It's all about social influence you hold

Deleted member 7509

Deleted member 7509

May 25, 2020
It's about perceived social ladder position. It just so happens that good looking people are usually on top of it. Best thing a person can do is to look higher on social ladder. You need to look influential, at least within your community. There is a reason why most erotic literature for women have a clear power dominance - boss/assistant, etc. There is a reason why women prefer to be dominated in bed (this one is mostly biological though, not much you can do. thankfully average guy is bigger than average girl)

Best thing you can do is moneymax, become more influential, be assertive/dominant, and not show too much interest. Then once you get a girl, let her admire you. It should almost be like mentor/student dynamic

And obviously, looks matter, but only because they back up your social status and serve as proof for it.
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You don't even need Money.

Women are hard wired to want the "cool kids". Remember High School?

FaceBook is like this, or Instagram, etc. If you have a lot of people liking and commenting on the stupid retard shit you post on FaceBook and notice the same girl always jumping in to join in the retarded fun, she thinks you're a "cool kid" and you have Status.

Everyone has losers on their social media that people just make fun of, they post lame shit, are ugly, they attention seek, vaguebook, etc etc that post lifey , deep shit and get 2 likes. But I post something about literal bullshit and get 50 reactions and a thread of comments.

Have lots of friends in life? Are you popular? Do people gravitate toward you? This is attractive to women, because they want a guy that has status in the social circle that will in turn give them status. No woman wants their stock lowered by fucking with a loser. If people found out that she fucked you, she would be like "hell yeah I fucked him". If you hook up with a girl and she doesn't want you to tell anyone, than you are a loser. Like the fact that she let you finger her and she sucked your dick is something she doesn't want to get're a loser.

If you go on a date and she wants to put selfies of you both together on FB, it's because she wants to be seen with you because you're GL.

I have hooked up with weird looking girls, word "leaked" and it lowered my stock. Other girls I associate with or just know in passing are like "did you really do that shit with (so and so)" and it was awkward, like they thought less of me. Some of them kinda stopped talking to me.

Ever see questionable comments on a girls FB shit, from loser fat beardo dudes? And it turned you off to them? Like her and some dad bod uggo guy are bantering or flirting and you're like "wow ok" and you lose interest.....that's that girls social stock dropping to you. You are who you fuck with.

Girls don't brag or want to show off uggo loser guys.

Would you want to show off a subhuman girl? OK let me post a date selfie with a fat uggo chick, I'll probably get fucked with. If you don't enhance a good looking girls resume they don't wanna fuck with you. Even if you're being used as a rebound, to make other guys jealous, etc. who gives a fuck as long as it's fun. Girls don't use ugly dudes to make anyone jealous.
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Well yes but still kind of no. There is also attraction, you being visually attractive, her lusting over you. That sort of attraction is probably not gonna happen because of your status, what i mean is her fucking you for you. Social influence does indeed play a role, the problem is that looks is one of the easiest ways to get there. Im not talking about looking like a male model necesarily, but rather its much more easy to be liked, charismatic and respected if you for example are tall, generally good looking and have good frame.
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Well yes but still kind of no. There is also attraction, you being visually attractive, her lusting over you. That sort of attraction is probably not gonna happen because of your status, what i mean is her fucking you for you. Social influence does indeed play a role, the problem is that looks is one of the easiest ways to get there. Im not talking about looking like a male model necesarily, but rather its much more easy to be liked, charismatic and respected if you for example are tall, generally good looking and have good frame.
The lust is just how well can you navigate around a relationship to turn it on. This is one of easiest things to achieve, you just need to have high social intelligence
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It's about perceived social ladder position. It just so happens that good looking people are usually on top of it. Best thing a person can do is to look higher on social ladder. You need to look influential, at least within your community. There is a reason why most erotic literature for women have a clear power dominance - boss/assistant, etc. There is a reason why women prefer to be dominated in bed (this one is mostly biological though, not much you can do. thankfully average guy is bigger than average girl)

Best thing you can do is moneymax, become more influential, be assertive/dominant, and not show too much interest. Then once you get a girl, let her admire you. It should almost be like mentor/student dynamic

And obviously, looks matter, but only because they back up your social status and serve as proof for it.
Women like powerful/wealthy men just as a mog or to have access to their resources. You might have had a point if we were in the 70s, but nowadays women can make their own money and they won't care about that stuff as much.

Most erotic literature features a clear power dominance, sure. What else does it feature? ATTRACTIVE men. Look at the fucking covers for crying out loud. Bulging biceps, broad shoulders, defined jawlines, beautiful thick flowing hair. Those men are already attractive and they are rich, smart, mature, etc. ON TOP of being attractive, because obviously women want the entire package, they want a sexy personality too, and why not give it to them since it's a romance novel.

What most people miss here is that all this extra shit is MEANINGLESS if the guy isn't attractive to begin with, and IRL women will interpret any personality trait favourably if you're good looking, and negatively if you're not.
Nerd hobbies? Quirky if GL, Loser if not. Shy? Cute if GL, Autistic if not. Seductive? Sexy if GL, Creepy if not. The list goes on...

You think women get wet for men like Bezos? They get wet for Bezos' MONEY, if they could slit his throat and get his money they would do it without thinking twice. Now power is a different thing, especially older women like powerful men, but that's because they want to vicariously exercise a man's power, which is something they cannot reach directly since they are women. If we are talking about raw, genuine attraction, however, it will always be about LOOKS.

Look at fucking Jeremy Meeks he was a god damn dirt poor inmate for fuck's sake, meanwhile the rich old bald fat guy has to spend good money to get some pussy, and the girl will still look down on him behind his back.
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The lust is just how well can you navigate around a relationship to turn it on. This is one of easiest things to achieve, you just need to have high social intelligence
I have to agree with you that it does make a difference, but you have to be a goddamn social intelligence guru to make her wet if she doesnt find you attractive just through social games. The lust is not just how well you can navigate, girls can look at a guy that is there type and want to throw themselves at him, without knowing him. However what you are saying is one way to get it i suppose.
Women like powerful/wealthy men just as a mog or to have access to their resources. You might have had a point if we were in the 70s, but nowadays women can make their own money and they won't care about that stuff as much.
Most erotic literature features a clear power dominance, sure. What else does it feature? ATTRACTIVE men. Look at the fucking covers for crying out loud. Bulging biceps, broad shoulders, defined jawlines, beautiful thick flowing hair. Those men are already attractive and they are rich, smart, mature, etc. ON TOP of being attractive.

You think women get wet for men like Bezos? They get wet for Bezos' MONEY, if they could slit his throat and get his money they would do it without thinking twice. Now power is a different thing, especially older women like powerful men, but that's because they want to vicariously exercise a man's power, which is something they cannot reach directly since they are women. If we are talking about raw, genuine attraction, however, it will always be about LOOKS. Look at fucking Jeremy Meeks he was a god damn dirt poor inmate for fuck's sake, meanwhile the rich fat guy has to spend good money to get some pussy, and the girl will still look down on him behind his back.
No, it's not about power or wealth. It's about social influence. I threw those in it since it wouldn't make sense to achieve one without another. Women don't get wet over Bezos because he has bad/mediocre public image
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Women like powerful/wealthy men just as a mog or to have access to their resources. You might have had a point if we were in the 70s, but nowadays women can make their own money and they won't care about that stuff as much.
Most erotic literature features a clear power dominance, sure. What else does it feature? ATTRACTIVE men. Look at the fucking covers for crying out loud. Bulging biceps, broad shoulders, defined jawlines, beautiful thick flowing hair. Those men are already attractive and they are rich, smart, mature, etc. ON TOP of being attractive.

You think women get wet for men like Bezos? They get wet for Bezos' MONEY, if they could slit his throat and get his money they would do it without thinking twice. Now power is a different thing, especially older women like powerful men, but that's because they want to vicariously exercise a man's power, which is something they cannot reach directly since they are women. If we are talking about raw, genuine attraction, however, it will always be about LOOKS. Look at fucking Jeremy Meeks he was a god damn dirt poor inmate for fuck's sake, meanwhile the rich fat guy has to spend good money to get some pussy, and the girl will still look down on him behind his back.
Amen good sir, amen.
No, it's not about power or wealth. It's about social influence. I threw those in it since it wouldn't make sense to achieve one without another. Women don't get wet over Bezos because he has bad/mediocre public image
What about Elon Musk then, his image is pretty good, seen any girl get wet over him? What about my boy Bill Gates?
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What about Elon Musk then, his image is pretty good, seen any girl get wet over him? What about my boy Bill Gates?
What about Elon Musk? I can assure you he can get any girl without putting much effort in. Not even because of money, but just because he is the center of any room he walks in and has decent public image. Online is not the same as irl, social influence doesn't translate as well. That's why online dating relies on looks more
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What about Elon Musk? I can assure you he can get any girl without putting much effort in. Not even because of money, but just because he is the center of any room he walks in and has decent public image. Online is not the same as irl, social influence doesn't translate as well. That's why online dating relies on looks more
Were not talking about whether he can get any girl or not. We're talking about if shes attracted to him, which i can tell you probably not, although elon musk looks fine tbh.
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What about Elon Musk? I can assure you he can get any girl without putting much effort in. Not even because of money, but just because he is the center of any room he walks in and has decent public image. Online is not the same as irl, social influence doesn't translate as well. That's why online dating relies on looks more
Yes. But those girls aren't interested in him, they are interested in
1. his money.
2. what his status gives them access to.
3. showing off that they're with a powerful, famous, wealthy man to other women.

As soon as any of these perks loses value, the girl is GONE. None of these is comparable to the primal, raw attraction that looks give you, if you're GL and have a little game you can bed almost any girl with very low effort, treat her like shit and she will still want you. If your conquests are based on money or status, you're the one paying for the relationship, if you're GL you don't have to pay for shit, you can just do your thing, fuck around, sit pretty and collect the free female attention.
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Were not talking about whether he can get any girl or not. We're talking about if shes attracted to him, which i can tell you probably not, although elon musk looks fine tbh.
A girl would be attracted to him easily
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Yes. But those girls aren't interested in him, they are interested in
1. his money.
2. what his status gives them access to.
3. showing off that they're with a powerful, famous, wealthy man to other women.

As soon as any of these perks loses value, the girl is GONE. None of these is comparable to the primal, raw attraction that looks give you, if you're GL and have a little game you can bed almost any girl with very low effort and she will still want you. If your conquests are based on money or status, you're the one paying for the relationship, if you're GL you don't have to pay for shit, you can just do your thing, fuck around, sit pretty and collect the free female attention.
No. Status IS the primal, raw attraction. You can achieve status yourself, or you can just be born looking high status and get perceived like that. Looks obviously matter, but only in correlation with status. 99.9% of good looking people are already high status though, but not every high status person is good looking
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A 5 psl wealthy/successful guy will mog a 6+ giga-chad loser in a girl's mind. Whereas the 6+ will still mog a 4 psl successful guy. Because between two reasonably attractive men, the successful guy will seem much more impressive by having that entirely other positive dimension to his identity. Showing competency in succeeding in society. But if a guy doesn't cross the attractiveness threshold, it becomes extraordinarily hard to compete with the physical specimens a girl has available.
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What about Elon Musk? I can assure you he can get any girl without putting much effort in. Not even because of money, but just because he is the center of any room he walks in and has decent public image. Online is not the same as irl, social influence doesn't translate as well. That's why online dating relies on looks more
Just be a satanist and kike pet theory
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Yes. But those girls aren't interested in him, they are interested in
1. his money.
2. what his status gives them access to.
3. showing off that they're with a powerful, famous, wealthy man to other women.

As soon as any of these perks loses value, the girl is GONE. None of these is comparable to the primal, raw attraction that looks give you, if you're GL and have a little game you can bed almost any girl with very low effort, treat her like shit and she will still want you. If your conquests are based on money or status, you're the one paying for the relationship, if you're GL you don't have to pay for shit, you can just do your thing, fuck around, sit pretty and collect the free female attention.
This^ A friend of mine thats a girl fucked lil pump, went around bragging about it since hes famous. The bragging however consisted of how his dick was small and that he gave her clamydia. But she still talked about him since he has status and it kind of boosts her status. That doesnt mean she was attracted to him.
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A 5 psl wealthy/successful guy will mog a 6+ giga-chad loser in a girl's mind. Whereas the 6+ will still mog a 4 psl successful guy. Because between two reasonably attractive men, the successful guy will seem much more impressive by having that entirely other positive dimension to his identity. Showing competency in succeeding in society. But if a guy doesn't cross the attractiveness threshold, it becomes extraordinarily hard to compete with the physical specimens a girl has available.
Bruh, once again, ITS NOT ABOUT WEALTH OR SUCCESS. It's about perceived social status. Wealth has nothing to do with it. It's very rare for a 4 psl guy to have more status than a 6 psl guy, but if he somehow manages to do it, than yes, a 4 psl guy will mog
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A 5 psl wealthy/successful guy will mog a 6+ giga-chad loser in a girl's mind. Whereas the 6+ will still mog a 4 psl successful guy. Because between two reasonably attractive men, the successful guy will seem much more impressive by having that entirely other positive dimension to his identity. Showing competency in succeeding in society. But if a guy doesn't cross the attractiveness threshold, it becomes extraordinarily hard to compete with the physical specimens a girl has available.
I think this is a very reasonable way to put it.
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This^ A friend of mine thats a girl fucked lil pump, went around bragging about it since hes famous. The bragging however consisted of how his dick was small and that he gave her clamydia. But she still talked about him since he has status and it kind of boosts her status. That doesnt mean she was attracted to him.
Fucked =/= Dated

She was compensating for the fact that she was used and dumped. And still, his status still made her brag about it, even in such an embarrassing situation for her
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Bruh, once again, ITS NOT ABOUT WEALTH OR SUCCESS. It's about perceived social status. Wealth has nothing to do with it. It's very rare for a 4 psl guy to have more status than a 6 psl guy, but if he somehow manages to do it, than yes, a 4 psl guy will mog
Mate we get your point, its just that youre ignoring the fact that being attracted to someone does not involve the "social status" youre talking about, will it help you get laid? Absolutely. But the girl wont lust over you in that same way
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Bruh, once again, ITS NOT ABOUT WEALTH OR SUCCESS. It's about perceived social status. Wealth has nothing to do with it. It's very rare for a 4 psl guy to have more status than a 6 psl guy, but if he somehow manages to do it, than yes, a 4 psl guy will mog
Life isn't some high school-esque video game, and girls aren't mentally retarded. Everyone in society knows that career success and wealth is the most potent, true status indicator. You're not gonna fool a girl by getting a few extra laughs in some group hangout into thinking you status-mog.
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It just so happens...
Nah, its all about being successful dota streamer in our era
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Mate we get your point, its just that youre ignoring the fact that being attracted to someone does not involve the "social status" youre talking about, will it help you get laid? Absolutely. But the girl wont lust over you in that same way
Yes, she will
Life isn't some high school-esque video game, and girls aren't mentally retarded. Everyone in society knows that career success and wealth is the most potent, true status indicator. You're not gonna fool a girl by getting a few extra laughs in some group hangout into thinking you status-mog.
No, but being a football captain will. Or being the cool kind of successful/wealthy, not just successful/wealthy
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Life isn't some high school-esque video game, and girls aren't mentally retarded. Everyone in society knows that career success and wealth is the most potent, true status indicator. You're not gonna fool a girl by getting a few extra laughs in some group hangout into thinking you status-mog.
With this i cant really agree, unless were talking filthy rich levels of money or big career succes, imho guys that are very socially suave/popular have a lot of status. keep in mind im still in college and 22 yo.
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Yes, she will

No, but being a football captain will. Or being the cool kind of successful/wealthy, not just successful/wealthy
With this i cant really agree, unless were talking filthy rich levels of money or big career succes, imho guys that are very socially suave/popular have a lot of status. keep in mind im still in college and 22 yo.
Ya I'm not referring to school-age, where group interactions and titles students find impressive but society could care less about, actually matter for social perception.
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Ya I'm not referring to school-age, where group interactions and titles students find impressive but society could care less about, actually matter for social perception.
How old are you man?
Ya I'm not referring to school-age, where group interactions and titles students find impressive but society could care less about, actually matter for social perception.
That's why true love dies at 25
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No. Status IS the primal, raw attraction. You can achieve status yourself, or you can just be born looking high status and get perceived like that. Looks obviously matter, but only in correlation with status. 99.9% of good looking people are already high status though, but not every high status person is good looking
Here is a small piece of information for you. When I was 15, I looked awful. I was very thin, had terrible acne, kept my hair fairly short and had a very round face. I was very unpopular. When I sorted out my looks, at around 17 (no more acne, different hair, my face got more defined as I grew up), I suddenly became very popular.

NOTHING in my personality changed. Only my looks did. The difference in the way I was treated, especially from girls, was soul-crushing. You can be a literal child molester, a inmate, a fucking hippie hobo, and girls will still want you if you are good looking.
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32. My target is typically 24-28 yo women.
Very reasonable target imo. When did you feel it got more difficult to get 21 year old women? Ive had some failed surgeries and ill be fucked for some more time, ill probably be good again when im 23. Do you think im fine? As in do i have enough time of my "prime years"? Had good success with women&life before.
Here is a small piece of information for you. When I was 15, I looked awful. I was very thin, had terrible acne, kept my hair fairly short and had a very round face. I was very unpopular. When I sorted out my looks, at around 17 (no more acne, different hair, my face got more defined as I grew up), I suddenly became very popular.

NOTHING in my personality changed. Only my looks did. The difference in the way I was treated, especially from girls, was soul-crushing. You can be a literal child molester, a inmate, a fucking hippie hobo, and girls will still want you if you are good looking.
What about nerd who play dota? Assuming he is chad
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Very reasonable target imo. When did you feel it got more difficult to get 21 year old women? Ive had some failed surgeries and ill be fucked for some more time, ill probably be good again when im 23. Do you think im fine? As in do i have enough time of my "prime years"? Had good success with women&life before.
I don't feel the ability to be very attracted to 21 yo women due to their lack of life experience. All that matters is how young you look. I don't have any wrinkles and minimal sagging. You can be screwed by late 20's if you booze a lot and go out in the sun often.
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What about nerd who play dota? Assuming he is chad
If you are good looking it literally doesn't matter what you do or what you like as long as you're not autistic.
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u a college rotter?
Not really a rotter, had a good life before, just that ive had surgeries that made me swell the fuck up. So right now im just at home healing for a while.
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Not really a rotter, had a good life before, just that ive had surgeries that made me swell the fuck up. So right now im just at home healing for a while.
sounds based

i regret going to college so rconsider it pls

its shit and im still incel ngl ngl

(Ivy League - h/y/p)
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I don't feel the ability to be very attracted to 21 yo women due to their lack of life experience. All that matters is how young you look. I don't have any wrinkles and minimal sagging. You can be screwed by late 20's if you booze a lot and go out in the sun often.
Cool man. Which years did you enjoy the most if i may ask?
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sounds based

i regret going to college so rconsider it pls

its shit and im still incel ngl ngl

(Ivy League - h/y/p)
I never was incel my guy, however ive been rotting for a good year now, and i just had another revision that also failed jfl. Ill be 23 before im done with this shit but it is what it is. Why do you regret it tho? Im in a nordic country so college is free :)
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Cool man. Which years did you enjoy the most if i may ask?
None of them really. I've been LMS-maxxing since I was like 23-24. I've been using sugar babies for years. Will start to date again this year and hopefully see some fruits of my labor.
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None of them really. I've been LMS-maxxing since I was like 23-24. I've been using sugar babies for years. Will start to date again this year and hopefully see some fruits of my labor.
based im 22 now and hardmaxxing as well

HT and LL coming up
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None of them really. I've been LMS-maxxing since I was like 23-24. I've been using sugar babies for years. Will start to date again this year and hopefully see some fruits of my labor.
You know a lot about procedures? i have some simple questions if you could help me out real quick.
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based im 22 now and hardmaxxing as well

HT and LL coming up
We got time bro, we gon be aight. I just had a failed rhinoplasty though, but im getting it fixed with a top surgeon in a year.
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We got time bro, we gon be aight. I just had a failed rhinoplasty though, but im getting it fixed with a top surgeon in a year.


I hope I can larp as 20 when I'm 26/27 since that's when I'll have spent $200k in surgeries

Ngl i just want to date asian models so I'll have to put in some work for that
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I hope I can larp as 20 when I'm 26/27 since that's when I'll have spent $200k in surgeries

Ngl i just want to date asian models so I'll have to put in some work for that
Why u gotta larp as 20 though? You want 18 year olds or what?
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I hope I can larp as 20 when I'm 26/27 since that's when I'll have spent $200k in surgeries

Ngl i just want to date asian models so I'll have to put in some work for that
women 21-25 is fine imo.
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Why u gotta larp as 20 though? You want 18 year olds or what?
no ill just be embarassed to be a degenerate at 26 jfl

im already lvigin a fake life with everyone around me lol

i come from a high expectation background and am a failure

thats how i cope i guess

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