Visible evidence that East Asian, including South Korean penis size is 4.3 inches(lol) , one of the smallest, if not the smallest IN THE WORLD [TRUTH]

What is even the point of this kind of comment? It comes off as incredibly insecure and pathetic.

I'm white BTW, before you type cOpE
hey man let them. I approve them, as long as their local schools and stores are safe from their mental breakdown, i say let them believe what they want. Looking 40 by the age of 20 anyways
bump @stickyblickyhuh
Dude he literally addresses that website in this post. It's a main part of the post. Go back and actually read the post he exposes it.
Half of this shit is from old studies from 20 years ago i went through each one half of them just linked to fucking the journal itself.

This isn't even an meta analysis no statical analysis was done between the studies no control mechanisms they hand picked people from completely different studies to create average penis sizes.

What the studies do affirm though and this is undeniable is that ones digit ratio determines ones penis size so if indeed asians did have smaller penises they would have overall lower testarone relative to the other races.

This just logically follows but again no actual study has been done on the digit ratios between populations even within group varibility.

Im not spouting cope here if some 1 wants to claim muh stats but doesn't provide extra context let alone the populations studied its a bit retarded really.

Its obvious op is objectively racist trying to spin an agenda that works in his favour.

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