Verteporfin - Remove Acne Scars, Infinite Hair Transplants and Scarless Cosmetic Surgery



Mar 8, 2024
What is verteporfin
Verteporfin, a medication primarily used in photodynamic therapy for treating eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration, has shown promise beyond eye diseases. Research indicates its potential in scarless healing by inhibiting the Yes-associated protein (YAP) and PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), key components of the Hippo pathway, which is crucial for tissue growth and regeneration. By influencing this pathway, verteporfin may reduce fibrosis and encourage scarless tissue repair.

Why you need it
Scarring poses a significant challenge in the fields of hair transplants, cosmetic surgery, and acne treatment, largely due to its impact on aesthetic outcomes and psychological well-being. In hair transplants, scars can limit styling options and reduce the donor area's viability for future procedures by affecting its elasticity. Cosmetic surgeries are also plagued by scarring issues, where even the finest surgical techniques can result in visible marks that detract from the desired outcomes, potentially necessitating additional treatments to address these scars (alarplasty, hairline lowering, lip lift etc). Similarly, acne scars can severely affect a person's self-esteem and social interactions, as they often leave permanent and sometimes disfiguring marks on the skin. A lot of current acne scar treatments don't truly cure them. By i.e. excising a scar and then injecting verteporfin a scar can be removed.






Verteporfin protocol (First draft based on K K’s self-experiment)
Disclaimer: The following protocol is not medical advice and I do not recommend the usage of Verteporfin on humans without the supervision of a doctor. The purpose of this message is to stimulate the discussion about this promising research.

## Materials
- Verteporfin: Approx. 0.4mg per cm2. Can be bought on MedChemExpress or through suppliers working with MedChemExpress.
- Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS): Approx. 0.2mL per cm2. Best choice is to get ready-to-use X1 solution that has been sterilized (autoclaved). It usually comes in powder packs, tabs and ready-to-use solution. Powder packs and tabs must be mixed with distilled water. PBS may also come in different concentrations, like 10X or 20X. Depending on concentration, more or less distilled water must be used to get the 1X solution used for injection.
- Sterile 1mL syringe with luer lock tip. AKA insulin syringes without the needles.
- Sterile 4mm 30g needles with luer locks. AKA mesotherapy needles. These needles are very short and will at worst only reach into the fat layer under the skin.
- Sterile glass vial. Used to mix Verteporfin and PBS. Capacity should be greater than intended injection volume.
- Sonicator: Used to dissolve Verteporfin in PBS. Important to get an homogenous solution for injection. Can be bought on amazon for under $50. Usage and tips: TL;DW: Pour bottled water into the sonicator device, hold the glass vial containing Verteporfin and PBS a bit off the middle and submerge the bottom of the vial 1cm into the water.

## Storing Verteporfin
Verteporfin slowly degrades when exposed to light and heat. The original container should protect it from light. Store it in the fridge at under 4ºC. Note that Verteporfin may be kept at room temperature for short periods of time i.e. a few days. Also note that Verteporfin will only last a few hours after mixing it with a solvent like PBS.

## Verteporfin concentration
The concentration used on pigs was 2mg/mL. This means 2mg of Verteporfin for each mL of Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS). Example: If I bought 5mg of Verteporfin, I would use 2.5mL of PBS to achieve a concentration of 2mg/mL. It is infeasible to weigh such small amounts without expensive equipment, so the amount you buy is the amount you use.

## Injection volume
The exact volume used on pigs is unknown. However, 0.2mL per cm2, and a maximum of 0.1mL per injection site, is reasonable for intradermal injections. Exact volume per injection site would depend on the space between injections. Example: For a 3cm long linear wound, a reasonable injection volume would be 0.6mL distributed in 6 injections of 0.05mL on each edge of the wound.

## Procedure to mix Verteporfin
IMPORTANT: Mixing should be performed in a room with no sunlight and dim lights. Sunlight *will* rapidly degrade Verteporfin.
Verteporfin usually comes inside a very small vial that contains milligrams of dry powder. This vial will be referred to as Original Verteporfin Vial (OVV) in this procedure.
A milligram is an extremely small amount and doing the mixing haphazardly may easily cause the loss of several milligrams. This is why it is important to use proper technique to mix Verteporfin with PBS.
Depending on the capacity of the Original Verteporfin Vial (OVV), it may be necessary to transfer the solution to a larger glass vial—that will be referred to as Mixing Vial (MV) in this procedure—in order to prepare the final total volume. This procedure assumes a larger vial is necessary.
1. Withdraw up to 1mL of PBS using a 1mL syringe.
2. Transfer PBS into the OVV. Rinse off any powder stuck to the walls of the vial using the syringe.
3. Gently tap the OVV a few times to mix.
4. Carefully pour the solution from the OVV into the MV.
5. Repeat steps (1) to (4) if necessary to get any Verteporfin remaining in the OVV.
6. Transfer the remaining volume of PBS to the MV using the syringe to get the desired final total volume.

As for the method, it's at least recommended to inject underneath the skin flaps at the edges of your excision

Like this:



Quote from K K's self experiment:

"I went with 0.1 mg per linear scar, 0.2mg, 0.3mg, 0.4mg an 0.6mg

2nd time I also injected around edges of scar but not on base (need on base of wound). But for small scars it leaks to base anyway

For me I think 0.1mg per cm around edges of open wound worked best. Which is equivalent to 0.2mg of linear scar, if inject after wound is closed/stitched"

The dosage for the base injection used in the mice study below was: "30 μL of verteporfin (1 mg/mL) per wound was injected locally into the wound base"


@piec @AlexBrown84 @Orc @buflek @Tasty17 @BrahminBoss

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Good thread.
  • JFL
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Reactions: IndraBC and trueceI
Very high IQ thread, new information for once as well. Threads like these emerge once every blue moon and are to be admired.
Mirin the fact you bothered to put actual sources in there as well instead of half assing it like broscience bullshitters just talking shit.

Bookmarked and INB4 BOTB.
The Rock Applause GIF
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BOTB worthy
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repped this is a good thread @coispet check it out
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  • JFL
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inb4 botb
  • +1
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Mirin High IQ thread, great formatting and simple to read.
BOTB worthy imo.
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I need to edit this thread made grammar error
isn't this just taken from this guide?
i know verteporfin for a while already. several doctors around the globe are using it as trial after hair transplants. good shit i hope we will see more of it in the future
  • +1
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isn't this just taken from this guide?
That's from a tele groipb
  • +1
Reactions: soover4me
Very high IQ thread, new information for once as well. Threads like these emerge once every blue moon and are to be admired.
Mirin the fact you bothered to put actual sources in there as well instead of half assing it like broscience bullshitters just talking shit.

Bookmarked and INB4 BOTB.
The Rock Applause GIF
This information is all over on hairloss channels and reddit. Nothing new. Good thread but definitely not BOTB.

i know verteporfin for a while already. several doctors around the globe are using it as trial after hair transplants. good shit i hope we will see more of it in the future
I thought everyone was shitting on it on rTresless
I thought everyone was shitting on it on rTresless

well they shit on everything that doesnt cuck your Dht. u get downvoted to hell if you mention side effects from fin and minox

typical jew lovers
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What is verteporfin
Verteporfin, a medication primarily used in photodynamic therapy for treating eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration, has shown promise beyond eye diseases. Research indicates its potential in scarless healing by inhibiting the Yes-associated protein (YAP) and PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), key components of the Hippo pathway, which is crucial for tissue growth and regeneration. By influencing this pathway, verteporfin may reduce fibrosis and encourage scarless tissue repair.

Why you need it
Scarring poses a significant challenge in the fields of hair transplants, cosmetic surgery, and acne treatment, largely due to its impact on aesthetic outcomes and psychological well-being. In hair transplants, scars can limit styling options and reduce the donor area's viability for future procedures by affecting its elasticity. Cosmetic surgeries are also plagued by scarring issues, where even the finest surgical techniques can result in visible marks that detract from the desired outcomes, potentially necessitating additional treatments to address these scars (alarplasty, hairline lowering, lip lift etc). Similarly, acne scars can severely affect a person's self-esteem and social interactions, as they often leave permanent and sometimes disfiguring marks on the skin. A lot of current acne scar treatments don't truly cure them. By i.e. excising a scar and then injecting verteporfin a scar can be removed.


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Verteporfin protocol (First draft based on K K’s self-experiment)
Disclaimer: The following protocol is not medical advice and I do not recommend the usage of Verteporfin on humans without the supervision of a doctor. The purpose of this message is to stimulate the discussion about this promising research.

## Materials
- Verteporfin: Approx. 0.4mg per cm2. Can be bought on MedChemExpress or through suppliers working with MedChemExpress.
- Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS): Approx. 0.2mL per cm2. Best choice is to get ready-to-use X1 solution that has been sterilized (autoclaved). It usually comes in powder packs, tabs and ready-to-use solution. Powder packs and tabs must be mixed with distilled water. PBS may also come in different concentrations, like 10X or 20X. Depending on concentration, more or less distilled water must be used to get the 1X solution used for injection.
- Sterile 1mL syringe with luer lock tip. AKA insulin syringes without the needles.
- Sterile 4mm 30g needles with luer locks. AKA mesotherapy needles. These needles are very short and will at worst only reach into the fat layer under the skin.
- Sterile glass vial. Used to mix Verteporfin and PBS. Capacity should be greater than intended injection volume.
- Sonicator: Used to dissolve Verteporfin in PBS. Important to get an homogenous solution for injection. Can be bought on amazon for under $50. Usage and tips: TL;DW: Pour bottled water into the sonicator device, hold the glass vial containing Verteporfin and PBS a bit off the middle and submerge the bottom of the vial 1cm into the water.

## Storing Verteporfin
Verteporfin slowly degrades when exposed to light and heat. The original container should protect it from light. Store it in the fridge at under 4ºC. Note that Verteporfin may be kept at room temperature for short periods of time i.e. a few days. Also note that Verteporfin will only last a few hours after mixing it with a solvent like PBS.

## Verteporfin concentration
The concentration used on pigs was 2mg/mL. This means 2mg of Verteporfin for each mL of Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS). Example: If I bought 5mg of Verteporfin, I would use 2.5mL of PBS to achieve a concentration of 2mg/mL. It is infeasible to weigh such small amounts without expensive equipment, so the amount you buy is the amount you use.

## Injection volume
The exact volume used on pigs is unknown. However, 0.2mL per cm2, and a maximum of 0.1mL per injection site, is reasonable for intradermal injections. Exact volume per injection site would depend on the space between injections. Example: For a 3cm long linear wound, a reasonable injection volume would be 0.6mL distributed in 6 injections of 0.05mL on each edge of the wound.

## Procedure to mix Verteporfin
IMPORTANT: Mixing should be performed in a room with no sunlight and dim lights. Sunlight *will* rapidly degrade Verteporfin.
Verteporfin usually comes inside a very small vial that contains milligrams of dry powder. This vial will be referred to as Original Verteporfin Vial (OVV) in this procedure.
A milligram is an extremely small amount and doing the mixing haphazardly may easily cause the loss of several milligrams. This is why it is important to use proper technique to mix Verteporfin with PBS.
Depending on the capacity of the Original Verteporfin Vial (OVV), it may be necessary to transfer the solution to a larger glass vial—that will be referred to as Mixing Vial (MV) in this procedure—in order to prepare the final total volume. This procedure assumes a larger vial is necessary.
1. Withdraw up to 1mL of PBS using a 1mL syringe.
2. Transfer PBS into the OVV. Rinse off any powder stuck to the walls of the vial using the syringe.
3. Gently tap the OVV a few times to mix.
4. Carefully pour the solution from the OVV into the MV.
5. Repeat steps (1) to (4) if necessary to get any Verteporfin remaining in the OVV.
6. Transfer the remaining volume of PBS to the MV using the syringe to get the desired final total volume.

As for the method, it's at least recommended to inject underneath the skin flaps at the edges of your excision

Like this:
View attachment 2814704

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View attachment 2814707

Quote from K K's self experiment:

"I went with 0.1 mg per linear scar, 0.2mg, 0.3mg, 0.4mg an 0.6mg

2nd time I also injected around edges of scar but not on base (need on base of wound). But for small scars it leaks to base anyway

For me I think 0.1mg per cm around edges of open wound worked best. Which is equivalent to 0.2mg of linear scar, if inject after wound is closed/stitched"

The dosage for the base injection used in the mice study below was: "30 μL of verteporfin (1 mg/mL) per wound was injected locally into the wound base"


@piec @AlexBrown84 @Orc @buflek @Tasty17 @BrahminBoss

Is there any way i could benefit this for hairloss other than hair transplant?
Is there any way i could benefit this for hairloss other than hair transplant?
Use it with microneedling
I think I saw someone do that on here or tressless
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Shit sounds too good to be true
I talked to a guy that used it on this transplant and he said it helps a bit with healing but its not a miracle cure
I talked to a guy that used it on this transplant and he said it helps a bit with healing but its not a miracle cure
How did he get it

Did he just go to a surgeon who's running trials?
highest used dose to this day was 50 mg, i believe its what he meant
For acne scars we can just inject or microneedling needed?
For acne scars we can just inject or microneedling needed?
i dont think only injecting will do anything since its a yap inhibitor and yap during healing is what causes scar tissue, probably with active acne it will prevent scarring
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i dont think only injecting will do anything since its a yap inhibitor and yap during healing is what causes scar tissue, probably with active acne it will prevent scarring
So it won’t do much for already existing scars right, just PDO threads I’ll try? Any peptides which are worth it?
You have to damage the scar again and apply it there are some other experimental Yap inhibitors that microneedling could help I think
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Dr barghouti and bloxham are running the trials iirc
One of them is going to try imiquimod for better regeneration if it works out first
So it won’t do much for already existing scars right, just PDO threads I’ll try? Any peptides which are worth it?
it 100% has a chance and while this might not be the "cure" (it probably is while you have active acne and i regret not finding out sooner)
it probably will help healing and make very risky treatments (very deep microneedling, fully ablative non fractional lasers) much safer and improve or guarantee results
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it 100% has a chance and while this might not be the "cure" (it probably is while you have active acne and i regret not finding out sooner)
it probably will help healing and make very risky treatments (very deep microneedling, fully ablative non fractional lasers) much safer and improve results
What is the danger w active acne? If I have active acne should I not use retinol or use glycolic acid in conjunction?
What is the danger w active acne? If I have active acne should I not use retinol or use glycolic acid in conjunction?
it scars. verteporfin injected = greatly reduced or no scarring. even if it only slightly reduced the scarring its still worth because its months or years saved depending how you respond to treatment (not even mentioning the money wasted for products and surgeons)
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it scars. verteporfin injected = greatly reduced or no scarring. even if it only slightly reduced the scarring its still worth because its months or years saved depending how you respond to treatment (not even mentioning the money wasted for products and surgeons)
Every active acne scars? Is there any way to prevent this apart from vente since it’s expensive ah ?
If I have active acne should I not use retinol or use glycolic acid in conjunction?
you should why not? the only risk is fucking up ur skin barrier
  • +1
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you should why not? the only risk is fucking up ur skin barrier
Fucked up skin barrier also greater chance of scarring ? I use urea and ceramide moisturiser do I need anything else
Every active acne scars? Is there any way to prevent this apart from vente since it’s expensive ah ?
mostly cystic acne scars. besides obv things like moisturizing and using as many products your skin can handle (probably max 3 or 4) like retinol or acids, probably gh, stress reduction, peptides like ghk cu or bpc but thats speculative
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