Chewing Megathread

Is this thread cope? Can I really shorten my midface by incisor chewing?
  • +1
Reactions: Eren and ungewist
so basically chewing with your incisors will develop your browrige and give you hunter eyes?
My nigga this is why gatekeeping is bs. This was well known and commonly known 3 years ago on this forum and the fact I have archived 919383 threads and studies confirming just this one fact is proof of this.
  • +1
Reactions: anticel
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
you coppied this nigga
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
I rebuked your opinion in your other thread, i can't be asked reposting it. I agree with your claim that the astronomical forces exerted during hard mastication could induce sutural growth, possibly, but in terms of bone REMODELLING, the tongue would surely be the key factor. The way I think of it is, continuous force/posture= remodelling, and for lack of a better phrase, masticatory HIIT= bone growth
You didn’t rebuke anything.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
The main problem with chewing for me is the insane anterior temporalis pump and potential gum recession from such forceful chewing. Idk if my temporalis will actually hypertrophy and give me an alien look, but it seems like it probably will. I also don’t know if I will end up with more gum recession (braces in late 20s gave me gum recession), but it seems like a possibility.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
Worked for me as a kid. Chewing gum is underrated if u do it like all day. Not that good for teeth tho.
  • +1
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos| and ungewist
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
what can i chew on ?
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
But then how is it that there people with bruxism and massive masseters that are still recesses af?
is it ok if you chew with incisors while having an overbite?
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
Someone got a link? I'd love to read this.

All my logic revolved around some basic physics principles. (Stealing OP's #s)

Tongue ~ 10-12 N forward / up vector (assuming CW tilt if posture is correct)
Gravity ~ 9 N down vector

Jaw clenching/chewing ~ 80-700 N diagonally forward / up vector (assuming CW tilt if posture is correct)
Gravity ~ 9 N down vector
Net Mewing force (depending upon angle) ~ 1-10 N forward / up vector
Net Biting/Chewing force (depending upon angle) ~ 71-691 N forward / up vector
@retard Reviving a great thread here. I want to add a recommendation.

Incisor chewing is stupid. Incisors were meant for biting with extreme force, not repetitive motion to mush food.

Purchase a sports mouthguard and bite down hard on the incisors onto it for CCW maxilla rotation. This combined with interchanging with mastic gum on molars will produce optimal facial development. Mouthguards prevent you from grinding your teeth enamel on a hard surface.

You rarely see NFL players who use mouthguards have recessed maxillas outside of QBs, punters, or kickers. NFL players often have optimal facial development and improved airways, hence why they are professional athletes.

Chewing mastic and biting a mouthguard gave me hunter eyes and decreased my gonial angle from 130 to almost 105. I'm 24 too lol

This thread is literally the solution to everything facial development-wise, but most people aren't intelligent enough to connect the dots.

This is a lengthy first post, but fuck it right?
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
I am an overbite cel , will incisor chewing work for me
I got so much knowledge from this post bro will read every word again to make sure I understand
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist and Deleted member 6583
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6583
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
anyway to chew using only temporalis muscle?
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
would chewing so much promote smile lines?
I think you want to try to not use temporalis muscle if I am not mistaken?
No I wanna use the temporalis I have very wide cheekbones and jaw but my forehead isn't as wide I wanna make it wider
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
Very good tread
god damn you are retarded can you fucken read??

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have


the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

i literally said that multiple times in the thread you absolute subhuman, you are so easy to see through you pathetic cuck, you think you are superior because youre autistic and got iq tested and now you base your entire pathetic identity around it trying to prove that you are indeed high iq but the sad fact is you probably got tested like 4 times and got subhuman scores the other times and now as a cope to convince your self that you really are high iq and you go bragging about it to incel forums "muh i got tested by state education department" and use big words to reaffirm yourself that you arent retarded like you truly know you are so you dont have an identity crisis as your entire sense of superiority stems from the false perception that you arent utterly retarded

Struggled to understand you still ngl. And still don't.

9 pages? Fuck this.

All I got was to focus on molars for an hour then switch to incisors. It's when you're being simple is when it makes practical sense. Tell it to me like I am 5, with a developmental vision for my future.
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  • +1
Reactions: ungewist
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: ungewist and infini
It's all bullshit he made up
And I didn't even understand a single sentence what he was trying to say, jfl.

Guess I'll order mastic or falim after invisalign.

@retard what are you saying?
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3105
makes my lower row of teeth hurt like shit
i dont feel anything on the top row of teeth
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
@MexicanShortHotGuy Que opinas del thread? legit? estuve viendo para empezar a mejorar lo que me recomendaste
@MexicanShortHotGuy Que opinas del thread? legit? estuve viendo para empezar a mejorar lo que me recomendaste
Estirar la mandíbula es bueno, aunque te recomendaría no pasarte de la cuenta.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
Thanks nigga, good thread, I should start chewing with my incisors bc my midface long as hell
It is due to when chewing with the incisors, you push the food/gum into the top teeth which acts as a medium to transport the force into the frontal part of the maxilla which will rotate it differently than applying the force to the back of the maxilla

ya studies have showed that people with larger masseters have a more CW rotated maxilla which means they have a longer midface (not necessarily super long, just longer than it would be if they didn’t chew a lot on their molars)
Thats me
Recently there has been a lot of talk about incisor chewing, and prior to that k9 chewing, all of these serve separate purposes for the changes you are trying to achieve.

Chewing imo is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who will torture themselves for months on end getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who pass up this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces

The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being we are aspies and can chew 5+ pieces of hard ass falim, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.

To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

Daily spurts of cyclic load caused sutural strain throughout the skull. The regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful. -

This means that sutural growth is possible from forces that only take place for few minutes a day, and sutural growth is essentially what you need to make change in bone, past age 12 the sutures begin mature (and while they dont fuse til very late in life, they become very hard to stimulate growth from), chewing opens up an opportunity with the insanely high forces as a gateway to awaken these dormant sutures.

While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

Decreased midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)

Increasing orbitals more compact

Making cheekbones higherset

Increasing forward growth (maximizing really)

Can make your sutures more responsive to generating new growth

Remodels the jawbone itsself to be more robust

There is also the possibility of increasing the length of your maxilla laterally from some of @SayNoToRotting 's reported changing and some studies also talk about the association of masseter muscles and maxillary transverse width, but this might not be possible past the age where the midpalatal suture becomes dormant, as I do not think chewing directly will interfere with this suture, and that is the main hindering factor for transverse expansion (hence you get MSE to split this suture to allow for growth)

Since many of you retards suffer from the extreme disability of reading a thread past 100 words, i will list what you need to do for what changes, but if you are interested i will explain the mechanisms later on.

Decreasing midface length- chew with the incisors

Increasing midface length- chew with back molars

Making cheekbones higherset- chew with first molar to first premolar

Making orbitals more compact- chew with first molar to first premolar and incisors

Maximizing forward growth- chew with the incisors

Weakening sutures for moving the maxilla forward (will give much quicker mewing/facepulling results)- chew with incisors

Remodelling mandible to be more robust- any chewing method will give this change

You can combine methods as long as they dont contradict each other, incisor chewing vs back molar chewing, personally i will be chewing falim for one hour on incisors and one hour on my molar-premolar for an hour as well.

Mechanisms: Chewing on your incisors will apply an upward force to the anterior part of the maxilla inducing a CCW rotation, while inversely molar chewing will cause a CW maxilla rotation, CCW rotation will also move the orbitals upwards

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals

Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
View attachment 480037
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)

the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

start chewing nibbas
Do u know how much weeks or months or years to see a decrease on midface length
Psl oscar been saying the guy the whole forum hate for existing but we only have theory no results to prove that also do you think it can make your front teeth go diagonally
Psl oscar been saying the guy the whole forum hate for existing but we only have theory no results to prove that also do you think it can make your front teeth go diagonally
The theory actually makes sense and im gonna try it
Yeah just be careful dont chew really hard foods
Idk who is rigth bc we have 0 results to prove this but look at chatgpt opinion This forum post contains some interesting ideas about incisor chewing for looksmaxing, but there are a few important points to consider in debunking and clarifying the claims made. Let's break it down:

1. Chewing Remodels Bone:

Claim: Chewing, especially with incisors, can rapidly remodel your bones due to the high forces involved, potentially enhancing facial aesthetics.

Debunk: While it is true that chewing can affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will significantly remodel the maxilla is oversimplified. The forces applied during chewing mainly work to strengthen the muscles (e.g., masseters), not to dramatically change the underlying bone structure unless combined with other forces (like orthodontic intervention). The force exerted by incisors during chewing is less than that from molars, which are designed to bear the majority of the chewing load.

2. Maxillary Protraction (Maxilla Moving Forward):

Claim: Chewing with the incisors can lead to maxillary protraction (forward movement) due to the upward force it applies.

Debunk: Maxillary protraction typically requires a consistent, controlled force applied to the upper jaw, such as from an orthodontic device like a face mask or other appliances designed for that purpose. While some studies suggest that jaw movements can affect craniofacial development, chewing with incisors is unlikely to apply enough focused force to significantly alter the maxilla's position. Most of the changes associated with chewing would be related to muscle strengthening and slight reshaping, not dramatic bone movement.

3. Suture Growth and Remodeling:

Claim: Chewing can stimulate suture growth, which might make the bones more responsive to growth and remodeling.

Debunk: The idea of suture growth is complex. Sutures (the joints between the bones of the skull) do not respond to chewing forces in the same way that growing bones do. After puberty, sutures become less responsive to growth-stimulating forces, and while there's some evidence that forces applied to sutures might promote minor remodeling, these changes are unlikely to be significant enough for noticeable facial changes without additional orthodontic treatments. The claim that chewing can activate "dormant" sutures is an oversimplification and lacks strong evidence.

4. Incisor Chewing vs. Molar Chewing for Different Effects:

Claim: Chewing with incisors can lead to forward growth, and molar chewing can cause a clockwise (CW) rotation of the maxilla.

Debunk: The distinction between chewing with incisors and molars for specific changes in maxilla rotation is an oversimplification. While it's true that the forces generated by different teeth affect the jaw in different ways, these claims about "clockwise" or "counterclockwise" rotations are not as straightforward as suggested. Chewing with incisors is unlikely to produce the dramatic changes in rotation that would be needed for noticeable maxillary forward growth.

5. Chewing for Masseter Development:

Claim: Chewing can increase the size of the masseter muscles, improving jawline aesthetics.

Fact: This is the most plausible benefit of chewing with incisors or molars. Regular chewing, especially with tougher gums like Falim, can help build masseter muscle mass, which can create a more defined jawline. However, this doesn't directly affect bone structure, and the effect is primarily cosmetic, not structural.

6. Chewing with Incisors as a Method for "Maximizing" Forward Growth:

Claim: Chewing with incisors will "maximize" forward growth.

Debunk: Forward growth of the maxilla is a complex process that typically requires orthodontic intervention, such as palate expanders or other mechanical devices, to apply consistent force to the upper jaw. Chewing with incisors may provide some minor stimulation to the maxilla, but the change will likely be negligible in terms of actual forward growth.



While chewing can strengthen jaw muscles and, to a very minor extent, affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will drastically improve your maxilla's position or lead to major facial changes is overly optimistic. Bone remodeling from chewing is limited and unlikely to cause the kind of dramatic transformation described. For significant changes, orthodontic interventions or other targeted methods (such as mewing or specific appliances) are more effective.

Chewing does have benefits for muscle development (like the masseters), but it's unlikely to cause the drastic bone remodeling suggested in the forum post. Be cautious with claims that overstate the potential for chewing to dramatically alter facial bone structure.
Idk who is rigth bc we have 0 results to prove this but look at chatgpt opinion This forum post contains some interesting ideas about incisor chewing for looksmaxing, but there are a few important points to consider in debunking and clarifying the claims made. Let's break it down:

1. Chewing Remodels Bone:

Claim: Chewing, especially with incisors, can rapidly remodel your bones due to the high forces involved, potentially enhancing facial aesthetics.

Debunk: While it is true that chewing can affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will significantly remodel the maxilla is oversimplified. The forces applied during chewing mainly work to strengthen the muscles (e.g., masseters), not to dramatically change the underlying bone structure unless combined with other forces (like orthodontic intervention). The force exerted by incisors during chewing is less than that from molars, which are designed to bear the majority of the chewing load.

2. Maxillary Protraction (Maxilla Moving Forward):

Claim: Chewing with the incisors can lead to maxillary protraction (forward movement) due to the upward force it applies.

Debunk: Maxillary protraction typically requires a consistent, controlled force applied to the upper jaw, such as from an orthodontic device like a face mask or other appliances designed for that purpose. While some studies suggest that jaw movements can affect craniofacial development, chewing with incisors is unlikely to apply enough focused force to significantly alter the maxilla's position. Most of the changes associated with chewing would be related to muscle strengthening and slight reshaping, not dramatic bone movement.

3. Suture Growth and Remodeling:

Claim: Chewing can stimulate suture growth, which might make the bones more responsive to growth and remodeling.

Debunk: The idea of suture growth is complex. Sutures (the joints between the bones of the skull) do not respond to chewing forces in the same way that growing bones do. After puberty, sutures become less responsive to growth-stimulating forces, and while there's some evidence that forces applied to sutures might promote minor remodeling, these changes are unlikely to be significant enough for noticeable facial changes without additional orthodontic treatments. The claim that chewing can activate "dormant" sutures is an oversimplification and lacks strong evidence.

4. Incisor Chewing vs. Molar Chewing for Different Effects:

Claim: Chewing with incisors can lead to forward growth, and molar chewing can cause a clockwise (CW) rotation of the maxilla.

Debunk: The distinction between chewing with incisors and molars for specific changes in maxilla rotation is an oversimplification. While it's true that the forces generated by different teeth affect the jaw in different ways, these claims about "clockwise" or "counterclockwise" rotations are not as straightforward as suggested. Chewing with incisors is unlikely to produce the dramatic changes in rotation that would be needed for noticeable maxillary forward growth.

5. Chewing for Masseter Development:

Claim: Chewing can increase the size of the masseter muscles, improving jawline aesthetics.

Fact: This is the most plausible benefit of chewing with incisors or molars. Regular chewing, especially with tougher gums like Falim, can help build masseter muscle mass, which can create a more defined jawline. However, this doesn't directly affect bone structure, and the effect is primarily cosmetic, not structural.

6. Chewing with Incisors as a Method for "Maximizing" Forward Growth:

Claim: Chewing with incisors will "maximize" forward growth.

Debunk: Forward growth of the maxilla is a complex process that typically requires orthodontic intervention, such as palate expanders or other mechanical devices, to apply consistent force to the upper jaw. Chewing with incisors may provide some minor stimulation to the maxilla, but the change will likely be negligible in terms of actual forward growth.



While chewing can strengthen jaw muscles and, to a very minor extent, affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will drastically improve your maxilla's position or lead to major facial changes is overly optimistic. Bone remodeling from chewing is limited and unlikely to cause the kind of dramatic transformation described. For significant changes, orthodontic interventions or other targeted methods (such as mewing or specific appliances) are more effective.

Chewing does have benefits for muscle development (like the masseters), but it's unlikely to cause the drastic bone remodeling suggested in the forum post. Be cautious with claims that overstate the potential for chewing to dramatically alter facial bone structure.
It's false, chewing with incisors didn't gave me foward growth but it did a big glow down by doing probably one of the biggest down growth possible. Because of my late puberty, 5 minutes of incisors clenching was able to do massive downward growth.
It's false, chewing with incisors didn't gave me foward growth but it did a big glow down by doing probably one of the biggest down growth possible. Because of my late puberty, 5 minutes of incisors clenching was able to do massive downward growth.
Damn I'm sorry for you if it's true
Damn I'm sorry for you if it's true
Yea lol, it is, imagine that I had the potential to be a Chad just by finish my puberty because I had one of the best genetic for face (all comes from my mother), but because I had low T, I was stressing and doing all my possible to find solutions and just by 5 minutes of clenching I ruined my face.
Yea lol, it is, imagine that I had the potential to be a Chad just by finish my puberty because I had one of the best genetic for face (all comes from my mother), but because I had low T, I was stressing and doing all my possible to find solutions and just by 5 minutes of clenching I ruined my face.
It's not over
It's not over
It probably is. Because before when I did thumbpulling I can feel better breathing instantly, now there is nothing, I was able to change my maxilla position very quickly and so save myself, but now it's too late, there is no changes, and so I'll live with this, with all that all my life. But I don't accept it, I won't. Imagine that I had the genetic to have the perfect facial harmony, hunter almond eyes, perfect jaw, big zygos, full lips straight nose ect... But now I just look like nothing that, I lost all this. What's the point in life to do so much failures.
It probably is. Because before when I did thumbpulling I can feel better breathing instantly, now there is nothing, I was able to change my maxilla position very quickly and so save myself, but now it's too late, there is no changes, and so I'll live with this, with all that all my life. But I don't accept it, I won't. Imagine that I had the genetic to have the perfect facial harmony, hunter almond eyes, perfect jaw, big zygos, full lips straight nose ect... But now I just look like nothing that, I lost all this. What's the point in life to do so much failures.
You know what I have the same problem when I was in kindergarten I was bullied I could have beat them up or something else but at that time I didn't know humans could figth what bullying means etc bc my parents were immigrants they didn't care and my father didn't even taught me to defend myself b4 first day all this made me NT awkward, anxious, shy, NT etc wich made me suck my thumb and do no sports bc of that it fucked my teeth and posture I was weak and all of that combined fucked up my face but the thing that made me realize I could've been a chad is first my parents genetics and that when I got to midle school I was so weak the teacher made me play with girls but at that time idk what happened me the chad in me woke up and I made 100+ friends i knew half the school and I was the classclown making everybody laugh including the teachers all day then in high-school he disappeared and now I'm an autist but im on my way to ascend and become rich to become the chad I was supposed to be this is my story
You know what I have the same problem when I was in kindergarten I was bullied I could have beat them up or something else but at that time I didn't know humans could figth what bullying means etc bc my parents were immigrants they didn't care and my father didn't even taught me to defend myself b4 first day all this made me NT awkward, anxious, shy, NT etc wich made me suck my thumb and do no sports bc of that it fucked my teeth and posture I was weak and all of that combined fucked up my face but the thing that made me realize I could've been a chad is first my parents genetics and that when I got to midle school I was so weak the teacher made me play with girls but at that time idk what happened me the chad in me woke up and I made 100+ friends i knew half the school and I was the classclown making everybody laugh including the teachers all day then in high-school he disappeared and now I'm an autist but im on my way to ascend and become rich to become the chad I was supposed to be this is my story
I don't have hope, or I don't trust in life, probably I never got a meaning of my life, when I was 8 yo I wanted suicide because I got traumatized, I was weak and nobody helped me. After this when I was 12 it was the same, nobody helped me with my problems, I was mentally very weak, and I didn't know why I live this life. I lost hope very early. Nobody teached me, I was a grown kid. And after I discovered fap, and so destroyed my testosterone, because I was young, nobody teached me it even if someone in my family knew about it. Nobody educated me, I was always weak. And now, I don't know what to do with my life, because I didn't grow normally, I never had hope and confidence.
I don't have hope, or I don't trust in life, probably I never got a meaning of my life, when I was 8 yo I wanted suicide because I got traumatized, I was weak and nobody helped me. After this when I was 12 it was the same, nobody helped me with my problems, I was mentally very weak, and I didn't know why I live this life. I lost hope very early. Nobody teached me, I was a grown kid. And after I discovered fap, and so destroyed my testosterone, because I was young, nobody teached me it even if someone in my family knew about it. Nobody educated me, I was always weak. And now, I don't know what to do with my life, because I didn't grow normally, I never had hope and confidence.
Damn bro this is my best conversations it's been a long time since someone cared about me and who i care about, I always felt weak too , the only reason I didn't suicide was bc I'm Christian and at 10-12 I got lucky tbh in contrary of you, first day at midleschool like I said the chad in me woke up even though I was the type to never talk I decided first break to approach a black kid in my class I told him let's become friends after that since no 1 knew each other's we were like superior in a way wich gave me confidence and resulted in me becoming the class clown and having a friendgroup with the black kid as a best friend I miss having a brother in the bible and when i watched vinland saga brothers are talked about another thing who can keep someone alive
Idk who is rigth bc we have 0 results to prove this but look at chatgpt opinion This forum post contains some interesting ideas about incisor chewing for looksmaxing, but there are a few important points to consider in debunking and clarifying the claims made. Let's break it down:

1. Chewing Remodels Bone:

Claim: Chewing, especially with incisors, can rapidly remodel your bones due to the high forces involved, potentially enhancing facial aesthetics.

Debunk: While it is true that chewing can affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will significantly remodel the maxilla is oversimplified. The forces applied during chewing mainly work to strengthen the muscles (e.g., masseters), not to dramatically change the underlying bone structure unless combined with other forces (like orthodontic intervention). The force exerted by incisors during chewing is less than that from molars, which are designed to bear the majority of the chewing load.

2. Maxillary Protraction (Maxilla Moving Forward):

Claim: Chewing with the incisors can lead to maxillary protraction (forward movement) due to the upward force it applies.

Debunk: Maxillary protraction typically requires a consistent, controlled force applied to the upper jaw, such as from an orthodontic device like a face mask or other appliances designed for that purpose. While some studies suggest that jaw movements can affect craniofacial development, chewing with incisors is unlikely to apply enough focused force to significantly alter the maxilla's position. Most of the changes associated with chewing would be related to muscle strengthening and slight reshaping, not dramatic bone movement.

3. Suture Growth and Remodeling:

Claim: Chewing can stimulate suture growth, which might make the bones more responsive to growth and remodeling.

Debunk: The idea of suture growth is complex. Sutures (the joints between the bones of the skull) do not respond to chewing forces in the same way that growing bones do. After puberty, sutures become less responsive to growth-stimulating forces, and while there's some evidence that forces applied to sutures might promote minor remodeling, these changes are unlikely to be significant enough for noticeable facial changes without additional orthodontic treatments. The claim that chewing can activate "dormant" sutures is an oversimplification and lacks strong evidence.

4. Incisor Chewing vs. Molar Chewing for Different Effects:

Claim: Chewing with incisors can lead to forward growth, and molar chewing can cause a clockwise (CW) rotation of the maxilla.

Debunk: The distinction between chewing with incisors and molars for specific changes in maxilla rotation is an oversimplification. While it's true that the forces generated by different teeth affect the jaw in different ways, these claims about "clockwise" or "counterclockwise" rotations are not as straightforward as suggested. Chewing with incisors is unlikely to produce the dramatic changes in rotation that would be needed for noticeable maxillary forward growth.

5. Chewing for Masseter Development:

Claim: Chewing can increase the size of the masseter muscles, improving jawline aesthetics.

Fact: This is the most plausible benefit of chewing with incisors or molars. Regular chewing, especially with tougher gums like Falim, can help build masseter muscle mass, which can create a more defined jawline. However, this doesn't directly affect bone structure, and the effect is primarily cosmetic, not structural.

6. Chewing with Incisors as a Method for "Maximizing" Forward Growth:

Claim: Chewing with incisors will "maximize" forward growth.

Debunk: Forward growth of the maxilla is a complex process that typically requires orthodontic intervention, such as palate expanders or other mechanical devices, to apply consistent force to the upper jaw. Chewing with incisors may provide some minor stimulation to the maxilla, but the change will likely be negligible in terms of actual forward growth.



While chewing can strengthen jaw muscles and, to a very minor extent, affect bone structure, the idea that chewing with incisors alone will drastically improve your maxilla's position or lead to major facial changes is overly optimistic. Bone remodeling from chewing is limited and unlikely to cause the kind of dramatic transformation described. For significant changes, orthodontic interventions or other targeted methods (such as mewing or specific appliances) are more effective.

Chewing does have benefits for muscle development (like the masseters), but it's unlikely to cause the drastic bone remodeling suggested in the forum post. Be cautious with claims that overstate the potential for chewing to dramatically alter facial bone structure.
Ive been doin It for 3 days and im ngl Its shit,my theeth gonna stop
Ive been doin It for 3 days and im ngl Its shit,my theeth gonna stop
Idk bro yesterday I saw a tiktok of a guy saying he did that and it worked does it really work? idk
  • Hmm...
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I don't believe in a long mid-face in the absolute sense of the word. Rather, it's an illusion that comes from lacking facial width and projection, as no one who has properly projecting jaws has the appearance of a long mid-face. The problem with a long mid-face is thus not an excess length, but a lack of dimension. Will you see changes that make your face look more compact? Yes, definitely.
So what to do for decrease in midface length

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