Which of the 100000 religions is right

the one you hate
But what is life what Does he Want me to do except praying
God promotes the ideas of helping/charity having a family with a wife and children and also helping other people become Christians by showing them the truth.
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But what is life what Does he Want me to do except praying
he wants you to enjoy life but still live a godly one which glorifies him, like i said we as humans are already a display of his infinite creativity. I'm gonna get married and have kids

i'd suggest reading ecclesiastes it talks about how life is generally meaningless without God which is interesting
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he wants you to enjoy life but still live a godly one which glorifies him, like i said we as humans are already a display of his infinite creativity. I'm gonna get married and have kids

i'd suggest reading ecclesiastes it talks about how life is generally meaningless without God which is interesting
How can I enjoy life if there so much hate wars and pollution
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I made a religion where you worship this beyblade x bey my brother inspired me from how much shitty Beyblade x he watches
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How can I enjoy life if there so much hate wars and pollution
Well you can haha when your mind is God-centred you will start to value things in life like having a family it’ll provide you with great happiness and you will definitely enjoy life (like i said earlier if you have the right mindset)
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How can I enjoy life if there so much hate wars and pollution
i mean its kind of a sign of the end times jfl

but doesn't matter i think you can still enjoy your life, idgaf about like the war in ukraine and climate change
Well you can haha when your mind is God-centred you will start to value things in life like having a family it’ll provide you with great happiness and you will definitely enjoy life (like i said earlier if you have the right mindset)
But whats there to enjoy like i font Want my future kids to suffer I’d rather not have any
i mean its kind of a sign of the end times jfl

but doesn't matter i think you can still enjoy your life, idgaf about like the war in ukraine and climate change
So you dont care abt others and humanity but isnt that a sim
God has given free will to humans (i.e. control over themselves)
if god gave us free will why do people pray for good things to happen. wouldnt influence from god in human affairs impair the free will
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what makes them think u will suffer

the world isnt as bad as ppl say
Idk extreme temperatures and plastic in food prolly more wars etc.
it doesnt bother me emotionally, i don't think that is against the bible
But arent we supposed to help eachother in need as humans and respect eachother
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Idk extreme temperatures and plastic in food prolly more wars etc.
climate change is kind of jewish idk if its even real

plastic in food real obviously but thats not even a huge deal. think of it this way, i don't think God would want us to just stop the human race now
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climate change is kind of jewish idk if its even real

plastic in food real obviously but thats not even a huge deal. think of it this way, i don't think God would want us to just stop the human race now
look at the temparatures now compared to then 🥰

but i dont live in ukraine not much i can do
Ig but looking away and not caring for the in need is a sin tho right?
if god gave us free will why do people pray for good things to happen. wouldnt influence from god in human affairs impair the free will
free will is being able to choose what you do
i.e. you can decide if you want to jump off a cliff or not jump off a cliff

prayers change external things like, e.g. your job application gets accepted
that has nothing to do with whether you make your own decisions or not
earth temp always has fluctuated
But recently way more than Its supposed to also look at how many natural disasters there are and jst look at air quality in india
Ig but looking away and not caring for the in need is a sin tho right?
obv i value the people in suffering i think we should pray at least

but that isnt enough justification to say that its pointless to live anymore
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obv i value the people in suffering i think we should pray at least

but that isnt enough justification to say that its pointless to live anymore
It kinda is in this society I will have to work some useless job for 50 years (prolly even longer) and thats abt it i need to pay to be alive even tho i didnt ask for it
But recently way more than Its supposed to also look at how many natural disasters there are and jst look at air quality in india
i mean air quality isnt rly the same as temp and india is a shithole im not surprised

and if climate change is real there is not rly anything we can do to stop it
It kinda is in this society I will have to work some useless job for 50 years (prolly even longer) and thats abt it i need to pay to be alive even tho i didnt ask for it
idk have a different mindset about life
i mean air quality isnt rly the same as temp and india is a shithole im not surprised

and if climate change is real there is not rly anything we can do to stop it
Yea but we can slow it down for future generations till they Find a solution
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free will is being able to choose what you do
i.e. you can decide if you want to jump off a cliff or not jump off a cliff

prayers change external things like, e.g. your job application gets accepted
that has nothing to do with whether you make your own decisions or not
whether the job application is accepted or not is determined by a persons (the employers) decision. Therefore in order to change if it gets accepted or not you have to influence the free will of a him.

That same concept applies to almost everything that people pray for daily. For the most things to change you need to influence the will/decisions of a human being.
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Why would his plan be for some kid to get cancer
I thought he doesnt interfere
its not that He doesnt interfere at all when u talk about bad things happening, im sure He has prevented satan from making many bad things happen
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