You are extremely low IQ if you think Ukraine will win this



Jan 2, 2019
Russia has the capacity to recruit millions of troops. Yet they CHOOSE to only mobilize another few hundred thousand. This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.

Yet I'm seeing bluepilled normies and even posters here saying Russia is losing. You'd have to be extremely low IQ to believe this.

Russia didn't blitzkrieg Ukraine as originally planned but this is largely because they didn't even send that many troops in the first place. They thought they could walk in with a small force and win. Now that they've realized this won't happen, they're taking the gloves off.

And don't get me started on the utter joke that are the western 'sanctions' on Russia that are literally hurting the West more than Russia. A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created. Europe has PERMANENTLY made its energy 10x more expensive just lol at them.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off when normies realize how badly the Western media is lying to them about what's happening. No Russia isn't mogging the Ukraine but they still ultimately have the cards needed to win. And they will. And the West will cry about it.

The fact of the matter is, that the Western hegemony is dying.


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Over for Westerncels.
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monumental cope
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Who wins it has already been decided from the beginning, they are all freemasons
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monumental cope

Please tell me how Russia is 'losing' when literally they've only lost a very small portion of their army?

Russia has lost about 40-60k troops. They lost 9 million during WW2.
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"Yeah bro, Russia's totally gonna win this one, they only need one more week"
retards have been saying this since the war started and nothing happened
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Me rn

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This war is planned anyway so it doesn't matter, The NWO elites are using this war to kill millions of people through famine, thirst and lack of basic supplies needed for survival like natural gas. There will be a lot of europeans that will die of the cold and harsh winter and they will starve as well so will africans and arabs and all races of all peoples.
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Russia has the capacity to recruit millions of troops. Yet they CHOOSE to only mobilize another few hundred thousand. This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.

Yet I'm seeing bluepilled normies and even posters here saying Russia is losing. You'd have to be extremely low IQ to believe this.

Russia didn't blitzkrieg Ukraine as originally planned but this is largely because they didn't even send that many troops in the first place. They thought they could walk in with a small force and win. Now that they've realized this won't happen, they're taking the gloves off.

And don't get me started on the utter joke that are the western 'sanctions' on Russia that are literally hurting the West more than Russia. A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created. Europe has PERMANENTLY made its energy 10x more expensive just lol at them.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off when normies realize how badly the Western media is lying to them about what's happening. No Russia isn't mogging the Ukraine but they still ultimately have the cards needed to win. And they will. And the West will cry about it.

The fact of the matter is, that the Western hegemony is dying.


Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Over for Westerncels.
  • +1
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"Yeah bro, Russia's totally gonna win this one, they only need one more week"
retards have been saying this since the war started and nothing happened
Nobody said they'll be winning this in a week. Nobody is even saying Russia won't suffer huge losses.

The point is that Ukraine can't win this long term.
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Politics threads always bring out room temperature IQ discussions.
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cringe thread tbh. neither side is winning cuz Russia is now the outcast of the world
This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.
Russians lost 15 000 men during ten years of war in Afghanistan (which led to the fall of the Soviet Union)

In Ukraine they lost 50k+ already in just months
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Please tell me how Russia is 'losing' when literally they've only lost a very small portion of their army?

Russia has lost about 40-60k troops. They lost 9 million during WW2.
Your chief mistake is presuming that this is just some sorta numbers' game, as if we're playing age of empires or hearts of iron. There are many, many more variables involved - the optics, the different, modern popular expectations from political authorities, the scope and definitive goals of the war, etc.

Take it this way - the Soviet Union at the time of WW2 was essentially a totalitarian regime with a budding cult of personality centered around Stalin. The country had just gone through a massive Kulturkampf, the spread of information was much more limited, the socioeconomic classes were much more segregated and less mobile than nowadays, the people were generally more trusting of authorities, the prevailing public-cultural discourse was marked by idealism and ideas of 'new political men' and 'the course of history', as opposed to Realpolitik or sound, skeptical (some may call it sensible) pragmatism.

Put all of these things together then add the idea that the Russians were fighting for the very life of their nation against the Germans; of course, the degree of cohesion, mobilization and drive to fight will be much higher. Moreover, they were significantly helped by the Americans as far as infrastructure and weaponry goes (sound familiar?), and they had half of the world directly siding with them.

Now, compare it to contemporary Russia. The country's identity has been largely hollowed out by the throes of Soviet policy and 'communism' (the only semblance of 'national pride' left is centered around WW2 era nostalgia for Soviet prowess, and is promulgated either by 80 IQ gopnik far-right radicals, or a small, assorted circle of intellectual literates such as Dugin; most people in Russia definitely don't care), alongside general globalization and westernization, the expectations of the people from the state have changed (essentially, the everyday Russians have implicitly agreed with Putin to a 'social contract' whereby they stay out of politics, but Putin stays out of their personal lives and does not involve them in wars and instability), all the classes of society are much more homogenized and informed (although, of course, there still are massive discrepancies being maintained, and an attempt at hybrid totalitarianism and informational isolation is being initiated in Russia) and general, global political discourse is marked by pragmatism, skepticism and moderation.

Juxtapose this with the fact that today's war is essentially a thinly veiled invasion of a very similar peoples, not a desperate attempt at survival, and you will get all the answers you need. Look around social media also - most of the people are unmotivated and demoralized, virtually everyone is getting drunk, they are running out of weaponry and being dispensed rusty and old gear, and Putin has to declare 'partial' mobilization so as to not get people to panic, and yet everyone still is panicking (tickets to all adjacent countries being sold out, things most frequently googled by Russians in this period being how to get out of Russia, etc.). There also is a lack of general cohesion (although the war helped in this regard, relatively speaking), and especially the army is marked by factionalism on all sides.

Lastly, Putin used the brunt of his most effective forces and his elite forces also (VDV, etc.) in the first moments of the invasion. This is well known.

Therefore, the situation is VASTLY different, and just because they lost 40-60k in numbers doesn't make this not a total failure for Russia. You gotta look at the morale of the people and the bilateral expectations/dynamics of populace and governance, not just at numbers, like they're just some resource in an RTS game.
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Russia has the capacity to recruit millions of troops. Yet they CHOOSE to only mobilize another few hundred thousand. This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.

Yet I'm seeing bluepilled normies and even posters here saying Russia is losing. You'd have to be extremely low IQ to believe this.

Russia didn't blitzkrieg Ukraine as originally planned but this is largely because they didn't even send that many troops in the first place. They thought they could walk in with a small force and win. Now that they've realized this won't happen, they're taking the gloves off.

And don't get me started on the utter joke that are the western 'sanctions' on Russia that are literally hurting the West more than Russia. A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created. Europe has PERMANENTLY made its energy 10x more expensive just lol at them.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off when normies realize how badly the Western media is lying to them about what's happening. No Russia isn't mogging the Ukraine but they still ultimately have the cards needed to win. And they will. And the West will cry about it.

The fact of the matter is, that the Western hegemony is dying.


Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Over for Westerncels.
You must be a 12 year old indian that failed geography class.

Ukraine is a huge country. What are they going to do, occupy it? Lol. Russia's technology and logistics are shit and if you don't believe sanctions are hurting Russia you're also again retarded.

Stick to Pakistani current events or whatever cuz you're clearly retarded buddy
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Nobody said they'll be winning this in a week. Nobody is even saying Russia won't suffer huge losses.

The point is that Ukraine can't win this long term.
bro ukraine has unlimited money cheat codes. If russia didn’t win yesterday I doubt they will win tomorrow.
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I agree with u squidbloke

Ppl are retarded and can't comprehend that everything is a gradual process which is why they're unable to see the future

Only way Russia lose is if they officially trigger NATO
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Juxtapose this with the fact that today's war is essentially a thinly veiled invasion of a very similar peoples, not a desperate attempt at survival
This is utter bullshit. NWO is trying to dismantle Russia because they stand in their way. This is absolutely 100% a war for Russia's survival. Why do you think Putin is so desperate to keep NATO away? For fun?

The idea Putin is just some imperialist trying to rebuild the soviet empire is just Western propaganda. This is 100% about Russia surviving.
  • JFL
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This is utter bullshit. NWO is trying to dismantle Russia because they stand in their way. This is absolutely 100% a war for Russia's survival. Why do you think Putin is so desperate to keep NATO away? For fun?

The idea Putin is just some imperialist trying to rebuild the soviet empire is just Western propaganda. This is 100% about Russia surviving.

stopped reading

I'm sorry buddy but this is just schizo boomer tier discourse, you need to get out your bubble and actually read up on how politics, society and culture work instead of just going by Russian telegram posts or whatnot (n)
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Russians lost 15 000 men during ten years of war in Afghanistan (which led to the fall of the Soviet Union)

In Ukraine they lost 50k+ already in just months
Its a lot easier to have lower death counts when your technology is superior. Now that both sides have relatively good technology, the death rates are much higher.
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there is no independent "ukraine" that can win a war.

lol if you think anyone in ukraine wins by storming moscow and reopening a mcdonalds on red square
Russians lost 15 000 men during ten years of war in Afghanistan (which led to the fall of the Soviet Union)

In Ukraine they lost 50k+ already in just months
They also had like 200,000 troops in Ukraine total so that's a 25% loss for them which is incredibly embarrassing.
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stopped reading

I'm sorry buddy but this is just schizo boomer tier discourse, you need to get out your bubble and actually read up on how politics, society and culture work instead of just going by Russian telegram posts or whatnot (n)
its semantics

if the CIA killed someone, and someone said "jews" killed them, doesn't change a thing
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Russia has the capacity to recruit millions of troops. Yet they CHOOSE to only mobilize another few hundred thousand. This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.

Yet I'm seeing bluepilled normies and even posters here saying Russia is losing. You'd have to be extremely low IQ to believe this.

Russia didn't blitzkrieg Ukraine as originally planned but this is largely because they didn't even send that many troops in the first place. They thought they could walk in with a small force and win. Now that they've realized this won't happen, they're taking the gloves off.

And don't get me started on the utter joke that are the western 'sanctions' on Russia that are literally hurting the West more than Russia. A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created. Europe has PERMANENTLY made its energy 10x more expensive just lol at them.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off when normies realize how badly the Western media is lying to them about what's happening. No Russia isn't mogging the Ukraine but they still ultimately have the cards needed to win. And they will. And the West will cry about it.

The fact of the matter is, that the Western hegemony is dying.


Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Over for Westerncels.
Cope is literally of the charts , Ukraine is receiving western aid and training while Russia is losing more men and equipment by the day. You think 1 million vatniks with rusty aks is going to stop the west from making sure Ukraine wins ? Russia has already failures at every front and completely kicked out of the north and Kharkiv. Lyman being encircled and the breakthrough at Kherson corrabarated by rybar shows Russia is on its last legs
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Your chief mistake is presuming that this is just some sorta numbers' game, as if we're playing age of empires or hearts of iron. There are many, many more variables involved - the optics, the different, modern popular expectations from political authorities, the scope and definitive goals of the war, etc.

Take it this way - the Soviet Union at the time of WW2 was essentially a totalitarian regime with a budding cult of personality centered around Stalin. The country had just gone through a massive Kulturkampf, the spread of information was much more limited, the socioeconomic classes were much more segregated and less mobile than nowadays, the people were generally more trusting of authorities, the prevailing public-cultural discourse was marked by idealism and ideas of 'new political men' and 'the course of history', as opposed to Realpolitik or sound, skeptical (some may call it sensible) pragmatism.

Put all of these things together then add the idea that the Russians were fighting for the very life of their nation against the Germans; of course, the degree of cohesion, mobilization and drive to fight will be much higher. Moreover, they were significantly helped by the Americans as far as infrastructure and weaponry goes (sound familiar?), and they had half of the world directly siding with them.

Now, compare it to contemporary Russia. The country's identity has been largely hollowed out by the throes of Soviet policy and 'communism' (the only semblance of 'national pride' left is centered around WW2 era nostalgia for Soviet prowess, and is promulgated either by 80 IQ gopnik far-right radicals, or a small, assorted circle of intellectual literates such as Dugin; most people in Russia definitely don't care), alongside general globalization and westernization, the expectations of the people from the state have changed (essentially, the everyday Russians have implicitly agreed with Putin to a 'social contract' whereby they stay out of politics, but Putin stays out of their personal lives and does not involve them in wars and instability), all the classes of society are much more homogenized and informed (although, of course, there still are massive discrepancies being maintained, and an attempt at hybrid totalitarianism and informational isolation is being initiated in Russia) and general, global political discourse is marked by pragmatism, skepticism and moderation.

Juxtapose this with the fact that today's war is essentially a thinly veiled invasion of a very similar peoples, not a desperate attempt at survival, and you will get all the answers you need. Look around social media also - most of the people are unmotivated and demoralized, virtually everyone is getting drunk, they are running out of weaponry and being dispensed rusty and old gear, and Putin has to declare 'partial' mobilization so as to not get people to panic, and yet everyone still is panicking (tickets to all adjacent countries being sold out, things most frequently googled by Russians in this period being how to get out of Russia, etc.). There also is a lack of general cohesion (although the war helped in this regard, relatively speaking), and especially the army is marked by factionalism on all sides.

Lastly, Putin used the brunt of his most effective forces and his elite forces also (VDV, etc.) in the first moments of the invasion. This is well known.

Therefore, the situation is VASTLY different, and just because they lost 40-60k in numbers doesn't make this not a total failure for Russia. You gotta look at the morale of the people and the bilateral expectations/dynamics of populace and governance, not just at numbers, like they're just some resource in an RTS game.
Your right about all your points.

I will add another big point that applies in general to fighting countries is that the coddled lifestyles we all have for the most part unless in some civil war strikes area like syria or some African country, we live very easily lives. We rarely see death. Man is far less crazy then In the past where we fought wars left and right with no good medical care, and a practically guaranteed death rate after a certain amount of battles fought. The dog in man is gone, reducing the motivation to fight in general unless its absolutely needed. Since russia is invading , their is no self defense need and the morale is thus far lower. Combine the comfortable lifestyle we live in , and any full scale draft that would bring In the number of fighting men needed to fight , like a million or so , is gonna be met with hot resistance like we already have seen.

Full scale riots would be happening russia, and the country itself would collapse as every man drafted tries their best to flee. A total shit show .

For the Ukrainians its different. Ever since they elected Zelensky and the crimean invasion and annexation,they recognized the threat of a russian invasion, and many wanted to fight in the war if it occurred.
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  • +1
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its semantics

if the CIA killed someone, and someone said "jews" killed them, doesn't change a thing
It does change a thing, because it shows that the fundamental premise by which they assimilate outside information is a conspirational one; conspirational frameworks of thinking are fundamentally flawed because they rely on circular thinking, they tend to be based on small and esoteric amounts of information with little to no bearing on actual, reality-backed facts and, most importantly for such discussions, they tend to be exceedingly stubborn

therefore there's no point in engaging with such people most of the time

even if he just meant it as a hyperbole, the wording indicates that he spins in those kinda circles and it's just not worth it
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  • Woah
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Your right about all your points.

I will add another big point that applies in general to fighting countries is that the coddled lifestyles we all have for the most part unless in some civil war strikes area like syria or some African country, we live very easily lives. We rarely see death. Man is far less crazy then In the past where we fought wars left and right with no good medical care, and a practically guaranteed death rate after a certain amount of battles fought. The dog in man is gone, reducing the motivation to fight in general unless its absolutely needed. Since russia is invading , their is no self defense need and the morale is thus far lower. Combine the comfortable lifestyle we live in , and any full scale draft that would bring In the number of fighting men needed to fight , like a million or so , is gonna be met with hot resistance like we already have seen.

For the Ukrainians its different. Ever since they elected Zelensky and the crimean invasion and annexation,they recognized the threat of a russian invasion, and many wanted to fight in the war if it occurred.
western society is psychological torture for truecels
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All i hope is that russia nukes ukraine and ww3 gets started.
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  • Hmm...
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It does change a thing, because it shows that the fundamental premise by which they assimilate outside information is a conspirational one; conspirational frameworks of thinking are fundamentally flawed because they rely on circular thinking, they tend to be based on small and esoteric amounts of information with little to no bearing on actual, reality-backed facts and, most importantly for such discussions, they tend to be exceedingly stubborn

therefore there's no point in engaging with such people most of the time

even if he just meant it as a hyperbole, the wording indicates that he spins in those kinda circles and it's just not worth it
didn't read your earlier discussion so can't tell if that is valid characterization of him

but still, NWO or no, Putin and his govt is so so fucked if they lose
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All i hope is that russia nukes ukraine and ww3 gets started.
If Russia nukes some hohols , all they do is expose themselves for a retailatory nuke strike. And when that happens no russian is gonna be willing to fight knowing they are gonna be immediately incinerated in the meat grinder. Even If nato doesn't use nukes, the full force of Nato would be involved and then Russia would then consider using higher yield nukes, and fuck everything up over some stupid country. Not likely imo.

Putin would likely draft every russian 18-35 before using nukes. Nukes also portray weakness, that your supposed elite military couldn't fight against the hohols. Not good for optics.
didn't read your earlier discussion so can't tell if that is valid characterization of him

but still, NWO or no, Putin and his govt is so so fucked if they lose
Fair enough

And yeah, that's true. He did give himself relatively little wiggle room with this, though. When you heat up the oven, you better be ready for the smoke. He took big risks and now it's much trickier for him to give the whole situation a useful/positive spin. But we'll see what happens. I do think that it's highly likely for Russia to just force a stalemate and keep the peripheral areas (at the end of the day, they have the nuclear means which they can always hang over Ukraine's head), so it's not like it will have been a total loss for Russia either, and, on the long term, it may even be a veiled advantage, if their projects for their Eurasian economic spheres with China turn out to be successful. I doubt that that will be the case tho, whatwith China suffering that big real estate fall as of recently
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Why do you think russian men would want to die for Putin?
Why do you think russian men would want to die for Putin?
Because their country's future is literally at stake. Globalist elites want to dismantle Russia and China.
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  • Hmm...
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Fair enough

And yeah, that's true. He did give himself relatively little wiggle room with this, though. When you heat up the oven, you better be ready for the smoke. He took big risks and now it's much trickier for him to give the whole situation a useful/positive spin. But we'll see what happens. I do think that it's highly likely for Russia to just force a stalemate and keep the peripheral areas (at the end of the day, they have the nuclear means which they can always hang over Ukraine's head), so it's not like it will have been a total loss for Russia either, and, on the long term, it may even be a veiled advantage, if their projects for their Eurasian economic spheres with China turn out to be successful. I doubt that that will be the case tho, whatwith China suffering that big real estate fall as of recently
Stalemate would probably be a positive for Putin. I don't think he has an "endgame". I think he's an old man who just wants to come to a peaceful end with a big statue of him and a city square in Moscow.

I find the postmodern branding he's doing quite interesting. He seems to be a very practical man that intentionally prevents himself from expressing ideology, so anyone on the internet can project whatever they want onto him. Took something from Trump no doubt.
I see your point with "NWO" and the implication that comes, that Russia is a heroic country that fights the satanists and the globalists in the NWO.
Tbh economic decline doesn't seem like it would be a problem as long as it isn't so bad or shows so much weakness that it causes political unrest. Or the country becomes physically incapable of conscripting enough troops to maintain the arsenals it already has.
With China, housing collapse can probably be artificially delayed until it becomes a politically convenient tool to reestablish more socialist policies.
  • +1
Reactions: Lonenely sigma, noodlelover and Pharmaceutic
Stalemate would probably be a positive for Putin. I don't think he has an "endgame". I think he's an old man who just wants to come to a peaceful end with a big statue of him and a city square in Moscow.

I find the postmodern branding he's doing quite interesting. He seems to be a very practical man that intentionally prevents himself from expressing ideology, so anyone on the internet can project whatever they want onto him. Took something from Trump no doubt.
I see your point with "NWO" and the implication that comes, that Russia is a heroic country that fights the satanists and the globalists in the NWO.
Tbh economic decline doesn't seem like it would be a problem as long as it isn't so bad or shows so much weakness that it causes political unrest. Or the country becomes physically incapable of conscripting enough troops to maintain the arsenals it already has.
With China, housing collapse can probably be artificially delayed until it becomes a politically convenient tool to reestablish more socialist policies.
Yeah, he just wants to go into the annals of history and secure a sphere of influence for himself and his country by extension. He would have hoped for more out of Ukraine, but things went relatively poorly for better or worse.

Yeah, he's pure pragmatism driven, and takes on a catch-all/big tent guise, politically speaking. Not militant in the slightest. Definitely good for maintaining a politically disinterested middle class, but trickier to mobilize this type of group in wartime (as opposed to the highly fired up Russians of the Soviet times).

Yea, it's especially absurd once you consider the types of stances that Russia takes. Putin has so far been largely mobilizing only ethnic minorities, believes in a Eurasian sphere of influence with it at the top (just like the Western sphere of influence with Anglos at the top; Eurasianism is the concept in question) and persecutes to varying lengths most identitarian radicals in Russia. It's also pursuing a common political-economic sphere with China. There's nothing non-globalist about this; it's simply a Russia-oriented globalism.

Agreed. Hard times are not something that countries can't traverse on the longer term. At least in the big cities, the economic issues seem to be largely masked and compensated for, but I'm sure that the poorer parts of Russia are feeling them more resoundingly.

They have tried to artificially delay it with mixed results; it's somewhat stable for now, but only the future can tell what will come of it at this point. You're right on the 'they can use it to reimplement for favorable policies' part.
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Because their country's future is literally at stake. Globalist elites want to dismantle Russia and China.
So you think it's better to live under communist tyranny than in a globohomo clown world?
This is utter bullshit. NWO is trying to dismantle Russia because they stand in their way. This is absolutely 100% a war for Russia's survival. Why do you think Putin is so desperate to keep NATO away? For fun?

The idea Putin is just some imperialist trying to rebuild the soviet empire is just Western propaganda. This is 100% about Russia surviving.
Russia doesn't stand in their way jfl. They're apart of the NWO (just like every single country on the planet including Iran) which is why they're genociding their own people
Just in one month Russia lost everything they had had in Kharkiv, left Lyman, but we're still supposed to believe Ukraine is going to collapse any day now
A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created
Yeah, but it's a pro-NATO and a pro-Ukrainian party, not all nationalists in Europe are subverted by Russia

Lyman being encircled
Russians confirmed yesterday they had pulled their troops out of Lyman, another gesture of goodwill :lul:
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fuck i hope those Red fucks wont win. We should all send troops to beat those fuckers into submission. Maybe then the will understand they arent shit but a bunch of sick commies
fuck i hope those Red fucks wont win. We should all send troops to beat those fuckers into submission. Maybe then the will understand they arent shit but a bunch of sick commies
And when we finsih russia we will show murica that they aint all that too.
OP educate yourself about politics warfare etc. and stfu, plenty of users already debunked your retarded take

don't talk about stuff you don't know shit about
Russia has the capacity to recruit millions of troops. Yet they CHOOSE to only mobilize another few hundred thousand. This is after only losing about 50k troops in Ukraine.

Yet I'm seeing bluepilled normies and even posters here saying Russia is losing. You'd have to be extremely low IQ to believe this.

Russia didn't blitzkrieg Ukraine as originally planned but this is largely because they didn't even send that many troops in the first place. They thought they could walk in with a small force and win. Now that they've realized this won't happen, they're taking the gloves off.

And don't get me started on the utter joke that are the western 'sanctions' on Russia that are literally hurting the West more than Russia. A far-right party recently got elected in Italy in part because of the clusterfuck the sanctions have created. Europe has PERMANENTLY made its energy 10x more expensive just lol at them.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off when normies realize how badly the Western media is lying to them about what's happening. No Russia isn't mogging the Ukraine but they still ultimately have the cards needed to win. And they will. And the West will cry about it.

The fact of the matter is, that the Western hegemony is dying.


Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Over for Westerncels.
My hope is that all the men kill each other so I can have my harem of Russian/Ukrainian Stacies here in the states, sort of like this guy:

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All of you niggas should wish both sides kill each other some more :lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
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The US is probably tired of cucks of EU asking them to do something every time Putin is having fun with Ukraine
The US is probably tired of cucks of EU asking them to do something every time Putin is having fun with Ukraine
only reason they are asked is because they claim they are the shit. One scandinavian soldier is as useful as 100+ marines
  • JFL
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This war will go on for many, many years.

It's the U.S. military industrial complex's main source of revenue now. They won't stop delivering weapons for decades and decades, even if Russia takes over completely, U.S. weapons will target their occupying forces until they are pushed out.

Taking over a country is MUCH easier than occupying and holding it, yet Russia couldn't even take over the country after half a year.

The U.S. spends twelve times more money on military than Russia. Russians don't even have encrypted radio traffic. They don't even have proper op sec, they're literally giving away their base locations on tinder.

Russia may use nukes on Ukraine but the U.S. will cripple them with equal proportion if they do.

If Russia has managed to stay in Ukraine after twenty or thirty years, U.S. weapons will no longer even require living Ukrainians to operate them. Androids will be repairing and operating aerial drones all their own, as well as setting up recharging stations. Russians will be slaughtered by fucking walle and i-robot. Because that's all they are, factory farm animals to be slaughtered for the profit of the U.S. military industrial complex.
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