
lol whaaat?! listen, my argument is that from an darwinian point of view you should believe in God because your brain is hardwired to do so.
Yes, basically it's a survival mehcnism which is why we turn to God or higher power in times of crisis. I'm on an atheistic-spiritual spectrum and I believe god is the mind and that's the source of consiousness.
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lol whaaat?! listen, my argument is that from an darwinian point of view you should believe in God because your brain is hardwired to do so.
By the way, you're also misconstruing the purpose of the study.
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No as I told you it's a coping mechanism people create to explain the inexplicable, it's also a good tool to manage societies and offers comfort cause it tends to assures life after death.

No one is born believing Allah is the one true God or Jesus is the messiah, those are things we pick up from our parents, peers and society. If you were born in a Christian country or India (at least where hinduism is more common) you most probably wouldn't be muslim.
No, many muslims misunderstand a statement by the Prophet (alayhi a salat wa salam): "No baby is born but upon Fitrah, it is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist"

No one said that if one is born in an Island he will pray 5 times a day precisely and make Ramadan, and if someone said that he is wrong, this is well known and accepted among muslim scholars

"Fitra" or "fitrah" (Arabic: فطرة‎; ALA-LC: fiṭrah) is the state of purity and innocence Muslims believe all humans to be born with. Fitra is an Arabic word that is usually translated as "original disposition," "natural constitution," or "innate nature."

According to Islamic theology, human beings are born with an innate inclination of tawhid (Oneness of God), which is encapsulated in the fitra along with compassion, intelligence, ihsan and all other attributes that embody the concept of humanity.
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I really recommend these two videos about the subject, they don't go deep inside it but they explain the surface a little, he is an Irish ex christian, then ex atheist who became muslim and is making a career by studying the Fitrah and ancient religions

Yes, basically it's a survival mehcnism which is why we turn to God or higher power in times of crisis. I'm on an atheistic-spiritual spectrum and I believe god is the mind and that's the source of consiousness.
This guy has repeatedly proven to lack any form of logical reasoning. I'm not gonna reply to him anymore and suggest you guys to do the same, complete time waste

@africancel @eyelidcel
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This guy has repeatedly proven to lack any form of logical reasoning. I'm not gonna reply to him anymore and suggest you guys to do the same, complete time waste

@africancel @eyelidcel
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I really recommend these two videos about the subject, they don't go deep inside it but they explain the surface a little, he is an Irish ex christian, then ex atheist who became muslim and is making a career by studying the Fitrah and ancient religions

hmm stop preaching islam on looksmaxx brother, you can also checkout Hassan Radwan on youtube for arguments AGAINST Islam. If you deen is so strong, I guess it wouldn't be affected by welcoming criticism from a respected Islamic scholar. Would it?
hmm stop preaching islam on looksmaxx brother, you can also checkout Hassan Radwan on youtube for arguments AGAINST Islam. If you deen is so strong, I guess it wouldn't be affected by welcoming criticism from a respected Islamic scholar. Would it?
I checked a lot of muslim haters during my life and i'm still doing it by the way, before knowing the refutation they hurt my Iman i must say (Faith), anyone who grows up listening those will hate Islam if he does not have the knowledge

After researching the refutations of their refutations, and the refutations they themselves make and the refutation of that refutation, i became even more muslim and now i can never skip my salat, sawm etc, never in my life i have believed more in Allah Alhamdulillah
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So? We're hardwired to believe in gods, according to a bunch of studies. Not your god, not Allah, not Thor or Odin, not Baal. Just any god. If Allah designed us to believe, why is the design not specific to belief in Allah, instead of any old god? We're actually hard wired to see patterns and jump to conclusions about those patterns in order for us to make sense of reality. One of those mechanisms is about believing in "higher authorities". Everything from gods, deities, ghosts, spirits and apparitions. It's what the "god helmet" does.
You don't read shit neither from me or more importantly the study
functional societies etc I'm done talking to your and putting you on block faster than a jihadi bombing his local store
then go fuck yourself, wtf are you even here on this thread for then. 'Functional societies' man put me on ignore and be done with it.

Yes bro 'functional societies'


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Neckbeard fucks can't even properly read one simple study.
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being agnostic is just refusing to research reasoning being irrelevant. I'm more of an agnostic atheist than a gnostic one. I don't believe there is a god and certainly not the gods human described but I can't yet completely discount some sort of higher being though still I'd say it to be fairly unlikely. even if a god was to exist, interaction would be very unlikely.
I dont believe in a god but a higher being tbh if i ever touched these subjects. God=omni wich means perfect and doesnt make any sense in a world full of chaos. Who cares at the end of the day. Its just meaningless barking
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I checked a lot of muslim haters during my life and i'm still doing it by the way, before knowing the refutation they hurt my Iman i must say (Faith), anyone who grows up listening those will hate Islam if he does not have the knowledge

After researching the refutations of their refutations, and the refutations they themselves make and the refutation of that refutation, i became even more muslim and now i can never skip my salat, sawm etc, never in my life i have believed more in Allah Alhamdulillah
Good for you, brother. Hope you get to "heaven".
Homer Not Today GIF by MOODMAN
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You just present us the Result of scientific research.
This doesnt proof a higher power is real.
How atheism is cope is also not explained by you.
Stupid bait thread as usual by religiouscels on looksmax.
This can not be used in support of Islam btw.
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If curcial parts of an theory become disproven then the whole thing falls apart. I hope you can understand that. Now in no way am I a darwinist but the atheists are. That is why I find it contradictonary for them to disbelieve in God.
lol "falls apart", more like adjusted. it's contradictory to intelligence to believe in believe in god because it's stupid, irrational and unproven.
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No idea wtf that wordfuckery was about, doubt you even did yourself but the hardwiring could be easily explained given the fact humans are naturally prone to expect a creator behind things, which is completely useless for ACTUALLY proving your religion
He thinks that the fact the average human that doesn't understand the world and was indoctrinated into religion (most people trusting the majority) is the same as being hardwired for theism... What's hardwired into humans is a fear of snakes, spiders, etc. things that pose actual danger to humans.
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lol "falls apart", more like adjusted. it's contradictory to intelligence to believe in believe in god because it's stupid, irrational and unproven.
He thinks that the fact the average human that doesn't understand the world and was indoctrinated into religion (most people trusting the majority) is the same as being hardwired for theism... What's hardwired into humans is a fear of snakes, spiders, etc. things that pose actual danger to humans.
You just present us the Result of scientific research.
This doesnt proof a higher power is real.
How atheism is cope is also not explained by you.
Stupid bait thread as usual by religiouscels on looksmax.
This can not be used in support of Islam btw.
The point is your brain is supposed to believe, wether you find evidence or not. The most suprising in this study is that Japanese children show this, despite their lack of religious upbringing.

Idc, why you still bark at me because nothing you say refutes this research.
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The point is your brain is supposed to believe, wether you find evidence or not. The most suprising in this study is that Japanese children show this, despite their lack of religious upbringing.

Idc, why you still bark at me because nothing you say refutes this research.
research site:
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social science is cope tainted by fags ,females and betas. human behavior is complex enough to attempt to legitimize anything and with societal ramifications for saying otherwise. It's objective psuedo-science since there is no way to observe all the environmental and physical factors at play.
Not all of it. But most "woke" stuff is.
Obvious stuff, like stereotype accuracy for example is pretty robust. Things that you would call "common sense", but is mostly not really well liked among the woke.
The point is your brain is supposed to believe, wether you find evidence or not. The most suprising in this study is that Japanese children show this, despite their lack of religious upbringing.

Idc, why you still bark at me because nothing you say refutes this research.
Because your thread title is atheism = cope not reserach shows believe in god is natural to humans
Because your thread title is atheism = cope not reserach shows believe in god is natural to humans
Atheism itself is something that has to be learned despite the fact that it is unnatural to hold.
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Atheism itself is something that has to be learned despite the fact that it is unnatural to hold.
Its not unnatural to hold thats not what this research is about
I will make thread to tomorrow in regard to this
your welcome
its to late now i need to sleep.
I can understand why would someone be an Atheist, but Im 100% sure that there is a God
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Atheism itself is something that has to be learned despite the fact that it is unnatural to hold.
It's not unnatural to hold, its just not hard-wired, like believe in a god.
At Least thats what the research here says.
It's not unnatural to hold, its just not hard-wired, like believe in a god.
At Least thats what the research here says.
Yes in contrast to theism, the atheist view is learned like in eating with a spoon. Many atheist argue that religions are itself a cope while I argue that it is closer to our natural state then anything else.
The moment you hold atheistic views is like trying to rewire your brain in thinking otherwise, most atheists do this for personal gains, believe it or not. that's why I said it is a cope
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Yes in contrast to theism, the atheist view is learned like in eating with a spoon. Many atheist argue that religions are itself a cope while I argue that it is closer to our natural state then anything else.
The moment you hold atheistic views is like trying to rewire your brain in thinking otherwise, most atheists do this for personal gains, believe it or not. that's why I said it is a cope
I like to remind you that this view is still contested it seems.

The moment you hold atheistic views is like trying to rewire your brain in thinking otherwise, most atheists do this for personal gains, believe it or not. that's why I said it is a cope

we talking about morals here or what you mean?
most atheists do this for personal gains
In my opinion don't become atheists because of any scientific evidence or back their of. The reason for this is that anything hardwired in your mind doesn't concern with evidence.

Many studies like this one show that believe in God is like the default position a human has. The study of this women is the strongest because it shows the views of Japanese children who normally have nothing to do with theism let alone a cultural pressure of it.
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In my opinion don't become atheists because of any scientific evidence or back their of. The reason for this is that anything hardwired in your mind doesn't concern with evidence.
So what's the reason then if it's not lack of evidence ?
What personal gains do you get ?
What personal gains do you get ?
It´s a case of who owns the house. The architect is the real owner, to him you pay the rent. You might want the have the building for yourself, it is not on your name however. The onlything you can do to own the house is denying the involvement of the architect.

Some people don´t want to acknowledge anything that is superrior to them even tho the brain, according to this and many other studies tells us otherwise. Being an ´ahteist´ is their way out of accepting ones inferiority. This is what is gained, a sense of superiority.

´God didn´t create the land, it made itself and I happenned to own it now´
´The sea wasn´t created by God, it came from rain and I happen to own it now´

For atheists it is a matter of who owns the place. Accepting God means that they aren´t the owners. Many of them claim that the universe was infinite, now they say it´s a multiverse we live in but regardless infinity is an attribute we only Give to God. In many ways it is like polytheism were you give the attributes of God to things you see in Nature. The only diffrence between an atheist believing in the multiverse and a volcano worshipper is the fact that the latter believes the volcano is more intellegent than him. The only reason why an atheist doesn´t want to believe the ´multiverse´ isn´t more intellegent then them is because if they did they would need to submit to it.

Now I don´t believe in a multiverse or an infinite universe because it doesn´t make sense but the atheist does. He ascribes infinity to it, by default making it his nesecarry being in other words God. Do you get the point of why atheism is nothing more then another cope?
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It´s a case of who owns the house. The architect is the real owner, to him you pay the rent. You might want the have the building for yourself, it is not on your name however. The onlything you can do to own the house is denying the involvement of the architect.

Some people don´t want to acknowledge anything that is superrior to them even tho the brain, according to this and many other studies tells us otherwise. Being an ´ahteist´ is their way out of accepting ones inferiority. This is what is gained, a sense of superiority.

´God didn´t create the land, it made itself and I happenned to own it now´
´The sea wasn´t created by God, it came from rain and I happen to own it now´

For atheists it is a matter of who owns the place. Accepting God means that they aren´t the owners. Many of them claim that the universe was infinite, now they say it´s a multiverse we live in but regardless infinity is an attribute we only Give to God. In many ways it is like polytheism were you give the attributes of God to things you see in Nature. The only diffrence between an atheist believing in the multiverse and a volcano worshipper is the fact that the latter believes the volcano is more intellegent than him. The only reason why an atheist doesn´t want to believe the ´multiverse´ isn´t more intellegent then them is because if they did they would need to submit to it.

Now I don´t believe in a multiverse or an infinite universe because it doesn´t make sense but the atheist does. He ascribes infinity to it, by default making it his nesecarry being in other words God. Do you get the point of why atheism is nothing more then another cope?
Its the opposite, religion is a coping mechanism, atleast some aspects of it. Mostly concerning mortality / death.
It was probaly useful in the past
for hunter gatheres for survival or it was just not harmful / neutral. There is no purpose behind such things. Its random. That how evolution works. Also no evidence for any kind of architect. Thats just wishful thinking from your side. You believe in some random arab religion thinking its the one.
You know its the opposite. Religion makes man special, thinking he is special and superior to all other lifeforms. We are created by a creator who created this world just for us to live in it.
Science takes that away. Man isnt the owner of anything. Man owns nothing besides our own thoughts maybe.
We are random products of evolution in a deadly universe.
Also you seem to think that this hardwired belief is proof for the existence of god, which is wrong.
Its a product of evolution nothing more.
We dont need this anymore.
Science acknowledges there could be lifeforms that are smarter than us btw.
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Its the opposite, religion is a coping mechanism, atleast some aspects of it. Mostly concerning mortality / death.
It was probaly useful in the past
We are talking about the the existence of God tho. Religion right now is a diffrent subject. Any religion by default is more natural than atheism.
Also no evidence for any kind of architect. Thats just wishful thinking from your side
It is not ´wishful thinking´ when this is supposed to be our default state. Our mind doesn´t need evidence in figuring out something has a maker. At the end something that is finite can only have a maker that is infinite. You give it to this ´universe´ or ´multiverse´ without ascribing higher intellegence to it. This in itself doesn´t make sense
You believe in some random arab religion thinking its the one.
Like I said the case with religion is not wether God exist or not but rather if he intervened or not. I obviously as a Muslim believe in divine intervention. This is where religion gets legitimacy but we aren´t talking about this.
You know its the opposite. Religion makes man special, thinking he is special and superior to all other lifeforms. We are created by a creator who created this world just for us to live in it.
We are already at the top in this world, you don´t need to be religious to see that. Atheists want to believe they are superior to everything in contrasts to theists. Thinking you have more intellegence than anything that you attribute infinity to is the most superiority complex you can have.
Science takes that away. Man isnt the owner of anything. Man owns nothing besides our own thoughts maybe.
We are random products of evolution in a deadly universe.
If it is anything, we use science in trying to own everything and you know this.
We are random products of evolution in a deadly universe.
No we aren´t ´random´ there is order.
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what you gonna do about it? pray to allah that he sends me away?
emotional whore bark somewhere else. what are you even trying?
Show some respect.
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emotional whore bark somewhere else. what are you even trying?
Show some respect.
it never began for you allahuakbarcel

isismax and just suicidebomb bro

maybe in heaven you'll be granted your 72 virgins
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seeing is believing
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We are talking about the the existence of God tho. Religion right now is a diffrent subject. Any religion by default is more natural than atheism.
Humans also have the natural tendency to disbelieve. They come to this conclusion with their natural capabilities. There nature allows this to happen. You can view the believe in a higher power as a default state of mind, but its not more natural than atheism.Humans can you use there mind. They can question things. We use reason as a tool that were also born with.
Children are not fully developed mentally. Especially young infants.
It is not ´wishful thinking´ when this is supposed to be our default state. Our mind doesn´t need evidence in figuring out something has a maker. At the end something that is finite can only have a maker that is infinite. You give it to this ´universe´ or ´multiverse´ without ascribing higher intellegence to it. This in itself doesn´t make sense
Its nothing more than a product of evolution and no indication of a higher power. I have told you this already. Its random, there is no point in it being there and same with all your attributes. Its the mind of infants we are talking about here after all. This will change when they grow up.
We are already at the top in this world, you don´t need to be religious to see that. Atheists want to believe they are superior to everything in contrasts to theists. Thinking you have more intellegence than anything that you attribute infinity to is the most superiority complex you can have.
You just assuming things
about atheists. You dont know all so stop doing this nonsense. You imagine this to be the way they are.
No we aren´t ´random´ there is order.
Proof it
There is only order in the sense that there are laws of nature.
If it is anything, we use science in trying to own everything and you know this.
We use science for our benefit. We cannot own the laws of physics or the universe.
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did u see ur mosque getting destroyed?
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