Ideal Eyebrow Width Ratios (long post)

My eyebrows mog all famous celebrities
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arched eyebrows

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@thecel you are going about this too mechanically. Try to distance yourself from PSL autism and look at it from an outsider's perspective. Is your morph really better than the original?
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Is your morph really better than the original?

It looks better to me. Not determined from PSL measurements and ratios—it literally just looks better.
It looks better to me. Not determined from PSL measurements and ratios—it literally just looks better.
To YOU. But what about all the other people in this thread? Have you considered that maybe your perspective of what everyday people find attractive has been warped too much by PSL?
  • Hmm...
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To YOU. But what about all the other people in this thread? Have you considered that maybe your perspective of what everyday people find attractive has been warped too much by PSL?

To YOU. But what about all the other people in this thread? Have you considered that maybe your perspective of what everyday people find attractive has been warped too much by PSL?

I'll go over 2 very important eyebrow measurements in this post, using none other than the handsomest PSL god to ever live, Sean fuckin' O'Pry, to demonstrate.

Here we have Sean O'Pry in all his subhuman glory:

View attachment 920863

What's subhuman about O'Pry? It's his eyebrows. His lateral eyebrow end breadth to bizygomatic breadth ratio (a.k.a. eyebrow area width to bizygo ratio) is sub-par. So is his glabella width to eyebrow area width ratio. There are many things wrong with his eyebrows, and they'll be fixed in this thread.

Ya might wanna close your butthole wise guy, cus shit's aboutta get scientific.

1. Eyebrow Area Width (EAW)

Eyebrow area width is the distance from the left end of your left eyebrow to the right end of your right eyebrow. The measurement is called eyebrow AREA width because it includes the width of the glabella; it isn't just the total width of the 2 eyebrows.

Ideal: 0.9 × bizygomatic breadth ≤ EAW ≤ 0.95 × bizygomatic breadth

Acceptable: EAW ≥ (outercanthal distance + forehead width) ÷ 2

In other words, the ideal eyebrow area width is 0.9 to 0.95 times your bizygomatic breadth, and anything wider than the average of your outercanthal distance and your forehead width is acceptable.

1a. EAW to Bizygomatic Breath Ratio

The ideal EAW range is a ratio of bizygomatic breadth. This ratio is called the eyebrow area width to bizygomatic breadth ratio (or the lateral eyebrow end breadth to bizygomatic breadth ratio). And again, the ideal range for this ratio is 0.9 to 0.95. However, please note that the minimum acceptable EAW is NOT based on this ratio.

I'm sure this ratio (or a ratio similar to this) has been done before, but I cannot stress its importance enough.

View attachment 920893

Sean O'Pry's EAW is wider than the average of his outercanthal distance and his forehead width, so his EAW is certainly acceptable. But, it isn't ideal—O'Pry's EAW to bizygo ratio is 0.841, which is below the 0.9–0.95 ideal range.

Here's him morphed with an EAW–bizygo ratio of 0.94:

View attachment 921629View attachment 921631

He looks more slayer in the morph. Yet, you may notice something looks off about his eyebrows. They just don't look quite right, do they?

This takes us to another very important eyebrow measurement, a ratio called the glabella width to eyebrow area width ratio.

2. Glabella Width to Eyebrow Area Width Ratio (Glabella–EAW ratio)

The glabella width to eyebrow area width ratio is the distance between your eyebrows divided by the distance from the left end of your left eyebrow to the right end of your right eyebrow.

Primary Ideal (slayer): 0.15 ≤ glabella width ÷ EAW ≤ 0.2

Secondary Ideal (prettyboy): 0.175 ≤ glabella width ÷ EAW ≤ 0.225

Acceptable: 0.125 < glabella width ÷ EAW ≤ 0.25

Q: Where are these numbers from?

My ass.

If you have short eyebrows, it's best to be near the upper limit of the ideal range, 0.2. Conversely, if you have long eyebrows, it's best to be near the lower limit of the ideal range, 0.15.

View attachment 921656

The distance in-between O'Pry's eyebrows is too short. In the original photo, his glabella to EAW ratio is 0.11. In the morph with his eyebrows extended laterally, it's 0.099. Goddamn, this is awful. It's about time O'Pry's eyebrows get fixed up.

Here's him morphed with a glabella–EAW ratio of 0.156:

View attachment 921658View attachment 921675

Much better.

Well, if it took all that to fix Sean O'Pry's eyebrow problems, who actually has ideal eyebrow width measurements?

Chico does.

View attachment 921759

Nah, I'm kidding. Chico's eyebrow width measurements aren't very good either. His EAW to bizygo ratio is 0.881, which isn't wide enough. His glabella to EAW ratio is 0.235, which is too wide.

Seems like eyebrows are the feature that the PSL gods fall short on. Maybe great eyebrows are pretty rare.

BONUS: Important Eyebrow Traits

O'Pry lacks downturned lateral eyebrow tips, which is a very slayer trait. Ideal eyebrows have the outside ends tapered and turned downward rather sharply when viewed from the front.

View attachment 921873

Slayer eyebrows appear sharply downturned at the sides when viewed from the front because: (1) wide supraorbital rims make sharp turns when they meet the temples, (2) slayer eyebrows extend past these curved parts and onto the sides of the orbitals, and (3) these make the lateral ends of the eyebrows be viewed at more oblique angles from the frontal.

O'Pry with slayer brows:

View attachment 921863View attachment 921864

O'Pry's eyebrows may look overly wide to some of y'all. This is really a consequence of his subhuman skull shape. O'Pry's head is too wide, and his forehead is too narrow relative to his head.

Look how much his looks improve when his head is morphed narrower and his forehead is stretched a bit wider:

View attachment 921880

A narrowish head shape with a broad forehead enhances the look of slayer wide eyebrows a whole lot.
Over for my short eyebtows :feelscry:
  • So Sad
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very wide eyebrow width of 95% to 100% mogs hard

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