Which of the 100000 religions is right

its not that He doesnt interfere at all when u talk about bad things happening, im sure He has prevented satan from making many bad things happen
Why doesnt he prevent all bad things
why do you think there can be more than one God if you're christian
Christian demons I mean alternate entities

I think we are one with God, self integrated into our own simulation to ease the burden of being everything, going from a higher dimension to a lower one

This is analogous for the apple of eden imo, wasn't inherently evil itself, but put us on the 3rd dimension. Which would leave us prone to influence from the 2nd

I theorize the 2nd dimension is a demonic one.

Homosexual, men are women, women are dominating, domanerigc fun child like state enhanced in the era of 2000

Furthermore for those who don't think im some hypnotist generalizer,

When I go on ome.tv all the gays are Feb 2nd

If there's two 2s they'll be gay asf literally 90%, like obvious and flambouysny

It's a demonic number

And 22s, not 2 and 2,

22s are super high iq and emotionally unstable,

Basically has some good traits of Satan, he's sinister, smart, and tactical, discreet, snd scary

And also impulsive and prone to drug addiction and prone to schizphrenia and general insanity, ego of course.

Many 22s fit this description unbelievably well in the forum.

That's my worldview. It's a bit incomplete tbh
  • +1
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whether the job application is accepted or not is determined by a persons (the employers) decision. Therefore in order to change if it gets accepted or not you have to influence the free will of a him.

That same concept applies to almost everything that people pray for daily. For the most things to change you need to influence the will/decisions of a human being.
that is actually interesting, i don't have an answer for you

perhaps we do not have complete free will
i'll research more about this, thanks
  • +1
Reactions: shikataganai
Christian demons I mean alternate entities

I think we are one with God, self integrated into our own simulation to ease the burden of being everything, going from a higher dimension to a lower one

This is analogous for the apple of eden imo, wasn't inherently evil itself, but put us on the 3rd dimension. Which would leave us prone to influence from the 2nd

I theorize the 2nd dimension is a demonic one.

Homosexual, men are women, women are dominating, domanerigc fun child like state enhanced in the era of 2000

Furthermore for those who don't think im some hypnotist generalizer,

When I go on ome.tv all the gays are Feb 2nd

If there's two 2s they'll be gay asf literally 90%, like obvious and flambouysny

It's a demonic number

And 22s, not 2 and 2,

22s are super high iq and emotionally unstable,

Basically has some good traits of Satan, he's sinister, smart, and tactical, discreet, snd scary

And also impulsive and prone to drug addiction and prone to schizphrenia and general insanity, ego of course.

Many 22s fit this description unbelievably well in the forum.

That's my worldview. It's a bit incomplete tbh
2 men kissing so evil😨😨
  • JFL
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I’m the best philosopher on this forum and I ah e made numerous threads stating how the Neo platonic god of Islam is incoherent with Islamic metaphysics principles and philosophy which as we both can agree an contradictory worldview cannot be true

Why is Christianity true as opposed to paganism then as well? Simple if there’s multiple gods with their own domains the world would be in flux chaotic, we’d see titanic battles like in D&D between the gods and mystical shit like magic flying about. Homer had the belief that the gods are in our material world this differs from Plato who posited the transidental argument for god that if logic exist the fore god as logic is a thing that comes from the “good” (his beta term for god) Plutinus explained this more in depth and coined the term “the One” which is essentially god, Muslims and modern rabbinical Jews have plagiarised the concept in fact in the Quran it says “Allah is the one and Absolute” something stolen directly from Plutinus lol 😂

Why is this important? Well Plato makes it clear that ethnics metaphysics and logic have to be grounded by something greater to have a concrete existence otherwise it’s arbitrary and the fore subject to relativism and not true. Pagan gods due to their state as not being omnipotent they cannot ground such subject properties in their divine mind due to them possessing a total similarity to crested things.

Therefore this leaves one option. A Monothiestic god. So why Christianity. Well unlike Islam and modern Judaism Christianity answers how god can be both transcendent and imminent without contradicting due to the 3 persons sharing one nature one act and one will, this allows god to express and show himself to humanity in the form of the sun by the Holy Spirit whilst still remaining completely transcendent as nobody has seen him in his full glory. Not only this but it allows for god to show us divine revelation without the contradiction of knowledge another thing that comes form god. Muslims struggle with this a lot as their gods one monad but that monad is completely removed from creation therefore no way of putting his divine word into creation to be understood by humans due to Allah having no similitude to creation whereas the tributaries god of the Christian’s allows for god to take unto himself a similitude to become known to created beings which is finalised in the word becoming flesh (Jesus) @shia.jihadist @gigell @i_love_roosters @noobs

This is why Christianity is the only true religion
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2 men kissing so evil😨😨
I dont really care

But even degernatr straight sex is ungodly in terms of lowering your vibration

I'm not devout Christian or republican I don't care

However it is undeniably against nature. And rhe very definition of instant gratification

Largely a result of culture and programming in media/porn

Pretty demonic. No judgements though.
Christian demons I mean alternate entities

I think we are one with God, self integrated into our own simulation to ease the burden of being everything, going from a higher dimension to a lower one

This is analogous for the apple of eden imo, wasn't inherently evil itself, but put us on the 3rd dimension. Which would leave us prone to influence from the 2nd

I theorize the 2nd dimension is a demonic one.

Homosexual, men are women, women are dominating, domanerigc fun child like state enhanced in the era of 2000

Furthermore for those who don't think im some hypnotist generalizer,

When I go on ome.tv all the gays are Feb 2nd

If there's two 2s they'll be gay asf literally 90%, like obvious and flambouysny

It's a demonic number

And 22s, not 2 and 2,

22s are super high iq and emotionally unstable,

Basically has some good traits of Satan, he's sinister, smart, and tactical, discreet, snd scary

And also impulsive and prone to drug addiction and prone to schizphrenia and general insanity

Many 22s fit this description unbelievably well in the forum.

That's my worldview. It's a bit incomplete tbh
damn so you actually believe in the numerology stuff
that shit is honestly really interesting

and yes demons (jinn) are real
they live on the same earth as us but we cannot see them
they can be both Muslim or Non-Muslim

but still, according to your worldview, like you said we're "one with God", you still believe there is one God right?
demons can be real and still be a creation of one God
  • +1
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No one knows, that's why you must have faith in the one you choose
No we can know if we use deductive reasoning and common sense check my comment above. Divine revelation makes it clear only Christianity is true as it’s the only non contradictory worldview where’s Judaism is contradictory as it’s an response to Christianity which only appeared in 500AD :forcedsmile: and Islamic metaphysics is full of numerous contradictions and incoherencies that lead to their own principles of Tanzih and Tawhid being contradicted by their own philosophy and metaphysics as well as their Quran
  • +1
Reactions: ss07 and N9wiff•˚₊‧⋆.
I’m the best philosopher on this forum and I ah e made numerous threads stating how the Neo platonic god of Islam is incoherent with Islamic metaphysics principles and philosophy which as we both can agree an contradictory worldview cannot be true

Why is Christianity true as opposed to paganism then as well? Simple if there’s multiple gods with their own domains the world would be in flux chaotic, we’d see titanic battles like in D&D between the gods and mystical shit like magic flying about. Homer had the belief that the gods are in our material world this differs from Plato who posited the transidental argument for god that if logic exist the fore god as logic is a thing that comes from the “good” (his beta term for god) Plutinus explained this more in depth and coined the term “the One” which is essentially god, Muslims and modern rabbinical Jews have plagiarised the concept in fact in the Quran it says “Allah is the one and Absolute” something stolen directly from Plutinus lol 😂

Why is this important? Well Plato makes it clear that ethnics metaphysics and logic have to be grounded by something greater to have a concrete existence otherwise it’s arbitrary and the fore subject to relativism and not true. Pagan gods due to their state as not being omnipotent they cannot ground such subject properties in their divine mind due to them possessing a total similarity to crested things.

Therefore this leaves one option. A Monothiestic god. So why Christianity. Well unlike Islam and modern Judaism Christianity answers how god can be both transcendent and imminent without contradicting due to the 3 persons sharing one nature one act and one will, this allows god to express and show himself to humanity in the form of the sun by the Holy Spirit whilst still remaining completely transcendent as nobody has seen him in his full glory. Not only this but it allows for god to show us divine revelation without the contradiction of knowledge another thing that comes form god. Muslims struggle with this a lot as their gods one monad but that monad is completely removed from creation therefore no way of putting his divine word into creation to be understood by humans due to Allah having no similitude to creation whereas the tributaries god of the Christian’s allows for god to take unto himself a similitude to become known to created beings which is finalised in the word becoming flesh (Jesus) @shia.jihadist @gigell @i_love_roosters @noobs

This is why Christianity is the only true religion
Great reply thanjs
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
I dont really care

But even degernatr straight sex is ungodly in terms of lowering your vibration

I'm not devout Christian or republican I don't care

However it is undeniably against nature. And rhe very definition of instant gratification

Largely a result of culture and programming in media/porn

Pretty demonic. No judgements though.
Why do some animals show homosexual behaviour then
Great reply thanjs
The rest of the responses your getting here are not tacking the the question of “why” Muslims can’t say why other than “Muh Monothiesm” but what about The Hellenes? They had monotheists like Plato and Plotinus, what about the Jews who have the same view of the monotheistic generic god as them? What about the Sikhs who also have a monotheistic and Pantheistic god like Islam and Judaism.

Point is using Islamic and rabbinic logic you end up with no “true religion”

But with Christianity you end up with a truly unique god that isn’t a copied concept from Hellenic metaphysics and philosophy, and you end up with a god that doesn’t contradict. This is why using divine revelation and logic you come to the conclusion that only the Eastern Orthodox Christian’s view of god is logical Coherent and congruent with divine revelation
  • +1
Reactions: ss07 and iwannabebreathtakin
damn so you actually believe in the numerology stuff
that shit is honestly really interesting

and yes demons (jinn) are real
they live on the same earth as us but we cannot see them
they can be both Muslim or Non-Muslim

but still, according to your worldview, like you said we're "one with God", you still believe there is one God right?
demons can be real and still be a creation of one God
Demons are negative emotions that are shared by all people which build up in the collective unconscious to the degree of being real creatures

I forget the word for it

Perhaps something like that
  • +1
Reactions: shia.jihadist
Demons are negative emotions that are shared by all people which build up in the collective unconscious to the degree of being real creatures

I forget the word for it

Perhaps something like that
are these the teachings of gnosticism
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
The rest of the responses your getting here are not tacking the the question of “why” Muslims can’t say why other than “Muh Monothiesm” but what about The Hellenes? They had monotheists like Plato and Plotinus, what about the Jews who have the same view of the monotheistic generic god as them? What about the Sikhs who also have a monotheistic and Pantheistic god like Islam and Judaism.

Point is using Islamic and rabbinic logic you end up with no “true religion”

But with Christianity you end up with a truly unique god that isn’t a copied concept from Hellenic metaphysics and philosophy, and you end up with a god that doesn’t contradict. This is why using divine revelation and logic you come to the conclusion that only the Eastern Orthodox Christian’s view of god is logical Coherent and congruent with divine revelation
Your religion was derived from judaism literally. Which in turn was derived from zoroastrianism.
How when it’s his eternal word and uncreated…. Allah has no way of having similitude to creation as stated by Tanzih and your own Quran as Allahs outside the created order so the “Quran” cannot possibly circumnavigate the issue of being unknowable to created things. The Quran is a book (creature) with icons (creatures) even the word “Allah” tells us nothing about him in truth as he has no similitude to creation so he’s a foreign unknowable god with 0 way of knowing him due to him having no similitude as created things can only reference and understand things that contain a similarity but if Allah has no similitude and the Quran is his eternal speech his word which cannot be divorced from him as it’s his attribute being intrinsic to him then even angel Jibreal cannot possibly understand or know this “Allah” 😂
  • +1
Reactions: ss07
Your religion was derived from judaism literally.
Ancient Judaism….

Not modern. As I stated modern Judaism is a 5th century invention. Christianity is the fulfilment of ancient Judaism ✡️ not that fake modern rabbinical shit we see modern Jews following. LEARN TO FUCKING READ, there have been books done on this topic but if any of the prophets came back to life they’d become Christian for the reasons I stated. When your whole religion is a 500 year old response to Christianity that tells me all I need to know :forcedsmile:
  • +1
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Ancient Judaism….

Not modern. As I stated modern Judaism is a 5th century invention. Christianity is the fulfilment of ancient Judaism ✡️ not that fake modern rabbinical shit we see modern Jews following. LEARN TO FUCKING READ, there have been books done on this topic but if any of the prophets came back to life they’d become Christian for the reasons I stated. When your whole religion is a 500 year old response to Christianity that tells me all I need to know :forcedsmile:
Literally it is manmade ffs it started out as a polytheistic religion then it became monotheistic later
says who lol
the Quran is the spoken word of God
speaking is an act
how can an act be eternal and uncreated
says who lol
the Quran is the spoken word of God
speaking is an act
how can an act be eternal and uncreated
The speech of Allah is an indexical. It can mean speech in the literal sense but also a form of his wisdom if you will. In other words you cannot separate Allah from his speech as Allah is speech is ingrained to him Therefore unknowable to humans especially as your gods a Monadical god so he can’t both be transcendent and immanent. Allah also has attributes that are contingent on created things such as “mercy” an attribute that’s entirely reliant upon “creation” which contradicts the Quranic view of Allahs perfect immutability and his perfection posting he has an potentia

The creation of the Quran is an act that’s true but the act is god and therefore unknowable. The actualisation is the created thing however, but once again, your Quran claims to be the verbatim word of god, that’s illogical as you can’t understand him as he has no similitude to created things. As I said for us to understand Allah we’d need a similarity with Allah something we don’t have because Allah refused to condescend himself to our level, therefore we can’t know anything about him and the actualisation of the Quran ends up as “blah blah blah”

This also brings into question Islamic occasinalism and atomism which posits Allah destroys and remakes the world every moment which is illogical and incoherent with the Islamic view of Tanzih and the Quran stating he has no similitude to created things and yes he’s able to be the sole causal chain in created things removing secondary causation between created beings, which directly contradicts the Islamic view of Occasionalism.

@iwannabebreathtakin this is what I meant when I said Islamic philosophy theology and metaphysics contradict each other.
  • +1
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Literally it is manmade ffs it started out as a polytheistic religion then it became monotheistic later
Absolute nonsense… due no offence but just stop replying your clearly out of your depth here with no knowledge of Christianity or Judaism you even thought Christianity came from modern rabbinical Judaism :forcedsmile: despite it being 500 years older than “Judaism” we see today. Just stop dude your chatting nonsense
I’m the best philosopher on this forum and I ah e made numerous threads stating how the Neo platonic god of Islam is incoherent with Islamic metaphysics principles and philosophy which as we both can agree an contradictory worldview cannot be true

Why is Christianity true as opposed to paganism then as well? Simple if there’s multiple gods with their own domains the world would be in flux chaotic, we’d see titanic battles like in D&D between the gods and mystical shit like magic flying about. Homer had the belief that the gods are in our material world this differs from Plato who posited the transidental argument for god that if logic exist the fore god as logic is a thing that comes from the “good” (his beta term for god) Plutinus explained this more in depth and coined the term “the One” which is essentially god, Muslims and modern rabbinical Jews have plagiarised the concept in fact in the Quran it says “Allah is the one and Absolute” something stolen directly from Plutinus lol 😂

Why is this important? Well Plato makes it clear that ethnics metaphysics and logic have to be grounded by something greater to have a concrete existence otherwise it’s arbitrary and the fore subject to relativism and not true. Pagan gods due to their state as not being omnipotent they cannot ground such subject properties in their divine mind due to them possessing a total similarity to crested things.

Therefore this leaves one option. A Monothiestic god. So why Christianity. Well unlike Islam and modern Judaism Christianity answers how god can be both transcendent and imminent without contradicting due to the 3 persons sharing one nature one act and one will, this allows god to express and show himself to humanity in the form of the sun by the Holy Spirit whilst still remaining completely transcendent as nobody has seen him in his full glory. Not only this but it allows for god to show us divine revelation without the contradiction of knowledge another thing that comes form god. Muslims struggle with this a lot as their gods one monad but that monad is completely removed from creation therefore no way of putting his divine word into creation to be understood by humans due to Allah having no similitude to creation whereas the tributaries god of the Christian’s allows for god to take unto himself a similitude to become known to created beings which is finalised in the word becoming flesh (Jesus) @shia.jihadist @gigell @i_love_roosters @noobs

This is why Christianity is the only true religion
Istn omnipotence contradictionary itself, because what if god were to create a stone that is so heavy that he can not lift it. If he's able to create the stone, then there is something that he cannot do (lift the stone), which would imply he is not omnipotent. If he cannot create the stone, then there is also something he cannot do (create the stone), which would also imply he is not omnipotent.

Also you misinterpreted the form of the good from Plato. The form of the good is an abstract, non personal principle. It's the ultimate reality and source of all other forms, but it is not a god like in monotheistic religions. The Form of the Good is more like an ideal of perfection and the highest standard of truth and ethics, rather than a being with will, consciousness, or personality like god in christianity, islam or judaism is.
yes you can just like you can separate Allah's creation from Him

the act of God not God Himself
thats like saying God's creation is God

Radical Transcendence and Epistemology

In Islamic theology, particularly in its classical forms, often stresses the radical transcendence of Allah. In Islam, Allah is completely distinct and separate from His creation, to the extent that there is an absolute dissimilarity between the Creator and the created order.

Epistemological Implications: if Allah is utterly removed from the created order, then humans would have no direct epistemological access to Allah. If Allah is beyond all categories of human thought and beyond the created order entirely, then it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to have any real knowledge of Him. this could undermine the epistemological foundation of Islamic theology because it leads to a God who is unknowable and thus epistemically inaccessible.

The Problem with Occasionalism

Occasionalism in Islam: Occasionalism is the doctrine that God is the only true cause of events in the world, with secondary causes being merely occasions for God’s direct action. In Islamic thought, particularly in Ash’arite theology, Allah is seen as the direct cause of all events, with created things having no causal power of their own.

if Allah is so radically transcendent and has no similarity or connection to creation, it raises the question of how He could be directly involved in the causal chain of the created order. Since Allah’s essence and attributes are completely unlike anything in creation, there would be no point of contact between Allah and the created world that would allow Him to act as the direct cause of events. This would contradict the idea of occasionalism, which requires Allah to be intimately involved in every aspect of creation.

Allah’s Speech and the Quran
the Islamic doctrine of Allah’s speech, particularly the belief that the Quran is the uncreated word of Allah. Sunni and Shia Islam both maintain that the Quran is Allah’s speech, which is an intrinsic attribute of Allah, yet it is also present in the created world as a physical book.
• Similitude and Creation: if Allah’s speech is intrinsic to His essence and wholly uncreated, then it cannot have any real similitude to creation. Thus, how can the Quran, which is
is a physical text, be understood as the literal speech of Allah? If there is no analogy or point of contact between the divine and the created, it becomes problematic to explain how Allah’s uncreated speech could manifest in a created form, like the Quran. This would challenge the coherence of Islamic theology on this point.

4. Comparison with Orthodox Christianity

• Orthodox View of God’s Immanence: In Eastern Orthodox theology, God is absolutely transcendent in His essence, but He also manifests His presence in the world through His energies. These energies are not the essence of God, but they are truly God, allowing for a real interaction between the divine and the created order without compromising God’s transcendence.
• Knowledge of God: in Orthodoxy, humans can have true knowledge of God through His energies, which are accessible to creation, thus avoiding the epistemological and theological problems in Islamic occasionalism and the radical transcendence of Allah.


Islamic theology, by positing a God who is utterly transcendent and removed from creation, faces significant challenges in maintaining a coherent epistemology and doctrine of occasionalism. This concludes that this leads to a breakdown in the consistency of Islamic theology, particularly when compared to the Eastern Orthodox understanding of God, who is both knowable through His energies and causally active in the world without compromising His transcendence.
Radical Transcendence and Epistemology

In Islamic theology, particularly in its classical forms, often stresses the radical transcendence of Allah. In Islam, Allah is completely distinct and separate from His creation, to the extent that there is an absolute dissimilarity between the Creator and the created order.

Epistemological Implications: if Allah is utterly removed from the created order, then humans would have no direct epistemological access to Allah. If Allah is beyond all categories of human thought and beyond the created order entirely, then it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to have any real knowledge of Him. this could undermine the epistemological foundation of Islamic theology because it leads to a God who is unknowable and thus epistemically inaccessible.

The Problem with Occasionalism

Occasionalism in Islam: Occasionalism is the doctrine that God is the only true cause of events in the world, with secondary causes being merely occasions for God’s direct action. In Islamic thought, particularly in Ash’arite theology, Allah is seen as the direct cause of all events, with created things having no causal power of their own.

if Allah is so radically transcendent and has no similarity or connection to creation, it raises the question of how He could be directly involved in the causal chain of the created order. Since Allah’s essence and attributes are completely unlike anything in creation, there would be no point of contact between Allah and the created world that would allow Him to act as the direct cause of events. This would contradict the idea of occasionalism, which requires Allah to be intimately involved in every aspect of creation.

Allah’s Speech and the Quran
the Islamic doctrine of Allah’s speech, particularly the belief that the Quran is the uncreated word of Allah. Sunni and Shia Islam both maintain that the Quran is Allah’s speech, which is an intrinsic attribute of Allah, yet it is also present in the created world as a physical book.
• Similitude and Creation: if Allah’s speech is intrinsic to His essence and wholly uncreated, then it cannot have any real similitude to creation. Thus, how can the Quran, which is
is a physical text, be understood as the literal speech of Allah? If there is no analogy or point of contact between the divine and the created, it becomes problematic to explain how Allah’s uncreated speech could manifest in a created form, like the Quran. This would challenge the coherence of Islamic theology on this point.

4. Comparison with Orthodox Christianity

• Orthodox View of God’s Immanence: In Eastern Orthodox theology, God is absolutely transcendent in His essence, but He also manifests His presence in the world through His energies. These energies are not the essence of God, but they are truly God, allowing for a real interaction between the divine and the created order without compromising God’s transcendence.
• Knowledge of God: in Orthodoxy, humans can have true knowledge of God through His energies, which are accessible to creation, thus avoiding the epistemological and theological problems in Islamic occasionalism and the radical transcendence of Allah.


Islamic theology, by positing a God who is utterly transcendent and removed from creation, faces significant challenges in maintaining a coherent epistemology and doctrine of occasionalism. This concludes that this leads to a breakdown in the consistency of Islamic theology, particularly when compared to the Eastern Orthodox understanding of God, who is both knowable through His energies and causally active in the world without compromising His transcendence.
bro i am NOT reading that
(like i actually cant be bothered, not to disregard your point)

you win the argument or whatever
but Quran is not eternal
pedo prophet seems logical and correct to u?
Ayesha being 9 years old is an inauthentic hadith.

But say she was 9 years old (which was pubescent), give me a single good reason why that is morally wrong, and according to which moral compass.
Istn omnipotence contradictionary itself, because what if god were to create a stone that is so heavy that he can not lift it. If he's able to create the stone, then there is something that he cannot do (lift the stone), which would imply he is not omnipotent. If he cannot create the stone, then there is also something he cannot do (create the stone), which would also imply he is not omnipotent.

Also you misinterpreted the form of the good from Plato. The form of the good is an abstract, non personal principle. It's the ultimate reality and source of all other forms, but it is not a god like in monotheistic religions. The Form of the Good is more like an ideal of perfection and the highest standard of truth and ethics, rather than a being with will, consciousness, or personality like god in christianity, islam or judaism is.
No the contradiction is you literally contradiction the term omnipotence. It’s like saying “a square triangle” that’s an oxymoron

Now as an action(energy) yes it’s possible but as a state of affairs? No it’s illogical. As I stated before is logic is grounded in he divine mind then it posits gods logical therefore illogical concepts such as the one you posited are not worth being discussed and can outright be dismissed as retarded

And that’s why I said the Ploutinus form of god which is built upon the foundations left by PLATO I made that abundantly clear as plato was brainstorming and if you know about plato then you’d know the transidental
Argument I used.
would you want a nigga to control the way you think 24/7 and basically make you a slave
Yea if it meant no war and crimes and suffering also i wouldnt have too many thoughts at once then
Ayesha being 9 years old is an inauthentic hadith.

But say she was 9 years old (which was pubescent), give me a single good reason why that is morally wrong, and according to which moral compass.
u think its fine for a 50+ man to marry a 9 year old kid?
bro i am NOT reading that
(like i actually cant be bothered, not to disregard your point)

you win the argument or whatever
but Quran is not eternal
You can’t disregard it that’s why I wrote it like I did. You can’t justify and make an account for your position that’s why I had completely cucked it
No the contradiction is you literally contradiction the term omnipotence. It’s like saying “a square triangle” that’s an oxymoron

Now as an action(energy) yes it’s possible but as a state of affairs? No it’s illogical. As I stated before is logic is grounded in he divine mind then it posits gods logical therefore illogical concepts such as the one you posited are not worth being discussed and can outright be dismissed as retarded

And that’s why I said the Ploutinus form of god which is built upon the foundations left by PLATO I made that abundantly clear as plato was brainstorming and if you know about plato then you’d know the transidental
Argument I used.
Hey there :LOL: it seems like you're talking about this whole omnipotence thing and how it relates to logic and stuff. Yeah, I get what you're saying about the square triangle - that's like a total contradiction, right?When it comes to God and all that, it can get pretty deep and complex. Different philosophers and thinkers have their own takes on it. Like, Plotinus and Plato, they were all about diving into the nature of the divine and existence.So, if you're looking to debate or challenge that transcendental argument you mentioned, it might help to lay out your points more clearly. And if you wanna explore how all this ties into religious beliefs like Christianity, we can totally dive into that too. Just let me know what you're thinking!
u think its fine for a 50+ man to marry a 9 year old kid?
I think its fine for a pubescent man to marry a pubescent woman.
Also like everyone else you can't give a single good reason, all you can say is "but 50 year old and 9 year old bro:soy:".
I think its fine for a pubescent man to marry a pubescent woman.
Also like everyone else you can't give a single good reason, all you can say is "but 50 year old and 9 year old bro:soy:".
ye thats pedophilia buddy u get arrested for that
  • Woah
Reactions: shia.jihadist and iwannabebreathtakin
Absolute nonsense… due no offence but just stop replying your clearly out of your depth here with no knowledge of Christianity or Judaism you even thought Christianity came from modern rabbinical Judaism :forcedsmile: despite it being 500 years older than “Judaism” we see today. Just stop dude your chatting nonsense
Nuh uh. Aren't the mythical characters in Judaism also present in Christianity and Islam like moses etc. ?
You can’t disregard it that’s why I wrote it like I did. You can’t justify and make an account for your position that’s why I had completely cucked it
nigga what
so you write long and with uncommon words so the other person gives up?
mirin tactics tbh :feelskek:
ye thats pedophilia buddy u get arrested for that
so its morally wrong because i can get arrested for it?
your moral compass revolves around the current laws of your country of residence?
Yea if it meant no war and crimes and suffering also i wouldnt have too many thoughts at once then
I get where you're coming from - the thought of living in a world without war and suffering sounds pretty amazing. But, if we were to give up our free will to make that happen, we'd be losing something pretty important. Being able to make our own choices and live by our own values is a big part of what makes us who we are. It's all about being able to decide for ourselves and grow as individuals. So, while it might seem tempting to trade our free will for a perfect world, it's worth thinking about what we'd be giving up in the process.
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I get where you're coming from - the thought of living in a world without war and suffering sounds pretty amazing. But, if we were to give up our free will to make that happen, we'd be losing something pretty important. Being able to make our own choices and live by our own values is a big part of what makes us who we are. It's all about being able to decide for ourselves and grow as individuals. So, while it might seem tempting to trade our free will for a perfect world, it's worth thinking about what we'd be giving up in the process.
Chat gpt i missed you
so its morally wrong because i can get arrested for it?
your moral compass revolves around the current laws of your country of residence?
Its morally wrong cuz Its mentally ill hope that helps
Nuh uh. Aren't the mythical characters in Judaism also present in Christianity and Islam like moses etc. ?
Ah your a gaytheists ok bye not even dealing with you, your input is made even less valid. Now
nigga what
so you write long and with uncommon words so the other person gives up?
mirin tactics tbh :feelskek:
I had to because you kept on being retarded so I had to write an magnum opus to explain in depth why it’s over for you
Radical Transcendence and Epistemology

In Islamic theology, particularly in its classical forms, often stresses the radical transcendence of Allah. In Islam, Allah is completely distinct and separate from His creation, to the extent that there is an absolute dissimilarity between the Creator and the created order.

Epistemological Implications: if Allah is utterly removed from the created order, then humans would have no direct epistemological access to Allah. If Allah is beyond all categories of human thought and beyond the created order entirely, then it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to have any real knowledge of Him. this could undermine the epistemological foundation of Islamic theology because it leads to a God who is unknowable and thus epistemically inaccessible.

The Problem with Occasionalism

Occasionalism in Islam: Occasionalism is the doctrine that God is the only true cause of events in the world, with secondary causes being merely occasions for God’s direct action. In Islamic thought, particularly in Ash’arite theology, Allah is seen as the direct cause of all events, with created things having no causal power of their own.

if Allah is so radically transcendent and has no similarity or connection to creation, it raises the question of how He could be directly involved in the causal chain of the created order. Since Allah’s essence and attributes are completely unlike anything in creation, there would be no point of contact between Allah and the created world that would allow Him to act as the direct cause of events. This would contradict the idea of occasionalism, which requires Allah to be intimately involved in every aspect of creation.

Allah’s Speech and the Quran
the Islamic doctrine of Allah’s speech, particularly the belief that the Quran is the uncreated word of Allah. Sunni and Shia Islam both maintain that the Quran is Allah’s speech, which is an intrinsic attribute of Allah, yet it is also present in the created world as a physical book.
• Similitude and Creation: if Allah’s speech is intrinsic to His essence and wholly uncreated, then it cannot have any real similitude to creation. Thus, how can the Quran, which is
is a physical text, be understood as the literal speech of Allah? If there is no analogy or point of contact between the divine and the created, it becomes problematic to explain how Allah’s uncreated speech could manifest in a created form, like the Quran. This would challenge the coherence of Islamic theology on this point.

4. Comparison with Orthodox Christianity

• Orthodox View of God’s Immanence: In Eastern Orthodox theology, God is absolutely transcendent in His essence, but He also manifests His presence in the world through His energies. These energies are not the essence of God, but they are truly God, allowing for a real interaction between the divine and the created order without compromising God’s transcendence.
• Knowledge of God: in Orthodoxy, humans can have true knowledge of God through His energies, which are accessible to creation, thus avoiding the epistemological and theological problems in Islamic occasionalism and the radical transcendence of Allah.


Islamic theology, by positing a God who is utterly transcendent and removed from creation, faces significant challenges in maintaining a coherent epistemology and doctrine of occasionalism. This concludes that this leads to a breakdown in the consistency of Islamic theology, particularly when compared to the Eastern Orthodox understanding of God, who is both knowable through His energies and causally active in the world without compromising His transcendence.
@iwannabebreathtakin thats why Islam cannot be true it’s illogical
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Chat gpt i missed you
Hey, that's cool you know your stuff in physics and math. Must've taken a lot of work to get there. I've dabbled in physics too, and man, it's mind-blowing how much there is to learn about the universe. Intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, and it's rad that you've got a good handle on those concepts. We all bring something different to the table, right? Let's keep on learning and growing together, man.
Its morally wrong cuz Its mentally ill hope that helps
None of you can give me a single good reason why a pubescent man marrying a pubescent woman is wrong.
"muh its mentally ill bro :soy::soy::soy:"
Why exactly is marriage a mental illness?
Hey, that's cool you know your stuff in physics and math. Must've taken a lot of work to get there. I've dabbled in physics too, and man, it's mind-blowing how much there is to learn about the universe. Intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, and it's rad that you've got a good handle on those concepts. We all bring something different to the table, right? Let's keep on learning and growing together, man.
Yea like growing a few braincells instead of rotting mine
Nuh uh. Aren't the mythical characters in Judaism also present in Christianity and Islam like moses etc. ?
humans: existing
athiests: "mythical creature bro :soy:"

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