I’m tired man. I finally understand how a girl would make no difference in my life.

read every word
stfu faggot instead typing that gay ass cringe shit which gives zero insightful information give him some comforting words moron
  • Woah
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
I would slay higher quality women if I was taller

I’m not incel. And never was.
which higher quality of women? you need to stop worshipping women in general and stop catering to what the fuck these blood pissing creatures want...it's why western societies are falling because they worship women to stupid fucking levels

problem is that people here don't understand that even if you are 6'4'' chad with godly slaying past, someday, you will be boring to her and there numerous examples of tall gods being dumped and divorce raped. you are never safe with women, their brains are neurotic hell that would drive you suicidal if your soul was switched to a female brain
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover, bigchunguslover, Kamui and 1 other person
Just kill yourself to reincarnate your miserable consciousness into another miserable existence theory
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: hardestmfintheroom and PseudoMaxxer
which higher quality of women? you need to stop worshipping women in general and stop catering to what the fuck these blood pissing creatures want...it's why western societies are falling because they worship women to stupid fucking levels

problem is that people here don't understand that even if you are 6'4'' chad with godly slaying past, someday, you will be boring to her and there numerous examples of tall gods being dumped and divorce raped. you are never safe with women, their brains are neurotic hell that would drive you suicidal if your soul was switched to a female brain
Women that look like this

Also life without female company is a painful one, and don’t let the internet fool you there are plenty of good women out there.
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Just kill yourself to reincarnate your miserable consciousness into another miserable existence theory
you never know what i could become, imagine i just reincarnate into Maher
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover and enchanted_elixir
  • +1
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Women that look like this

Also life without female company is a painful one, and don’t let the internet fool you there are plenty of good women out there.
7 out of 10 of them are caked up, and 10 out of 10 look like will keep bugging and shit testing you every single second while plowing through your wallet

and don't let internet foul you that having such super instagram woman will make your life great and make you mog other males, because basically you are just thinking like a woman, not as a male
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: AspiringMogger
we got literally the same type.

I will never have a girl like that
IMG 6898
IMG 6899
IMG 6901

Maybe I should update it
  • Love it
Reactions: Kamui and PseudoMaxxer
Go to Thailand fella
7 out of 10 of them are caked up, and 10 out of 10 look like will keep bugging and shit testing you every single second while plowing through your wallet
Look at chad Thundercocks standards. Mirin pessimism. All I see is beauty
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Look at chad Thundercocks standards. Mirin pessimism. All I see is beauty
because these days, asking for beauty is asking for problems and being in constant mental and biological competition to appeal to slutty foids
  • Hmm...
Reactions: AspiringMogger
because these days, asking for beauty is asking for problems and being in constant mental and biological competition to appeal to foids
you need foids in your life tho. It’s nature, atleast for sex
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro
for what? to fuck ugly trans gooks ?
Sun, bust a few nuts, have some nice massage, have a few cold beers by the beautiful sea. Go have a nice time innit
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Sun, bust a few nuts, have some nice massage, have a few cold beers by the beautiful sea. Go have a nice time innit
got no money, but i’m definitely planning on geomaxxing by this summer.

I gotta start making money online tho.
  • +1
Reactions: hardestmfintheroom
got no money, but i’m definitely planning on geomaxxing by this summer.

I gotta start making money online tho.
Get an easy job that's flexible and let's you rack up lots of hours effortlessly.
Fuck off to Thailand or wherever for a few months come back home rinse and repeat
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro and PseudoMaxxer
you need foids in your life tho. It’s nature, atleast for sex
definitely, but you need to understand that all of the rising looksmaxxing,insecurities about height, black worshipping....

it's all because your societies are being run wild and putting sooo much power in hands and minds of females that have been labelled as dangerous in all religions and all eastern cultures
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Get an easy job that's flexible and let's you rack up lots of hours effortlessly.
Fuck off to Thailand or wherever for a few months come back home rinse and repeat
Really great idea, never heard of a job like that tho
definitely, but you need to understand that all of the rising looksmaxxing,insecurities about height, black worshipping....

it's all because your societies are being run wild and putting sooo much power in hands and minds of females that have been labelled as dangerous in all religions and all eastern cultures
that’s true but imo we are reaching a breaking point that its inevitable.

I’d say in 2030 only 1% of men or less will fuck (since now its like 20% or less), and somebody will do something about it or just a big incel riot will happen and everybody will go ER
you never know what i could become, imagine i just reincarnate into Maher
Your consciousness will still be tainted by your past existence. You won't actually get better. You could even get worse.
  • Woah
Reactions: It'snotover
that’s true but imo we are reaching a breaking point that its inevitable.

I’d say in 2030 only 1% of men or less will fuck (since now its like 20% or less), and somebody will do something about it or just a big incel riot will happen and everybody will go ER

human history is in an ever ongoing cycle of rise and downfall.

periods of downfall and literally people witnessing planet falling in hands of mongols and eastern roman princesses writing love letters to Attila (kek imagine getting cucked by manlet mongols)
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
Your consciousness will still be tainted by your past existence. You won't actually get better. You could even get worse.
I would be a schizo chad.

I would go around pumping and dumping every foid my way and making everyone suffer as much as i could.
IMG 6266

human history is in an ever ongoing cycle of rise and downfall.

periods of downfall and literally people witnessing planet falling in hands of mongols and eastern roman princesses writing love letters to Attila (kek imagine getting cucked by manlet mongols)
im happy if it happens tbh
im happy if it happens tbh
all of my ramblings, because i'm trying to tell you stop being weak and feeling depressed about height

just focus on yourself, be the best in whatever you are doing and wherever you are, and ONLY allow women who dearly respect you in your life
Sound track to the thread

I can’t understand how people manage to talk to another person for whole days.

I usually don’t talk at all, you might not understand so let me say it again:
I go days without opening my mouth, not talking to anyone.
I actually thought that liking a girl and messaging her would help, but even tho i haven’t experienced it other than with girls on dating apps, i really get bored quickly of them.

The moment i jerk off, i stop checking messages at all. That says a lot about me and made me understand one crucial factor about my self:

I don’t care about social connections or love, my body just feels the need to release cum every now and then to feel complete.

I always knew it, my mom always told me i was an heartless monster, and so my friends i used to have.

I’m actually just a heartless demon, i don’t care about my family neither. If they were to die tomorrow i would shake it off after a couple of minutes to plan my next move to survive on my own.

I’m pretty sure this has been due to my upbringing: i’ve been bullied for my skin color and ethnicity since i was 5 years old. I needed to put up fights to defend my self, and that only made it seem worse to my teachers since they already thought I was aggressive because of me being arab.

I’ve always been alone since i was born, i was born because my brother wanted a brother. My mom and dad didn’t actually want me as they were planning on having only 1 child. That’s probably why i’m ignored and hated rn.

I hate them too, i don’t like them at all.
They made it always seem like i deserved to be bullied by them, that i deserved to be treated like shit.

One crucial event was my first love i had at the young age of 12.

She brutally rejected me for being short and fat.

My best friend at that time told me he was gonna help me, until i found out he was trying to hook up with her the whole time.

That left a scar so deep into my heart that i genuinely felt less love for everyone, then i got rejected another time, and another time again, and another, and another….

They left nothing into me, i’m just an empty shell of the human i was.

I have nothing left to live for realistically.

I cope by thinking that i’ll ascend and make money to make everyone and my family regret abandoning me.
In reality, no one will care. My family will probably leave me be and the girls and fake friends i used to have will have found their true love by then and they won’t even remember who i was.

I’m pushing through 1 last year of my life, 2024 will be the end of it all finally.

I tried so hard until now, i lost 20kg of weight and went from fat to shredded.
I became more intelligent and read a lot of books, i trained and became stronger mentally and physically.

I endured the pain of rejection and approached girls and became more NT and less inhibited, after the covid raped my inhibition and NTness.

I went from no one, to no one.

People still look at me but they see nothing behind my eyes. Those black deep eyes, a girl once told me it was like i wasn’t looking at her while we held eye contact.

“it’s like you are looking past me, at something else”

Idk what these eyes can actually see, but what i see is nothingness.

I will never have a kid, and if i will, that means i’ll be the most ruthless monster ever.
I don’t want anyone else to feel what i feel.

You guys always laugh at me for being 24/7 online, while this is the only place i can talk even tho my mouth is still closed.

I’m truly alone, and connections and people only fade away after a matter of time and they don’t matter.

I hope i’ll speak to god once i’ll die, i want to ask him why did he want me to live this way.
Why didn’t he help me when i needed it.

I can’t cry anymore, nothing is left in me other than hate for this world.

Why did i turn this way, that’s what i’m wondering. I just wanted to be an astronaut when i was a kid, and go to the moon and explore space.

While now i just wanna hang from a cord lifeless.

Thanks for reading, this was just some venting. It’ll be here once i’ll do the deed.

19, 20 next year
I read ur post and it’s real af but 19 is too early to quit. You might not be able to control all the bad things that happen to you but you can control how you react to them.

The people who’ve made your life shit are probably expecting you to rope, do you want to give them the satisfaction of being right? You should keep living out of spite for them and prove them wrong by ascending.

You’re only 19, fresh out of high school age, so you have your entire 20s ahead of you bro. Good luck.
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
come to georgia habibi!
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
you came up with an excuse to why you cannot delete your account in 10 seconds, you posting here is a very cheap rip off having friends and you can make friends
Can't talk about the shit you can talk about here with IRL friends.
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and bigchunguslover
I’m tired of living for something that doesn’t manifest in front of me and just tells me he is here with me.

I’m alone rn, i feel it. No one is here. Why can’t he just tell me he’s here with me?
make urself ur own best friend lol
  • JFL
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
which higher quality of women? you need to stop worshipping women in general and stop catering to what the fuck these blood pissing creatures want...it's why western societies are falling because they worship women to stupid fucking levels

problem is that people here don't understand that even if you are 6'4'' chad with godly slaying past, someday, you will be boring to her and there numerous examples of tall gods being dumped and divorce raped. you are never safe with women, their brains are neurotic hell that would drive you suicidal if your soul was switched to a female brain
they just have bad hormones n sheeeet my niguuuh
I’m just like fr

im mute as fuck, talking is painful

which is why I don’t do it

im always the quiet one
  • +1
Reactions: ManletBlackcel, It'snotover, tyroneorkms and 2 others
I feel you

I’m in the same boat. Can’t call it depression. It’s like I’m desensitised to life in general. I didn’t ask to be born. Probably no one was. I owe nothing to no one.

It’s either game over after i die and my consciousness doesn’t function without a body, or it does. In that case i will have a loooong conversation with this “loving” God who threatens people with hell, unleashed floods, allows suffering and shit.

That doesn’t even sound like the real God. More like the demiurge/satan. Yet religious people will do the most crazy mental gymnastics to defend him and cope with reality. Talking like they know it all meanwhile they’re the most asleep in this matrix of a reality
  • +1
Reactions: bigchunguslover and PseudoMaxxer
i hate living
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and bigchunguslover
I feel you

I’m in the same boat. Can’t call it depression. It’s like I’m desensitised to life in general. I didn’t ask to be born. Probably no one was. I owe nothing to no one.

It’s either game over after i die and my consciousness doesn’t function without a body, or it does. In that case i will have a loooong conversation with this “loving” God who threatens people with hell, unleashed floods, allows suffering and shit.

That doesn’t even sound like the real God. More like the demiurge/satan. Yet religious people will do the most crazy mental gymnastics to defend him and cope with reality. Talking like they know it all meanwhile they’re the most asleep in this matrix of a reality
exactly this
  • So Sad
Reactions: Samsepioler and Deleted member 13626
I feel you

I’m in the same boat. Can’t call it depression. It’s like I’m desensitised to life in general. I didn’t ask to be born. Probably no one was. I owe nothing to no one.

It’s either game over after i die and my consciousness doesn’t function without a body, or it does. In that case i will have a loooong conversation with this “loving” God who threatens people with hell, unleashed floods, allows suffering and shit.

That doesn’t even sound like the real God. More like the demiurge/satan. Yet religious people will do the most crazy mental gymnastics to defend him and cope with reality. Talking like they know it all meanwhile they’re the most asleep in this matrix of a reality
They’ll talk to you like they had a revelation, saying god is making this to try to see if your worthy and shit.

He ain’t bruv, a Good god wouldn’t.

Atp i believe god has either something to gain out of my suffering or is just bad.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 13626
exactly this
“Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”

We could be so much more if an afterlife exists (indicatons suggest the chances are high) But here we are. Stuck inside a decaying meat suit. Only when you’re asleep, do dmt or astral project your consciousness can get a break and you no longer feel stuck
  • +1
Reactions: bigchunguslover and PseudoMaxxer
They’ll talk to you like they had a revelation, saying god is making this to try to see if your worthy and shit.

He ain’t bruv, a Good god wouldn’t.

Atp i believe god has either something to gain out of my suffering or is just bad.
You are open minded and i like that. I’ve seen more people awaken and their awareness/consciousness expanding

You are very right, spot on with that last message. There is even a dark rabbit hole about it possibly explaining all of this. If you want another perspective, you can dm me

I redpilled 3 people in less than a week on this forum and it can either free them, loosen the chains or the opposite. Coming face to face with the information that their whole life has been a lie and they were deceived can be devastating. I’m not responsible for any effects such as depression or even suicide. You have to agree to being redpilled
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: It'snotover, bigchunguslover and PseudoMaxxer
“Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”

We could be so much more if an afterlife exists (indicatons suggest the chances are high) But here we are. Stuck inside a decaying meat suit. Only when you’re asleep, do dmt or astral project your consciousness can get a break and you no longer feel stuck
thats why i do acid
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and Deleted member 13626
thats why i do acid
I wish i could do dmt/shrooms but it’s illegal here and idk how to make it. Fuck these soy boy laws. I’m not killing anyone. Meanwhile alcohol does (disease and drunk drivers)

These substances are illegal not because you will pose a threat to others. But because you will acknowledge your powers, realise how little life is. Have more peace within.

Peace is the most hated things by those in charge and their overlords who aren’t even human/on earth. A deep rabbit hole. Negative energy is easier to generate than positive one and spreads more efficiently
I wish i could do dmt/shrooms but it’s illegal here and idk how to make it. Fuck these soy boy laws. I’m not killing anyone. Meanwhile alcohol does (disease and drunk drivers)

These substances are illegal not because you will pose a threat to others. But because you will acknowledge your powers, realise how little life is. Have more peace within.

Peace is the most hated things by those in charge and their overlords who aren’t even human/on earth. A deep rabbit hole. Negative energy is easier to generate than positive one and spreads more efficiently
just get a shroom spore kit lol ur just lazy
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer and Deleted member 13626

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