[OP] SMV and PSL Rate before-after. Ascension?

because you haven't changed at all, feel free to prove me wrong by providing front and side pics, otherwise pipe down
@LooksThinker trynna hijack this thread whilst going from a ltn to a ltn with a different angle. He has yet to show us a new selfie.
  • JFL
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because you haven't changed at all, feel free to prove me wrong by providing front and side pics, otherwise pipe down
Retarded post. Just look at my lower third for example:
  • JFL
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open mouth vs pouting fag lips and closed mouth JFL, you even have worse wrinkles in this pic.
those wrinkles came from lighting. And if you seriously can´t see any difference in my jaw shape you are just troll.
those wrinkles came from lighting. And if you seriously can´t see any difference in my jaw shape you are just troll.
yes the first difference i see is you have closed your mouth, and you're using light to fraud better skin, you're also pouting your lips jfl, what did you do? Did you mew just like everyone else, aka growing up?
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksThinker
yes the first difference i see is you have closed your mouth, and you're using light to fraud better skin, you're also pouting your lips jfl, what did you do? Did you mew just like everyone else, aka growing up?
Closing my mouth is not gonna expand gonions by 5cm on both sides.
yes the first difference i see is you have closed your mouth, and you're using light to fraud better skin, you're also pouting your lips jfl, what did you do? Did you mew just like everyone else, aka growing up?

"Yeah bro all just closing my mouth and pouting lips bro" 😍
  • JFL
Reactions: baboon593 and distortionsd
Nah bro I’m so sorry but rn it’s over your harmony destroys you.

Good luck to you Bhai but you are not objectively attractive


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  • So Sad
  • +1
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The shape is not symmetrical, you've made edges despite there not being any skin under
View attachment 2574786
10/10 larp or simply retarded
No one has perfectly geometrically shaped jaw 💀

Not even bomer.
100% troll if you actually even need lines to see any difference in my lower third pics in the first place.
tfw .org users depend on an incel forum for their entire self image
Nah bro I’m so sorry but rn it’s over your harmony destroys you.

Good luck to you Bhai but you are not objectively attractive
nigga this is a fucking picture of me before the glowup why do people think this is how i look
Rate with SMV and PSL for both before and after.
6'0, 155lbs, 20-inch bideltoid, shredded physique, 6.5-inch ykyk, hapa.
I get cold-approached often, but I never touched a girl in my life due to autism and ADHD; I always ruin every relationship with foids somehow, and these foids ruin me.
When I was younger, I was bullied for how I looked; now, I can't be bullied, but I am treated differently for how I act.
The first four pics are from 2023, and the last three are from 2021 - 2022
ltn from the front but with hair and height could get you smv of a higher mtn
Rate with SMV and PSL for both before and after.
6'0, 155lbs, 20-inch bideltoid, shredded physique, 6.5-inch ykyk, hapa.
I get cold-approached often, but I never touched a girl in my life due to autism and ADHD; I always ruin every relationship with foids somehow, and these foids ruin me.
When I was younger, I was bullied for how I looked; now, I can't be bullied, but I am treated differently for how I act.
The first four pics are from 2023, and the last three are from 2021 - 2022
Looks better ascended 2 points
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 50722
ltn from the front but with hair and height could get you smv of a higher mtn
nothing to crazy just a looksmax.org ltn
100+ tinder matches and cold approaches? oh the tales of mumbai, a ltn could never have this.
anyways zyzz is mtn, dillion is mtn, chico is like htn.
how about end your fucking life
i swear this website has no clue how to rate


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  • JFL
Reactions: LooksThinker
nothing to crazy just a looksmax.org ltn
100+ tinder matches and cold approaches? oh the tales of mumbai, a ltn could never have this.
anyways zyzz is mtn, dillion is mtn, chico is like htn.
how about end your fucking life
i swear this website has no clue how to rate
bro fuck this mobile layout i keep attaching the wrong images
nothing to crazy just a looksmax.org ltn
100+ tinder matches and cold approaches? oh the tales of mumbai, a ltn could never have this.
anyways zyzz is mtn, dillion is mtn, chico is like htn.
how about end your fucking life
i swear this website has no clue how to rate
chico is slayer bru, your not better than or equal to dillion 😭😭 face is oblong is what it is
chico is slayer bru, your not better than or equal to dillion 😭😭 face is oblong is what it is
yea bro as a ltn i just happen to get cold approach and actual decent results with girls but ykyk ltn right
use your visual-spacial IQ
Rate with SMV and PSL for both before and after.
6'0, 155lbs, 20-inch bideltoid, shredded physique, 6.5-inch ykyk, hapa.
I get cold-approached often, but I never touched a girl in my life due to autism and ADHD; I always ruin every relationship with foids somehow, and these foids ruin me.
When I was younger, I was bullied for how I looked; now, I can't be bullied, but I am treated differently for how I act.
The first four pics are from 2023, and the last three are from 2021 - 2022
Ur side literally mogs ur front into 2043
ur front looks the same excluding hair :lul:
Rate with SMV and PSL for both before and after.
6'0, 155lbs, 20-inch bideltoid, shredded physique, 6.5-inch ykyk, hapa.
I get cold-approached often, but I never touched a girl in my life due to autism and ADHD; I always ruin every relationship with foids somehow, and these foids ruin me.
When I was younger, I was bullied for how I looked; now, I can't be bullied, but I am treated differently for how I act.
The first four pics are from 2023, and the last three are from 2021 - 2022
I have the same amount of recession in jaw how tf did u fix that pllzzz im 15 rn so maybe theres hope since still growing
I have the same amount of recession in jaw how tf did u fix that pllzzz im 15 rn so maybe theres hope since still growing
jutting + forsus appliance + mew
@TDTaykurso 2.0
bring back that chud haircut looks good!
perm saved your life
i think the extra 10mm of bone also did
First of all, there was no extra bone really, prolly you moving your head or change of angle.

Second HUGE condolences on your looks. You are soft- and nichemaxed, which is why i believe you can live a normal life and have sex.

PSL wise your subhuman-LTN (before) and i do not intend on trolling or being mean. After you‘re mid LTN (maybe strong LTN if you have a good day).
If you could send a normal picture of your front profile, staring like an bitmojy character or whatever, it would really help to see the change.


- It‘s pretty much over,
since you have longface syndrom with asian side profile + Asymmetric face (which means like everything is slanted to one or the other side, probably will cause neck and spine issues aswell)

- Jaw surgery could maybe shorten midface a tiny bit if you can get maxillary impaction, it would fix your asymmetry tho and with some gonion implants you‘d be fine symmetry wise.

- Even if you put implants all over your face, you‘ll still barely ascend because your base is just absolute dogshit trash.

Tldr; Im sorry, god and life is not fair
From subhuman to radioactive koltaka sewer monster slayer
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
U look good bro ignore the autists on here. They get 3 matches a year and all of them are bots. Not sure if u mentioned it before but how did u ascend? forward growth insane and skin looks perfect. Pls teach us
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Reactions: shalomnigga and Deleted member 50722
First of all, there was no extra bone really, prolly you moving your head or change of angle.

Second HUGE condolences on your looks. You are soft- and nichemaxed, which is why i believe you can live a normal life and have sex.

PSL wise your subhuman-LTN (before) and i do not intend on trolling or being mean. After you‘re mid LTN (maybe strong LTN if you have a good day).
If you could send a normal picture of your front profile, staring like an bitmojy character or whatever, it would really help to see the change.


- It‘s pretty much over,
since you have longface syndrom with asian side profile + Asymmetric face (which means like everything is slanted to one or the other side, probably will cause neck and spine issues aswell)

- Jaw surgery could maybe shorten midface a tiny bit if you can get maxillary impaction, it would fix your asymmetry tho and with some gonion implants you‘d be fine symmetry wise.

- Even if you put implants all over your face, you‘ll still barely ascend because your base is just absolute dogshit trash.

Tldr; Im sorry, god and life is not fair
U look good bro ignore the autists on here. They get 3 matches a year and all of them are bots. Not sure if u mentioned it before but how did u ascend? forward growth insane and skin looks perfect. Pls teach us
case in point
yes as a disgusting subhuman-LTN i am able to be cold-approached and get 100+ matches on dating apps as well as having a new girl every month
whenever i go on dating apps i get nothing but compliments on my side profile stating i look like a “prince” or a “painting”
i live an highly above-average dating life as a subhuman-LTN
i sent completely unfruaded pictures of my side-profile yet they still state that they are frauded when you can analyze the pictures and see that they are at the EXACT same angle if not maybe a few degrees leftwards
question? can you see my other eye in any of my side profile pictures? nope. so how are they frauded?
you can clearly see my ramus and mandible look significantly longer and taller
my lips now meet each other and my nowadays my chin surpasses or at the very least meets my brow-ridge
the folds caused by extreme maxillary recession are gone and i now have a smooth transition from the eye to the mid-face
front-wise despite my asymmetry (which irl no one even cares for) my PFL significantly widened and my eyebrows became medium-set and positively tilted
my collagen significantly improved and the overall my mid-face is on the longer side but it shortened
note the increase in jaw visibility
despite these changes you are nothing but a shut-in rotting autist who’s standards of beauty have been destroyed by unrealistic .org ideals
i have significantly less posts then you and while you LDAR i slay
i have even posted proof of my slays
TLDR your wrong kys
your as good as rating as sudanian male
and to answer the other question
anyways i used forsus appliance + mewing (as a teenager) + chewing
case in point
yes as a disgusting subhuman-LTN i am able to be cold-approached and get 100+ matches on dating apps as well as having a new girl every month
whenever i go on dating apps i get nothing but compliments on my side profile stating i look like a “prince” or a “painting”
i live an highly above-average dating life as a subhuman-LTN
i sent completely unfruaded pictures of my side-profile yet they still state that they are frauded when you can analyze the pictures and see that they are at the EXACT same angle if not maybe a few degrees leftwards
question? can you see my other eye in any of my side profile pictures? nope. so how are they frauded?
you can clearly see my ramus and mandible look significantly longer and taller
my lips now meet each other and my nowadays my chin surpasses or at the very least meets my brow-ridge
the folds caused by extreme maxillary recession are gone and i now have a smooth transition from the eye to the mid-face
front-wise despite my asymmetry (which irl no one even cares for) my PFL significantly widened and my eyebrows became medium-set and positively tilted
my collagen significantly improved and the overall my mid-face is on the longer side but it shortened
note the increase in jaw visibility
despite these changes you are nothing but a shut-in rotting autist who’s standards of beauty have been destroyed by unrealistic .org ideals
i have significantly less posts then you and while you LDAR i slay
i have even posted proof of my slays
TLDR your wrong kys
your as good as rating as sudanian male
and to answer the other question
anyways i used forsus appliance + mewing (as a teenager) + chewing
typical asian side profile
it’s over
are you retarded or mentally ill?


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@LooksThinker now i understand why you get so mad bro these people are fucking delusional😭
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
nothing to crazy just a looksmax.org ltn
100+ tinder matches and cold approaches? oh the tales of mumbai, a ltn could never have this.
anyways zyzz is mtn, dillion is mtn, chico is like htn.
how about end your fucking life
i swear this website has no clue how to rate
Bro has lost it 💀
@LooksThinker now i understand why you get so mad bro these people are fucking delusional😭
Your front is ltn tier without hair but you have almost htn tier side + perm so i would say that you are mtn.
Btw mtn is 90% percentile irl so you can obviously get decent results when it comes to foids.
typical asian side profile
it’s over
are you retarded or mentally ill?
Adriana lima married the ugliest subhuman too. That doesn‘t make him good looking.

If you dont accept PSL and deny science of beauty, with all respect, get off my dick
Your front is ltn tier without hair but you have almost htn tier side + perm so i would say that you are mtn.
Btw mtn is 90% percentile irl so you can obviously get decent results when it comes to foids.
mtn 90% percentile? JFL mtn is 50 percentile 1 in 2
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
Ltn to mtn well done boyo
Your front is ltn tier without hair but you have almost htn tier side + perm so i would say that you are mtn.
Btw mtn is 90% percentile irl so you can obviously get decent results when it comes to foids.
i agree
without hair i am ltn
but ovbiously i have hair so
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
Adriana lima married the ugliest subhuman too. That doesn‘t make him good looking.

If you dont accept PSL and deny science of beauty, with all respect, get off my dick
how about your narrow incel mouth sucks on my cock while you call me daddy
Rate with SMV and PSL for both before and after.
6'0, 155lbs, 20-inch bideltoid, shredded physique, 6.5-inch ykyk, hapa.
I get cold-approached often, but I never touched a girl in my life due to autism and ADHD; I always ruin every relationship with foids somehow, and these foids ruin me.
When I was younger, I was bullied for how I looked; now, I can't be bullied, but I am treated differently for how I act.
The first four pics are from 2023, and the last three are from 2021 - 2022
You ascended, but mostly you just hit puberty
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
how about your narrow incel mouth sucks on my cock while you call me daddy
>Muh pls rate
*gets honestly rated*
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker
Bro, what did you do to improve collagen? I've been eating like a pig and smoking like a chimney; and now my skin looks like shit.
Bro, what did you do to improve collagen? I've been eating like a pig and smoking like a chimney; and now my skin looks like shit.
spray sea salt all over your face then moisturize
take sea moss
  • JFL
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