Proof god exists.

Particles are not conscious if they were Im pretty sure radioactive particles wouldn’t be spitting out neutrons and decaying killing life in the process. What you are describing is the the electron around the atom moves so fast that it appears everywhere. If you want to be at this point it will be there.

Particles are conscious as all conscious is a feed back loop as for the whole radioactive particles their is such a thing as different particles do different thing's.As for this experiment it.

As for the experiment it wasn't just electron's it was also proton's what the experiment showed was when observed it destroyed the wave function of the photon itself interpretation's very but if true the metaphysical implication's is mind blowing
Particles are conscious as all conscious is a feed back loop as for the whole radioactive particles their is such a thing as different particles do different thing's.As for this experiment it.

As for the experiment it wasn't just electron's it was also proton's what the experiment showed was when observed it destroyed the wave function of the photon itself interpretation's very but if true the metaphysical implication's is mind blowing
Particles can act like a wave and a particle at the same time. Are you saying radioactive particles are evil. The sun produces radioactive particles does the make the sun evil. The sun is the cornerstone for life on earth
Particles are not conscious, the universe is not conscious, the universe at least needs life, electrons act like waves and particles.

Particles are not conscious, the universe is not conscious, the universe at least needs life, electrons act like waves and particles.

Ok gonna read up on this
Your low iq astonishes i never said higher consciousness i left that possibility out their i merely asserted self awareness and consciousness from the defined term's is a feed back loop + awareness what you have asserted is akin to you've never been in a quantum physics class room so you can't have a opinion fallacy i can have an opinion as i have read on this topic have you done any yourself ? as for esoteric bullshit no this is very exoteric as the information particles change when being observed is a well known fact know we can go with an unknown god of the gap's which you are presenting of just cause we don't know x doesn't mean particles are conscious while occams razor cut's through that bullshit so were left with the other option that particles are conscious everything is particles following from this line of reasoning we are living in a conscious mind jfl at your low iq cope

What are you talking about? Quantum entanglement has nothing to do with a designed creation nor does the superposition of particles, the uncertainty principle or the fact that when you send a laser signal to an electron eg to determine its position or whatever the result is already influenced by the laser impuls itself.

So keep going to church and pray to your imaginary sky god but stop abusing physics incorrectly to prove your nonsense, monkey.

And learn basic grammer first you idiot
Particles can act like a wave and a particle at the same time.

True that is a fair point but when observed the wave function itself collapsed.

Are you saying radioactive particles are evil. The sun produces radioactive particles does the make the sun evil. The sun is the cornerstone for life on earth

No i mean particles are not evil or good they just have different functions
What are you talking about? Quantum entanglement has nothing to do with a designed creation nor does the superposition of particles, the uncertainty principle or the fact that when you send a laser signal to an electron eg to determine its position or whatever the result is already influenced by the laser impuls itself.

So keep going to church and pray to your imaginary sky god but stop abusing physics incorrectly to prove your nonsense, monkey.

And learn basic grammer first you idiot

Okay let's not straw man here i never said 2 particles could be at 2 different at once i said the wave function changed when observed their is difference here i never made a quantum super position argument and jfl if you think i'm a creationist like no lol who was the one that made the big bang theory again ? also 2nd point it is influenced by the laser itself but also the person that tries to measure it again why do we get different results when measuring with the same laser ? it should not be like that. as for a christain i guess but i'm more of a pananthiest
Particles are not conscious, the universe is not conscious, the universe at least needs life, electrons act like waves and particles.

Thx dude i did look into that apparently your correct electrons can act as both waves and particles but again this doesn't disprove the premise that when observed they go back to being particles this again kinda point's toward's consciousness it matters not if a electron could be both cause the question leaves out the effects of observation from the individual that is what your leaving out dude but i did learn something so kudo's
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