Sex Appeal- the quality of being attractive in a sexual way
***In this guide I will go over 10 things that will help maximize your sex appeal.***

Here is a research study that shows men with deeper voices are more attractive and father more children than non-deep voiced men.
shouts out to @Aesthetic
According to researchers from the U.S. and Canada one of the features which attracts a woman to a man is a deep voice.
It seems a deep voice is even more appealing than a good physique or an attractive face.
The researchers say men with deep voices are also much more likely to have more children than men who do not have deep voices.

The scientists suggest a deep voice in a man is comparable to a peacock's tail - it has no survival value, but attracts the female of the species.
It is testosterone which masculinizes the voice at puberty.

A group of researchers studied a tribe from Tanzania called the Hadza(this tribe was chosen because it reflects the life-style of humans thousands of years ago)
While the Hadza are monogamous, extra-marital sex is common.
The research team interviewed 52 women and 49 men from the tribe, aged 18 to 55.
The interviews took place in Swahili and the voices of the men and women were recorded.
When the recordings were studied it was found that the deep voiced men had fathered more children than the non-deep voiced men; the man with the deepest voice had ten surviving children, while the one with the highest pitched voice had only three.
Researchers suggest that the men with the lower pitched voices possibly had higher testosterone levels, which attracted them more to females or made them more attractive to them.

All women desire a man to have a deep voice:

How to get a deeper voice?

Non-surgical Method:
-make sure you maintain high amounts of T during puberty(too late for most of you)
-clear your throat, take a deep breath, and swallow your spit before talking
-speak from your diaphragm instead of your throat
-Deep chanting: start making "oohmm" sounds over and over in a controlled manner which relaxes your vocal chords
-Primal screaming: go out somewhere(preferably where not to many ppl are) and start screaming(growling loud screams) as loud as you can for 5-10 minutes everyday.
-(Not Recommended) but smoking cigarettes over time can deepen voice by causing swelling in the vocal cords which lowers the pitch(again not recommended only if you truly wish)

Surgical Method:
-Voice Deepening surgery aka Fat Injection Thyroplasty: This surgery is performed by injecting fat into the patient’s vocal cords, adding bulk and creating a deeper-sounding voice. There’s a saying that goes: “sounding good is as important as looking good." Cost: $2000 to $5000, sometimes as low as $1,000. (injections can last up to 2yrs)
-Medialization laryngoplasty: In this procedure, the folds of the vocal cords are thickened with silicone rubber implants, which causes a deeper tone to develop. This is a common surgery among FtM individuals, I'm not sure they will perform it on a healthy/normal males but it's worth looking into. Cost: $2500

-Thyroplasty: one to two and half inch incision is placed parallel to, or in a skin crease of your neck near the Adam’s apple. A diamond-shaped cut centered on the vocal cords loosens the vocal cords internally. An endoscope is in place during the procedure to observe your vocal cords, after this you are typically asked to make some sounds to assess the loosening. The incision is closed. Cost: $1,000 to $2,500

- Micro-laryngeal Pitch reduction: A laser is used to incise some of the laryngeal tissue on the top surface of the true vocal cords and the bulk is transferred to near the vibrating edge of the vocal cords, increasing their mass. The vocal cords may also be loosened with some cuts. These changes in tension and mass can lower the comfortable speaking pitch. Cost: $1,000
-More info:

Guy picks up girls only with voice:

Josh Turner
Barry White

Girls love these men for one main thing: their deep voice(they are average looking at best)


View attachment 329297 View attachment 329301

-Theses pics above are examples of peak sex appeal. It isn't clean shaven like a prepubescent boy NEITHER is it a full on lumberjack beard that could be hiding facial fat or a weak lower third. This is the best of both worlds: a chiseled jawline covered in a light layer of stubble just so much that they can still see your jawline + ability to grow facial hair = masculinity and sexiness


-For their research, University of New South Wales professors Barnaby J. Dixson and Rob C. Brooks presented photos of 10 smiling men to 177 heterosexual men and 351 women, according to MedicalXpress. Each man in the photos was shown in four ways — clean-shaven, with five days of beard growth (light stubble), 10 days of growth (heavy stubble), and with a full beard. The result light to heavy stubble was seen as most attractive(pics above are a good example)

How to Trim/Shave to get Perfect Stubble Look

How Do I Grow Facial Hair(if you can't already)?

Non-Surgical Method:
-Minoxidil: This solution when applied topically can treat certain types of baldness and encourage facial hair growth(5% concentration). Although results may vary from person to person depending on age, hormones, genetics, etc. Cost: anywhere from $15-$30
-Side effects: some report heart palpitations, itchiness, dryness, chest pain, headaches
-Duration: Once you stop using most your results will diminish. If the hair you gained turns into terminal hair, then those terminal will be permanent.

Surgical Method:
-Beard Transplant: A beard transplant takes hair from another part of your body (usually the base of your scalp at the back, or under your chin) and transplants it to your face. ... An average of 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted one by one. Some surgeons may use two hairs per graft to give a more natural appearance to the beard. Hair is permanent. Cost: varies from $3,000 to $7,000 depending on how many grafts are needed.
-Side Effects: temporary swelling, redness, and itchiness

3) Dark Hair(Brown or Black)

-Hair color is important and rather underrated. When women say the dark in "tall, dark, and handsome", they are referring to the combination of dark triad personality traits as well as dark hair, dark low-set eyebrows, and features. They are referring to Atlantids and handsome Meds. NOT Nordic, Nordic pheno specifically the light blonde hair color is a failo for men. The light blonde/ginger color is weak, submissive, and feminine looking.

Low T cuck

Dark triad slayer
View attachment 329295

Solution: Dye your hair darker/black. Cost: Below $15

Video Tutorial:

4) Tattoos

2,369 women and 215 men were recruited, and were first shown pictures of tattooed and non-tattooed men. Then, they were asked to rate them on their attractiveness, masculinity, dominance, aggression, potential for being a good partner, potential for being a good father, and how healthy they look. The results revealed that the women rated men with tattoos as healthier, more masculine, dominant and aggressive--but not any more attractive than men with no tattoos.

Reason to get Tattoos: the research says it didn't make them more attractive but more masculine and strong which ties in with having high sex appeal. The women also thought tatted men were not good long term partners because it made them look like they have 'bad boy appeal' which means very good for short term flings and slaying.

Example of how Tattoo improves his look:
View attachment 329359 @Hopelessmofoker
-think of tattoos as the icing on the cake. Visible lean muscle mass + tattoos = Bad boy look and increased sex appeal.

-no face/neck tats
-No tats of girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, family, or fraternity
-No tats on butt/rear end
-sleeves: getting tats along your arms are LEGIT

Good example of tattoos and where:
Men Chest Tattoos - Best Tattoo Ideas

Average Tattoo Cost. The average cost for a small tattoo like a heart or cross is $50 to $250. For a medium-sized tattoo like a tribal or portrait, expect to spend between $150 and $450. Hiring a tattoo artist typically costs $120 to $150 per hour, and prices depend on how long it takes.
Minimum Cost: $30
Maximum Cost:

5) Facial Scars


Facial Scars: Sexy or Unattractive? | Psychology Today
List: Things That Only Tom Hardy Can Make Sexy | A Model ...

-scars are a crucial in giving out that rough/rugged aura that oozes with sex appeal. Typical area for facial scars can be the forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, or upper lip. Facial scars + stubble + dark hair + strong DOM/masculine facial bones is a LETHAL combo! This is what women mean when they say they want a dark, rugged, and sexy man. This is that rough rugged sexy appeal.

Research: Scientists at Liverpool and Stirling University have found that women find scarring on men attractive and may associate it with health and bravery. It is seen by women as a sign of masculinity and an exciting, risk-taking personality. Men with mild facial scars were typically ranked as more attractive by women who were looking for short term relationships/flings. 115 women and 64 men to rate the attractiveness of eight strangers of the opposite sex. Half were asked to look at original face shots, while the other half viewed images that had been digitally manipulated to add scars to their cheeks, jawbones or foreheads.
While the scars made no difference to the perceived attractiveness of women, scarred men ranked 5.7 percentage points higher in the appeal ratings than those with undamaged skin.

Unless you already have a scar from a fight/accident/illness it will not be easy to get one. I recommend getting a slit in your eyebrows(similar to Mamoas, except his is a real scar). Only do this if you have good thick eyebrows to begin with. It will look better. Ask your local barber to give you one the next time you go to get your haircut.
Women eyebrow slits styles to get

6) Muscles


Build lean muscle faster with these tips | The Muscle Impact

-these physiques above are nearly ideal for all women. Some will cope and say its too much but they are lying. OBVIOUSLY extreme roid monsters are not ideal neither are twinky male model physiques. Extreme bodybuilder physique and thin twig physique only have niche appeal. These bodies presented above are good for both attraction and intimidation. Muscles are crucial for improving sex appeal.

Everyone here should know by now muscles are attractive, sexually dimorphic, and help to give the 'full package effect'.

Videos: Must watch

Good Fitness Youtubers: Jeff Nippard, Jeremy Ethier, Athlean-X, Simeon Panda, Dr. Mike Diamonds (my personal top 5)

Workout Routine:

💥 PUSH/PULL/LEG WORKOUT SPLIT 💥 - Recently when I made a post ...

Highly attractive body parts(I'll talk about dick later): thick and hairy forearms, 6-pack, v-cuts(Adonis belt), Wide muscular back, broad chest/shoulders, glutes

Gym memberships: Cost anywhere from $10-$60 per month on average. Contrary to popular opinion Planet Fitness is actually great for beginners and only costs $10 a month.

Bonus: Get tanned. Tan + lean muscle mass + tattoos = insane sex appeal combo

7) Thick Muscular Neck

Example of thin vs thick:

The Neck Pill, or How even ugly guys can become attractive ...

-Neck training is essential as it helps make the face more balanced and masculine. It makes you look high T and can help strengthen the visual appearance of your lower third.

Helpful equipment:
Neck Harness. Cost: $15-$30
Link: Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjoH0BRD6ARIsAEWO9Dvnhwk0M3C9bfUSOvwhO2bvEomdanTQR9FQDQaSpdADlna1C06nT_AaAgtWEALw_wcB
Workout Routine:
3 exercises: neck extensions, neck flexions (laying on stomach), lateral extentions to both sides.
week one: NO WEIGHT, 3 sets of each
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week two: 5-10 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week three: 10-15 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week four: 15-20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week 5: 20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest
(Shout out to @Nibba)

8) Shoulder to Hip Ratio


just for fun, you guys should do this... - Forums

-The goal is to have a ratio greater than 1.6
-Having broad shoulders and narrow hips gives that Superman like appearance aka V-taper
-A man having good shoulder to hip ratio is similar to women who have good hip to waist ratio. It is very sexually attractive/dimorphic


View attachment 329362
-The key to having good broad square shoulders is having a wide scapula + long and straight clavicles

Non-Surgical Method:
-I already posted a gym routine above(muscles section).
-Specifically target the back, delts, and chest

Surgical Method:
-Clavicle lengthening surgery: known as clavicle osteotomies. Dr. Eppley has increased clavicle length of up to 1in on each side. Cost: email/call/dm on IG Dr. Eppley personally

9) Height

-I'm sure everyone on this forum is aware of the importance of height. It is not only important in attraction but intimidation/domination as well. Good frame combined with good height = ONS success
- Never put your height on tinder

Ideal Height: 6'0-6'5. Beyond 6'5 is good as long as you don't have a subhuman face or twig like frame.

Non-Surgical Method:
-Lifts: good temporary fix that can grant you anywhere from 1-3 inches of height boost. Cost: $20-$50
-Stretching: mostly cope but it's very good to do to make sure you are at your best. Do this morning and evening:
Surgical Method:
-Limb Lengthening: works by separating the bone and distracting (pulling apart) the bone segments very slowly so that new bone continues to form in the gap. As the bone segments are slowly distracted, the bone regenerates, resulting in increased length. Cost: $16,000 in Russia, $85,000 in US
-More Info: Visit Dr. Paley

10) Big Dick

-Dick size is one of the most brutal blackpills of all time. You can have a PSL 7 face, great physique, and height BUT if you have a micro-penis IT'S OVER!

To show the power of big dick especially in terms of slaying and sex appeal I will link @Vvvvxxxx Dick bulge Tinder thread here:
TLDR: he has an army of women waiting to fuck just because of his "big dick Game" Read his thread/experiment for more details/pics.

How to get Big Dick?

Non-Surgical Method:

- Jelqing: mostly anecdotal evidence but some have seen results. I will link some sites/threads:

Surgical Method:
-Penis Enlargement Surgery:
The Penuma is a crescent-shaped piece of medical-grade silicone inserted under your penis skin to make your penis longer and wider. It’s provided in three sizes: large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large.
The tissues that give your penis its shape are composed largely of two types:
  • Corpus cavernosa: two cylindrical pieces of tissue that run parallel to each other along the top of your penis
  • Corpus spongiosum: one cylindrical piece of tissue that runs along the bottom of your penis and surrounds your urethra, where urine comes out
Your Penuma device will be designed to fit your specific penis shape. It’s inserted into your shaft over the corpus cavernosa, like a sheath.
This is done through an incision in your groin area just above the base of your penis. The device stretches the penis skin and tissues to make your penis look and feel larger.
According to Dr. Elist’s website, people who have had the Penuma procedure report increases in length and girth (measurement around their penis) of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while flaccid and erect.
The average male penis is about 3.6 inches long (3.7 inches in girth) when flaccid, and 5.2 inches long (4.6 inches in girth) when erect.
The Penuma could enlarge the average penis up to a length of 6.1 inches when flaccid, and 7.7 inches when erect. Cost: $15,000
More Info:

Romance Novel Pill
-Romance novels allowed women to play out their sexual fantasies without having to go thru the risk in real life. Look at the men they put on the covers of romance novels. There is this thing called SEX APPEAL. They use it to attract women and get them to buy the book. Then women usually take that picture of the guy on the cover to use as a reference to the protagonist in the story. Notice how the men on the covers have many of the 10 things I covered above. Notice how they never put skinny alien looking fags on the cover(because they lack sex appeal).

Examples of Men with HIGH Sex Appeal

Louis Allen III
Eye Candy: Model Louis Allen III Makes Our Day - Essence

Nick Bateman
Where is Nick Bateman today? Wiki: Wife, Brother, Family, Father

Jason Mamoa
Jason Momoa Bummed Over Justice League Criticism | E! News

Mariano Di Vaio
Mariano and tattoos? 🤔 — follow @mdv.fanpage for more ...

-most of the guys I posted above have most of the 10 sex appeal characteristics I mentioned in the beginning. Dark hair, designer stubble, tan, muscles, tattoos, scars, good height, voice, etc etc. They all have high Sex Appeal.

***Thanks! to @Kade for inspiring me to make this thread. You also helped distinguish sex appeal vs aesthetics.***

Here is another example:
Jordan Barrett | Long hair styles men, Long hair styles, Jordan ...

High Aesthetics, Low Sex Appeal

Lazar Angelov arm tattoo | Best gym workout, Lazar angelov, Abs ...

Decent/Average Aesthetics, High Sex appeal

Media Tweets by Hernan Drago (@HernanDrago_) | Twitter

High Sex Appeal, High Aesthetics


Jordan Barrett - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)




@the next o'pry

This thread should be a prerequisite to my thread on the surgery option but this is a god thread
  • +1
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 7 others
legit except for last part with barrett
Oh come on lol
barrett is 6'2
Momoa is 6'4
Barrett beats momoa in pure aesthetics battle but raw sex appeal goes to momoa.
Can you imagine skinny barrett playing aquaman JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Uncle Dinky, fuckedupmanlet, Deleted member 14781 and 10 others
Pin this thread @mods
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 3 others
This thread should be a prerequisite to my thread on the surgery option but this is a god thread
Yep imagine being salluson tier but thin neck or a having voice like. Girl
Oh come on lol
barrett is 6'2
Momoa is 6'4
Barrett beats momoa in pure aesthetics battle but raw sex appeal goes to momoa.
Can you imagine skinny barrett playing aquaman JFL
Barret is 6ft check celeb height
Even more mog
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 3 others
Oh come on lol
barrett is 6'2
Momoa is 6'4
Barrett beats momoa in pure aesthetics battle but raw sex appeal goes to momoa.
Can you imagine skinny barrett playing aquaman JFL
Barret isn’t even 6’2, he’s actually 6’0.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 6 others
Oh come on lol
barrett is 6'2
Momoa is 6'4
Barrett beats momoa in pure aesthetics battle but raw sex appeal goes to momoa.
Can you imagine skinny barrett playing aquaman JFL
theyre both appealing but to a different niche of woman.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 2 others
Everyone should do this and follow this guide to his upmost ability before even CONSIDERING surgery
  • +1
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Descargue96, AscendingHero and 11 others
Yep imagine being salluson tier but thin neck or a having voice like. Girl

Barret is 6ft check celeb height
Even more mog

Salludon is the heavenly father which to this day i worship that larping cockroach arab incel tried to play off as him
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 3 others
One of the best posts i’ve seen seen on here, excellent work OP.
  • +1
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Descargue96, Deleted member 906 and 5 others
Everyone should do this and follow this guide to his upmost ability before even CONSIDERING surgery
cant follow this guide if your lower third is recessed
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Chadelite, Deleted member 906 and 5 others
Salludon is the heavenly father which to this day i worship that larping cockroach arab incel tried to play off as him
Who tried to play off as him
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and ChaddeusPeuterschmit
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, AscendingHero, Gestapo and 9 others
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: bruh3610, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
insane post

tan is insane for sex appeal as well
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Sikkunt23 and 5 others
Just scar yourself to look badass theory
Also I never knew there was a voice deepening surgery ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 3 others
Ain't dying my hair anytime soon.

it is what it is
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Sikkunt23 and 5 others
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Reactions: Gestapo, Deleted member 906, Chadelite and 3 others
  • +1
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 5 others
you mean the results of the surgery or the surgery itself is fake
Cuz the surgeries are legit
Ik the surgery exist i'm talking results just sound off to me
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 1 other person
easily one of the best and most well rounded posts on the forum. essential reading if you want to looksmax

  • +1
Reactions: Descargue96, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 4563 and 8 others
GOOD THREAD MAN, mods sticky @jefferson @BigBiceps
tell me in a private convo how to edit the scar part so it does not encourage self harm.
Please man
  • +1
Reactions: Gestapo, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 3 others
@NocturnalDecay werent you asking about eyebrow slits yesterday?
  • +1
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Only thing I have here is height, it's so over for me :feelswhy:
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 1 other person
Stubble game only works well if you have a good jaw
  • +1
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 8 others
The men have to SLAVE away at the gym, rubbing minoxidil into their scalps, diligently washing their faces with creams and potions, and intensely looksmaxxx just for the chance to get looked at twice by a foid who looks like lard. Brutal. Good post though, thumbs up
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rileyma10, Descargue96, Usum and 13 others
  • +1
Reactions: Gestapo, Deleted member 906, Chadelite and 4 others
Good post. I absolutely do not trust Dr. Elist though. His surgery is one of the sketchiest things I have ever researched. I wish it was that simple though, as dink size is probably my biggest failo.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 2 others
doesn't mean you can't follow the other tips i mentioned

besides @reptiles and @Blackout.xl have good jawmaxxing guides

I haven't seen his guides tbqh but my 1 so far has introduced every single thing i know the only reason i know half this shit i cause i save threads i don't let them go
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Chadelite, Deleted member 6401 and 2 others
Manlet nippard has a guide on neck

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 1 other person
Its over for no tattoo, blonde hair cels

This guy has no sex appeal to women


  • 9482e827939b0f5b6cfa4a6af7cef789.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 246
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 906, Sikkunt23, Deleted member 4563 and 9 others
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Gestapo, Deleted member 906 and 4 others
I cant bring myself to get tattoos, I think it would be cringe as fuck on my pheno. But good thread, im gonna be roid maxxing even more after covid, even though ive already got a pretty good body, i want it to be god tier. Also should mention than stteroids can increase facial hair growth by a lot
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 906, I'mme, Deleted member 6401 and 6 others
Finally a good thread in forum after a long time.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Descargue96, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 3 others
best thread ever tbh.
Though You dont need all of this for sex appeal.
Even just muscle and height gives you that.not the other things.But still very good thread
  • +1
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Reactions: Descargue96, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 4 others
ive been saying for years sex appeal > aesthetics
  • +1
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Reactions: Descargue96, Prince88, Deleted member 906 and 4 others
ive been saying for years sex appeal > aesthetics
Both is Needed for chad.
Chad is good looking in the face.
And is tall and ripped.
So he has both
  • +1
Reactions: Descargue96, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 7 others
Both is Needed for chad.
Chad is good looking in the face.
And is tall and ripped.
So he has both
well most of us here aren't chads were just trying to improve in whatever capacity we can, sex appeal is both easier to improve and will have a greater impact on your sexual success than improving aesthetic will imo
  • +1
Reactions: Descargue96, AscendingHero, Deleted member 906 and 7 others
this thread is what i pay my internet for beautiful job indeed
  • +1
Reactions: Descargue96, Deleted member 14781, AscendingHero and 7 others
Where is this guy
I want to know what he thinks lol
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Gestapo, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
Screenshot 20200330 184654

Tatoo & Stubble & Scar is cope

Rest is indeed legit but nothing new
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 906, Deleted member 6401 and 2 others
Voice is all ive got

over indeedio
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14781, AscendingHero, Deleted member 9003 and 10 others

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