonian side that is malpositioned. Should be lower and less wide like other side
You got botched and youre not a chadlite @Pakicel When people.claim to have surgery maxed with no pics this is what happens and no one believes me
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT and Pakicel
You got botched and youre not a chadlite @Pakicel When people.claim to have surgery maxed with no pics this is what happens and no one believes me
Nah. He claimed to have ascended to chad after these implants.

Also, his goals were unrealistic from the beginning. He wanted cheekbones like toni mahfud when from what I can judge from pics, he has a completely different skull shape and pheno.
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Who in gods fucking name rated this a chadlite?
Screenshot 20221104 010430 Chrome

@Pakicel you can see from the outlines alone that this guy was never above high mtn
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT, WanderingBurro and Pakicel
Nah. He claimed to have ascended to chad after these implants.

Also, his goals were unrealistic from the beginning. He wanted cheekbones like toni mahfud when from what I can judge from pics, he has a completely different skull shape and pheno.
Theres a 0% chance this guy is a chad lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Pakicel
You got botched and youre not a chadlite @Pakicel When people.claim to have surgery maxed with no pics this is what happens and no one believes me
This is a big issue with implants. They are very very hard to get right. You need to be the right candidate in soft tissues, etc., and then design has to be perfect. Chances are you will need multiple revisions to nail it.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Who in gods fucking name rated this a chadlite?View attachment 1934802
@Pakicel you can see from the outlines alone that this guy was never above high mtn
Getting rated chadlite or chad on this forum is not that hard. If you are a mtn and send frauded pics, you will find people who rate you that high.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
This is a big issue with implants. They are very very hard to get right. You need to be the right candidate in soft tissues, etc., and then design has to be perfect. Chances are you will need multiple revisions to nail it.
Yeh lol. This site is such a joke.
Getting rated chadlite or chad on this forum is not that hard. If you are a mtn and send frauded pics, you will find people who rate you that high.
Like lmao. This guy has the audacity to call himself a chad. Blur our meeks, eyes nose lips and he looks like a chad still. This guy looks like some bad pheno normie once you blurr his features out and he still doesnt take the hint. I need to leave this site. Reminds me of that improver guy who everyone said ascended when he actually gained 0 appeal and went absolutely nowhere and some guy even said it was a surgery bias 😹😹
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT and Pakicel
Yeh lol. This site is such a joke.

Like lmao. This guy has the audacity to call himself a chad. Blur our meeks, eyes nose lips and he looks like a chad still. This guy looks like some bad pheno normie once you blurr his features out and he still doesnt take the hint. I need to leave this site. Reminds me of that improver guy who everyone said ascended when he actually gained 0 appeal and went absolutely nowhere and some guy even said it was a surgery bias 😹😹
People here overrate surgerycels. There were people on here rating gaia a chadlite.

Personally, I would never claim chadlite or chad unless I could consistently get results as good as streege or IDK some white tik tok prettyboy on tinder. You can't just rate yourself like that. You need to back it up with actual positive feedback from women. And it has to be in a way that is measurable and repeatable. So claiming to get more 'IOIs' in public doesn't really mean anything.
  • +1
Reactions: VenatorLuparius, Pagnonisavemyeyes, Deleted member 17920 and 1 other person
Maybe because they're so new but the results look awfully bloated. Really hard to judge with the most crucial details being blurred out. Win200 had decently shaped implants that even looked decent when his eyes and mouth were blacked out, but the moment they're revealed the results looked comical as a whole. I expected better from Dr. Y these almost look Eppley tier but still, it's hard to truly judge with so much obfuscated
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax and Pakicel
People here overrate surgerycels. There were people on here rating gaia a chadlite.

Personally, I would never claim chadlite or chad unless I could consistently get results as good as streege or IDK some white tik tok prettyboy on tinder. You can't just rate yourself like that. You need to back it up with actual positive feedback from women. And it has to be in a way that is measurable and repeatable. So claiming to get more 'IOIs' in public doesn't really mean anything.
Yeh like at the least show actual tinder results before vs after lol
  • +1
Reactions: Pakicel
People here overrate surgerycels. There were people on here rating gaia a chadlite.

Personally, I would never claim chadlite or chad unless I could consistently get results as good as streege or IDK some white tik tok prettyboy on tinder. You can't just rate yourself like that. You need to back it up with actual positive feedback from women. And it has to be in a way that is measurable and repeatable. So claiming to get more 'IOIs' in public doesn't really mean anything.
The thing is too you can get botched and still have mega high smv like chadtindermoney lmfao. Tis funny
  • +1
Reactions: Pakicel
Maybe because they're so new but the results look awfully bloated. Really hard to judge with the most crucial details being blurred out. Win200 had decently shaped implants that even looked decent when his eyes and mouth were blacked out, but the moment they're revealed the results looked comical as a whole. I expected better from Dr. Y these almost look Eppley tier but still, it's hard to truly judge with so much obfuscated
Results like this are why I say implants are crap. Most people here would need several revisions to get it right.

Also, there is limit to how much you can augment your bone structure without making you look weird. It has to fit your skull and phenotype. imo, some dudes are better off boneless.
  • +1
Reactions: Pagnonisavemyeyes, WanderingBurro and Blackgymmax
Yeh like at the least show actual tinder results before vs after lol
And get results like that consistently without too much frauding. So no weird angles, faceapp filters or anything like that. You also need to run other dudes as controls.
The thing is too you can get botched and still have mega high smv like chadtindermoney lmfao. Tis funny
Well IDK. He has chico tier prettyboy pheno. So it is more like he has appeal in spite of being botched.

edit: I just repeated what you just wrote.
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  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
The higher side is actually the wider one.

So you think 1) keep the higher gonian/shorter ramus length, and 2) reduce width (less than narrower side)?

I'm thinking to a) increase the gonian flare, and b) increase chin width in that case. Think anything narrower than the current narrow side will lose too much angularity/definition and look too curved without additional flare

Ok so I think-
1)keep the higher gonion shorter ramus length (the rule is your mouth level looks best from the front so use that as your guide. Same height as oral commisure straight on)

2) narrow the gonions a little bit, you should still have plenty of definition even with a little bit of narrowing and it’s worth it for harmony otherwise too blocky looking. Less width probably fits your face/pheno better. (But also your photos are definitely distorted due to low quality cam. So go along w the rule and don’t overdue width or due something that doesn’t fit your face.)

Ok so I think-
1)keep the higher gonion shorter ramus length (the rule is your mouth level looks best from the front so use that as your guide. Same height as oral commisure straight on)

2) narrow the gonions a little bit, you should still have plenty of definition even with a little bit of narrowing and it’s worth it for harmony otherwise too blocky looking. Less width probably fits your face/pheno better. (But also your photos are definitely distorted due to low quality cam. So go along w the rule and don’t overdue width or due something that doesn’t fit your face.)

View attachment 1934825
Yea, I just took pics with my DSLR and there is a lot of distortion in the pics. Will prob post these with better lighting.

The first front pic is very stretched (my head isn't that wide) second is warped (center of face and zygos arent that big).

Definitely agree on the oral commisure height. Dr. Y had the design at the dental roots. Just adds a bit more v-taper.
But IRL seems like a preference/subjective.
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How are people saying it looks bad? Nobody would say anything if you didn't say you had surgery:

2864824 pic2
3002099 Untitled7 20220726211018
How are people saying it looks bad? Nobody would say anything if you didn't say you had surgery:

View attachment 1934854View attachment 1934855
It looks better than that second pic (there was a ton of swelling at that time, shortly after op). Gonian isn't lined up with zygos on narrower side, its slightly in now. The wider side is about lined up with zygos now

Goes to show how distorted other pics were.

If you look at that second pic tho, that is essentially the difference in v-taper / gonian height between the two-sides.
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How are people saying it looks bad? Nobody would say anything if you didn't say you had surgery:

View attachment 1934854View attachment 1934855
I don't even know how people are saying anything, bad or good lol
like @Pakicel and @Blackgymmax having a chat about whether he's chadlite or normie when you can't see his eyes (and mouth post implants)?

in my opinion the implants are too big though.
I don't even know how people are saying anything, bad or good lol
like @Pakicel and @Blackgymmax having a chat about whether he's chadlite or normie when you can't see his eyes (and mouth post implants)?

in my opinion the implants are too big though.
Thanks for the feedback.

From your perspective by what margin? Can you elaborate on your thoughts
I don't even know how people are saying anything, bad or good lol
like @Pakicel and @Blackgymmax having a chat about whether he's chadlite or normie when you can't see his eyes (and mouth post implants)?

in my opinion the implants are too big though.

Op claimed to have ascended to chad and when everychat has a better facial outline than displayed.
Op claimed to have ascended to chad and when everychat has a better facial outline than displayed.
where did he say that?
Literally searched "chad" in this thread and found nothing
I mean he's talking about a revision so he's clearly not happy

Thanks for the feedback.

From your perspective by what margin? Can you elaborate on your thoughts
Not a by a big margin, it's just seem to wide
And yeah people talking about jaw - neck ratio are right, that makes a difference

Have you tested your face on dating apps yet to see if there's a difference?
where did he say that?
Literally searched "chad" in this thread and found nothing
I mean he's talking about a revision so he's clearly not happy

Not a by a big margin, it's just seem to wide
And yeah people talking about jaw - neck ratio are right, that makes a difference

Have you tested your face on dating apps yet to see if there's a difference?
While ago, got over 99+ likes under 2 hours. Got about 20 matches (mainly white girls, mixed, and some asian). Wont say where, but in main city on westcoast USA

I have a girlfriend Im happy with so I didn't go beyond that

I know I'm not ugly, and sisters friends have told her they want to fuck me. Girl at work invited me over to her place couple week ago. Went to a party week ago and this mixed girl asked if she could kiss me before she left and gave me her number. Girl (who I later found out had a bf) sucked me off after an event last month. These things happen a lot and did a to a lesser degree before surgery - I am making basically no effort,

My line of work is about to put me out there A LOT - so I have other reasons to maximize this whole thing - theres no changing anything after that. Also my own preference - The current ones make me a tad too hyper-masculine and I dont want that kind of look.
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where did he say that?
Literally searched "chad" in this thread and found nothing
I mean he's talking about a revision so he's clearly not happy

Not a by a big margin, it's just seem to wide
And yeah people talking about jaw - neck ratio are right, that makes a difference

Have you tested your face on dating apps yet to see if there's a difference?
I'll probably do Tinder experiments of different morphs on my jaw, (maybe malar implants) to get more data. Probably will let it run more than a couple hours too
Also before surg. I was rated 7-7.5 by pretty well known Face Raters.

On my particular face this difference on jaw (current vs. potential revision) makes a big difference in the kind of look I have. Think they have differing appeals / associated images
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where did he say that?
Literally searched "chad" in this thread and found nothing
I mean he's talking about a revision so he's clearly not happy

Not a by a big margin, it's just seem to wide
And yeah people talking about jaw - neck ratio are right, that makes a difference

Have you tested your face on dating apps yet to see if there's a difference?
Nother photo @zeek @Pakicel @LooksOverAll @Wallenberg @Swole bravo @Corleone @Artemis


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    2022-11-04 06_21_31.261-0400~2.jpg
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