[LAST POST] My Stepfather has passed away.

He posted his location and Age
If its real tomorrow we can see his obituary
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I'm 33, so I know what it's like to be an oldcel too, theres a guy on * called LordGoro who is 50 and still alive and kicking, there's no reason to rope because you're 25 and virgin or whatever stupid metric you zoomers use to define life being over. Learn to let go of social attachments and just enjoy life, there's no reason an incel can't enjoy some non sexual copes in his older age, saying otherwise is pretty much foid worship and low IQ.
Ok so you're in gigacope mode since you are a incel oldcel yourself. I feel sorry for you.
I'm 33, so I know what it's like to be an oldcel too, theres a guy on * called LordGoro who is 50 and still alive and kicking, there's no reason to rope because you're 25 and virgin or whatever stupid metric you zoomers use to define life being over. Learn to let go of social attachments and just enjoy life, there's no reason an incel can't enjoy some non sexual copes in his older age, saying otherwise is pretty much foid worship and low IQ.
JFL, SeargentIncel wouldn't let me type the name of the site because he's an insecure cuck, but there are oldcels on the internet that are coping. Even though I hate you zoomers, I feel sorry for you, your suicide rate is through the roof because of the blackpill, but just because you're an incel doesn't mean you have to rope, if you want too, then go ahead, but don't try and call me bluepilled because I'm mentally stronger than you and still trying to enjoy my life as an older incel, that's crabs in a bucket mentality, you're no different than a femoid with that mentality imo.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: RAITEIII and stuckneworleans
JFL, SeargentIncel wouldn't let me type the name of the site because he's an insecure cuck, but there are oldcels on the internet that are coping. Even though I hate you zoomers, I feel sorry for you, your suicide rate is through the roof because of the blackpill, but just because you're an incel doesn't mean you have to rope, if you want too, then go ahead, but don't try and call me bluepilled because I'm mentally stronger than you and still trying to enjoy my life as an older incel, that's crabs in a bucket mentality, you're no different than a femoid with that mentality imo.
Coping with anime and shitposting like a cuck with miniscule T levels isn't life, no matter what your deteriorated oldcel brain tells you.
  • +1
Reactions: Finita Est, Yuya Moggershima, MewingJBP and 4 others
You should rope too if you feel that way, sick of faggot zoomercells thinking they are high IQ because they think if they can't get pussy then roping is the logical conclusion. If you're that much of a low T simping faggot then do the world a favor and rope too.
You are one fucking retarded bluepilled faggot I swear.
First I never said I will kill myself because I have decent life. If I couldn't find fulfillment and enjoyment in life then maybe.

It's not that simple just watch anime bruh and all your problems will be solved, what a fucking dumb thing to say.

You are the one who should kill himself and do the world a favor, 1 less low IQ selfish bullpilled faggot tbh.
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Reactions: Finita Est, MewingJBP and stuckneworleans
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Did he not get an inheritance he could've paid surgeries with to ascend?

Regardless, obvious good guy and i could identify with some things he said. Life ain't easy being the only person of your ethnicity, short, and with unhealed childhood trauma.

Didn't deserve it. Neither this fate or this life. It's rough.


1-7-1983 - 20-7-2020
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Reactions: Yuya Moggershima, MogTheMogger, Deleted member 7240 and 3 others
OP, I was exactly like you before, I had the same shitty life and I can reassure you, I got through it. I managed to get back on track with a simple technique that I hope will help you and surprise you.... no I'm kidding.


Nature is unjust, impartial, it creates lions but also sheep, and you are a sheep, it is neither your fault nor the lion's, everyone plays his role. There are the alphas who enjoy every moment, savour, live experienced, and there is you, the sub-human kept alive by the consumer society and modern ethics and morals, but in nature an alpha male would have impaled you alive before fucking the local females, you are now alive not because you are useful, because you have a talent or even because you are unique, but simply because you are a potential consumer, what are you doing at the moment? you work, work and suffer even more with each passing day, in exchange society will keep you alive.
Without that, you will die, unlike an alpha who is paid to stay alive and dazzle us (football player, model, top sportsman, influencer, scientist with a higher IQ, researcher, genius) all that you will never be even if the naive voice that society has placed in you via its many subliminal messages (positivist film, Japanese anime) you'll never be the trash that will become happy, it's being stuck in your head so that you can become a happy, passionate and foolish Easter entertainer, hoping that you won't commit suicide and continue to be a slave to this society where you're nothing more than a statistic. But nothing, nothing will ever change,

About love
: If you're unhappy it's for the simple reason that your genetics, your body, your environment, are bad, nature has decided it, you don't have the starting kit to be happy, it will never change, you're a fake human, a failed thing maintained in live for the reasons mentioned above, never forget, even if one day you manage to get back one of those dirty old ladies who got deflowered here and there, that you call "my love", never forget that in the wild an alpha male would have fucked her in front of your eyes and you could have done nothing, no law at the time, just reality. Now know one thing, no alpha will want her anyway, you'll get a dirty old lady to marry her while they're deflowering a lot of chicks, They will never need to be in a couple (a prison also imposed by society and morality to turn you into a sub being until they make you believe that being in a couple is your own choice) they will spend their lives (the alphas) fucking the top of the top while you are happy and feel powerful with your hysterical old whore who will end up divorcing you because you are a beta or cheating and disrespecting you.

On the subject of death: I can already see you people trying to reassure you, and it's normal, don't worry, they're not the only one, 90% of the betas in this world believe in their imaginary friends, who would accept the cold reality of this shitty life? There has to be a medicine to all this, and it's called God, spirituality, the afterlife, whatever, but know that all these forms of belief are derivatives of the same thing: the non-acceptance of this shitty world, no sorry God doesn't exist, already the monotheistic God you can forget about him, unless he's a piece of shit he doesn't exist, if you don't believe me go to the deepweb and take a look at real life, by the way no need to go on the deepweb go on bestgore and look at this shitty world, last day I saw a video of a little girl who falls on a motorbike with her arms ripped off, crying while her father's corpse is already starting to get eaten by the flies next to her, and that happens every day.
The other day I talked to a believer about this video and the violence of the world and he told me that it wasn't God but the devil is telling you how stupid they are, do you really want to end up like that? being a stupid fan and follower of such stupid falsity? It's not worth it and it will never change anything in your life, even if you believe you'll remain the same consumerist shit, and it will always benefit the elite people who really live while you're happy with your cross or your qamis. Fuckin' idiot, fuckin' idiot.

About your mother's friendship and love:

Friendship doesn't exist if you still believe in it, you're at the lowest stage of real consciousness, we're all in some kind of big business, everyone does favors for each other under the guise of friendship and brotherhood, but if tomorrow you have nothing to contribute people won't be long before they abandon you, forget you and hate you, always undercovered with some stupid excuse or reproach about you, but don't worry that a millionaire chad like Dwayne Johnson can cheat on his wife, mistreat his friends, they'll be the ones crying and wondering why, you only need to make a dick at a potential colleague one day for your wife to leave you, know it, because you're worthless.

No one will ever love you (not even your mother who gave birth to you out of selfish desire to give meaning to her life and because that's how it's "done"), well, yes, you idiot, what did you think she gave birth to you for? to have a being to "love", a "goal" and a "meaning" to her life, to perpetuate the massacre while you were quietly in the orphaned nothingness of all conscience, and this bitch that you love "more than anything" because "you have to love your mom!!" like they put it in your head, she's the worst bitch, the worst bitch, she's the one who brought you out of the woodwork and threw you in here , she's the one who got into a relationship with your stepfather who's been mistreating you all your life...and you thank her every day instead of despising her, the local cunt basically. But everyone says it, and not loving your mommy is IMMORAL, right? So keeps loving her if you want to, and be afraid to kill yourself for "not hurting her." She's the one who turned your life into a nightmare

Regarding messages from optimistic bluepillers:

Here you have to deal with the biggest hypocrites , this forum really doesn't bring anything good, it's been months that I've been lurking around and I've learned absolutely nothing here, it's the temple of dumbness, a nest of decerebrates thinking they're superior, 90% of the thread are shits

Concerning their optimistic message and their advices, don't listen to them, they don't know your life and guys like you in real life they despise or ignore them, you're nothing for them, the "bros" are a bullshit delirium, there's no solidarity here, really none, they're the first ones who will destroy you if a thread with enough "heat" indicates to destroy you, like the good followers they are. You'll never have any friends or sincere support here, already that you don't have in real life, so imagine on the internet.

Don't forget, those who give you advice here spend every day in front of guys worse than you (homeless, the mentally ill of their street, etc...) and ignore them totally to see the misunderstandings, the smokers are not superhumans ...In fact they're sub-human with a huge ego and their advice won't work on you.

OP sorry, that's how it is, it's over since the beginning, as Houellbecq said, even if tomorrow you're a billionaire you'll always be unhappy, the best is already behind you, your teenage years, your childhood, the only periods where you could still have some kind of hope, now you're an adult, that's it, it's too late, you have no value, you're going to grow old, Losing what you have left, the little value you have, then being forgotten by everyone, a form of deep despair will invade your heart as the years go by, you'll become that frustrated old man that you looked at in amazement when you were 10 years old thinking "how is it possible to be so weird and crazy m'haha", you'll become a shit, more and more.

Even with the most beautiful woman you'll now know why she's with you if she really is one day, it's because you'll be rich, you'll have something to bring, don't forget that she wasn't there when you were young, alone, sad, beating up by your stepfather.. she used to get fucked left and right, then she's holding on to you, you have a permanent contract? a car? you've managed to get a little bit of value for begging for her pussy? well, congratulations to you, you'll be able to discover that sex is overrated. The only sex that is not overrated is teenage sex, when you're 15/18, when you're naive and passionate, which you'll probably never know, and in the end even that's overrated because it wearies you for a while. Everything's overrated, man. EVERYTHING.

So now, you have a choice, video game ? movie ? series ? what are you going to choose as a shitty thing that will leave you empty like at the beginning once you're done to avoid accepting the coldness of this world ?

And don't try to reassure yourself by becoming a Buddhist or something, it's useless, do you fucking understand it or not? Even Enlightenment is bullshit, don't try to become a Nietzschean superman or all that kind of optimistic bullshit that's supposed to make sense and look instead at the shitty lives of people who do that.

The OP is fucked up, all that, all that, everything that happens to you, you could never have lived it if you were that guy for example:

Your shitty life is only because of that, a few more inches in height, muscles and a pretty face would have changed your whole experience, he for example is naive, like a child, happy, passionate, he'll never know about your shitty reality

You could explain to him for hours that life is shit like I'm doing right now ,that he would be happy because he hasn't experienced your shitty reality physically in terms of feeling, that's why this paving stone will touch you, you who read and recognize and not the naive people who are video game fans and morons who are dumb and deluded or Chad.
But they will understand (for most of them) one day, when they are old, alone and facing the coldness of life without passion, without goal, without conviction, they will understand, have no fear. But you, you understood before them, since you're young, what should never have happened, at that time you should enjoy, live, but no, you understood... and now you will suffer all your life, you are a prisoner
  • +1
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Reactions: Finita Est, CrazyFitLover, MewingJBP and 9 others
do a Ted talk bro it'll help a lot of people that are going throught the same thing and shitty adults need to be accountable for this shit, please do it
You shouldn't do it. No one really knows what the future holds.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Zercic, stuckneworleans and Deleted member 6128
JFL, SeargentIncel wouldn't let me type the name of the site because he's an insecure cuck, but there are oldcels on the internet that are coping. Even though I hate you zoomers, I feel sorry for you, your suicide rate is through the roof because of the blackpill, but just because you're an incel doesn't mean you have to rope, if you want too, then go ahead, but don't try and call me bluepilled because I'm mentally stronger than you and still trying to enjoy my life as an older incel, that's crabs in a bucket mentality, you're no different than a femoid with that mentality imo.
The amount of cope on this thread, and I myself said one so Im answering you jfl.

The truth is that NOTHING we say will help him. No words can change his past present and future. The most is acknlwledge their sufferment.

i know you trynna help but if i was told to cope with videogames i would feel deeply offended. Cuz its not realistic and viable to adress his needs.
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Reactions: Finita Est, stuckneworleans and Deleted member 6856
This man, even though I am very privileged I’ve been through hell and most of it only lasted by 2 years, I couldn’t imagine this guys life at 37 holy shit. That’s why my conscious won’t let me tell him hes got a good life ahead of him etc.
it’s sad but it’s just my opinion
How was your life shit for those 2 years?
JFL, SeargentIncel wouldn't let me type the name of the site because he's an insecure cuck, but there are oldcels on the internet that are coping. Even though I hate you zoomers, I feel sorry for you, your suicide rate is through the roof because of the blackpill, but just because you're an incel doesn't mean you have to rope, if you want too, then go ahead, but don't try and call me bluepilled because I'm mentally stronger than you and still trying to enjoy my life as an older incel, that's crabs in a bucket mentality, you're no different than a femoid with that mentality imo.
"Mentally stronger" he said jfl nvm keep coping you is greycel
OP, I was exactly like you before, I had the same shitty life and I can reassure you, I got through it. I managed to get back on track with a simple technique that I hope will help you and surprise you.... no I'm kidding.


Nature is unjust, impartial, it creates lions but also sheep, and you are a sheep, it is neither your fault nor the lion's, everyone plays his role. There are the alphas who enjoy every moment, savour, live experienced, and there is you, the sub-human kept alive by the consumer society and modern ethics and morals, but in nature an alpha male would have impaled you alive before fucking the local females, you are now alive not because you are useful, because you have a talent or even because you are unique, but simply because you are a potential consumer, what are you doing at the moment? you work, work and suffer even more with each passing day, in exchange society will keep you alive.
Without that, you will die, unlike an alpha who is paid to stay alive and dazzle us (football player, model, top sportsman, influencer, scientist with a higher IQ, researcher, genius) all that you will never be even if the naive voice that society has placed in you via its many subliminal messages (positivist film, Japanese anime) you'll never be the trash that will become happy, it's being stuck in your head so that you can become a happy, passionate and foolish Easter entertainer, hoping that you won't commit suicide and continue to be a slave to this society where you're nothing more than a statistic. But nothing, nothing will ever change,

About love
: If you're unhappy it's for the simple reason that your genetics, your body, your environment, are bad, nature has decided it, you don't have the starting kit to be happy, it will never change, you're a fake human, a failed thing maintained in live for the reasons mentioned above, never forget, even if one day you manage to get back one of those dirty old ladies who got deflowered here and there, that you call "my love", never forget that in the wild an alpha male would have fucked her in front of your eyes and you could have done nothing, no law at the time, just reality. Now know one thing, no alpha will want her anyway, you'll get a dirty old lady to marry her while they're deflowering a lot of chicks, They will never need to be in a couple (a prison also imposed by society and morality to turn you into a sub being until they make you believe that being in a couple is your own choice) they will spend their lives (the alphas) fucking the top of the top while you are happy and feel powerful with your hysterical old whore who will end up divorcing you because you are a beta or cheating and disrespecting you.

On the subject of death: I can already see you people trying to reassure you, and it's normal, don't worry, they're not the only one, 90% of the betas in this world believe in their imaginary friends, who would accept the cold reality of this shitty life? There has to be a medicine to all this, and it's called God, spirituality, the afterlife, whatever, but know that all these forms of belief are derivatives of the same thing: the non-acceptance of this shitty world, no sorry God doesn't exist, already the monotheistic God you can forget about him, unless he's a piece of shit he doesn't exist, if you don't believe me go to the deepweb and take a look at real life, by the way no need to go on the deepweb go on bestgore and look at this shitty world, last day I saw a video of a little girl who falls on a motorbike with her arms ripped off, crying while her father's corpse is already starting to get eaten by the flies next to her, and that happens every day.
The other day I talked to a believer about this video and the violence of the world and he told me that it wasn't God but the devil is telling you how stupid they are, do you really want to end up like that? being a stupid fan and follower of such stupid falsity? It's not worth it and it will never change anything in your life, even if you believe you'll remain the same consumerist shit, and it will always benefit the elite people who really live while you're happy with your cross or your qamis. Fuckin' idiot, fuckin' idiot.

About your mother's friendship and love:

Friendship doesn't exist if you still believe in it, you're at the lowest stage of real consciousness, we're all in some kind of big business, everyone does favors for each other under the guise of friendship and brotherhood, but if tomorrow you have nothing to contribute people won't be long before they abandon you, forget you and hate you, always undercovered with some stupid excuse or reproach about you, but don't worry that a millionaire chad like Dwayne Johnson can cheat on his wife, mistreat his friends, they'll be the ones crying and wondering why, you only need to make a dick at a potential colleague one day for your wife to leave you, know it, because you're worthless.

No one will ever love you (not even your mother who gave birth to you out of selfish desire to give meaning to her life and because that's how it's "done"), well, yes, you idiot, what did you think she gave birth to you for? to have a being to "love", a "goal" and a "meaning" to her life, to perpetuate the massacre while you were quietly in the orphaned nothingness of all conscience, and this bitch that you love "more than anything" because "you have to love your mom!!" like they put it in your head, she's the worst bitch, the worst bitch, she's the one who brought you out of the woodwork and threw you in here , she's the one who got into a relationship with your stepfather who's been mistreating you all your life...and you thank her every day instead of despising her, the local cunt basically. But everyone says it, and not loving your mommy is IMMORAL, right? So keeps loving her if you want to, and be afraid to kill yourself for "not hurting her." She's the one who turned your life into a nightmare

Regarding messages from optimistic bluepillers:

Here you have to deal with the biggest hypocrites , this forum really doesn't bring anything good, it's been months that I've been lurking around and I've learned absolutely nothing here, it's the temple of dumbness, a nest of decerebrates thinking they're superior, 90% of the thread are shits

Concerning their optimistic message and their advices, don't listen to them, they don't know your life and guys like you in real life they despise or ignore them, you're nothing for them, the "bros" are a bullshit delirium, there's no solidarity here, really none, they're the first ones who will destroy you if a thread with enough "heat" indicates to destroy you, like the good followers they are. You'll never have any friends or sincere support here, already that you don't have in real life, so imagine on the internet.

Don't forget, those who give you advice here spend every day in front of guys worse than you (homeless, the mentally ill of their street, etc...) and ignore them totally to see the misunderstandings, the smokers are not superhumans ...In fact they're sub-human with a huge ego and their advice won't work on you.

OP sorry, that's how it is, it's over since the beginning, as Houellbecq said, even if tomorrow you're a billionaire you'll always be unhappy, the best is already behind you, your teenage years, your childhood, the only periods where you could still have some kind of hope, now you're an adult, that's it, it's too late, you have no value, you're going to grow old, Losing what you have left, the little value you have, then being forgotten by everyone, a form of deep despair will invade your heart as the years go by, you'll become that frustrated old man that you looked at in amazement when you were 10 years old thinking "how is it possible to be so weird and crazy m'haha", you'll become a shit, more and more.

Even with the most beautiful woman you'll now know why she's with you if she really is one day, it's because you'll be rich, you'll have something to bring, don't forget that she wasn't there when you were young, alone, sad, beating up by your stepfather.. she used to get fucked left and right, then she's holding on to you, you have a permanent contract? a car? you've managed to get a little bit of value for begging for her pussy? well, congratulations to you, you'll be able to discover that sex is overrated. The only sex that is not overrated is teenage sex, when you're 15/18, when you're naive and passionate, which you'll probably never know, and in the end even that's overrated because it wearies you for a while. Everything's overrated, man. EVERYTHING.

So now, you have a choice, video game ? movie ? series ? what are you going to choose as a shitty thing that will leave you empty like at the beginning once you're done to avoid accepting the coldness of this world ?

And don't try to reassure yourself by becoming a Buddhist or something, it's useless, do you fucking understand it or not? Even Enlightenment is bullshit, don't try to become a Nietzschean superman or all that kind of optimistic bullshit that's supposed to make sense and look instead at the shitty lives of people who do that.

The OP is fucked up, all that, all that, everything that happens to you, you could never have lived it if you were that guy for example:
View attachment 528925
Your shitty life is only because of that, a few more inches in height, muscles and a pretty face would have changed your whole experience, he for example is naive, like a child, happy, passionate, he'll never know about your shitty reality
View attachment 528932
You could explain to him for hours that life is shit like I'm doing right now ,that he would be happy because he hasn't experienced your shitty reality physically in terms of feeling, that's why this paving stone will touch you, you who read and recognize and not the naive people who are video game fans and morons who are dumb and deluded or Chad.
But they will understand (for most of them) one day, when they are old, alone and facing the coldness of life without passion, without goal, without conviction, they will understand, have no fear. But you, you understood before them, since you're young, what should never have happened, at that time you should enjoy, live, but no, you understood... and now you will suffer all your life, you are a prisoner
Giga truthpilled post, I'm amazed.
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You are one fucking retarded bluepilled faggot I swear.
First I never said I will kill myself because I have decent life. If I couldn't find fulfillment and enjoyment in life then maybe.

It's not that simple just watch anime bruh and all your problems will be solved, what a fucking dumb thing to say.

You are the one who should kill himself and do the world a favor, 1 less low IQ selfish bullpilled faggot tbh.
Yeah you got such a great life that's why you bullying and insulting incels on the internet, inceltears cope right there, there are no fucking "Chads" on this forum retard, you think a person with amazing life gonna waste time typing essays on the internet for virgins to read you fucking retarded or something? You ethnics really are natural born sociopaths or something, even though OP was an ethnic I'm trying to have empathy for him, yes, his life was shit but it was his choice to rope he could have coped with hobbies if he wanted too. You think everyone except incels had amazing lives? You fucking immature zoomers with no life experience, even Stacy or Chad could have been raped or molested by their creepy pedo uncle when they were young. But if you want to rope I ain't gonna discourage you, way too manly low IQ zoomers on this site, world would be better off if you roped not gonna deny that, but stop trying to shove your low IQ nihilistic blackpill down people's throats, acting like life has no worth is low IQ emo faggotry, a high T man can even cope in prison where he gotta worry about being raped or shanked every fucking day, being an incel won't kill you.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: stuckneworleans
Yeah you got such a great life that's why you bullying and insulting incels on the internet, inceltears cope right there, there are no fucking "Chads" on this forum retard, you think a person with amazing life gonna waste time typing essays on the internet for virgins to read you fucking retarded or something? You ethnics really are natural born sociopaths or something, even though OP was an ethnic I'm trying to have empathy for him, yes, his life was shit but it was his choice to rope he could have coped with hobbies if he wanted too. You think everyone except incels had amazing lives? You fucking immature zoomers with no life experience, even Stacy or Chad could have been raped or molested by their creepy pedo uncle when they were young. But if you want to rope I ain't gonna discourage you, way too manly low IQ zoomers on this site, world would be better off if you roped not gonna deny that, but stop trying to shove your low IQ nihilistic blackpill down people's throats, acting like life has no worth is low IQ emo faggotry, a high T man can even cope in prison where he gotta worry about being raped or shanked every fucking day, being an incel won't kill you.
  • JFL
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op nearly got 100 reacts my nigga wtf
  • JFL
Reactions: stuckneworleans
Op once you rope where do you want to be
Yeah you got such a great life that's why you bullying and insulting incels on the internet, inceltears cope right there, there are no fucking "Chads" on this forum retard, you think a person with amazing life gonna waste time typing essays on the internet for virgins to read you fucking retarded or something? You ethnics really are natural born sociopaths or something, even though OP was an ethnic I'm trying to have empathy for him, yes, his life was shit but it was his choice to rope he could have coped with hobbies if he wanted too. You think everyone except incels had amazing lives? You fucking immature zoomers with no life experience, even Stacy or Chad could have been raped or molested by their creepy pedo uncle when they were young. But if you want to rope I ain't gonna discourage you, way too manly low IQ zoomers on this site, world would be better off if you roped not gonna deny that, but stop trying to shove your low IQ nihilistic blackpill down people's throats, acting like life has no worth is low IQ emo faggotry, a high T man can even cope in prison where he gotta worry about being raped or shanked every fucking day, being an incel won't kill you.
9AE49FFB C602 46FB BC1B 0F5EDEE14875

Didn't read one single word you low T shit posting cucklord
  • +1
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Reactions: Finita Est, MewingJBP and Deleted member 6856
I'd just like to quickly input my 2 cents into the situation. A lot of teens suffering from the "single cause fallacy" in thinking this guy roped because of the "blackpill". If you think that's true, you view the world through a very narrow lens and you should broaden your perspectives beyond lookism to see how things really work.

This guy drew every shitty card in life. He was abused and had a dysfunctional family. This environment is a recipe for developmental disaster. His stunted mental development has affected his career prospects (he works a minimum wage job at Walmart). From the perspective of his looks, he is a 5'4 Asian living in a white majority country and he is ugly. No one wants to help an ugly, broke male with severe mental health issues. No wants to date someone in his situation. There is no sugarcoating it. As harsh as it sounds, he is part of societies "loser" group that no one cares about. You'll see foids virtue-signalling over some collective cause like systemic racism or trans-rights but they'll completely ignore this mans plight. To the world he is invisible. There is no saving grace, no redemption and no reconciliation because he is gone now. He'll have left the world unloved, having never experienced what it's like to have a family that cared for him or real-life friends that could have supported him. His last and only stain will be left on this degenerate forum. What's even sadder is that he found acceptance here and you have people mocking his very suicide...

I can't blame this guy for going over the edge. He could have gone out with a BANG though. He could have escaped the metaphorical cage and splurged his step-father's inheritance on hookers and cocaine. Heck, maybe doing so would have given him a new raison d'etre. His decision-making was obviously clouded because his mental health had deteriorated so I can't help but feel if there was a bro-cel to console him things may have turned out differently.

At the end of the day, your perspective is so important. This guy was at the bottom of the totem pole in society. People pretend to care about individuals like OP but they really don't. Be thankful you have a supportive family at least because they won't be there forever. OP was 37. In his case life never started. So many users here have at least an outlet of support or opportunities to turn to but if you don't get your act together, you too could end up like OP a few decades down the line.

Stop conforming to the nihilistic undertones of the blackpill. Stop being so naive as to rage against every perceived injustice of genetic determinism. Use the knowledge you have accrued here to improve yourself mentally and physically. Accept that there is suffering in the world and try to get ahead by any means possible.

RIP @riceronicel. I hope you have found peace and acceptance in a different realm...
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Finita Est, Timelessbrah, Ocelot and 8 others
My words are powerless and unhelpful to a man that is packing a 3x3
I guess I still wouldn't rope though
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: MewingJBP and Ritalincel
I would write something, but I think this song by Jackson C. Frank fit more here, he had a hard and tragic life just like you OP.
I'd just like to quickly input my 2 cents into the situation. A lot of teens suffering from the "single cause fallacy" in thinking this guy roped because of the "blackpill". If you think that's true, you view the world through a very narrow lens and you should broaden your perspectives beyond lookism to see how things really work.

This guy drew every shitty card in life. He was abused and had a dysfunctional family. This environment is a recipe for developmental disaster. His stunted mental development has affected his career prospects (he works a minimum wage job at Walmart). From the perspective of his looks, he is a 5'4 Asian living in a white majority country and he is ugly. No one wants to help an ugly, broke male with severe mental health issues. No wants to date someone in his situation. There is no sugarcoating it. As harsh as it sounds, he is part of societies "loser" group that no one cares about. You'll see foids virtue-signalling over some collective cause like systemic racism or trans-rights but they'll completely ignore this mans plight. To the world he is invisible. There is no saving grace, no redemption and no reconciliation because he is gone now. He'll have left the world unloved, having never experienced what it's like to have a family that cared for him or real-life friends that could have supported him. His last and only stain will be left on this degenerate forum. What's even sadder is that he found acceptance here and you have people mocking his very suicide...

I can't blame this guy for going over the edge. He could have gone out with a BANG though. He could have escaped the metaphorical cage and splurged his step-father's inheritance on hookers and cocaine. Heck, maybe doing so would have given him a new raison d'etre. His decision-making was obviously clouded because his mental health had deteriorated so I can't help but feel if there was a bro-cel to console him things may have turned out differently.

At the end of the day, your perspective is so important. This guy was at the bottom of the totem pole in society. People pretend to care about individuals like OP but they really don't. Be thankful you have a supportive family at least because they won't be there forever. OP was 37. In his case life never started. So many users here have at least an outlet of support or opportunities to turn to but if you don't get your act together, you too could end up like OP a few decades down the line.

Stop conforming to the nihilistic undertones of the blackpill. Stop being so naive as to rage against every perceived injustice of genetic determinism. Use the knowledge you have accrued here to improve yourself mentally and physically. Accept that there is suffering in the world and try to get ahead by any means possible.

RIP @riceronicel. I hope you have found peace and acceptance in a different realm...
Exactly users here making fun of him are evil af, he obviously had a harsh life and was genetically challenged. he is 37 probably tried everything but there is no escape. It's beyond looks he reached a dead end. I would take my own life if I were in his situation there is no point living another 50 years of hell.
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans
Most women are whores, man.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7240, Marsiere214 and Deleted member 4430
if not rest in peace

Chances of being an IT:80%
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: SpearOfOrion and inceletto
I'd just like to quickly input my 2 cents into the situation. A lot of teens suffering from the "single cause fallacy" in thinking this guy roped because of the "blackpill". If you think that's true, you view the world through a very narrow lens and you should broaden your perspectives beyond lookism to see how things really work.

This guy drew every shitty card in life. He was abused and had a dysfunctional family. This environment is a recipe for developmental disaster. His stunted mental development has affected his career prospects (he works a minimum wage job at Walmart). From the perspective of his looks, he is a 5'4 Asian living in a white majority country and he is ugly. No one wants to help an ugly, broke male with severe mental health issues. No wants to date someone in his situation. There is no sugarcoating it. As harsh as it sounds, he is part of societies "loser" group that no one cares about. You'll see foids virtue-signalling over some collective cause like systemic racism or trans-rights but they'll completely ignore this mans plight. To the world he is invisible. There is no saving grace, no redemption and no reconciliation because he is gone now. He'll have left the world unloved, having never experienced what it's like to have a family that cared for him or real-life friends that could have supported him. His last and only stain will be left on this degenerate forum. What's even sadder is that he found acceptance here and you have people mocking his very suicide...

I can't blame this guy for going over the edge. He could have gone out with a BANG though. He could have escaped the metaphorical cage and splurged his step-father's inheritance on hookers and cocaine. Heck, maybe doing so would have given him a new raison d'etre. His decision-making was obviously clouded because his mental health had deteriorated so I can't help but feel if there was a bro-cel to console him things may have turned out differently.

At the end of the day, your perspective is so important. This guy was at the bottom of the totem pole in society. People pretend to care about individuals like OP but they really don't. Be thankful you have a supportive family at least because they won't be there forever. OP was 37. In his case life never started. So many users here have at least an outlet of support or opportunities to turn to but if you don't get your act together, you too could end up like OP a few decades down the line.

Stop conforming to the nihilistic undertones of the blackpill. Stop being so naive as to rage against every perceived injustice of genetic determinism. Use the knowledge you have accrued here to improve yourself mentally and physically. Accept that there is suffering in the world and try to get ahead by any means possible.

RIP @riceronicel. I hope you have found peace and acceptance in a different realm...
How can you fix stunted mental development?
  • +1
Reactions: inceletto
I'd just like to quickly input my 2 cents into the situation. A lot of teens suffering from the "single cause fallacy" in thinking this guy roped because of the "blackpill". If you think that's true, you view the world through a very narrow lens and you should broaden your perspectives beyond lookism to see how things really work.

This guy drew every shitty card in life. He was abused and had a dysfunctional family. This environment is a recipe for developmental disaster. His stunted mental development has affected his career prospects (he works a minimum wage job at Walmart). From the perspective of his looks, he is a 5'4 Asian living in a white majority country and he is ugly. No one wants to help an ugly, broke male with severe mental health issues. No wants to date someone in his situation. There is no sugarcoating it. As harsh as it sounds, he is part of societies "loser" group that no one cares about. You'll see foids virtue-signalling over some collective cause like systemic racism or trans-rights but they'll completely ignore this mans plight. To the world he is invisible. There is no saving grace, no redemption and no reconciliation because he is gone now. He'll have left the world unloved, having never experienced what it's like to have a family that cared for him or real-life friends that could have supported him. His last and only stain will be left on this degenerate forum. What's even sadder is that he found acceptance here and you have people mocking his very suicide...

I can't blame this guy for going over the edge. He could have gone out with a BANG though. He could have escaped the metaphorical cage and splurged his step-father's inheritance on hookers and cocaine. Heck, maybe doing so would have given him a new raison d'etre. His decision-making was obviously clouded because his mental health had deteriorated so I can't help but feel if there was a bro-cel to console him things may have turned out differently.

At the end of the day, your perspective is so important. This guy was at the bottom of the totem pole in society. People pretend to care about individuals like OP but they really don't. Be thankful you have a supportive family at least because they won't be there forever. OP was 37. In his case life never started. So many users here have at least an outlet of support or opportunities to turn to but if you don't get your act together, you too could end up like OP a few decades down the line.

Stop conforming to the nihilistic undertones of the blackpill. Stop being so naive as to rage against every perceived injustice of genetic determinism. Use the knowledge you have accrued here to improve yourself mentally and physically. Accept that there is suffering in the world and try to get ahead by any means possible.

RIP @riceronicel. I hope you have found peace and acceptance in a different realm...
Its the end of the world im asking smth to a greycel tbh but u Smart cant be denied
  • +1
Reactions: inceletto
Did he not get an inheritance he could've paid surgeries with to ascend?

Regardless, obvious good guy and i could identify with some things he said. Life ain't easy being the only person of your ethnicity, short, and with unhealed childhood trauma.

Didn't deserve it. Neither this fate or this life. It's rough.


1-7-1983 - 20-7-2020
He would've needed lefort iii as his baseline surgery. Dude was totally fucked
He would've needed lefort iii as his baseline surgery. Dude was totally fucked
Yeah, i doubt his stepfather could've provided enough for that. Not a single chance. It's sad man
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8064
R.I.P. OP ⛪⚰☠
Fk me man, i wish i was there to help this ricecel...
Fk me ...
Why are all of you still posting telling him not to do it? It’s over he hasn’t logged on since.
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