Stop talking shit about finasteride

Low iq
More t means more estrogen conversion since you can not convert it to dht
High t = high sides like gyno

baseline dht differences do barely matter bc, you know, you reduce it by 80% (jfl @ that btw)
Low iq response because theirs countless drugs to manipulate estro and t levels. It's obvious if you're running test you should take an ai. This is how it is its a looksmaxxing forum, drugs are part of it. But no doubt you will sit around and mentally masturbate untill every follicle on the top of you're head has disappeared. Then you're gonna come back in a year or two whining.
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Low iq response because theirs countless drugs to manipulate estro and t levels. It's obvious if you're running test you should take an ai. This is how it is its a looksmaxxing forum, drugs are part of it. But no doubt you will sit around and mentally masturbate untill every follicle on the top of you're head has disappeared. Then you're gonna come back in a year or two whining.
you should take an ai when you are on fin, not only on test
that was never part of the convo tho

srs, make a biohack guide on how to safely take fin instead of pushing the "stop talking shit about fin" narrative when everyone here just pops fin without doing trt and getting E sides if not subhuman in T prior to taking

i am the only one here who stops talking shit about fin
People who don't get negative effects aren't commenting. I'm not pushing stop talking shit about fun narrative simply pushing the chance of sides if small for the average male and if you do get these side effects theirs ways around it.
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I retract my earlier statement. Fuk this drug
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Giving RU a shot & that’s my last resort

Supremely high IQ post OP, I'm hopping on fin so I can rodeblurmaxx
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You won’t need your penis if you go bald anyways.

fin or death tbh.
Just hop on duta, why the fuck should you hop on fin?

I already posted the chart of DHT scalp reduction; dutasteride is a complete suicidal inhibitor of both DHT isozymes.

I don't even have particular androgenic alopecia (I'm not blasting gear anymore, just TRT) but a motherfucking rare autoimmune disease called Lichen Planopilaris (google it, it's suicidefuel), where my T lymphocytes attack my hair follicles leaving a permanent scarring alopecia.

My 4 digit IQ and overwhelming godly knowledge in medicine/biochem (seriously, nobody knows as much as me, I wish I had competition) helped me slow its progression so I still have an amazing NW1 hairline nonetheless, just some unnoticeable white spots/stripes that I'll eventually treat with PRP.

I raped the Norwood reaper with my Italian BBC.

Mindset + Knowledge = Victory

Only things that work against Mr. Norwood:

- 0.5mg Dutasteride daily
- 5%+ Minoxidil (foam is better), once a day is enough, but it's a bit overrated
- Oral Castor Oil (up to 5ml x day if you don't shit your pants)
- Regenepure DR shampoo (Nizoral is shit in comparison) every 2 days circa
- Dermapen 1.5mm once a week
- MK677 (that I manufacture in my lab, u mad) 25mg every night before bed on an empty stomach
- Making sure your Thyroid is coked up & working as hard as Chinese slaves inside textile factories (TSH lower than 2), take T3 if needed
- Avoiding all PUFA (Omega 3 & 6) for obvious reasons, I'm tired of re-explaining myself
- Reducing your prolactin as much as possible (coffee helps, but I take cabergoline sometimes after I fuck a jb to lower it, then refuck her)
- Reducing estradiol to the low-mid range
- Aspirin daily (I take 500mg) separate from Castor Oil to kill all prostaglandins (mostly PGD2) - aspirin is THE wonder drug. period.
- Cyproheptadine (1mg) at night to reduce shitty serotonin and reverse fibrosis
- Taurine 3-5g daily
- Pregnenolone 100mg daily
- Vit A 10k UI daily
- Vit D3 2500 (up to 5k) UI
- Biotin
- Again, coffee

There are more but for the sake of brevity I included the first ones that came to my mind.

Say thank you and please don't rope, daddy Porridge wants you to succeed and deepthroat all the entitled cunts out there.
What exactly are you using for lichen planopilaris? Tofacitinib I assume?
fuck that

minoxidil fucked my hair so hard tooo

both are fucking poison

just use the oilblends, dermaroll, or get a toupee. they actually look god tier and never fall off. look up jon hamm his is proof. also called hair systems

some crazy stem cell shit is coming out soon as well theres already huge gains and its testing

also codemax and get a hair transplant for 7k or less overseas

dont take this fucking jew poison u have to take twice everyday, it makes u age like crazy and also the second u stop ur hair drops out
im making a oilblend of 100% peppermint oil, tea tree oil, lavendar oil, rosemary oil, pumpkin seek oil, saw palmetto JFL all at 100% 5mL each
This is so retarded
Fin damages over 9000 dht related genes
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Some people have sides. Most don't. End of story.
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"Hair is life" - St Hamudi
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DHT makes u feel like a god, without it u are a mere dog
For me since my Dht raised i got worse skin, jair shedding, bad mood and facial hair gains. Not worth it
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For me since my Dht raised i got worse skin, jair shedding, bad mood and facial hair gains. Not worth it
i changed my mind about it now, dht is a trash hormone and blocking it is for the good if ur not trying to impregnate a girl
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i changed my mind about it now, dht is a trash hormone and blocking it is for the good if ur not trying to impregnate a girl
>nukes dht
>keeps hair and gets the girl
>can't fuck the girl coz nuked dht
  • So Sad
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>nukes dht
>keeps hair and gets the girl
>can't fuck the girl coz nuked dht

>dont nukes dht
>shotgun on head
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Unless ypu have super agressive mpb cb 1% + dermarrolling + hair gains should be enough to stop balding. But even if its not finasteride is worth the risk. Hair>everything.
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What would be the best ai or remedies to take to counter fin possible sides tho? Ive been on it for few months and gotten pretty brutal shedding but this is suppose to be normal and mean its working, also some nipple sensitivity n ball ache but libido is actually gone up id say n dick strong.
What would be the best ai or remedies to take to counter fin possible sides tho? Ive been on it for few months and gotten pretty brutal shedding but this is suppose to be normal and mean its working, also some nipple sensitivity n ball ache but libido is actually gone up id say n dick strong.
indol 3 carbinol, regulates estrogen
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Over i just popped 0.2 mg of fin and plan to do that every week, tbh minimun effective dose and you will be aight
Over i just popped 0.2 mg of fin and plan to do that every week, tbh minimun effective dose and you will be aight
stop being a cuck and do 1 mg 3 times a week bro. Ive been on it since a month, no sides
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I endorse this post.
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Post Finasteride Syndrome is real I dont understand what you all dont understand, people have killed themselves after fin ruining their lives with erectile dysfunction(which probably is the smallest problem compared to) ruining your skin and your brain making you depressed. Im tired of seeing the same examples of rich bastards using it, because do you really think Rob Lowe goes to the pharmacy and buys finasteride himself? And he is taking only that? He is rich and famous, he most likely has a team of doctors behind his back testing everything for him and following him through everything he does, only God knows on what he is truly on. DHT is an important hormone so you better think twice before nuking it. Whats the point of hair if you cant use your dick? Whats the point of attracting women if you cant have sex with them?
There's no scientific studies saying fin is as bad as everyone here says it is, only annedoctal evidence "LOOK AT DIS DOOD SAYING FIN RUINED HIS LIFE BRO"
Such complaints are the equivalent of anti-vaxxers who will base their opinion on the exceptions rather than the majority.
This study compared fin vs duta vs placebo side effects
"The number and severity of adverse events were similar among treatment groups. "
So the placebo side effect was almost as bad as the fin, therefore the fear mongering here is actually more harmful than the actual drug.
BESIDES, if you go to the doctor often he can make tests on you to see if your body is taking it well, if it's not, just stop taking it and seek treatment.
Jew op
Just inhibit the most potent male hormone broo
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being bald is worse than post finasteride syndrome
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0 tbh
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Studies also show that a broad and objective understanding of finasteride, its proper use also reduces side effects. Men who are alarmed about the drug and proceed into taking the drug without a full and balanced view of the risks and benefits also have a higher incidence of side effects. Studies have shown that risks increase in this situation from 2-5 % to above 60 % (i.e. nocebo effects). - See more at:
Studies also show that a broad and objective understanding of finasteride, its proper use also reduces side effects. Men who are alarmed about the drug and proceed into taking the drug without a full and balanced view of the risks and benefits also have a higher incidence of side effects. Studies have shown that risks increase in this situation from 2-5 % to above 60 % (i.e. nocebo effects). - See more at:
nocebo is real

but attention to details is also a factor. People are more likely to notice things if they are alert about them. Especially things which aren't super apparent like lower libido/slightly weaker erections/brain fog etc.
this thread is quite good, it quotes different studies and meta studies, before you decide to start finasteride id suggest you to read it

particular these 2 studies are very informative

what else i realized that finasteride fear moggers (just aswell as surger fear moggers) barely operate with studies (since they are barely in their favor) but mostly with anecdotal evidence and emotions.

however these anecdotal evidence can be quite effective (just look how they shifted reality in this forum, all the studies show that people who experience side effects are actually in the minority but just by spaming annecdotal evidence they made many people believe here that people who dont experience side effects are actually the minority when it reality its the other way around) to influence people because it triggers 2 different biases when it comes to judging riks

- bias of imaginability:
"Imaginability plays an important role in the evaluation of probabilities in reallife situations. the risk involved in an adventurous expedition, for example, is evaluated by imagining contingencies with which the expedition is not equipped to cope. ff many such difficulties are vividly portrayed, the expedition can be made to appear exceedingly dangerous, although the ease with which disasters are imagined need not reflect their actual likelihood."

in case of finasteride that leads to the following results:
" A significant placebo effect has been detected in patients who were informed of potential sexual side effects before taking finasteride [15]. In a blinded control study, 107 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of BPH were randomized to receive finasteride (5 mg/day) for 1 year with 1 group receiving counseling (n = 55) on the drug sexual side effects and the other group not receiving such counseling (n = 52). The phrase used to inform counseled patients was this drug ‘may cause erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, problems of ejaculation but these are uncommon’. Those patients informed of the potential sexual side effects of the drug reported a significant higher proportion of sexual side effects (43.6%) as compared to those who were not informed (15.3%). The incidence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and ejaculation disorders was 9.6, 7.7, and 5.7% for patients not informed, and 30.9, 23.6, and 16.3% for informed patients [15]. "

- bias of availability
"there are many situations in which people assess the frequency of a class or the probability of an event by the ease with which instances or occurrences can be brought to mind. for example, one may assess the risk of heart attack among middle-aged people by recalling such occurrences among one's acquaintances. similarly, one may evaluate the probability that a given business venture will fail by imagining various difficulties it could encounter. this judgmental heuristic is called availability. availability is alliected by factors other than frequency and probability. consequently, the reliance on availability leads to predictable biases and mistakes in evaluating risks properly. "

in case of finasteride we have the following results:
people who experience side effects are way more likely to express themself over the internet compared to people who just keep the hair and barely think about it. these people who then spend their time on the internet crying over side effects, researching over side effects then ofc meet other people with the same problems (note: finasteride gets taken by millions and considering these numbers there will also be good amount of numbers of people who experience side effects (studies always report the side effect range being between 3% to 8%). and then we have an echo chamber situation. all of a sudden you only read about side effect stories, all of a sudden the numbers in the studies dont make sense anymore, all of a sudden the studies must be fake, all of a sudden you believe the side effect rate isnt 4% but 99% and everbody who doesnt agree with you is lying jflol.

read more here:
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Just chiming in here

The problem with anecdotal evidence is very simple. Out of a large number of people who get a treatment, some unforeseen things will happen to them. For example, some people undergoing experimental treatments die in car accidents. Some fall off of ladders, break bones, etc. We don't attribute these accidents to the treatment of course. But the nebulous causes seem much more nefarious, don't they? It's hard to say something like, "hey I've been a fat asshole for 30 years, I don't lift, have a shit diet.... but that had nothing to do with my impotence!"

Being bald is now a choice, thanks to fin.

Hair is so fucking important to your appearance that even IF there was a moderate chance of sides (the chances are very very small) I'd risk it. Yeah, hair is THAT important.

JFL if you went bald because you thought the pill would make you impotent. Bro...

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just kill your most important hormoens bro
DHT isn't one of your most important hormones though, and finasteride doesn't remove all of it, you still have 30% serum DHT left, and testosterone increases by 10%-15% in order to offset the drop in androgenicity
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what else i realized that finasteride fear moggers (just aswell as surger fear moggers) barely operate with studies (since they are barely in their favor) but mostly with anecdotal evidence and emotions.

however these anecdotal evidence can be quite effective (just look how they shifted reality in this forum, all the studies show that people who experience side effects are actually in the minority but just by spaming annecdotal evidence they made many people believe here that people who dont experience side effects are actually the minority when it reality its the other way around) to influence people because it triggers 2 different biases when it comes to judging riks

- bias of imaginability:
"Imaginability plays an important role in the evaluation of probabilities in reallife situations. the risk involved in an adventurous expedition, for example, is evaluated by imagining contingencies with which the expedition is not equipped to cope. ff many such difficulties are vividly portrayed, the expedition can be made to appear exceedingly dangerous, although the ease with which disasters are imagined need not reflect their actual likelihood."

in case of finasteride that leads to the following results:
" A significant placebo effect has been detected in patients who were informed of potential sexual side effects before taking finasteride [15]. In a blinded control study, 107 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of BPH were randomized to receive finasteride (5 mg/day) for 1 year with 1 group receiving counseling (n = 55) on the drug sexual side effects and the other group not receiving such counseling (n = 52). The phrase used to inform counseled patients was this drug ‘may cause erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, problems of ejaculation but these are uncommon’. Those patients informed of the potential sexual side effects of the drug reported a significant higher proportion of sexual side effects (43.6%) as compared to those who were not informed (15.3%). The incidence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and ejaculation disorders was 9.6, 7.7, and 5.7% for patients not informed, and 30.9, 23.6, and 16.3% for informed patients [15]. "

- bias of availability
"there are many situations in which people assess the frequency of a class or the probability of an event by the ease with which instances or occurrences can be brought to mind. for example, one may assess the risk of heart attack among middle-aged people by recalling such occurrences among one's acquaintances. similarly, one may evaluate the probability that a given business venture will fail by imagining various difficulties it could encounter. this judgmental heuristic is called availability. availability is alliected by factors other than frequency and probability. consequently, the reliance on availability leads to predictable biases and mistakes in evaluating risks properly. "

in case of finasteride we have the following results:
people who experience side effects are way more likely to express themself over the internet compared to people who just keep the hair and barely think about it. these people who then spend their time on the internet crying over side effects, researching over side effects then ofc meet other people with the same problems (note: finasteride gets taken by millions and considering these numbers there will also be good amount of numbers of people who experience side effects (studies always report the side effect range being between 3% to 8%). and then we have an echo chamber situation. all of a sudden you only read about side effect stories, all of a sudden the numbers in the studies dont make sense anymore, all of a sudden the studies must be fake, all of a sudden you believe the side effect rate isnt 4% but 99% and everbody who doesnt agree with you is lying jflol.

read more here:
some odd strawmans in this post - nobody claims the majority get sides. That was entirely your projection - what people fear monger about are the risks - especially the risk of irreversible sides.

While I do agree that knowing about sides can lead people to reproduce them it is also quite likely that people are more inclined to notice the sides they are experiencing if they know that they are possible. If a person's libido is 20% less odds are it won't be very apparent to them unless they were informed that it might be happening.

There has not been clinical evidence for permanent/lasting sides however the uniformity of the symptoms cited suggests that it isn't a coincidence and that the condition is quite real.
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If u respond well to finasteride it’s a gift from God
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stfu, the more baldcels the higher our smv
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Been on fin 1mg every other day for almost 2 months. Erection quality is as good as ever, ejaculation and sperm quality are also good. No mood or energy side effects
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