Geomaxxing in MENA guide part 1: 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳 (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)

This is a series of guides detailing my experiences with 100s of MENA women and sharing my intel. This episode is dedicated to nafri women, specifically from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. I have excluded Egypt because I did not have enough data on them nor sought them out. But maybe I will make another thread in due course as they are on my radar since I failed to bag a woman.

DISCLAIMER: This is really a story of both failure and success. I have not met a single MENA female despite speaking to 100s of them on OLD. This is due to combination of reasons ranging from logistical, religious, language barrier, and my own high inhib nature and standards. I'm writing this because I wish I knew this information before hand.

Looks: Algerians and Tunisians clearly fog the women of Morocco based on the face. They are more phenotypically similar to each other unlike Moroccans. The Moroccans have a much higher variable look. On the extreme end there are those who look like lightskin sheeboons while on the other extreme end maybe there are some med passing ones too. This is usually the case the more north you are. Either way I love this pheno, but admittedly it won't be everyone's cup of tea. They are 'brown' but not shitskins. It is rare to see a curry-passing nafri even if they're darker than north Indians and punjabis. Hypergamy does not exist. In fact I've seen LTNs with HTBs and LTBs with HTNs. You would presume in the latter case it's hypergamy. But it's not. They just don't value looks I don't think.

Body: holly fukkkkkkkkkk :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: idk whats in the diet there or maybe its the nigger DNA that is feeding their body proportions. Hourglass figures everywhere!

Communication: Dogshit is an understatement. Even when I match with them on OLD and they are the first to 'like' me they still do not communicate well. If I matched with a 100 girls who liked me FIRST it would go like this:
  • 70 of them won't even read your message.
  • 10 would leave on read and not respond
  • 10 of them you will have a convo with less than 10 messages exchanged.
  • 7-8 of them decent conversations before she decides to also ghost.
  • 2-3 you will get a real conversation out of them.
So you have a 2-3% chance. Maybe even sub-1% because these are girls who were interested in me initially. This is the biggest turn off: they're massive time waster. I've wasted so many hours of my life and mental energy speaking to them. Also you are carrying the convo most of the time. They have doormat personalities. You are the one carrying the convo most of the time.

The only plus I can think of is usually with foreign girls their English is shite. They are no exception. But I have to say it's far better than other MENA countries. French is the second language followed by English. This further limits your pool of available women.

The ideal man / do's and don'ts:

Muslim / religiosity
- sorry kafircels it's joever there is no way around this. Even the most secular ones will not accept a kafir. Hijab / no hijab makes no difference. They are not secular like other Muslim countries. Neither are they as religious as average paki or Saudi. In some occasions they were too religious for me. I'm not even that practicing hence 'secularislamist'. I never like overly religious people because I know it won't work, but one non-hijabi got really angry at me coz I said I struggle to pray 5x a day JFL. Most are likely to be virgins if unmarried, but it's not 100% guaranteed.

Dress code: A tiny minority of them dress inappropriately - as in just like the average western woman. However the vast majority of them dress fine (e.g. no cleavage, tight clothing).

Arabic-speaking: I've not been rejected for this but it's obvious it's a partial failo. I've been asked if I speak Arabic and had groans when I say no.

Pheno: Relatedly. They prefer nafris/ Arabs ofc. However I would say they are the LEAST tribalistic people and least racist. Although I'm sure they dislike blacks. Every girl Ive had a serious convo with sends me videos of interracial marriages with other nationalities. Although it's lifefeul for me as a curry, it's worrying also. They might need a nafri Hitler if swathes of young male immigrants arrive.

Money: This is a another negative. Many girls I've spoken to seem to want to be betabuxxed. This is fine to them as many also expect to live like a housewife. That's a fair deal tbh. But I can't explain to them in this economy in the West it just won't work nor is it expected. This applies to women who are educated and currently work. It's like once they get married they expect to be a housewife. Maybe the case over there but not here. When I tell them they have to work if they immigrate they get a bit turned off. They definitely want a financially stable man. If you're some passportmaxxer who thinks they're gonna have hordes of women at your doorstep because you have citizenship you better think again.

Visamaxxing fraudsters: Many of them are willing to leave their country and immigrate abroad. It's actually shocking. On Muzz I can't believe how many of them state they're willing to move abroad. It strikes me as odd how many of them are willing to leave there family, village and country. They have good family values and they are definitely patriotic judging by the amount of flags I see. I don't know how they square it up with wanting to leave at the same time. I get it's poor country but that doesn't explain it. You definitely need to be aware of visamaxxers chasing citizenship and not you. I've spoken to girls who say 'I need a spousal visa to come to England tee-hee'.


Looks: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Body: ██████████ (10/10)
Communication: ██░░░░░░░░░ (2/10)
Religiosity: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Risk of visa chaser: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Openness to races: █████████░ (8.5/10)
English Language: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Personality: █████░░░░░ (5/10)
Likelihood of virginity: █████████░ (9/10)

Final verdict: 8/10
I recommend this country for financially secure Muslimcels in the West (e.g. myself 😊). If you're not either of these it's pointless tbh. Their families neither they would accept you.

Tagging interested people: @JohnDoe @Gengar @MaghrebGator @kusaila @emeraldglass @wsada @Shahnameh @yeeyeeslayer @Latinolooksmaxxer @gribsufer1 @JohnBaza @Corleone @shia.jihadist

Would appreciate if some of you can validate my claims :feelsyay:

My next thread will be about 🇹🇷 females. Stay tuned! :feelsyay::feelsyay::feelsyay:
show me examples of fat ass menas
Everything is destroyed their
So its easy
Its either living with you
Or sleeping and eating stones
Yep and the girls are hot

@SecularIslamist how do I get 4 wives? You've seen my face
I need a big house with 4 different sections and 4 different wives so they don't get jealous and fight with each other. 1 can cook, 1 can clean, 1 can be the eye candy, and 1 can personalityfog. And I will fuck all ofc.
I'll build an underground bunker below my house so they can't leave. ANd they will be from some war torn shithole so they'll think thats normal.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 20/04/2008 and SecularIslamist
You aren’t talking english yourself
And im polyligual i speak like 8 languages
What are you on about
The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about is evidence of your inferiority. Now shush 🤫
nigga i know its just your reply are weird
You talk like a 4 year olf
i dont wanna type it here retard

I know they knew Arabic. Just like how translations of Greco-Roman works into Arabic helped Muslims understand and extrapolate from the Qur'an and hadith and created different schools of laws and theology you dumbfuck. The next generation of giga high IQ Muslims will be English speaking westerners who are multilingual as well. It won't be you fuckwits :feelskek:

'Muh muh I know Arabic therefore I understand Islam better than you' typical retard reply I think you're self projecting :lul:
wtf is this nigga saying, I literally know 8000x more than you when it comes to Islam, you can't know Islam if you don't speak Arabic lol which is my point and you don't, you keep saying wrong shit too with each reply, you're the typical google muslim larper, never opened a book judging from you saying some theologians weren't arabs and implying they didnt write in arabic or that arabic is irrelevant, into contradicting it in the next reply avoiding the main point again which is you can't know islam without knowing arabic

also I learned it with all its dialects , i'm not ethnically arab nor grew up in an arabic speaking env/country
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: AverageMoroccan, Gengar, MA_ascender and 1 other person
i dont wanna type it here retard

wtf is this nigga saying, I literally know 8000x more than you when it comes to Islam, you can't know Islam if you don't speak Arabic lol which is my point and you don't, you keep saying wrong shit too with each reply, you're the typical google muslim larper, never opened a book judging from you saying some theologians weren't arabs and implying they didnt write in arabic or that arabic is irrelevant, into contradicting it in the next reply avoiding the main point again which is you can't know islam without knowing arabic

also I learned it with all its dialects , i'm not ethnically arab nor grew up in an arabic speaking env/countr
If a guy called sofiane boufal isn't Moroccan idk who is....

And every Muslim in blackpill forums i have seen tend to be moroccon 90 percent of time ,
Why is it so ?
Muslim is intinded for Intelligent rational people only
Yes ofc I should have mentioned this. There is a religious difference. Tunisian cucks especially are more liberal. You niggas even LEGALISED females marrying non-Muslims 😡😡😡 If that isn't an invitation to get BBC'd and BWC'd idk what is.

However compared to other countries like Turkey, Bosnia or Kazakhstan yes you guys are more religious. It's part of your identity. Even if you are a murtadcel.
The guys that are religious in morroco
Are true muslims
Not like those shiaa mf or terrorists
We had a single terrosrist attack in morroco they just took some kids in one of the most dangerous streets and manipulated them for a decade only for half of them to betray them and say everything to the cops 😂😂😂😂
Classic morrocan energy
At the end they explosed just 3 bars
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and SecularIslamist
I literally know 8000x more than you when it comes to Islam, you
Btw your thoughts on arab governments?

Personally I takfir every arab government as they are not ruled by sharia but democracy i,e kufr .

Only Afghanistan , idlib in Syria and some regions in Somalia are ruled by sharia .
الملك خط احمر :rage::rage::rage::rage:
Fuck the king
Do you know the king lives in the same street as me when his in vacation
Hobouss in cas
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air
i dont wanna type it here retard

wtf is this nigga saying, I literally know 8000x more than you when it comes to Islam, you can't know Islam if you don't speak Arabic lol which is my point and you don't, you keep saying wrong shit too with each reply, you're the typical google muslim larper, never opened a book judging from you saying some theologians weren't arabs and implying they didnt write in arabic or that arabic is irrelevant, into contradicting it in the next reply avoiding the main point again which is you can't know islam without knowing arabic

also I learned it with all its dialects , i'm not ethnically arab nor grew up in an arabic speaking env/country
I'm not denying knowing Arabic is essential to having a scholarly understanding of Islam - which you don't. I'm saying to have a first world education which goes hand in hand with having an up to date understanding of Islam it's essential. It's no wonder it's was precisely Persians who were scholars of Islam because they were high IQ civilisation before they became Muslims and they just carried it on. You think it's an accident that many high IQ influential Muslims today (Timothy Winter, Hamza Yusuf, Omid Safi, Tariq Ramadan, Sherman Jackson, Sayyed hosein nasri) were all mostly born or all of them live in the West?

Anyway, why are you claiming your modern standard Arabic is anyway near the perfection of classical standard Arabic? Or the Arabic that Ghazali wrote in - of which he wasn't a native in?
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  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
Btw your thoughts on arab governments?

Personally I takfir every arab government as they are not ruled by sharia but democracy i,e kufr .

Only Afghanistan , idlib in Syria and some regions in Somalia are ruled by sharia .
They were the bestback then
Then Usa showed them some freedom……
I'm not denying knowing Arabic is essential to having a scholarly understanding of Islam - which you don't. I'm saying to have a first world education which goes hand in hand with having an up to date understanding of Islam it's essential. It's no wonder it's was precisely Persians who were scholars of Islam because they were high IQ civilisation before they became Muslims and they just carried it on. You think it's an accident that many high IQ influential Muslims today (Timothy Winter, Hamza Yusuf, Omid Safi, Tariq Ramadan, Sherman Jackson, Sayyed hosein nasri) were all mostly born or all of them live in the West?

Anyway, why are you claiming you're modern standard Arabic is anyway near the perfection of classical standard Arabic? Or the Arabic that Ghazali wrote in - of which he wasn't a native in?
What about Ibn khaldun
This is a series of guides detailing my experiences with 100s of MENA women and sharing my intel. This episode is dedicated to nafri women, specifically from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. I have excluded Egypt because I did not have enough data on them nor sought them out. But maybe I will make another thread in due course as they are on my radar since I failed to bag a woman.

DISCLAIMER: This is really a story of both failure and success. I have not met a single MENA female despite speaking to 100s of them on OLD. This is due to combination of reasons ranging from logistical, religious, language barrier, and my own high inhib nature and standards. I'm writing this because I wish I knew this information before hand.

Looks: Algerians and Tunisians clearly fog the women of Morocco based on the face. They are more phenotypically similar to each other unlike Moroccans. The Moroccans have a much higher variable look. On the extreme end there are those who look like lightskin sheeboons while on the other extreme end maybe there are some med passing ones too. This is usually the case the more north you are. Either way I love this pheno, but admittedly it won't be everyone's cup of tea. They are 'brown' but not shitskins. It is rare to see a curry-passing nafri even if they're darker than north Indians and punjabis. Hypergamy does not exist. In fact I've seen LTNs with HTBs and LTBs with HTNs. You would presume in the latter case it's hypergamy. But it's not. They just don't value looks I don't think.

Body: holly fukkkkkkkkkk :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: idk whats in the diet there or maybe its the nigger DNA that is feeding their body proportions. Hourglass figures everywhere!

Communication: Dogshit is an understatement. Even when I match with them on OLD and they are the first to 'like' me they still do not communicate well. If I matched with a 100 girls who liked me FIRST it would go like this:
  • 70 of them won't even read your message.
  • 10 would leave on read and not respond
  • 10 of them you will have a convo with less than 10 messages exchanged.
  • 7-8 of them decent conversations before she decides to also ghost.
  • 2-3 you will get a real conversation out of them.
So you have a 2-3% chance. Maybe even sub-1% because these are girls who were interested in me initially. This is the biggest turn off: they're massive time waster. I've wasted so many hours of my life and mental energy speaking to them. Also you are carrying the convo most of the time. They have doormat personalities. You are the one carrying the convo most of the time.

The only plus I can think of is usually with foreign girls their English is shite. They are no exception. But I have to say it's far better than other MENA countries. French is the second language followed by English. This further limits your pool of available women.

The ideal man / do's and don'ts:

Muslim / religiosity
- sorry kafircels it's joever there is no way around this. Even the most secular ones will not accept a kafir. Hijab / no hijab makes no difference. They are not secular like other Muslim countries. Neither are they as religious as average paki or Saudi. In some occasions they were too religious for me. I'm not even that practicing hence 'secularislamist'. I never like overly religious people because I know it won't work, but one non-hijabi got really angry at me coz I said I struggle to pray 5x a day JFL. Most are likely to be virgins if unmarried, but it's not 100% guaranteed.

Dress code: A tiny minority of them dress inappropriately - as in just like the average western woman. However the vast majority of them dress fine (e.g. no cleavage, tight clothing).

Arabic-speaking: I've not been rejected for this but it's obvious it's a partial failo. I've been asked if I speak Arabic and had groans when I say no.

Pheno: Relatedly. They prefer nafris/ Arabs ofc. However I would say they are the LEAST tribalistic people and least racist. Although I'm sure they dislike blacks. Every girl Ive had a serious convo with sends me videos of interracial marriages with other nationalities. Although it's lifefeul for me as a curry, it's worrying also. They might need a nafri Hitler if swathes of young male immigrants arrive.

Money: This is a another negative. Many girls I've spoken to seem to want to be betabuxxed. This is fine to them as many also expect to live like a housewife. That's a fair deal tbh. But I can't explain to them in this economy in the West it just won't work nor is it expected. This applies to women who are educated and currently work. It's like once they get married they expect to be a housewife. Maybe the case over there but not here. When I tell them they have to work if they immigrate they get a bit turned off. They definitely want a financially stable man. If you're some passportmaxxer who thinks they're gonna have hordes of women at your doorstep because you have citizenship you better think again.

Visamaxxing fraudsters: Many of them are willing to leave their country and immigrate abroad. It's actually shocking. On Muzz I can't believe how many of them state they're willing to move abroad. It strikes me as odd how many of them are willing to leave there family, village and country. They have good family values and they are definitely patriotic judging by the amount of flags I see. I don't know how they square it up with wanting to leave at the same time. I get it's poor country but that doesn't explain it. You definitely need to be aware of visamaxxers chasing citizenship and not you. I've spoken to girls who say 'I need a spousal visa to come to England tee-hee'.


Looks: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Body: ██████████ (10/10)
Communication: ██░░░░░░░░░ (2/10)
Religiosity: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Risk of visa chaser: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Openness to races: █████████░ (8.5/10)
English Language: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Personality: █████░░░░░ (5/10)
Likelihood of virginity: █████████░ (9/10)

Final verdict: 8/10
I recommend this country for financially secure Muslimcels in the West (e.g. myself 😊). If you're not either of these it's pointless tbh. Their families neither they would accept you.

Tagging interested people: @JohnDoe @Gengar @MaghrebGator @kusaila @emeraldglass @wsada @Shahnameh @yeeyeeslayer @Latinolooksmaxxer @gribsufer1 @JohnBaza @Corleone @shia.jihadist

Would appreciate if some of you can validate my claims :feelsyay:

My next thread will be about 🇹🇷 females. Stay tuned! :feelsyay::feelsyay::feelsyay:
@emeraldglass kijk ook deze vieze kanker pakistaan. hoop dat zn kk moeder neervalt
  • JFL
Reactions: AverageMoroccan, Gengar and emeraldglass
What about Ibn khaldun
What about him? Yeah he was Arab.

This retard is arguing if you don't know Arabic you can't know Islam. He is partially right in that Arabic is essential to Islam. But he's also forgetting it's only those who know have a 1st class education who can truly know and defend Islam in today's world. To have one today you need to speak English. This is why Arabs never did so back then and won't today either. It was mostly Persians who had 1st rate education otherwise Islam wouldn't have left the deserts of Arabia and there would have been no scholars, schools of thoughts, books of learning etc.
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  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
a scholarly understanding of Islam
I do, I understand it to a deep level lol, elaborating on why I do is doxfuel so I won't

>nigga said Tariq Ramadan

just shut the fuck up lol and stop larping, you don't know shit
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist and 20/04/2008
What about him? Yeah he was Arab.

This retard is arguing if you don't know Arabic you can't know Islam. He is partially right in that Arabic is essential to Islam. But he's also forgetting it's only those who know have a 1st class education who can truly know and defend Islam in today's world. To have one today you need to speak English. This is why Arabs never did so back then and won't today either. It was mostly Persians otherwise Islam wouldn't have left the deserts of Arabia.
nigga you don’t know a lot about islam
Or you would have already converted

If i ask you about a hadith obviously your not gonna know it that for sure
You just know the basic stuff that 4 year old in morroco know
I do, I understand it to a deep level lol, elaborating on why I do is doxfuel so I won't

>nigga said Tariq Ramadan

just shut the fuck up lol and stop larping, you don't know shit
Im starting to suspect his using ai
That retarded jfl
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air
  • JFL
Reactions: AverageMoroccan, MA_ascender and 20/04/2008
I do, I understand it to a deep level lol, elaborating on why I do is doxfuel so I won't

>nigga said Tariq Ramadan

just shut the fuck up lol and stop larping, you don't know shit
Yeah you have a scholarly understanding of Islam yet nearly 10k posts on here in 4 months JFLLL. Just stfu. You're probably a YouTubecel whose watched a few lectures.

nigga you don’t know a lot about islam
Or you would have already converted

If i ask you about a hadith obviously your not gonna know it that for sure
You just know the basic stuff that 4 year old in morroco know
I am Muslim.
Im starting to suspect his using ai
That retarded jfl
Using AI for what? Tariq Ramadan has wrote lots of books especially for Muslims within a western experience. Depends what you mean by scholar many have their specialisms - I could've mentioned Johnathan AC brown who specialises in hadith.

Yet nighas like you will say he doesn't know anything about Islam because his Arabic is sub-par JFL.
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Gengar and NZb6Air
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Gengar, SecularIslamist and NZb6Air
Yeah you have a scholarly understanding of Islam yet nearly 10k posts on here in 4 months JFLLL. Just stfu. You're probably a YouTubecel whose watched a few lectures.

I am Muslim.

Using AI for what? Tariq Ramadan has wrote lots of books. Depends what you mean by scholar many have their specialisms - I could've mentioned Johnathan AC brown who specialises in hadith.

Yet nighas like you will say he doesn't know anything about Islam because his Arabic is sub-par JFL.
Good for you bhais happy for you
If you don’t understand something
Or have any question just pm me
And sorry nigga for being disrespectful
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
married a mima to save his mima
He probably beat his mima to steal her money
To afford money for hrig So he can save his mima
  • JFL
Reactions: Sapieeen
  • JFL
Reactions: JohnBaza and 20/04/2008
I'm not denying knowing Arabic is essential to having a scholarly understanding of Islam - which you don't. I'm saying to have a first world education which goes hand in hand with having an up to date understanding of Islam it's essential. It's no wonder it's was precisely Persians who were scholars of Islam because they were high IQ civilisation before they became Muslims and they just carried it on. You think it's an accident that many high IQ influential Muslims today (Timothy Winter, Hamza Yusuf, Omid Safi, Tariq Ramadan, Sherman Jackson, Sayyed hosein nasri) were all mostly born or all of them live in the West?

Anyway, why are you claiming your modern standard Arabic is anyway near the perfection of classical standard Arabic? Or the Arabic that Ghazali wrote in - of which he wasn't a native in?
Nigga move to America or uk and make it big. The Moroccan whores will marry you for money if your such a desperate fair and lovely cuck. You don’t have to learn Arabic. But understand that once they come over they’ll leave. Just have your fun while you can. Almost non will look at you seriously. It’s better to convert an Israeli girl as a curry atp than to go for a used sand negro cunt.
  • So Sad
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I like the thread for being in-depth, but there are some errors here and there. You say they don’t like blacks but that’s not true. They share a continent with them and even their fellow countrymen would be classified as black if they lived in the west. They’re the most accepting of others, that may perhaps be because Moroccan mtDNAs are very diverse but their Y-DNAs are very few. That means they have more diverse matrilineal lineages compared to patrilineal lineages.
  • +1
Reactions: billymidnight and SecularIslamist

Looks: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Body: ██████████ (10/10)
Communication: ██░░░░░░░░░ (2/10)
Religiosity: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Risk of visa chaser: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Openness to races: █████████░ (8.5/10)
English Language: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Personality: █████░░░░░ (5/10)
Likelihood of virginity: █████████░ (9/10)
Unrelated but this part looks so beautiful.

Good thread man.
  • +1
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Reactions: raumDEuter, ProBono, Gengar and 1 other person
this fucking faggot,OP kill yourself you self hating abused dog.
i didnt know i was capable of disliking a fellow muslim this much,make threads about your own women you fucking curry subhuman
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: AverageMoroccan, billymidnight, raumDEuter and 5 others
their fathers will be very accepting of some 60kg white non muslim passportbro. guide on how to get raped and beheaded by the next mountain bedouin :feelskek:
literally,this dumb faggot is giving out a roping speedrun
  • +1
Reactions: raumDEuter
I dont know man, I have seen Afghans and Kurds frequently killing their daughters in Germanistan for wanting to marry someone from neighbouring country. I know a weird case A Kurd was not allowed to marry another Kurd because one was from Iraq and one was from Turkey. Jfl

Low IQ Kurd behaviour very typical
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AverageMoroccan, JohnBaza and Gengar
this fucking faggot,OP kill yourself you self hating abused dog.
i didnt know i was capable of disliking a fellow muslim this much,make threads about your own women you fucking curry subhuman
I'm sorry man. I'm gonna make another thread on others. I agree I shouldn't do this. They should be protected at all costs.

I do like curries but only top 5% ones who are equivalent to 50 percentile Moroccans :feelsyay:
Except nafris don't have the egos.
  • +1
Reactions: Skinnycel_
I'm sorry man. I'm gonna make another thread on others. I agree I shouldn't do this. They should be protected at all costs.

I do like curries but only top 5% ones who are equivalent to 50 percentile Moroccans :feelsyay:
Except nafris don't have the egos.
you are single handedly turning me into Nafri hitler,i already hate moroccans in europe that race mix so leave the real moroccans alone,race mixers that want nafri women while non-nafri themselves should be killed on sight tbh(in minecraft)
  • JFL
Reactions: ProBono, Gengar, SecularIslamist and 1 other person
you are single handedly turning me into Nafri hitler,i already hate moroccans in europe that race mix so leave the real moroccans alone,race mixers that want nafri women while non-nafri themselves should be killed on sight tbh(in minecraft)
I would agree with such a policy :feelsyay:
But you can always make an exception for me bhai? :forcedsmile:

Dont worry Ill take one nafri girl inshallah but I'll betabuxxx her family so hard it will pay for the weddings of 5 nafri couple. It will be like planting trees to reduce your carbon footprint :feelsyay:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Skinnycel_
A lot of jeets or pakistan bhais LARP as moroccan btw
Just jeets, bhai. Pakistanis don’t LARP but it’s always jeets claiming that we do, yet George the Norwegian turns out to have an Indian IP address. :hnghn: Many such cases.
  • JFL
Reactions: ProBono, FUE Mogger, Deleted member 59122 and 1 other person
I would agree with such a policy :feelsyay:
But you can always make an exception for me bhai? :forcedsmile:

Dont worry Ill take one nafri girl inshallah but I'll betabuxxx her family so hard it will pay for the weddings of 5 nafri couple. It will be like planting trees to reduce your carbon footprint :feelsyay:
nigga why do you have such low self love and race loyalty?what you said unironically sounded nice and made me want to make you an exception especially considering you are a muslim but i cant help but see you as an abused dog for simping so hard for women that arent your own,i just cant help but feel disgust towards you

how would curry stacies feel about you being so disloyal towards them,you have no love for your own women and therefore you are a worthless faggot,inject T asap bhai
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Just jeets, bhai. Pakistanis don’t LARP but it’s always jeets claiming that we do, yet George the Norwegian turns out to have an Indian IP address. :hnghn: Many such cases.
im a vicitm of indian propaganda as it seems :whatfeels:
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im a vicitm of indian propaganda as it seems :whatfeels:
Yes you are, tbh. Can’t blame you though, they have 1.4 billion voices so they are the loud majority.
  • JFL
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tbh bro you should've gatekeep this for us menacels. the secularization efforts by the jews have already caused alot of degeneracy. im mena myself and my sister is practically white-passing(legit pale and blonde) and these filthy cusmskins keep trying to hit on her.
Idk why they try, she would just go for her own (based). I don’t think you can run JBW on white-passing ethnics. They already deluded themselves into thinking they’re white. :feelskek: That’s why JBW doesn’t work on white women either.
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