reminder on the importance of a strong base for looksmaxxing

Deleted member 3962

Deleted member 3962

The Tribe 😳
Nov 16, 2019
I know this thread has been made many times, but this brutal blackpill NEEDS to be drilled into you. The importance of a strong base is astronomical. There are many people here lost in the delusion that they will become a 7psl gigaslayer. I see absurd mental gymnastics in almost every thread. dont get lost in delusion. be realistic.

a good base:
a skull that isnt too small
no practically unfixable failos(such as a cyclops IPD)
a few fixable failos(you wont ascend much if you have nothing to fix, and if you're here posting on a looksmax forum with nothing to fix im afraid you're fucked.)
decent phenotype(extremely important. most with a bad pheno will never ascend.)
norwood 0
good ratios, especially fwhr and midface ratio(if you can fix your ratios, it will ascend you hard. but most people cant.)
above 5'6"
fat(u can go from subhuman to gigamogger in some cases)
non subhuman frame

a bad base:
practically unfixable failos(long midface, shit ipd, subhuman frame and height)
no failos but still sub 4.5psl
bad phenotype
norwood 3+
bad ratios
eternal normie face
zero striking features
if u have more than 3 of these dont even bother tbh

if you are sub 4psl with a bad base, theres not much you can do. you might be able to ascend .5 points max psl wise.
so what do you do?
smv maxx.
if you're ugly, you need an unmoggable personality to keep up. moneymaxx, studymaxx, carreermaxx, etc, will all be of much higher benefit to you than looksmaxxing. not saying dont looksmax, but dont put your eggs in the wrong basket.

if you are sub 6psl with a good base, looksmaxx.

4.5psl is enough to live a happy life btw. there are millions upon millions of subhumans living happier lives than you are.

dont get carried away, dont delude yourself, and maximize your potential gain in life by following the route that works for you.

if you're 3psl with a bad base, even if you get a modified lefort 3, you probably arent going to ascend beyond 4psl.

obviously there are outliers to everything and everybody wants to be the outlier but be true to urself.

btw, you should at least try to attain a good base if u have a bad one. who knows, it might work out. im not saying quit, im saying dont set your sights too high, because the inevitable fall will crush you brutally.
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my good base is the money that I need
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Glad I have a decent base
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what is an eternal normie face
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  • JFL
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On ratios
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surgery is for fixing failos. there are failos that cannot be fixed, and there are people that lack failos but are still below average. if you have unfixable failos, you arent going to be a slayer. if you have a sub 4psl face without failos, you arent going to be a slayer.

in order to make up for what you lack in appearance, you must maximize yourself in literally every other arena just to be on the same plane as people up to 1-2psl higher than you.
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cries in nw2
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I’m PSL 4.5 6’3 and recessed so I know I can ascend.

curry tho so it’s p much over JFL
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I’m PSL 4.5 6’3 and recessed so I know I can ascend.

curry tho so it’s p much over JFL
i believe in u bro. ascend.
On ratios
if u have poor ratios your face is gonna look like shit even with good features
imagine sean o pry with a horse face, narrow fwhr, or cyclops ipd. drops from gigachad to subhuman.
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if you're 3psl with a bad base, even if you get a modified lefort 3, you probably arent going to ascend beyond 4psl.
fucking brutal blackpill for subhumans tbh
  • JFL
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i believe in u bro. ascend.

if u have poor ratios your face is gonna look like shit even with good features
imagine sean o pry with a horse face, narrow fwhr, or cyclops ipd. drops from gigachad to subhuman.

Fwhr, midface can be improved easily, IPD can be fraudes via zygomatic shave or augmentation.
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Fwhr, midface can be improved easily, IPD can be fraudes via zygomatic shave or augmentation.
when i say bad base i mean to the point where its surgically nigh-impossible to achieve a better raito.

for example,
Image result for ugly man

tell me how you're REALISTICALLY making him into a slayer.
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when i say bad base i mean to the point where its surgically nigh-impossible to achieve a better raito.

for example,
Image result for ugly man

tell me how you're REALISTICALLY making him into a slayer.

I cant make him a slayer, but i can make him human. Give me $80k
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when i say bad base i mean to the point where its surgically nigh-impossible to achieve a better raito.

for example,
Image result for ugly man

tell me how you're REALISTICALLY making him into a slayer.
His eye area is disgusting, even more than his midface imo
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how do you make him human?

7mm Lip Lift, he is a long midfacer from philtrum
Upper lip reduction.
Infraorbital implants
Fat grafts upper eyelid
Wraparound jaw implants
Hair transplant
I could also botox his eyebrows to make them lower
  • +1
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7mm Lip Lift, he is a long midfacer from philtrum
Upper lip reduction.
Infraorbital implants
Fat grafts upper eyelid
Wraparound jaw implants
Hair transplant
I could also botox his eyebrows to make them lower
Can you morph? I want to see this
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7mm Lip Lift, he is a long midfacer from philtrum
Upper lip reduction.
Infraorbital implants
Fat grafts upper eyelid
Wraparound jaw implants
Hair transplant
I could also botox his eyebrows to make them lower
doubt this would put him past 4psl tbh
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very legit thread. i believe only people with good bases can truly ascend the hardest.
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Reactions: Swolepenisman, Deleted member 685 and Deleted member 3962
Have u ever had any cosmetic procedure?
irrelevant. ive seen hundreds of befores and afters. i understand what makes a face good looking. there are simply some people who cannot look good.

morph him within the realm of possibility past 4psl
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irrelevant. ive seen hundreds of befores and afters. i understand what makes a face good looking. there are simply some people who cannot look good.

morph him within the realm of possibility past 4psl

Ofc it is relevant, i ALSO know what makes a face good, better than anyone here beside @Deliciadecu and 2 others and i also have a pratical knowledge.

This dude was morphed x100 times already, u just need to google.
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Ofc it is relevant, i ALSO know what makes a face good, better than anyone here beside @Deliciadecu and 2 others and i also have a pratical knowledge.
you dont have to get surgery to know whether or not surgery will be right for you.

its not worth spending 80k just to become 4psl.
Ofc it is relevant, i ALSO know what makes a face good, better than anyone here beside @Deliciadecu and 2 others and i also have a pratical knowledge.

This dude was morphed x100 times already, u just need to google.
all the morphs im seeing look like shit and are outside the realm of possibility
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you dont have to get surgery to know whether or not surgery will be right for you.

its not worth spending 80k just to become 4psl.

Ofc its worth any amount of money to go from subhuman to normie. You gotta know what u are talking about to be able to discuss correctly, if u tell me ratios like midface and fwhr cant be altered u have lurker tier knowledge yet.
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Ofc its worth any amount of money to go from subhuman to normie. You gotta know what u are talking about to be able to discuss correctly, if u tell me ratios like midface and fwhr cant be altered u have lurker tier knowledge yet.
i never said they cannot be altered. what im saying is that theres no point in making fwhr of 1.50 into 1.60 for 15 thousand dollars.

instead of spending 80k and taking risks on multiple procedures just to go from invisible to invisible you should neurotransmittermaxx and live a happy life.
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i never said they cannot be altered. what im saying is that theres no point in making fwhr of 1.50 into 1.60 for 15 thousand dollars.

instead of spending 80k and taking risks on multiple procedures just to go from invisible to invisible you should neurotransmittermaxx and live a happy life.

Ofc its worth, a simple basic 5mm lip lift will bring a 1,60 fwhr nigga to 1,70, if he does a 7mm(having room for it) its 1,74.
If he then lower his eyebrows by 5mm via botox or simple squinting it is 1,85 fwhr now. A lip lift is 2k dollars, an botox appliance 200 dollars or less, how u tell me its not worthful? U dont even know the prices of them stuffs and are making guides, pratical knowledge > Lurk knowledge man.
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Ofc its worth, a simple basic 5mm lip lift will bring a 1,60 fwhr nigga to 1,70, if he does a 7mm(having room for it) its 1,74.
If he then lower his eyebrows by 5mm via botox or simple squinting it is 1,85 fwhr now. A lip lift is 2k dollars, an botox appliance 200 dollars or less, how u tell me its not worthful? U dont even know the prices of them stuffs and are making guides, pratical knowledge > Lurk knowledge man.
show me morph.

His philtrum doesnt look that long to me though, its just that his upper lip is pale as shit.
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show me morph.

His philtrum doesnt look that long to me though, its just that his upper lip is pale as shit.

Nah, google his morph...
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>a skull that isn't too small
It's over.
Looksmaxing is cope all is cope youre either the choosen one or a loser
Looksmaxing is cope all is cope youre either the choosen one or a loser
if u didnt have your hair you would indeed be a loser

your lions mane is literally your lifeline atm

if you start to norwood you’re fucked

it halos you out of trucel
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btw, I believe that many people here can ascend. But once u hit 5psl, focus more on other things.

this post was more directed at subhumans


Everyone can ascend to normie.
Given you have enough donor hair and money you can fix nw2 with hair transplant. If not hair transplant hair system. It isn't something unfixable. Also there's just no way someone is 4.5 psl or less with no failos.
Everyone can ascend to normie.
I bet you 300$ that i can find people that you cant ascend to normie
Given you have enough donor hair and money you can fix nw2 with hair transplant. If not hair transplant hair system. It isn't something unfixable. Also there's just no way someone is 4.5 psl or less with no failos.
Good point.

there are some cursed souls with eternal normie face, sadly.
if u didnt have your hair you would indeed be a loser

your lions mane is literally your lifeline atm

if you start to norwood you’re fucked

it halos you out of trucel
It doesnt
Do I have a good base to ascend?

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