Asians are the new bbcs

Water tbh east Asians are on par with black guys View attachment 1903312

Saw this Asian guy walking with This becky leaving a hotel and it’s happening more and more. Also when you see an East Asian with a white girl it’s better quality then what a black guy gets
You have to realize that this is due to a higher volume of Asians in white spaces. Blacks generally do not fraternize with college whites bc they consort in lower class areas and ghettos, where whites are not found. In terms of pure smv I still believe that tall mulatto mogs Asian guy
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bro quit arguing with these gooks, they've seen the data and the studies and they ignore them.
always ignore the data deniers.
Blackpill was founded on data, anecdotal evidence is bluepill cope
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  • JFL
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Blackpill was founded on data, anecdotal evidence is bluepill cope
their anecdotal evidence is clearly a larp, they claim to have seen gallons of AMWFs but im yet to see one.
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Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful
I said it lol
Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful
Incles finally realizing that exoticism is a delta for whatever your base looks are.
  • JFL
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Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful
Holy shit you guys need to stop with this asian pride marketing campaign. Literally no asians have white girlfriends. Never seen a single one. Not one.
Cope your mom shoke on Yellow cock
  • JFL
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Tales. All the Tyrones are busy roadmenmaxxing.
Yes they are

  • JFL
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Yeah these asian male "models" are getting set up to fail in the west. They have no idea what attractive east asian men look like. That guy may be a model.... but he's not even close to east asian beauty standards
He’s still a chad and would easily slay outside of East Asia. But yeah he doesn’t meet the EA bueaty standards it is what it is
  • Woah
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Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful
What about Arabs bro? Did the terrorist failo subside at least?
Yep. Water at this point. Koreans mogging us all
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  • JFL
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Dude I’m sorry but blacks are now out. They’ve lost their appeal tbh. Legit only low class girls like blacks. All the middle class blonde white girls are fucking Asian dudes. Some of these guys aren’t even kpop maxxed ffs
I've noticed that blondes are racemixing way more than brunettes. Or am I wrong?
  • JFL
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Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful
I don’t think BBC has ever been a thing outside of porn. I went to my uni bar last week and there were like 20 of them that pretty much spent the entire time unsuccessfully harassing foids until they got kicked out.

They probably do well trying to hit up black women, but getting a black woman is not very difficult to do to begin with.

That said this doesn’t apply to the ones that are like 20% or less black. A black guy like Blake griffin or Mike McDaniels (Miami dolphins head coach) will do pretty well.

Imo East Asians have begun replacing non-manlet/non-native Hispanics in the hierarchy though and they will probably challenge whites in the future given their significant physical advantages in terms of ageing+height+soft features.
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  • JFL
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I've noticed that blondes are racemixing way more than brunettes. Or am I wrong?
This Is tru and always has been a fact. Brunettes NEVER race mix 100% of the time you see a white girl with a black arab or Asian it’s an blonde
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Subhumans always win in the end

The phenomenon is happening because the Asians who have potential to ascend have begun to looksmax. But bear in mind that plenty of Asians, who don’t have such genetic potential, are utterly left in the dust.

Truecel Asian and Asian with potential in 1990:


Truecel Asian and Asian with potential (looksmaxed) in 2020:


The looks gap between the ricecels and the rice-not-cels is growing.
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I can't even imagine being 5 foot 5. That's a legit deformity in this day and age.

In any case this thread is just more ethnic cope. Things are not what they seem - the number of AMWF couples is very, very low. Ethnics see a few outliers and wet themselves because for once it temporarily validates their subhuman existences and makes them think they're desirable. They're not. Go to a club and it will still be the white men cleaning up as it always has been.
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the majority of incels in the world are east asian men and they have been cucked to oblivion by white dudes, and their women will fuck a white dude right infront of them, this would never happen in muslim arab or muslim african countries in north/east africa. White dudes are going to east asian countries to fuck the women. breh. In my country we kill white dudes who try to move to the women. For example in Egypt, years ago a white dude tried sex tourism in egypt he was killed immediately. hahahaha
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I’ve never heard of bbc clubs existing tbh. Yeah film it JFL. Do you mean clubs that just play rap music lol?

Yeah he means "urban" clubs

R&B, trap etc. but nah these are clubs that girls just know A lot of black guys congregate and the women will go there. Some of these clubs have multiple floors with each genre but there’s alwyas a “BBC” floor, many pakis and arbas are there as well but if you look around you’ll see the only guys Slaying on the floor are black and mullatos. With shit like this Black SMV ain’t going nowhere, blacks are only incel if Aspie or super short/ugly it’s really that simple

This is true to a certain extinct. Definitely most white girls and east girls going to these clubs will be open to fucking black dudes. and these are places thats its easy for a tall normie black guy to slay.

South asians and arabs also go to these clubs, but not because they are there for black guys, they just don't want to go the white club.
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I don’t think BBC has ever been a thing outside of porn. I went to my uni bar last week and there were like 20 of them that pretty much spent the entire time unsuccessfully harassing foids until they got kicked out.

They probably do well trying to hit up black women, but getting a black woman is not very difficult to do to begin with.

That said this doesn’t apply to the ones that are like 20% or less black. A black guy like Blake griffin or Mike McDaniels (Miami dolphins head coach) will do pretty well.

Imo East Asians have begun replacing non-manlet/non-native Hispanics in the hierarchy though and they will probably challenge whites in the future given their significant physical advantages in terms of ageing+height+soft features.
cope east asian men are seen as women, no woman is attracted to them.
I think he’s capping tbh I never see Asains with white women

Espeically not the international student ones they normally struggle to even make friends tbh and stick to their own circles
International students are rich, they’re probably betabuxx sugar daddy relationships. No sane foid would fuck a 3 inch 5’7 chink unless for money.
Yeah he means "urban" clubs

This is true to a certain extinct. Definitely most white girls and east girls going to these clubs will be open to fucking black dudes. and these are places thats its easy for a tall normie black guy to slay.

South asians and arabs also go to these clubs, but not because they are there for black guys, they just don't want to go the white club.
Nar they go there cos it’s easier for them to also get laid. Think about it, which do you reckon will have more “open minded” white girls, a white club or a BBC club. There you go so ethnics know deep down they have a higher chance to meet a white woman who’s OPEN to ethnics in these clubs than say a white club. Also the ethnic girls in these clubs are also open to dating ethnic guys. As I said most girls there are mostly there for blsck
Guys BUT that doesn’t mean they aren’t open to a dark triad paki or Arab guy hitting on them.
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Nar they go there cos it’s easier for them to also get laid. Think about it, which do you reckon will have more “open minded” white girls, a white club or a BBC club. There you go so ethnics know deep down they have a higher chance to meet a white woman who’s OPEN to ethnics in these clubs than say a white club. Also the ethnic girls in these clubs are also open to dating ethnic guys. As I said most girls there are mostly there for blsck
Guys BUT that doesn’t mean they aren’t open to a dark triad paki or Arab guy hitting on them.

For average ethnics yeah since their friend groups are all other ethnics i agree.
and yeah in the black music clubs its only black guys and roadman style pakis/arabs slaying.

But if you have white friends you should go to the white club. Ideally some hipstery place.
Whether you're Black or Brown you will stand out way more here for obvs reasons.
This is EZmode to score white girls, if you are HTN+ ethnic dude.
Also you need decent height for this or you'll get heightmogged by all the white lanklets there.

Personally, I had way easier time getting girls in mostly white clubs than in black ones.
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For average ethnics yeah since their friend groups are all other ethnics i agree.
and yeah in the black music clubs its only black guys and roadman style pakis/arabs slaying.

But if you have white friends you should go to the white club. Ideally some hipstery place.
Whether you're Black or Brown you will stand out way more here for obvs reasons.
This is EZmode to score white girls, if you are HTN+ ethnic dude.
Also you need decent height for this or you'll get heightmogged by all the white lanklets there.

Personally, I had way easier time getting girls in mostly white clubs than in black ones.
Yeah depends on you tbh, also the quality of girls is differnt, black clubs have girls who are more sex appeal white white clubs have girls who are cute but have no body. I do ok in both but I find if you’re in a white club as an ethnic you have to be GL, not a problem for me cos I am HTN/Chadlite when I go out but in black clubs girls literally cold approach me for cock XD so I prefer the black ones

But if you’re avg looking or below which most men are, as an ethnic black clubs will be a better bet cos there will be Arab and curry girls there for curries and Arab guys to hit on if the white girls aren’t into you
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next decade brahmins and pakis will takeover
  • JFL
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either failednormiemanlet is speaking seriously or he's an indian with a cuckold fetish for asian men
dasha has fucked tattoomaxed koreans
  • JFL
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Yeah depends on you tbh, also the quality of girls is differnt, black clubs have girls who are more sex appeal white white clubs have girls who are cute but have no body. I do ok in both but I find if you’re in a white club as an ethnic you have to be GL, not a problem for me cos I am HTN/Chadlite when I go out but in black clubs girls literally cold approach me for cock XD so I prefer the black ones

Yeah rule of thumb for ethnic dudes is do you at least mog the MTN white dudes. If you do, then you're all good to go.

For sure girls are more sex appeal maxxed in black clubs.

I have the opposite experience to you.
In Black clubs, there's way more mean mugging from other dudes, and girls are way more hostile and rachet in general.
So its ok for hooking up with other asian girls for me, but in general approaching randoms isnt a fun experience in these clubs.

In white clubs / hipstery places, as long as you drink and come with a mostly or all white group of friends, rando friend groups are more open to being talked to and its just less fights and bullshit here. In white clubs i'm way more likely to just get straight up approached by girls.

You also have the actual desi clubs, which is similar issues to black clubs, with so many guys trying it but it is also EZ mode but i don't think ive ever seen more than a few non south asians at any of these clubs. So its probably not an option for white guys or blacks guys unless they have asians friends to bring them along otherwise could have problems.

i agree with you first point that Black clubs are great for tall good frame black dudes. lots of girls go there to hunt for BBC. No other racial group has such an easy funnel imo
Maybe these days korean guys at kpop events is even easier.
@Blackgymmax do you go to urban/ hip hop clubs and whats your experience compared to more mainstream clubs?
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98A76FBC 2FC4 431C BA23 F1724F7EC688

change your pfp lil bro
  • JFL
Reactions: Anchor_Ship, LooksOrDeath and Deleted member 21620
Yeah rule of thumb for ethnic dudes is do you at least mog the MTN white dudes. If you do, then you're all good to go.

For sure girls are more sex appeal maxxed in black clubs.

I have the opposite experience to you.
In Black clubs, there's way more mean mugging from other dudes, and girls are way more hostile and rachet in general.
So its ok for hooking up with other asian girls for me, but in general approaching randoms isnt a fun experience in these clubs.

In white clubs / hipstery places, as long as you drink and come with a mostly or all white group of friends, rando friend groups are more open to being talked to and its just less fights and bullshit here. In white clubs i'm way more likely to just get straight up approached by girls.

You also have the actual desi clubs, which is similar issues to black clubs, with so many guys trying it but it is also EZ mode but i don't think ive ever seen more than a few non south asians at any of these clubs. So its probably not an option for white guys or blacks guys unless they have asians friends to bring them along otherwise could have problems.

i agree with you first point that Black clubs are great for tall good frame black dudes. lots of girls go there to hunt for BBC. No other racial group has such an easy funnel imo
Maybe these days korean guys at kpop events is even easier.
@Blackgymmax do you go to urban/ hip hop clubs and whats your experience compared to more mainstream clubs?
@Blackgymmax is aspie he doesn’t do that shit.

And yeah these clubs have a lot of tension that’s why I prefer white clubs for safety but I find it’s easier to pull girls in black clubs for me as white girls like to play bullshit games to pull them. Ethnic women will actually give you sex in said clubs.

I have heard of DESI clubs from @FailedNormieManlet but never seen one myself. Black clubs by mine are infested with south Asians though so you could prob call it a mix between DESI and black but it’s traditionally a black club and girls go there for BBC.

Koreans slay in their events that’s true but HOW often are those events? Super rare unlike night clubs which are opene every weekend so I don’t see how it compares. Also Korean events cost a lot to go to.
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  • JFL
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos, Deleted member 21620 and FailedNormieManlet
Yeah rule of thumb for ethnic dudes is do you at least mog the MTN white dudes. If you do, then you're all good to go.

For sure girls are more sex appeal maxxed in black clubs.

I have the opposite experience to you.
In Black clubs, there's way more mean mugging from other dudes, and girls are way more hostile and rachet in general.
So its ok for hooking up with other asian girls for me, but in general approaching randoms isnt a fun experience in these clubs.

In white clubs / hipstery places, as long as you drink and come with a mostly or all white group of friends, rando friend groups are more open to being talked to and its just less fights and bullshit here. In white clubs i'm way more likely to just get straight up approached by girls.

You also have the actual desi clubs, which is similar issues to black clubs, with so many guys trying it but it is also EZ mode but i don't think ive ever seen more than a few non south asians at any of these clubs. So its probably not an option for white guys or blacks guys unless they have asians friends to bring them along otherwise could have problems.

i agree with you first point that Black clubs are great for tall good frame black dudes. lots of girls go there to hunt for BBC. No other racial group has such an easy funnel imo
Maybe these days korean guys at kpop events is even easier.
@Blackgymmax do you go to urban/ hip hop clubs and whats your experience compared to more mainstream clubs?
Never been clubbing yet actually.
  • Woah
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Yeah rule of thumb for ethnic dudes is do you at least mog the MTN white dudes. If you do, then you're all good to go.

For sure girls are more sex appeal maxxed in black clubs.

I have the opposite experience to you.
In Black clubs, there's way more mean mugging from other dudes, and girls are way more hostile and rachet in general.
So its ok for hooking up with other asian girls for me, but in general approaching randoms isnt a fun experience in these clubs.

In white clubs / hipstery places, as long as you drink and come with a mostly or all white group of friends, rando friend groups are more open to being talked to and its just less fights and bullshit here. In white clubs i'm way more likely to just get straight up approached by girls.

You also have the actual desi clubs, which is similar issues to black clubs, with so many guys trying it but it is also EZ mode but i don't think ive ever seen more than a few non south asians at any of these clubs. So its probably not an option for white guys or blacks guys unless they have asians friends to bring them along otherwise could have problems.

i agree with you first point that Black clubs are great for tall good frame black dudes. lots of girls go there to hunt for BBC. No other racial group has such an easy funnel imo
Maybe these days korean guys at kpop events is even easier.
@Blackgymmax do you go to urban/ hip hop clubs and whats your experience compared to more mainstream clubs?
What’s a desi club like? Do you think I’d do well?
  • JFL
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East Asians have small dicks.

/End of story
What’s a desi club like? Do you think I’d do well?

I don't go that often since i don't listen to asian music and am a little bit of a coconut but i been a few and will probably go more often in the future.

Pros are its easier to mog there, if you have any of good face / height / muscles / style ( most guys are roadmanmaxxed, but not in a good way, npc roadman style if you get what i mean)
and lots of down to fuck asian girls. the asian girls you meet at these places are way more open than the average one you'll meet on other nights out.

Negatives are lots of guys in groups starting shit and the fact its only asians music and pretty much only south asians go to these bhangra/desi clubs.

But overall for MTN brown dudes i think this is the easiest way to find a DTF chick.
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Never been clubbing yet actually.

How can you be on steds and you don't flash your physique in the best place to use it outside of OLD/the beach. JFL

You're tall too, you should go to hip hop clubs especially ones in the centre of big cities since they have lots of whites and other groups also there.

You will clean up.
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South Asian guys are basically integrated quite well, it’s hard to say how it is for us. I think East Asians are mogging us tho tbh

Idc I’m not even Asian dude

In my town, all the Asians are intl students, so many are fucking white girls.

Guys like this are absolutely killing itView attachment 1903055View attachment 1903057
Damn so INTERNATIONAL asian students are with british white girls????
Fuck in my day those students wouldn't even speak to the English students lmaooo

I thought u mean british East Asian dudes were with the white students

Fucking hell shits done changed for rice cels

I noticed this shit too when I went club couple weeks ago although it was a SEA dude with a decent EE girl

I noticed in EE how they love asian guys too fucking hell

Currys turn coming soon? Check out my curry agenda thread BCC where I discussed this
  • +1
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Damn so INTERNATIONAL asian students are with british white girls????
Fuck in my day those students wouldn't even speak to the English students lmaooo

I thought u mean british East Asian dudes were with the white students

Fucking hell shits done changed for rice cels

I noticed this shit too when I went club couple weeks ago although it was a SEA dude with a decent EE girl

I noticed in EE how they love asian guys too fucking hell

Currys turn coming soon? Check out my curry agenda thread BCC where I discussed this
Curry will never a have a turn, they are brown and most look like shit(literally)

not to mention the weird cow poop and smelly culture, a very weird autistic race Indians are
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in South Africa blacks have lower smv than Indians and Asians
they can only get black girls
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Curry will never a have a turn, they are brown and most look like shit(literally)

not to mention the weird cow poop and smelly culture, a very weird autistic race Indians are
Dunno dude guys like this dude are legit good looking
This guy killed tinder experiments too

He mogs a rice man in every single way

Good looking is good looking regardless of race tbh
But appeal is massively determined by media halo
But good display of genetics are attractive despite race


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Was walking outside today and noticed the amount of East Asian male uni students with white girls. It’s legit insane. I see them more often than I see black male white female. Unironically @Vietnam and @Cheesyrumble were right ngl. I saw cute white girls with Asian dudes who’d have been called subhuman and ugly a few years back.

Media halo too powerful


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