
Look i don't care if you reject it, you can't argue that your brain isn't hardwired to believe in God. If you want show us a study where atheism can be recognized as a natural thought in having. Infants should atleast be indiffrent to it right? If anything is a cope it's atheism.
lol but I can, If I was hardwired to believe in god I never would have been skeptical in the first place and became an athiest. crazy who as a grew older and my intellect grew with me I distanced myself further and further from religion.
I reiterate, based on what? a world where theism never existed?

There is a societal imprint that religious coping has had and won't be easy to shake. Not mention there is money in it so it's a business.
then , prove to me , that objective morality exists without god
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Where is the cope you idiot. Read the study. Humans are hardwired to believe in God wether you like it or not.
yes but they're not hardwired to believe in the teachings of 7th century goat herders
lol but I can, If I was hardwired to believe in god I never would have been skeptical in the first place and became an athiest. crazy who as a grew older and my intellect grew with me I distanced myself further and further from religion.
most humans are hardwired in writing with their right hand. It doesn't mean that they can't also do it with their left. It will however never be the same as with the right one. Just like it is with using your left hand in a fist fight. It won't help you and you won't survive: That is why it is falsehood you hold.
  • JFL
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Another religion thread. Both atheism and religion are cope, but if your atheist and incel then you must be GIGA low iq.
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from an darwinian evolutionary perspective it is.

Thinking she doesn't like you is unnatural.
See Dunning-Kruger effect

Now, somebody who was science minded would be looking for IOIs or doing some sort of self facial analysis calculating your chance of success.
Thinking she likes you without basis just makes you a retard.
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read the study. It is rather Atheism that is a cope. No point in repeating slogans.
doesn't mean anything what retarded babies think
religions are made up copes for the masses, you're low iq if you deny this.
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read the original post you simpleton.
I did, but we all know that you still believe that only islam is the real deal, so how does that hardwired belief in god help people who still reject muslim doctrine? will the author of that study get any virgins in paradise?

at this point in time, islam is a way for people who are stuck in the 7th century to cope with getting mogged by the rest of the world
  • JFL
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Another religion thread. Both atheism and religion are cope, but if your atheist and incel then you must be GIGA low iq.
saying both are cope is cope. unless an agnostic atheist
Now, somebody who was science minded would be looking for IOIs or doing some sort of self facial analysis calculating your chance of success.
Thinking she likes you without basis just makes you a retard.
Let´s not move out of the topic. Let me put it this way. A normal functioning human won´t think hours long if a tree is not something else then a tree. You won´t think everyday that maybe your in a computer program. It is the same case with the example you giv. For that moment you think that the person likes you until proven otherwise
we haven't lived in a world free of "god", how the fuck could I do that retard?
we do now . most people aren't religious , and don't uphold religious values .

many people have tried , all failed , to come up with a system that could give us objective morality
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Also atheists don't become completely rational after abandoning god.
This is especially obvious in liberal/left-leaning atheists, where they suddenly believe in omni-present white privilege that surrounds us in the air.
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saying both are cope is cope. unless an agnostic atheist
Im agnostic. And yes both are cope since no one knows the truth. Keep discussing this pointless shit with everyone. Get to work
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I did, but we all know that you still believe that only islam is the real deal, so how does that hardwired belief in god help people who still reject muslim doctrine? will the author of that study get any virgins in paradise?

at this point in time, islam is a way for people who are stuck in the 7th century to cope with getting mogged by the rest of the world
What´s your point. Early Muslims never made books or research in proving God´s existence. They didn´t do it because nobody was foolish enough to think like that until the modern times. We have many books that argue on concepts like prophethood and divine intervention. Read books on that if you want to know our statements. my original post has nothing to do with this.
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  • JFL
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Im agnostic. And yes both are cope since no one knows the truth. Keep discussing this pointless shit with everyone. Get to work
Read the original post. The argument is that we are hardwired in believing that God´s existence is true. Nothing more nothing less
are you using laws of logic ?
Yes but you aren't, you want someone to disprove something you believe not understanding how burden of proof works, you've used circular argument
idk that much about greek mythology , but no , since if zeus exists , that would mean the other exist too , which wouldn't make sense , zeus was born , meaning he had a beginning , and god can't have a beginning or ending
That doesn't disprove anything who said God can't have a beginning or end can you prove it.
I return an hour later and still the atheism debate rages
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most humans are hardwired in writing with their right hand. It doesn't mean that they can't also do it with their left. It will however never be the same as with the right one. Just like it is with using your left hand in a fist fight. It won't help you and you won't survive: That is why it is falsehood you hold.
incoherent, cope.
also, your argument is ALL humans are hardwired to believe in god. but with your analogy it's MOST.

I'll use it against you, most people are right handed (retarded) but there are some who are just naturally left handed (intelligent).

I explained the analogy because analogously you are right handed and I am left handed.
  • +1
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Yes but you aren't, you want someone to disprove something you believe not understanding how burden of proof works, you've used circular argument

That doesn't disprove anything who said God can't have a beginning or end can you prove it.
god by definition shouldn't have a beginning.

you aren't tho , laws of contradiction ? , you heard of it
  • Hmm...
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Read the original post. The argument is that we are hardwired in believing that God´s existence is true. Nothing more nothing less
I was just reacting to his post. What has this post have anything to do with that?
That doesn't disprove anything who said God can't have a beginning or end can you prove it.
God´s can´t start or end and something that starts or ends can´t be God.
he Kalam cosmological argument is a modern formulation of the cosmological argument for the existence of God. It is named after the kalam (medieval Islamic scholasticism) from which its key ideas originated.
god by definition shouldn't have a beginning.

you aren't tho , laws of contradiction ? , you heard of it
By whose definition many people beleive in gods who were born, the definition of god is just a supreme supernatural being
  • +1
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LOL, science is not a belief system nigga. It's based on facts, data and observation.

Cope for me more.
Depends on what you would accept as science.Most social sciences have a left-leaning bias, to the point where people got a bullshit story peer-reviewed, titled "Dog parks are petri dishes for canine rape culture".

There is also a replication crisis in the social sciences (again, this only really affects left-wing stuff, like Storm et al, 2010).

This is definitely not a neutral field.
  • +1
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They are barking at me rather then trying to discuss this study jfl
What did you expect bro honestly lol at your IQ for engaging with these people you will never convince them.
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Let´s not move out of the topic. Let me put it this way. A normal functioning human won´t think hours long if a tree is not something else then a tree. You won´t think everyday that maybe your in a computer program. It is the same case with the example you giv. For that moment you think that the person likes you until proven otherwise
I hadn't moved away from the topic at all. You're only proving to me that you can't think abstractly (not intelligent). Intellegent people often have pattern thinking and can see the commonality between different things and situations. That's why they put those types of questions on IQ tests.
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God´s can´t start or end and something that starts or ends can´t be God.
That's not proof the definition of god is literally just a supreme supernatural being, you're giving the description of an Abrahamic religion's view of god.
also, your argument is ALL humans are hardwired to believe in god. but with your analogy it's MOST.
listen, the ones who did this study percieved it themselves man. Nothing can be taken away from it.
I'll use it against you, most people are right handed (retarded) but there are some who are just naturally left handed (intelligent).

I explained the analogy because analogously you are right handed and I am left handed.
again your diverting from the topic. My whole point is that you can´t undo something that is hardwired. Trying to do it means your own disability. Accept it.
INFANTS are hard-wired to believe in God, and atheism has to be learned, according to an Oxford University psychologist.

Dr Olivera Petrovich told a University of Western Sydney conference on the psychology of religion that even preschool children constructed theological concepts as part of their understanding of the physical world.
Pyschologists have debated whether belief in God or atheism was the natural human state. According to Dr Petrovich, an expert in psychology of religion, belief in God is not taught but develops naturally.
Dr Petrovich said her findings were based on several studies, particularly one of Japanese children aged four to six, and another of 400 British children aged five to seven from seven different faiths.

"Atheism is definitely an acquired position," she said.

Long story short Believe in God is hardwired into the brain, meaning it is something that is necessary for survival. Atheism is a position that comes from nurture not nature.

this is the study
Rubs hands

jews GIF
Saturday Night Live Snl GIF
  • JFL
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Depends on what you would accept as science.Most social sciences have a left-leaning bias, to the point where people got a bullshit story peer-reviewed, titled "Dog parks are petri dishes for canine rape culture".

There is also a replication crisis in the social sciences (again, this only really affects left-wing stuff, like Storm et al, 2010).

This is definitely not a neutral field.
social science is cope tainted by fags ,females and betas. human behavior is complex enough to attempt to legitimize anything and with societal ramifications for saying otherwise. It's objective psuedo-science since there is no way to observe all the environmental and physical factors at play.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
Depends on what you would accept as science.Most social sciences have a left-leaning bias, to the point where people got a bullshit story peer-reviewed, titled "Dog parks are petri dishes for canine rape culture".

There is also a replication crisis in the social sciences (again, this only really affects left-wing stuff, like Storm et al, 2010).

This is definitely not a neutral field.
It can never be a neutral field because people who do these studies are never neutral themselves, nobody can. Taking Science as some moral understanding is the biggest mistake that is ever done. The left is known for this because they can´t do otherwise. If you take God out of your world understanding your at scratch and need to cope with ´scientific morallity´
listen, the ones who did this study percieved it themselves man. Nothing can be taken away from it.

again your diverting from the topic. My whole point is that you can´t undo something that is hardwired. Trying to do it means your own disability. Accept it.
PATTERN THINKING, you lack it. you have the brain of a female.
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That's not proof the definition of god is literally just a supreme supernatural being, you're giving the description of an Abrahamic religion's view of god.
´first hand cause´ is the abrahamic understanding of God. we are not talking about some stone that is worshipped or did the infants from the study
  • Hmm...
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PATTERN THINKING, you lack it. you have the brain of a female.
Nice try instead of talking about the content of it you only bark at me.

ad hominem
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining
By whose definition many people beleive in gods who were born, the definition of god is just a supreme supernatural being
okay , if zeus had a beginning and was born. how did his father exist father ?
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Im agnostic. And yes both are cope since no one knows the truth. Keep discussing this pointless shit with everyone. Get to work
being agnostic is just refusing to research reasoning being irrelevant. I'm more of an agnostic atheist than a gnostic one. I don't believe there is a god and certainly not the gods human described but I can't yet completely discount some sort of higher being though still I'd say it to be fairly unlikely. even if a god was to exist, interaction would be very unlikely.
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´first hand cause´ is the abrahamic understanding of God. we are not talking about some stone that is worshipped or did the infants from the study
No where does it say they innately believed in an Abrahamic version God in the study, they didn't even say they believed in a God innately it basically says the developed supernatural and metaphysical beliefs based on their experience and understanding.

This threads are useless for many reasons, if you want people to believe in God then provide objective empirical testable proof he exists otherwise it's a waste of time for anyone to have these kinds of engagements.
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Nice try instead of talking about the content of it you only bark at me.

ad hominem
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining
my analogy was directly related to what we were speaking about.

cope for me more.
okay , if zeus had a beginning and was born. how did his father exist father ?
well he was also born, this is the origin story (Cronus is the father of Zeus)
In the beginning there was Chaos, a yawning nothingness. Out of the void emerged Gaia (the Earth) and other divine beings — Eros (love), the Abyss (part of the underworld), and the Erebus (the unknowable place where death dwells). Without male assistance, Gaia gave birth to Uranus (the Sky), who then fertilized her.
From that union the first Titans were born — six males: Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus, and six females: Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Theia, Themis, and Tethys. After Cronus (time) was born, Gaia and Uranus decreed no more Titans were to be born
No where does it say they innately believed in an Abrahamic version God in the study, they didn't even say they believed in a God innately it basically says the developed supernatural and metaphysical beliefs based on their experience and understanding.
Chapter 6 I report data regarding the same participants’ understanding
of the key attributes of God as a causal agent, which were elicited in the con-
text of their categorising stimulus objects as natural or artificial and answering
the cosmological questions. This evidence indicates that children’s concept of
God as a unique causal agent has two defining characteristics: immateriality and intentionality, which jointly specify God’s ontological otherness, i.e., beingneither spatial nor temporal but transcendent.
my analogy was directly related to what we were speaking about.

cope for me more.
the whole point of you analogy is to prove that working against the way your brain functions is also evolutionary beneficial, however it isn't.
the whole point of you analogy is to prove that working against the way your brain functions is also evolutionary beneficial, however it isn't.
the point of my first analogy was to reinforce what I stated plainly which was just because something is beneficial doesn't make it correct, even if it raises chances of success.
the point of my first analogy was to reinforce what I stated plainly which was just because something is beneficial doesn't make it correct, even if it raises chances of success.
From an Darwinian point of view that atheists hold dear to them it does.
well he was also born, this is the origin story (Cronus is the father of Zeus)
story doesn't make sense , how can something come from nothing
  • JFL
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