You guys need to stop worrying about your looks

true. I've had ex's get obessed with me at the start but then I started acting obessed back then they no longer wanted me. how you act and how you handle things really makes a difference.

once I stopped thinking a girl defines me is when it becomes just a lot easier to keep someone around.

just be mentally healthy bro

That’s it thanks bro. You don’t must be the absolute charisma machine. At least be normal, not a fucking retard with no self esteem or




That’s bullshit, I stopped this video at the first seconds. He doesn’t act naturally it’s over acted. Don’t fall into the trap of being someone else, the key is natural. If you are naturally a weird guy who loves licking his ass dog, be the charismatic ass licking dude. As simple as that
attraction doesn't equal getting laid, it's a prerequisite but on it's own is not enough most of the times(e.g you are sub chad). I also disagree that looks determine your personality and confidence level. it's probably 50% environmental and 50% genetic. I know lots of ugly to average people who are confident and have no problem socializing while I seem to not be able to do it despite never getting any negative feedback during my upbringing. In fact most of the feedback I received during my school years was positive yet it didn't turn me into a charismatic confident guy.

I disagree and I am not interested to debate with you here since I know my understanding to be robust, I could easily spend 50 pages explaining it at a deeper level, so I believe you are overlooking things on the ideas I presented and therefore in your own life which makes you come to erroneous conclusions.
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Just be logical enough not to fall into such simple bluepill fallacies JFL

being mentally healthy is bluepilled?

well count me as bluepilled cuck because I rather not feel like a paranoid loser with no self esteem and shitty personality.

looks matter but it will only take you so far.

I guess if you are a 10/10 it won't matter but let's face it we all have some kind of flaws like most humans do.

i'm in a LTR but i still want to looksmax because attractive people are objectively treat better
I disagree and I am not interested to debate with you here since I know my understanding to be robust, I could easily spend 50 pages explaining it at a deeper level, so I believe you are overlooking things in your own life and the ideas I presented which makes you come to erronous conclusions.
you claimed that your confidence and personality development is mainly a result of parental projection (upbringing), life success/failures (abilities), and positive/negative social interactions. Either I got abused as a child and just don't know about it or confidence and personality are heavily genetically influenced. During my upbringing I had everything that should have turned me into an extroverted confident guy. I was really talented at sports and did well in school(ability), I had positive interactions with people my age and had a good social circle back than, and I had girls interested in me(I was just to stupid and shy to act upon it). So my conclusion is that either something has happened in my early childhood that I don't know about or that my personality and general confidence is heavily influenced by my genetics.
you claimed that your confidence and personality development is mainly a result of parental projection (upbringing), life success/failures (abilities), and positive/negative social interactions. Either I got abused as a child and just don't know about it or confidence and personality are heavily genetically influenced. During my upbringing I had everything that should have turned me into an extroverted confident guy. I was really talented at sports and did well in school(ability), I had positive interactions with people my age and had a good social circle back than, and I had girls interested in me(I was just to stupid and shy to act upon it). So my conclusion is that either something has happened in my early childhood that I don't know about or that my personality and general confidence is heavily influenced by my genetics.

Child development is exceedingly intricate, it is natural to be considerably unaware of several aspects on how you are being affected, some people in their 40s after going to psychotherapy are dismayed to see how their interactions with one of their parents are still affecting and dictating their choices in life to this day. You don't even need to be "abuse" to have suboptimal development growth. Some behaviors that are commonly considered as normal parenting can stunt one's child development of self. No one is perfect, the question is too which extent are your parents unperfect as parents. No one comes out of childhood unscathed of minor forms of psychopathologies. In fact, your true self has to be stifled and disrupted in order for you to operate in this modern world which isn't perfectly aligned with our natural inclinations. That being said, you could also be overlooking other stuff though.
that bullshit, when you're a chadlite or chad ,foid are able to appreciate any personality.
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I feel like if you are white many problems become less apparent I mean I’m not like some race baiting autist like those dems but looks wise being white and decent looking goes a long way compared to being a currycel because we have a shitty image in people’s mind from the get go
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The truth is that EVERYTHING matters, you need to have looks, charisma, etc. But looks are what’s needed FIRST in order for you to be able to do the other stuff, if you’re super ugly you will never be charismatic and funny because people will just laugh at you/not take you seriously. You need to meet the looks requirmeent for bitches first then charisma and all this other stuff will help
Another gl guy preaching muh personality,muh kunfidence.

Let me splash acid in your face if you think you'll still be a slayer.
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Another gl guy preaching muh personality,muh kunfidence.

Let me splash acid in your face if you think you'll still be a slayer.

Gl Yess, but not enough to slay tons of slut like I do. It’s not all about looks.
If you read the scientific studies on the factors creating attraction you would know as a matter of fact that confidence matter marginally in the creation of attraction. If you combine this with the understanding of personality development you would also know that your level of confidence is caused by your biological predisposition interacting with reinforcement feedback loops, the main feedback loops are; parental projection (upbringing), life success/failures (abilities), and positive/negative social interactions. All of those feedback loops are affected by your looks level particularly the latter. Following this understanding, your general confidence level can also be broken down situationally, depending on the related contextually based events; in regards to approaching women, looks have an especially high prevalence in his effect.
Therefore, out of all the factors creating attraction, confidence matter marginally and the marginal impact is largely dependant on your looks level.
Thus, you can practically say that sexual attraction(putting betabuxxing aside) is pretty much all about looks.

Over 9000 IQ post.
Stop the bluepill cope pls can mods delete this thread pls wtf is this?
I wanna see you get your face burned to 3th degree and walk in a wheelchair so i can see how you keep slaying NT GUY
Jfl is this guy living on another planet

The guy post 50 pics per days of his 10/10 skin ( jfl) and tell to not care about looks ok
And btw Chad don't play pokemons Arceus
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Not that’s not I all my life was an introverted person, invisible with no charisma. I decided to change that learn about body language way of speaking and i suddenly improve my self and became nt. If you were rejected all your life of course you will be a non charismatic dude. Socialise and know how to convince people is something that you can learn. I have the chance of being very high iq, when something interested me I learn very fast, I totaly change myself in 1 year. I personnaly started to be confident at the age of 15 when i first get laid and then I became more confident but I was a bit autistic at the age of 16 i started to ntmax and charisma max.

I can do it bro no problem, i personnaly find a way to charisma max, so yeah maybe tomorrow i will write a thread


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