Will PE make my dick uglier?


Deleted member 2729

facemaxx or death
Aug 7, 2019
Will doing PE (phallosan, bathmate, stretching, clamping) make my dick ugly? I read that some people have seen before/after pictures where the dicks got really ugly. Big dick is very important but imo you cannot sacrifice all your astehtics for it. Pls give me some input I wanna order phallosan, a clamp and some silicon sleeves to go full autism on PE but have some doubts now (fucking lol @ my overthinking brain tbh even on drugs I'm a high inhib aspie).
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I would never consider that shit lmao
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1. A lot of work
2. For insignificant results
Cope imo cuz most people can gain 1 inch length and 0.5 inch girth in about a year. That's a significant difference probably more than a standard deviation
Cope imo cuz most people can gain 1 inch length and 0.5 inch girth in about a year. That's a significant difference probably more than a standard deviation
Are you a dicklet if ur within average I'd put that effort into face. not every Chad is packing either, most of them will fall in average.
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Cope imo cuz most people can gain 1 inch length and 0.5 inch girth in about a year. That's a significant difference probably more than a standard deviation

So do you keep those gainz for eternity once you stop? Are the gains significant while hard? Another consideration is current length - If your current length is either 1) good or 2) dogshit, it doesn't make sense. So if you have a micropenis, you'll still have a pathetic micropenis. If you have good length already, essentially nothing to gain by going through a bunch of hassle for 1 inch.

If however you are right at the edge, and the results are permanent and translates to boner length and all else being equal then yeah I guess.
how cares how your dick looks like, unless its actually fucking disgusting, i care more about the size then looks, but from what i can tell it doesnt change how it looks that much, looks like it unironically get slightly darker but thats as far as i can tell tbh
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Will doing PE (phallosan, bathmate, stretching, clamping) make my dick ugly? I read that some people have seen before/after pictures where the dicks got really ugly. Big dick is very important but imo you cannot sacrifice all your astehtics for it. Pls give me some input I wanna order phallosan, a clamp and some silicon sleeves to go full autism on PE but have some doubts now (fucking lol @ my overthinking brain tbh even on drugs I'm a high inhib aspie).
yes can turn darker from friction / contact, jfl if you were whacking off raw anyway
if you don't do it with oil/moisturizer you'll get what they call a "turkey neck" if you jelq a lot. turkey neck means that your nutsack skin will be extended up towards the shaft of your dick if that makes any sense.

This isn't really an issue though as no one will see it unless you do straight-up pornography where they film your dick from the side. i have jelqed for at least 5 years, although I never followed a strict routine, I just kinda had a habit of jelqing whenever i got an erection or i did it in the shower lol. I do have a big dick but i started in puberty so I don't really know if jelqing was what gave me my size or something else. I also used andractim (DHT gel on my dick) but that's like playing with fire, not sure if that gave me anything either, but I did use it during puberty when I was 16-17, I'm 21 now, and my dick is definitely at least 3cm longer. Would not recommend during puberty because of the risks involved, if you're gonna do it, do it once you've given up on finasteride to prevent your balding and when your DHT receptors are starved - that's what the broscience says works, at least, when applied to your dick.
I've seen evidence that PE works but tbh I never got around to doing a proper routine like planned because of all the work.
edit: oh yeah and my dick is bended slightly to the right which I suspect is from aggressive fapping/jelqing. So switch your hands around.
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If you have the time do it! But be consistent, no days off. Your penis will get wrinkly and change to a deeper brown color near the glans. Also 1 inch is unlikely imo maybe 1-2cm, probably closer to 1cm.
So do you keep those gainz for eternity once you stop? Are the gains significant while hard? Another consideration is current length - If your current length is either 1) good or 2) dogshit, it doesn't make sense. So if you have a micropenis, you'll still have a pathetic micropenis. If you have good length already, essentially nothing to gain by going through a bunch of hassle for 1 inch.

If however you are right at the edge, and the results are permanent and translates to boner length and all else being equal then yeah I guess.
hey man 1 inch in 1 year is a gross underestimation from my totally irrelevant anecdotal experience, but true by PE survey standards. I gained ~0.5" from Jpop 90 days and then left it at that (probably lost that over last 3 years, not sure, wasn't as autistic and measure or anything jfl). Late last year, gained ~1" from a 21 day low intensity program (basically only jelqing ) with godlike erections and insane stamina. I'm convinced PE workouts are like any other workout where you build and maintain with lower frequency and also for higher levels of life satisfaction. thanks for coming to my ted talk tbhngl
if you don't do it with oil/moisturizer you'll get what they call a "turkey neck" if you jelq a lot. turkey neck means that your nutsack skin will be extended up towards the shaft of your dick if that makes any sense.

This isn't really an issue though as no one will see it unless you do straight-up pornography where they film your dick from the side. i have jelqed for at least 5 years, although I never followed a strict routine, I just kinda had a habit of jelqing whenever i got an erection or i did it in the shower lol. I do have a big dick but i started in puberty so I don't really know if jelqing was what gave me my size or something else. I also used andractim (DHT gel on my dick) but that's like playing with fire, not sure if that gave me anything either, but I did use it during puberty when I was 16-17, I'm 21 now, and my dick is definitely at least 3cm longer. Would not recommend during puberty because of the risks involved, if you're gonna do it, do it once you've given up on finasteride to prevent your balding and when your DHT receptors are starved - that's what the broscience says works, at least, when applied to your dick.
I've seen evidence that PE works but tbh I never got around to doing a proper routine like planned because of all the work.
edit: oh yeah and my dick is bended slightly to the right which I suspect is from aggressive fapping/jelqing. So switch your hands around.
bruhhhhh fucking turkey neck ish my dick / ball junction is . I thought that was a cool thing, literally just stands that way when cold
Are you a dicklet if ur within average I'd put that effort into face. not every Chad is packing either, most of them will fall in average.
I am not a dicklet but I already know how to facemaxx and there is not much room to improve. Problem is I am gigamanlet so I have to maxx everything else to even have a little chance. I'd rather choke my dick to death then get LL jfl
So do you keep those gainz for eternity once you stop? Are the gains significant while hard? Another consideration is current length - If your current length is either 1) good or 2) dogshit, it doesn't make sense. So if you have a micropenis, you'll still have a pathetic micropenis. If you have good length already, essentially nothing to gain by going through a bunch of hassle for 1 inch.

If however you are right at the edge, and the results are permanent and translates to boner length and all else being equal then yeah I guess.
Gains are significant when erect yea. And if you stop without maintenance you will lose a lot but if you keep maintenance routine you keep most of them and can cement them, probably for your entire life. It's similar to gymmaxxing. If you have average dick it's definitely worth gymmaxxing, every millimeter in girth increase will increase the volume you can put into the roastie by its squared value for example.
yes can turn darker from friction / contact, jfl if you were whacking off raw anyway
Darker isn't that bad since the penis contains highest melanin concentraton of the body anyways. Im pale as fuck and my dick has always been a little darker. Obviously will use lube for jelquing and thank god I am uncut aswell. So basically just don't choke the dick to prevent it from turning into a nigger?
if you don't do it with oil/moisturizer you'll get what they call a "turkey neck" if you jelq a lot. turkey neck means that your nutsack skin will be extended up towards the shaft of your dick if that makes any sense.

This isn't really an issue though as no one will see it unless you do straight-up pornography where they film your dick from the side. i have jelqed for at least 5 years, although I never followed a strict routine, I just kinda had a habit of jelqing whenever i got an erection or i did it in the shower lol. I do have a big dick but i started in puberty so I don't really know if jelqing was what gave me my size or something else. I also used andractim (DHT gel on my dick) but that's like playing with fire, not sure if that gave me anything either, but I did use it during puberty when I was 16-17, I'm 21 now, and my dick is definitely at least 3cm longer. Would not recommend during puberty because of the risks involved, if you're gonna do it, do it once you've given up on finasteride to prevent your balding and when your DHT receptors are starved - that's what the broscience says works, at least, when applied to your dick.
I've seen evidence that PE works but tbh I never got around to doing a proper routine like planned because of all the work.
edit: oh yeah and my dick is bended slightly to the right which I suspect is from aggressive fapping/jelqing. So switch your hands around.
Yea I will use lube for jelquing. Also not touching DHT jfl its cope hormone after puberty. My dick is already bent to the side so I'm aware of this occuring and plan on reducing it by tactical jelquing to the other side + extender (extenders are said the decrease penile curvature).
If you have the time do it! But be consistent, no days off. Your penis will get wrinkly and change to a deeper brown color near the glans. Also 1 inch is unlikely imo maybe 1-2cm, probably closer to 1cm.
I am student so I have the time especially during corona jfl
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I am not a dicklet but I already know how to facemaxx and there is not much room to improve. Problem is I am gigamanlet so I have to maxx everything else to even have a little chance. I'd rather choke my dick to death then get LL jfl

Gains are significant when erect yea. And if you stop without maintenance you will lose a lot but if you keep maintenance routine you keep most of them and can cement them, probably for your entire life. It's similar to gymmaxxing. If you have average dick it's definitely worth gymmaxxing, every millimeter in girth increase will increase the volume you can put into the roastie by its squared value for example.

Darker isn't that bad since the penis contains highest melanin concentraton of the body anyways. Im pale as fuck and my dick has always been a little darker. Obviously will use lube for jelquing and thank god I am uncut aswell. So basically just don't choke the dick to prevent it from turning into a nigger?

Yea I will use lube for jelquing. Also not touching DHT jfl its cope hormone after puberty. My dick is already bent to the side so I'm aware of this occuring and plan on reducing it by tactical jelquing to the other side + extender (extenders are said the decrease penile curvature).

I am student so I have the time especially during corona jfl
yeah start with low intensity "babbis" workout, which honestly I got more gain from the revered Jpop 90 day. (or maybe due to the fact that I first warmed up using a pop 90 day before this idk. in any case, my motivation was low being at 6" , now close to ~7.1"

feeling good / high t / dopamine so taking effort to copy paste from notes:

Originally Posted by babbis



Remek asked me to post my beginners routine so here I am!

Warm wrap with a rice sock or a warm water towel for 10min, wet jelq 150 strokes (3 sec strokes) with a overhand OK-grip at 30-50% erection, finish off with 5 mild rotary stretches to the left and 5 to the right.

The frequency is one day on, two days off.

After 6 workouts, if the gains have slowed down dramatically, do some light manual stretches every evening before you go to bed for a week; 30sec holds SO, L, R, SD, SU and 5 rotary stretches to the left and 5 to the right. Warm wrap for 5-10 min before you do these.

After a week with this, take a break for one month and repeat exactly the same routine.

By implementing deconditioning breaks from the very beginning I believe you will get the best possible start of your PE-career.

This routine is what I consider a newbie routine. I do not believe seasoned PEers and veterans will gain from this routine because of their conditioned tissues.

If you are just taking up this special hobby and have not done any PE before, you could expect gains of 0,5-1cm in BPEL after 18 days with this routine. These numbers are not guess work, 7 people have reported gains of 1cm+ (5 people at thunders and two of my own test-subjects) in exactly 18 days till now.

Start growing!
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If I pay you 10$ to build me a house, and you turn it down, are you being smart or lazy?
What an example jfl
You are not doing PE on the penis of someone else
What an example jfl
You are not doing PE on the penis of someone else
It seems the meaning of the analogy flew over your head.

Building the house for yourself or for someone else is completely irrelevant. The point is the cost/benefit analysis. If the cost (building an entire house) is disproportionate in relation to the benefit (the 10$ I pay you), then you're not "lazy" for turning it down. You're smart.
It seems the meaning of the analogy flew over your head.

Building the house for yourself or for someone else is completely irrelevant. The point is the cost/benefit analysis. If the cost (building an entire house) is disproportionate in relation to the benefit (the 10$ I pay you), then you're not "lazy" for turning it down. You're smart.
But building an house can devastate you in energy and money.
PE is not, the analogy just doesnt fit

I had a pump, and i have good times in showing my p larger thanks to it

It is about preferences i guess
But building an house can devastate you in energy and money.
PE is not, the analogy just doesnt fit

I had a pump, and i have good times in showing my p larger thanks to it

It is about preferences i guess
Again, you're missing the point. The point isn't that building a house and using the pump is literally similar - the point is the cost/benefit is disproportionate.

You can disagree that the cost / benefit is disproportionate all you want, but the analogy still fits.
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Since PE works by creating micro tears would it be useful to take a day off once in a while to speed up tissue recovery ?
Since PE works by creating micro tears would it be useful to take a day off once in a while to speed up tissue recovery ?
why tf have I been tagged

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