Guy builds insane physique on SARMs only to prevent hairloss (GYMCELS GTFIH)



Sep 3, 2018
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based copecel
left > right

right physique is just too fucking much
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Taking SARMS have a start and an end, and is so, a cop out. I'm not saying all things you "end" are cop outs. But you just revert after taking SARMS. And reversion is the inverse of progression. Progression is the innate key to betterment, which is what you want. Taking SARMS is a case where the risk severely outweighs the reward. And the reward is so underwhelming in real life, that it'll almost feel like you made no difference to your life besides inflicting problems upon your future. Is that what you want?
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Taking SARMS have a start and an end, and is so, a cop out. I'm not saying all things you "end" are cop outs. But you just revert after taking SARMS. And reversion is the inverse of progression. Progression is the innate key to betterment, which is what you want. Taking SARMS is a case where the risk severely outweighs the reward. And the reward is so underwhelming in real life, that it'll almost feel like you made no difference to your life besides inflicting problems upon your future. Is that what you want?
watch the video before saying some low iq shit tbh
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Why are you getting defensive when I didn't even attack you?
what u said is gonna mislead people lol... most ppl dont know chit about sarms and everyone who talks bad about them either

1. havent taken them
2. took them incorrectly
3. took something that they thought was a sarm but was not

i didnt mean to attack when i said "low iq" but u should watch the vid bro
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I watched the vid he's now on steroids but i am sure he had major libido issues when he was on sarms only because as we know sarms aren't androgenic at all
I watched the vid he's now on steroids but i am sure he had major libido issues when he was on sarms only because as we know sarms aren't androgenic at all
the only sarm i personally experienced libido issues on was lgd-4033 25mg per day. every other sarm ive taken has INCREASED my libido
the only sarm i personally experienced libido issues on was lgd-4033 25mg per day. every other sarm ive taken has INCREASED my libido
That's weird tbh because sarms were designed to be mainly anabolic and non androgenic the only sarm i know of that increases libido a lot is yk 11 i am gonna look into it more
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Watched video 😁 interesting.
Sarms cause hairloss though
Btw from where do you get sarms ? Where i live(north africa) people don't know what sarms are and only use steroids
what u said is gonna mislead people lol... most ppl dont know chit about sarms and everyone who talks bad about them either

1. havent taken them
2. took them incorrectly
3. took something that they thought was a sarm but was not

i didnt mean to attack when i said "low iq" but u should watch the vid bro
Man honestly. I love that you're improving yourself and it's fuckin awesome tbh. It's what matters the most. If your life dream is just to use SARMS and become big then I'm sorry I said anything. But I know it's not. So disconnect from identifying with SARMS so heavily. Disconnect from identifying with anything. It's a downside. Me bashing SARMS obviously isn't cool to you who's using them; and I understand why you responded like that. Calling me "low IQ" is probably what people think is the equivalent to me, that calling out SARM users is to you. But don't rise to it. Idgaf how many people call me "High IQ" or "Low IQ". If both are supposed subconscious blows to each of our characters, then why should we feel they are? I've been through a lot and am trying to showcase how important risk management is, because it's literally something that moves your life in a direction you want, if utilized. You didn't even know what SARMS were 10 years ago; neither did I. If they are improving your life then that's great, but be cognizant of when to stop taking them, and manage risk accordingly, only for your own sake. This is a self improvement forum and idgaf what people think my IQ is, or how they view me. I just care about myself and my improvement. And never want to jeopardize that. You know you will never take SARMS forever. Maybe they're a tool or a stepping stone to be able to reach something else you desire, but they shouldn't be showcased as something where Reward > Risk w/ time. I've done way worse than take steroids or SARMS, but never took them. What I've learned is that you shouldn't do things where Risk > Reward. Which is really obvious to me right now but wasn't obvious until I went through experiences that forced me to acknowledge that it's the obvious case. I wasn't bashing SARMS users. So no one needs to come to their defense. They are what they are. I know a lot about them without ever using them. But that's just because I got to a point where I realized it would work against me in the long run. All I'm trying to do is give honest help. I've been through highs. Been a millionaire before. Shit can slap you in the face because you don't realize what shit is, 'til you're slapped in the face. Then you realize what shit is after it's slapped you in the face. I'm not saying SARMS are shit. And I'm not offended at all that you called me "low IQ". You are not SARMS. You are you. You don't need to defend SARMS as they're inanimate. You don't even need to defend other people, because they are other people, and not you. Just focus on yourself. You're ascending hard, but that should be something that never stops. If the SARMS stop working or cause you problems in the future. You don't stop working.
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Isn't the safe dose less than 22 mg? why did you take that much?
my friend took 25mg and was perfectly fine so i did too jfl
what u said is gonna mislead people lol... most ppl dont know chit about sarms and everyone who talks bad about them either

1. havent taken them
2. took them incorrectly
3. took something that they thought was a sarm but was not

i didnt mean to attack when i said "low iq" but u should watch the vid bro
Ah realized I watched that vid a few days ago. It's pretty cool. Guy peaked out before he even started roiding lol. I was buying DNP and IGF-1 off enhancedathlete before but that was just a spell. I've improved my life the most this year. I was a fat fuck when I took DNP because I was so fucking ignorant and retarded and had no perception.
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Man honestly. I love that you're improving yourself and it's fuckin awesome tbh. It's what matters the most. If your life dream is just to use SARMS and become big then I'm sorry I said anything. But I know it's not. So disconnect from identifying with SARMS so heavily. Disconnect from identifying with anything. It's a downside. Me bashing SARMS obviously isn't cool to you who's using them; and I understand why you responded like that. Calling me "low IQ" is probably what people think is the equivalent to me, that calling out SARM users is to you. But don't rise to it. Idgaf how many people call me "High IQ" or "Low IQ". If both are supposed subconscious blows to each of our characters, then why should we feel they are? I've been through a lot and am trying to showcase how important risk management is, because it's literally something that moves your life in a direction you want, if utilized. You didn't even know what SARMS were 10 years ago; neither did I. If they are improving your life then that's great, but be cognizant of when to stop taking them, and manage risk accordingly, only for your own sake. This is a self improvement forum and idgaf what people think my IQ is, or how they view me. I just care about myself and my improvement. And never want to jeopardize that. You know you will never take SARMS forever. Maybe they're a tool or a stepping stone to be able to reach something else you desire, but they shouldn't be showcased as something where Reward > Risk w/ time. I've done way worse than take steroids or SARMS, but never took them. What I've learned is that you shouldn't do things where Risk > Reward. Which is really obvious to me right now but wasn't obvious until I went through experiences that forced me to acknowledge that it's the obvious case. I wasn't bashing SARMS users. So no one needs to come to their defense. They are what they are. I know a lot about them without ever using them. But that's just because I got to a point where I realized it would work against me in the long run. All I'm trying to do is give honest help. I've been through highs. Been a millionaire before. Shit can slap you in the face because you don't realize what shit is, 'til you're slapped in the face. Then you realize what shit is after it's slapped you in the face. I'm not saying SARMS are shit. And I'm not offended at all that you called me "low IQ". You are not SARMS. You are you. You don't need to defend SARMS as they're inanimate. You don't even need to defend other people, because they are other people, and not you. Just focus on yourself. You're ascending hard, but that should be something that never stops. If the SARMS stop working or cause you problems in the future. You don't stop working.
im literally so fucking close to my end goal physique which i can easily maintain without sarms since they are pretty weak overall. im taking sarms right now to maintain muscle on a cut and then i'm as big as i want to be, and as shredded as i want to be.
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Isn't the safe dose less than 22 mg? why did you take that much?

You're poor now?
A lot poorer but not totally poor. I know I can make lots of money in the future, I just know now that keeping it is a huge deal...
Taking SARMS have a start and an end, and is so, a cop out. I'm not saying all things you "end" are cop outs. But you just revert after taking SARMS. And reversion is the inverse of progression. Progression is the innate key to betterment, which is what you want. Taking SARMS is a case where the risk severely outweighs the reward. And the reward is so underwhelming in real life, that it'll almost feel like you made no difference to your life besides inflicting problems upon your future. Is that what you want?
@ZyzzReincarnate I didn't even realize you made this thread when writing this comment. The "Is that what you want?" wasn't directed at you. It was just directed at everyone. We got niqqas on here too ready to get addicted to Phenibut and I just don't want to see people go through ups and downs but rather just a constant climb.
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  • +1
Reactions: Pillarman and ZyzzReincarnate
We got niqqas on here too ready to get addicted to Phenibut
Just because you got addicted on it doesn't mean everyone will.
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Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
A lot poorer but not totally poor. I know I can make lots of money in the future, I just know now that keeping it is a huge deal...

@ZyzzReincarnate I didn't even realize you made this thread when writing this comment. The "Is that what you want?" wasn't directed at you. It was just directed at everyone. We got niqqas on here too ready to get addicted to Phenibut and I just don't want to see people go through ups and downs but rather just a constant climb.
yeah man, i have phenibut but ive only used it once. i dont go out enough to need to use it often at all jfl
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Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
yeah man, i have phenibut but ive only used it once. i dont go out enough to need to use it often at all jfl
It's so fucked just from a psychological standpoint. You want to use it to create more opportunities for yourself. But when you create more opportunities for yourself, you use it more. I can't get addicted to anything else. Lots of people turn to drugs because they think it's over and just want to LDAR and feel good. But people take Phenibut for the opposite reason. Because they want to max out and improve. It takes years until there's a problem. Until then everything is great. You never know when it will turn against you. You don't want to stop taking it forever because it's always had more Reward than Risk over a long time. And when you say you don't want to stop it's not because you don't want to feel the lows from the withdrawals, it's because you don't want to withdraw because you don't want to stop the high. But our GABAB receptors downregulate fast and tolerance builds up so much. It's really fucked. It's a huge catch22, because you never don't want to be your best self in every situation. And Phenibut really helps you be your best self in every situation. And you learn that over time. Glad you're not using it. Even I feel like buying it after writing all this and almost dying from it. That's how fucked it is :(
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It's so fucked just from a psychological standpoint. You want to use it to create more opportunities for yourself. But when you create more opportunities for yourself, you use it more. I can't get addicted to anything else. Lots of people turn to drugs because they think it's over and just want to LDAR and feel good. But people take Phenibut for the opposite reason. Because they want to max out and improve. It takes years until there's a problem. Until then everything is great. You never know when it will turn against you. You don't want to stop taking it forever because it's always had more Reward than Risk over a long time. And when you say you don't want to stop it's not because you don't want to feel the lows from the withdrawals, it's because you don't want to withdraw because you don't want to stop the high. But our GABAB receptors downregulate fast and tolerance builds up so much. It's really fucked. It's a huge catch22, because you never don't want to be your best self in every situation. And Phenibut really helps you be your best self in every situation. And you learn that over time. Glad you're not using it. Even I feel like buying it after writing all this and almost dying from it. That's how fucked it is :(
yeah bro they way i would use is to just use it once of twice to gauge my potential in social situations then ill gain the confidence to do it without it
im literally so fucking close to my end goal physique which i can easily maintain without sarms since they are pretty weak overall. im taking sarms right now to maintain muscle on a cut and then i'm as big as i want to be, and as shredded as i want to be.
How are you going to maintain it ? Trt or reach natty limit and maintain ?
How are you going to maintain it ? Trt or reach natty limit and maintain ?
im not even close to my natty limit but im satisfied with my current amount of muscle mass. so i'll just maintain it by training daily like i usually do and watching what i eat and making sure i dont get fatter.
  • +1
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Man honestly. I love that you're improving yourself and it's fuckin awesome tbh. It's what matters the most. If your life dream is just to use SARMS and become big then I'm sorry I said anything. But I know it's not. So disconnect from identifying with SARMS so heavily. Disconnect from identifying with anything. It's a downside. Me bashing SARMS obviously isn't cool to you who's using them; and I understand why you responded like that. Calling me "low IQ" is probably what people think is the equivalent to me, that calling out SARM users is to you. But don't rise to it. Idgaf how many people call me "High IQ" or "Low IQ". If both are supposed subconscious blows to each of our characters, then why should we feel they are? I've been through a lot and am trying to showcase how important risk management is, because it's literally something that moves your life in a direction you want, if utilized. You didn't even know what SARMS were 10 years ago; neither did I. If they are improving your life then that's great, but be cognizant of when to stop taking them, and manage risk accordingly, only for your own sake. This is a self improvement forum and idgaf what people think my IQ is, or how they view me. I just care about myself and my improvement. And never want to jeopardize that. You know you will never take SARMS forever. Maybe they're a tool or a stepping stone to be able to reach something else you desire, but they shouldn't be showcased as something where Reward > Risk w/ time. I've done way worse than take steroids or SARMS, but never took them. What I've learned is that you shouldn't do things where Risk > Reward. Which is really obvious to me right now but wasn't obvious until I went through experiences that forced me to acknowledge that it's the obvious case. I wasn't bashing SARMS users. So no one needs to come to their defense. They are what they are. I know a lot about them without ever using them. But that's just because I got to a point where I realized it would work against me in the long run. All I'm trying to do is give honest help. I've been through highs. Been a millionaire before. Shit can slap you in the face because you don't realize what shit is, 'til you're slapped in the face. Then you realize what shit is after it's slapped you in the face. I'm not saying SARMS are shit. And I'm not offended at all that you called me "low IQ". You are not SARMS. You are you. You don't need to defend SARMS as they're inanimate. You don't even need to defend other people, because they are other people, and not you. Just focus on yourself. You're ascending hard, but that should be something that never stops. If the SARMS stop working or cause you problems in the future. You don't stop working.
Can I ask you please how did you achieve your millionaire status?
yeah bro they way i would use is to just use it once of twice to gauge my potential in social situations then ill gain the confidence to do it without it
Helped for me. Just remembering how I acted while on it, helped me act the same way when not taking it. But time goes on forever and eventually you want to take it more and more. It's really hard. If anyone can have this type of self discipline, they can do anything. It's so hard because you never want to be in a worse state as an opportunity cost. It feels like you cheated reality because you can both feel good, and make that synergistic with how positively others perceive you, because you don't come off as fucked up of incongruent. There's a reason why we don't go to normal day-to-day situations fucked up on narcotics and drunk from drinking a liter of vodka. It's because we already know it just won't "be good". But with Phenibut, it actually "is good". And things work until they don't. And you never want to stop because you realize that there's no stopping and there's no final destination, because you realize you can create new experiences and situations which you never could before. It's so tricky.
Can I ask you please how did you achieve your millionaire status?
Cryptocurrency and RMT, producing and selling online game currency. At least 60-70% was from cryptocurrency.
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im not even close to my natty limit but im satisfied with my current amount of muscle mass. so i'll just maintain it by training daily like i usually do and watching what i eat and making sure i dont get fatter.
That's the best decision tbh i am gonna max out with roids and sarms than cycle off and maintain with training hard and diet taking peds for life is stupid
  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
That's the best decision tbh i am gonna max out with roids and sarms than cycle off and maintain with training hard and diet taking peds for life is stupid
yeah i just wanna be big enough to look muscular in clothes without being too big, but be shredded enough to be aesthetic without a shirt. luckily for me because i have wide clavicles and big arms it only took like 6 months of me training to get a 22" bideltoid and look big in clothes despite only being like 6'3 160lbs at the time lol
yeah i just wanna be big enough to look muscular in clothes without being too big, but be shredded enough to be aesthetic without a shirt. luckily for me because i have wide clavicles and big arms it only took like 6 months of me training to get a 22" bideltoid and look big in clothes despite only being like 6'3 160lbs at the time lol
Good for you man i have wide clavicules and a narrow waist but i am a pure ectomorph (naturally very lean and thin muscles) the thing is i don't want to be massive and i can't i'd be happy with a shredded 180 natty and 15 inch arms it's all about the aesthetics if you wanna get laid getting huge af will make you uglier to women
  • +1
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Good for you man i have wide clavicules and a narrow waist but i am a pure ectomorph (naturally very lean and thin muscles) the thing is i don't want to be massive and i can't i'd be happy with a shredded 180 natty and 15 inch arms it's all about the aesthetics if you wanna get laid getting huge af will make you uglier to women
yeah right now im 6'3 185lbs 24" bideltoid 16.5" arms tryna shred down to 8% using sarms to maintain all muscle and strength and thats perfect for me
yeah right now im 6'3 185lbs 24" bideltoid 16.5" arms tryna shred down to 8% using sarms to maintain all muscle and strength and thats perfect for me
My very fast metabolism doesn't let me exceed 9% bf no matter how much i eat (3500 kcal plus) but that makes getting big hard for me so yeah when i come off everything and be at 180 lbs 8% bf 15 inch arms i'd be very happy i think having a lean aesthetic physique is way better than being a 240 lbs monster who's gonna die in his 40s because of perma blasting tbh
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  • JFL
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jfl ur missing the point. if he can get that insane of a physique on sarms only then literally 95% of people can get a physique that women find attractive, which isnt much
citation needed

sources shown in the video btw
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
What could I use in secret (not having my parents find out) to gain as much size/strength as possible without having to inject anything, strictly orals? Where I won't have to get blood tests etc because m I don't want anyone finding out jfl I don't care about having low test for a few weeks as long as it will return to normal. I'm starvemaxxing to low bf rn and once I'm there I'm going to start lean bulking
  • +1
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What could I use in secret (not having my parents find out) to gain as much size/strength as possible without having to inject anything, strictly orals? Where I won't have to get blood tests etc because m I don't want anyone finding out jfl I don't care about having low test for a few weeks as long as it will return to normal. I'm starvemaxxing to low bf rn and once I'm there I'm going to start lean bulking
take lgd-4033 20mg every day for 8 weeks
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Thx bro. What sides should I expect while on it? And for how long after
the rule of thumb is time on= time off, so if you're on for 8 weeks ur off for 8 weeks.

side effects i experienced are some loss of sex drive and lethargy. thats pretty much it
  • +1
Reactions: Heirio
the rule of thumb is time on= time off, so if you're on for 8 weeks ur off for 8 weeks.

side effects i experienced are some loss of sex drive and lethargy. thats pretty much it
Was that during or after?
You sure 20mg is fine bro, is that what you took? These guys are saying even 10mg is crazy high jfl

theyre pussies. i took 25 and was fine. lgd is dummy cheap anyway. some niggas run 50-100
that's a very good channel, high IQ, but the nigga needs to do some neck curls ( how can his neck remain that small in spite of all the gear?????)
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Looks disgusting, 10-12% bf is ideal for face and body, You want a little bit of fat. Being so shredded and vainy doesnt have any appeal to girls, its just looks unhuman

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