Black Moors of Africa introduction to soap & bathing in Spain

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019

Black Moors of Africa introduction to soap & bathing in Spain and most of Europe Spanish and most of Europe’s introduction to soap & bathing in Spain between the 7th & 14th century AD when Spain was conquered & ruled by the Black Islamic Moors of Africa. Those Black African Moors decided to CIVILIZE the local White Spanish population after noticing how savage, barbaric and illiterate those White people were living and thus influenced the civilization of the whole of Europe. This period is known as the European Dark Ages. All baths were built by those Black Islamic African Moors to clean up those White Europeans, notice the writing on the wall. Europeans didn’t know how to read nor write yet.
Black Moors Who taught the Europeans ( White) .
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We Wuz kangz
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JBW theory disappeared
white supremacy disappeared
black enslavement disappeared
we wuz soap distributors n shieet
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Moors aren’t black l o l
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Moors aren’t black l o l
No,the moors were Berbers and arabs and none of them is “black” there were Subsaharians amongst them but only as a small minority and its easy to proof.

The Islamic civilisation is probably the best documented civilisation of the middle ages which make it easy to Know how the moors (medieval North africans )perceived themselves and how they were perceived by others.

The medieval north Africans(ibn battuta,al idrissi,ibn khaldun..) were always differentiating north africa (the maghreb) and subsaharian africa that they called the bilad al sudan (the land of blacks).

for example the famous geographer Al idrissi who was of both arab and berber ancestry described Blacks territories as being in his first and part of his second climate.


The Andalusian historian ibn khaldun often commented in the differances between North africans ans subsaharians and even tired to explain its origin.

he wrote in his famous muqaddimah:



That show that “Moors” clearly differantiated themselves from subsaharians.

to have a better idea about how moors looked we can look at the medieval european representations :


spanish representation of Tariq ibn ziad the berber general who was leading the conquest of spain from 1302




representation of moors from the cantiga de santa maria


moorish ceiling at the sala de los Reyes

that confirm that the “moors” looked similar to moden North africans



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Black Moors of Africa introduction to soap & bathing in Spain and most of Europe Spanish and most of Europe’s introduction to soap & bathing in Spain between the 7th & 14th century AD when Spain was conquered & ruled by the Black Islamic Moors of Africa. Those Black African Moors decided to CIVILIZE the local White Spanish population after noticing how savage, barbaric and illiterate those White people were living and thus influenced the civilization of the whole of Europe. This period is known as the European Dark Ages. All baths were built by those Black Islamic African Moors to clean up those White Europeans, notice the writing on the wall. Europeans didn’t know how to read nor write yet.
Black Moors Who taught the Europeans ( White) .

Damn I guess the Romans and the Greeks didn't exist yet
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Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex, Deleted member 5746 and Deleted member 1973

Black Moors of Africa introduction to soap & bathing in Spain and most of Europe Spanish and most of Europe’s introduction to soap & bathing in Spain between the 7th & 14th century AD when Spain was conquered & ruled by the Black Islamic Moors of Africa. Those Black African Moors decided to CIVILIZE the local White Spanish population after noticing how savage, barbaric and illiterate those White people were living and thus influenced the civilization of the whole of Europe. This period is known as the European Dark Ages. All baths were built by those Black Islamic African Moors to clean up those White Europeans, notice the writing on the wall. Europeans didn’t know how to read nor write yet.
Black Moors Who taught the Europeans ( White) .

We became the true kangz and shiet
  • JFL
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Reactions: Biiyo03, Cidre enjoyer, Deleted member 14774 and 16 others
But bathing was already present in ancient rome so how do they introduced bathing to europe
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Learn how to get ahead in life. Lifestyle, success, power, confidence, and money.
But bathing was already present in ancient rome so how do they introduced bathing to europe
lots of greco roman knowledge was lost, a lot of it was reintroduced by muslims
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whyt peepo allways hatin' on a nigga FUCC deez haters!
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Black Moors of Africa introduction to soap & bathing in Spain and most of Europe Spanish and most of Europe’s introduction to soap & bathing in Spain between the 7th & 14th century AD when Spain was conquered & ruled by the Black Islamic Moors of Africa. Those Black African Moors decided to CIVILIZE the local White Spanish population after noticing how savage, barbaric and illiterate those White people were living and thus influenced the civilization of the whole of Europe. This period is known as the European Dark Ages. All baths were built by those Black Islamic African Moors to clean up those White Europeans, notice the writing on the wall. Europeans didn’t know how to read nor write yet.
Black Moors Who taught the Europeans ( White) .

Nigga who cares they've been dead for 600 years and your gonna be dead in around 80
View attachment 850835
this was how moors were often depicted
Idk how to tell you this, but moors still aren’t black.

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lots of greco roman knowledge was lost, a lot of it was reintroduced by muslims
From wikipedia
Christianity has always placed a strong emphasis on hygiene.[6] Despite the denunciation of the mixed bathing style of Roman pools by early Christian clergy, as well as the pagan custom of women bathing naked in front of men, this did not stop the Church from urging its followers to go to public baths for bathing,[7] which contributed to hygiene and good health according to the Church Father, Clement of Alexandria. The Church also built public bathing facilities that were separate for both sexes near monasteries and pilgrimage sites; also, the popes situated baths within church basilicas and monasteries since the early Middle Ages.[8] Pope Gregory the Great urged his followers on value of bathing as a bodily need.[9]
muh muh europeans dont know how to bath jfl
Do you guys really thinking people forget how to clean themselves
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muh muh europeans dont know how to bath jfl
Do you guys really thinking people forget how to clean themselves
Some peoples’ ethno-narcissism doesn’t jive with their culture having literally accomplished dogshit, so they cope by taking themselves down the we wuz kangz rabbithole.

Remember whitey, all of your knowledge, creativity and solar aristocratic character were looted from melinated kings and queens who for some reason can’t form functioning societies.
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Idk how to tell you this, but moors still aren’t black.

wow what agreat rebuttal, a quora post!!! :soy:
Yeah, except they’re caucausoid North Africans and not SSA as afrocentrists try to claim.
Still African same with Mali’s and Ancient Egypt all African
Still African same with Mali’s and Ancient Egypt all African
Because they are located in Africa, lol.

Are you using this as some kind of gotcha? It’s like me pointing out that Elon Musk is the richest African-American.

Ancient Egyptians were caucausoid too.
Yeah, except they’re caucausoid North Africans and not SSA as afrocentrists try to claim.
caucasoid based on what?

Berbers are mainly Middle Eastern and North/East African, stop talking out ur ass
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caucasoid based on what?

Berbers are mainly Middle Eastern and North/East African, stop talking out ur ass
Based on genetics. Caucausoid =\= nordic or even white european, but europeans are also caucausoid.
  • Ugh..
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Because they are located in Africa, lol.

Are you using this as some kind of gotcha? It’s like me pointing out that Elon Musk is the richest African-American.

Ancient Egyptians were caucausoid too.


  • +1
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Based on genetics. Caucausoid =\= nordic or even white european, but europeans are also caucausoid.
You’re such a fucking retard Caucausoid is not Nordic u fucking greycell Caucasoid is literally Middle East u gay fucking retard

Nordics havent even been part of the human phenotype for long
  • +1
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Because they are located in Africa, lol.

Are you using this as some kind of gotcha? It’s like me pointing out that Elon Musk is the richest African-American.

Ancient Egyptians were caucausoid too.
And how the fuck is Elon Musk African American
1 he’s not even American ur so fucking retarded it makes me sick go back




if I wasn’t on mobile i’d post the images of their black nubian slave and nutsack washers for you 😂
And how the fuck is Elon Musk African American
1 he’s not even American ur so fucking retarded it makes me sick go back
You’re dumber than I thought if you can’t understand the analogy
Ancient Egyptians were caucausoid too.
jfl at ur iq

The Badarians show a greater affinity to indigenous Africans while not being identical. This suggests that the Badarians were more affiliated with local and an indigenous African population than with Europeans
- Early Nile Valley Farmers from El Badari

A comparison with neighbouring Nile Valley skeletal samples suggests that the high status cemetery represents an endogamous ruling or elite segment of the local population at Naqada, which is more closely related to populations in northern Nubia than to neighbouring populations in southern Egypt.
- Concordance of cranial and dental morphological traits and evidence for endogamy in ancient Egypt

Early southern predynastic Egyptian crania show tropical African affinities, displaying craniometric trends that differ notably from the coastal northern African pattern. The various craniofacial patterns discernible in northern Africa are attributable to the agents of microevolution and migration.

The predynastic remains from the south (Badari, early Nagada) have been noted to be broadly Negroid by several previous workers. Casual inspection of these remains from a morphological perspective confirms this.

The upper Nile Valley series show close affinities to one another and to tropical African series. Thus variation is also present in the Egyptian Nile Valley, as the northern pattern trend is distinguishable from the southern one. The Badari and Nagada I cranial patterns emerge as tropical African variants (with Kerma). Badari remains show little affinity to the mass of Maghreban crania

- Studies of Ancient Crania From Northern Africa

"The nature of the body plan was also investigated by comparing the intermembral, brachial, and crural indices for these samples with values obtained from the literature. No significant differences were found in either index through time for either sex. The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyptians had the “super-Negroid” body plan described by Robins (1983). The values for the brachial and crural indices show that the distal segments of each limb are longer relative to the proximal segments than in many “African” populations (data from Aiello and Dean, 1990). This pattern is supported by Figure 7 (a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths; data from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the Egyptians generally have tropical body plans"
- Variation in Ancient Egyptian Stature and Body Proportions

"Badarian occupies a position closest to the Teita, Gaboon, Nubian, and Nagada series by centroid values and territorial maps. The Nagada and the Kerma(nubian) series are so similar that they are barely distinguishable in the territorial maps; they subsume the first dynasty series in Abydos… The Badarian crania have a modal metric phenotype that is clearly “southern”; most classify into the Kerma (Nubian), Gaboon, and Kenyan groups No Badarian cranium in any analysis classified into the European series":lul:
- Keita 1990

Ramesses III had the Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1a, an old African lineage
- Ancient Egyptian genomes from northen Egypt

Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms showed that both Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht belonged to mitochondrial haplotype M1a1, suggesting a maternal relationship

The SNP identities were consistent with mtDNA haplogroup M1a1 with 88.05–91.27% degree of confidence, thus confirming the African origins of the two individuals
- The kinship of two 12th Dynasty mummies revealed by ancient DNA sequencing
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View attachment 851540
if I wasn’t on mobile i’d post the images of their black nubian slave and nutsack washers for you 😂


ANCIENT EGYPT = The niggas who built the pyramids while smoking DMT
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex, Deleted member 9344 and hairyballscel
jfl at ur iq

The Badarians show a greater affinity to indigenous Africans while not being identical. This suggests that the Badarians were more affiliated with local and an indigenous African population than with Europeans
- Early Nile Valley Farmers from El Badari

A comparison with neighbouring Nile Valley skeletal samples suggests that the high status cemetery represents an endogamous ruling or elite segment of the local population at Naqada, which is more closely related to populations in northern Nubia than to neighbouring populations in southern Egypt.
- Concordance of cranial and dental morphological traits and evidence for endogamy in ancient Egypt

Early southern predynastic Egyptian crania show tropical African affinities, displaying craniometric trends that differ notably from the coastal northern African pattern. The various craniofacial patterns discernible in northern Africa are attributable to the agents of microevolution and migration.

The predynastic remains from the south (Badari, early Nagada) have been noted to be broadly Negroid by several previous workers. Casual inspection of these remains from a morphological perspective confirms this.

The upper Nile Valley series show close affinities to one another and to tropical African series. Thus variation is also present in the Egyptian Nile Valley, as the northern pattern trend is distinguishable from the southern one. The Badari and Nagada I cranial patterns emerge as tropical African variants (with Kerma). Badari remains show little affinity to the mass of Maghreban crania

- Studies of Ancient Crania From Northern Africa

"The nature of the body plan was also investigated by comparing the intermembral, brachial, and crural indices for these samples with values obtained from the literature. No significant differences were found in either index through time for either sex. The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyptians had the “super-Negroid” body plan described by Robins (1983). The values for the brachial and crural indices show that the distal segments of each limb are longer relative to the proximal segments than in many “African” populations (data from Aiello and Dean, 1990). This pattern is supported by Figure 7 (a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths; data from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the Egyptians generally have tropical body plans"
- Variation in Ancient Egyptian Stature and Body Proportions

"Badarian occupies a position closest to the Teita, Gaboon, Nubian, and Nagada series by centroid values and territorial maps. The Nagada and the Kerma(nubian) series are so similar that they are barely distinguishable in the territorial maps; they subsume the first dynasty series in Abydos… The Badarian crania have a modal metric phenotype that is clearly “southern”; most classify into the Kerma (Nubian), Gaboon, and Kenyan groups No Badarian cranium in any analysis classified into the European series":lul:
- Keita 1990

Ramesses III had the Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1a, an old African lineage
- Ancient Egyptian genomes from northen Egypt
View attachment 851530

Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms showed that both Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht belonged to mitochondrial haplotype M1a1, suggesting a maternal relationship

The SNP identities were consistent with mtDNA haplogroup M1a1 with 88.05–91.27% degree of confidence, thus confirming the African origins of the two individuals
- The kinship of two 12th Dynasty mummies revealed by ancient DNA sequencing
Mostly pre-dynastic if you actually read your *unsourced* claims. Haplogroup also doesn’t mean shit in determining overall genetic composition - there are SSA’s with typically euro haplogroups as well.

Maybe stop trying to appropriate MENA culture to make up for not being able to invent the wheel.
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You’re dumber than I thought if you can’t understand the analogy
Keep crying for me and my spiritual Egyptian Niggas who were a thousand years ahead of Greeks mathematically

Psychedelics really are the wave

Look at how the selfishness of you’re kind has set us back

Truth will never be unveiled because of retards like you ofc the Egyptians were black u retarded fuck it was 2000 BC who else was there at the time

History is a waste of time most of it is bullshit
Keep crying for me and my spiritual Egyptian Niggas who were a thousand years ahead of Greeks mathematically

Psychedelics really are the wave

Look at how the selfishness of you’re kind has set us back

Truth will never be unveiled because of retards like you ofc the Egyptians were black u retarded fuck it was 2000 BC who else was there at the time

History is a waste of time most of it is bullshit
Peak schizo posting
Based on genetics. Caucausoid =\= nordic or even white european, but europeans are also caucausoid.
Based on genetics, terms like caucausoid and negroid are outdated and have little to no scientific basis

View attachment 851540
if I wasn’t on mobile i’d post the images of their black nubian slave and nutsack washers for you 😂
this isnt evidence idiot

yes the nubians depicted are darker than the egyptians, the nubians in question are akin to modern south sudanese people, they are the darkest ppl on the world

and many africans depicted themselves this same reddish brown, inlcuding the nubians themselves

this is how the nubians drew themselves


this is how egyptians depicted eritreans/somalians, the exact same complexion as themselves


this is a west african cloth depicting an indigenous african, using the exact same colour as the egyptians did

egyptians got slaves from the middle east aswell dumbass
Mostly pre-dynastic if you actually read your *unsourced* claims.
this is how i know you have no idea what ur on about

the badarian people have been proven to be very similar in craniometry and dental traits to the pharaonic egyptians

and what the fuck is unsourced? theres a source under every quote
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bro i’m not going to respond to your schizo chimpout with actual arguments
Oh uh. Don’t look up the genetic analysis for those pharaonic egyptians.
you said yourself haplogroups don't mean shit for overall genetic composition, so yh use king tuts R1b

jfl at using those results, researchers who worked to decode Tut's genome in the first place say the claim is "unscientific."

"Dr. Albert Zink from the EURAC [European Academy of Bolzano, an independent research center] in Bolzano and co-author of the 2010 JAMA publication screened the footage and confirmed that the company acts very unscientific," Pusch wrote in an email to LiveScience. "The Swiss company did not try to get into contact with us prior to launching their new Internet page."

Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible."

Do you even know how they got those results?

iGENEA admits that they reconstructed the haplotype by watching the Discovery channel episode, where a computer screen shows the data that they needed to do their analysis -- the DNA itself has "been locked away" and is not available to other researchers.
Oh uh. Don’t look up the genetic analysis for those pharaonic egyptians.

Got links? Totally unverifiable
JFL no

literally copy and paste and its right there
you said yourself haplogroups don't mean shit for overall genetic composition, so yh use king tuts R1b

jfl at using those results, researchers who worked to decode Tut's genome in the first place say the claim is "unscientific."

"Dr. Albert Zink from the EURAC [European Academy of Bolzano, an independent research center] in Bolzano and co-author of the 2010 JAMA publication screened the footage and confirmed that the company acts very unscientific," Pusch wrote in an email to LiveScience. "The Swiss company did not try to get into contact with us prior to launching their new Internet page."

Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible."

Do you even know how they got those results?

iGENEA admits that they reconstructed the haplotype by watching the Discovery channel episode, where a computer screen shows the data that they needed to do their analysis -- the DNA itself has "been locked away" and is not available to other researchers.

JFL no

literally copy and paste and its right there

I knew you were going to try and ‘gotcha’ me with king tut, which why I wasn’t specific.

I mean actual analyses, summarized as such for easy reading:
  • JFL
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I knew you were going to try and ‘gotcha’ me with king tut, which why I wasn’t specific.

I mean actual analyses, summarized as such for easy reading:
yes and i knew you would use this study

the autosmal dna in that study is of 3 egyptians, it's clear you don't know what you're posting, its funny how you shit on me for using haplogroups even doe you post a study which heavily looks into haplogroups

"However, we note that all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt. It is possible that populations in the south of Egypt were more closely related to those of Nubia and had a higher sub-Saharan genetic component, in which case the argument for an influx of sub-Saharan ancestries after the Roman Period might only be partially valid and have to be nuanced. Throughout Pharaonic history there was intense interaction between Egypt and Nubia, ranging from trade to conquest and colonialism, and there is compelling evidence for ethnic complexity within households with Egyptian men marrying Nubian
women and vice versa. Clearly, more genetic studies on ancient human remains from southern Egypt and Sudan are needed before apodictic statements can be made."

The study you're citing used late period Egyptians from the north, a region which saw a substantial influx of middle eastern people, not representative of the actual Egyptians, its a fact that Ancient Egyptian culture primarily started in southern Egypt

And the "sub saharan DNA" you're reffering to is Yoruba Nigerian ancestry, the study used one West African tribe which isn't representative of a whole fucking continent

Also, nearly every haplogroup in the study was on the maternal side "Sex-biased sampling (mtDNA) cannot recover population demography of the whole country"

That shit study doesn't take into account Egyptian history in the slightest: "The authors do not consider explanations based on historical narrative, although they present historical information. NE(Near Eastern/Middle Eastern) input in Ancient Egypt could also be explained by old mercantile relationships with Lower Egypt (e.g. Maadi-Buto complex ~4,000 BC), Egyptianized Asiatic rulers and migrants (e.g. Hyksos ~1,650 BC), NE prisoners of war (e.g. from Thutmose III’s military campaign in NE ~ 1,490 BC), from diplomatic marriages (e.g. Amenhotep III and Mitanni princess, Gilukhipa ~ 1,380 BC), etc."

- Ancient Egyptian genomes from northen Egypt

this and the other shit i posted is genetic data of egyptians before substantial non egyptian influence
M512286 Slave market and contraband guns in Tripoli

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yes and i knew you would use this study

the autosmal dna in that study is of 3 egyptians, it's clear you don't know what you're posting, its funny how you shit on me for using haplogroups even doe you post a study which heavily looks into haplogroups

"However, we note that all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt. It is possible that populations in the south of Egypt were more closely related to those of Nubia and had a higher sub-Saharan genetic component, in which case the argument for an influx of sub-Saharan ancestries after the Roman Period might only be partially valid and have to be nuanced. Throughout Pharaonic history there was intense interaction between Egypt and Nubia, ranging from trade to conquest and colonialism, and there is compelling evidence for ethnic complexity within households with Egyptian men marrying Nubian
women and vice versa. Clearly, more genetic studies on ancient human remains from southern Egypt and Sudan are needed before apodictic statements can be made."

The study you're citing used late period Egyptians from the north, a region which saw a substantial influx of middle eastern people, not representative of the actual Egyptians, its a fact that Ancient Egyptian culture primarily started in southern Egypt

And the "sub saharan DNA" you're reffering to is Yoruba Nigerian ancestry, the study used one West African tribe which isn't representative of a whole fucking continent

Also, nearly every haplogroup in the study was on the maternal side "Sex-biased sampling (mtDNA) cannot recover population demography of the whole country"

That shit study doesn't take into account Egyptian history in the slightest: "The authors do not consider explanations based on historical narrative, although they present historical information. NE(Near Eastern/Middle Eastern) input in Ancient Egypt could also be explained by old mercantile relationships with Lower Egypt (e.g. Maadi-Buto complex ~4,000 BC), Egyptianized Asiatic rulers and migrants (e.g. Hyksos ~1,650 BC), NE prisoners of war (e.g. from Thutmose III’s military campaign in NE ~ 1,490 BC), from diplomatic marriages (e.g. Amenhotep III and Mitanni princess, Gilukhipa ~ 1,380 BC), etc."
View attachment 851650
- Ancient Egyptian genomes from northen Egypt

this and the other shit i posted is genetic data of egyptians before substantial non egyptian influence
JFL at everything you post being copy and pasted from an unlinked, unverified (probably afrocentrist) sources. Can’t even debate your counterclaims as they are pulled from thin air 😂.

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