Welcome to The Blackpill | Interlude...



Jan 26, 2021

[ISPOILER]"There must be a reason, unrelated to my looks why I can't date the women to whom I am heavily attracted,"

[ISPOILER]If there's one thing which men of every single culture, generation, race and background has pondered at least once, it's how to attract females.[/ISPOILER]
[ISPOILER]I don't care who you are, or who you think you are, if you have a penis attached to your pelvis, you have thought of this at least 100 times.[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Many people have come to their own conclusions regarding this topic.[/ISPOILER]
[ISPOILER]Many people have yet to decide or discover their answer.[/ISPOILER]
[ISPOILER]Many people are debating how to attract the opposite sex...[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Because you understand that to get women you have to allure them with the appeal of your..[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Genetics :blackpill:[/ISPOILER]
[ISPOILER]... ... ...[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]... ... ...[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]... ... ...[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]That's what I wish I could say.[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]because the fact of the matter is that... I don't know if you beleive that..[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]In fact, chances are, you don't beleive that.[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]The following are the results of a survey conducted months ago in which I asked "Does game and personality matter,"[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Looking at the results, one would be surprised to hear that they came from looksmaxxers.[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]One would be surprised to hear that they came from people who in theory should beleive that genetics are what attract women...[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]After all, that's the reason why you're looksmaxxing, is it not?[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Because you realize that at the end of the day it's all about looks when it comes to women?
[ISPOILER]Before you try and justify your bluepilled thinking, let me ask you this;[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]If you were a women and you knew that mating with a genetically unfit male would disadvantage and potentially destroy yourself and your genetic lineage, would you pursue the relationship because the male in question can make you laugh?[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]Would you mate with him still because he's "NT?"[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]If the answer to that question is "yes," then I am afraid that you might want to work on your mental and physical health a bit..
[ISPOILER]If you answered that question with "no," then congratulations.[/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]You've swallowed the bitter pill that few men dared to digest :blackpill:[/ISPOILER][ISPOILER][/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]You've opened your eyes to reality, and you see the world as it is in all it's disgusting glory.[/ISPOILER][ISPOILER][/ISPOILER]

[ISPOILER]You're blackpilled.
[ISPOILER]Welcome to the cult 🤝[/ISPOILER]

@Rainman988 @Kingkellz @GigaAscender @GigaChang @SayHeyHey @BeautyIsEverything @Spiral @Alexanderr @eduardkoopman @AcneScars @Wallenberg @tyronelite @Proex @TraumatisedOgre @thecel @Philtrumcel @wereqryan @sorrowfulsad @thecel @Thot_slayer @PrestonYnot @Chadeep @Blue @AscendingHero @suavesmirk @Hopelessmofoker @buckchadley31 @Julius @MyAssStinksLikeShit @fioraabuser @redfacccee @LastHopeForNorman @Halats @Kevin Costner @Chintuck22 @MissLexotan6MG @Sanguinius @UltimateMan @mick @amorfati @Sam @yorak_hunt @EverythingMaxxer @Brad @Yuya Moggershima @NoPainNoChick @CANI @Halats
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Imagine a video where this block of text appears on a black screen for like 20 seconds then right after comes the Looksmax Loading Screens

Perfect Intro for greycels
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Screenshot 20210526 014951 Chrome
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  • Hmm...
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"If you were a women and you knew that mating with a genetically unfit male would disadvantage and potentially destroy yourself and your genetic lineage, would you pursue the relationship because the male in question can make you laugh?"
what's your explanation for ugly men with decent/above average women?
inb4 he's rich
what's your explanation for ugly men with decent/above average women?
inb4 he's rich
A women can date an unattractive man for many reasons.
However, whatever she seeks from the relationship, it is not the ugly man.

A common misinterpretation of blackpill is that women will not date ugly men..
that is not the case.
Blackpill is "women will not love ugly men, and will not desire them."

Her motivations for dating an unattractive man are external factors.
maybe it's his money,
maybe she feels pressured because she has little options/time
maybe she needs a boyfriend to support her in whatever or elevate her status..

but like I said before, her motivations are external factors, not the man.
And external factors are not the basis for a truly loving relationship, nor a long-lasting one.

Because such external factors can be easily removed from a man.
-insert divorce statistics.
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Greycels should be shunned for good if they speak of this bs openly on this forum.
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Stop blurring everything you clown and take me off your stupid tag list.
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Fucking major annoyance it was to click on all those blurs ngl.
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  • JFL
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The thing is personality and NT is also genetic

So if u have an aspie husband then ur child will likely be aspie and get less social status and resources
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Fucking major annoyance it was to click on all those blurs ngl.
thanks for feedback.
It was pretty time consuming to add them too.
In my future threads I will use the blur much more sparingly.
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Reactions: 5'8manlet, Chadeep, Lmao and 2 others
A women can date an unattractive man for many reasons.
However, whatever she seeks from the relationship, it is not the ugly man.

A common misinterpretation of blackpill is that women will not date ugly men..
that is not the case.
Blackpill is "women will not love ugly men, and will not desire them."

Her motivations for dating an unattractive man are external factors.
maybe it's his money,
maybe she feels pressured because she has little options/time
maybe she needs a boyfriend to support her in whatever or elevate her status..

but like I said before, her motivations are external factors, not the man.
And external factors are not the basis for a truly loving relationship, nor a long-lasting one.

Because such external factors can be easily removed from a man.
-insert divorce statistics.
So can beauty.
Greycels should be shunned for good if they speak of this bs openly on this forum.
View attachment 1149946
They do matter AFTER.
obviously if you're 5'10 and she only dates 6'1 and above your game won't mean shit because you're excluded before even starting to talk to her
Personality matters more for LTRs
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thanks for feedback.
It was pretty time consuming to add them too.
In my future threads I will use the blur much more sparingly.
But yeah for the most part I agree.

To give u an idea, I can understand why the ugly boy/Stacy couples are a lot less common amongst white people (or people who think they're white idk) than ugly girl/Chad couples.
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So can beauty.

They do matter AFTER.
obviously if you're 5'10 and she only dates 6'1 and above your game won't mean shit because you're excluded before even starting to talk to her
Personality matters more for LTRs
what 'matters' is a big word. In the end one can make the argument that cleaning your window also matters in a marriage for it keeps the house clean but narrow it down and tell me if it matters for attraction? Likewise does game matter for attraction?
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what 'matters' is a big word. In the end one can make the argument that cleaning your window also matters in a marriage for it keeps the house clean but narrow it down and tell me if it matters for attraction? Likewise does game matter for attraction?
I always say this when people bring up bluepilled talking points:
when you meet a women within moments of her seeing your face she's already assessed whether or not you're a potential mate..
maybe she doesn't do this consciously, but she's already 'sized you up,' so to speak.

If you get the greenlight, what you do doesn't matter much..
she's already decided that it's a 'yes,' from there simply a matter of not doing the wrong thing, not doing the right thing.
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Reactions: ezio6, .👽. and Deleted member 10913
Imagine a video where this block of text appears on a black screen for like 20 seconds then right after comes the Looksmax Loading Screens

Perfect Intro for greycels

should be youtube ad or smth lmao
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A common misinterpretation of blackpill is that women will not date ugly men..
that is not the case.
Blackpill is "women will not love ugly men, and will not desire them."
No, the blackpill does actually say it's over for ugly men unless they betabuxx after they are 30.

And this is wrong, many ugly men are in relationships (with their looksmatch) already in their teens or early 20s. These relationships aren't fake-relationships. The woman can desire the ugly man, she can feel love for him after spending long time with him. Repetitive exposure can trigger these hormones, it's basic science.

The blackpill is exxagerated when it says "Chad only".
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stfu why u got al ur shit in spoilers
I’m slowly losing interest in blackpill ideology. Sure max out your looks if you feel it’s stopping you from meeting women

But don’t forget without strong game, social intelligence / calibration, having backbone, etc your looks won’t do much in the long run with your interactions

If your goal is to have women stare at you and look at you all day then go ahead and looksmax to your potential. But realize women aren’t gonna all of a sudden hop in your DMs and approaching you left and right
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  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 10782, ezio6 and .👽.
No, the blackpill does actually say it's over for ugly men unless they betabuxx after they are 30.

And this is wrong, many ugly men are in relationships (with their looksmatch) already in their teens or early 20s. These relationships aren't fake-relationships. The woman can desire the ugly man, she can feel love for him after spending long time with him. Repetitive exposure can trigger these hormones, it's basic science.

The blackpill is exxagerated when it says "Chad only".

Not sure about the true love/desire thing but you see a lot less relationships that are looksmatched now than you did prior to the internet dating sites etc. That seems to have changed things a lot especially since these women don't need a man to pay the basic bills now to survive. It seems most of the females now expect a guy 2 notches above them at least if they are a 4 or 5 themselves.
Don't like this style. Why i need to click on everything to read it? Kinda annoying:y'all:

Thats why i dn rd but i guess its about personality? This debate will never end i guess.

As i said in other threads, personality doesnt matter if you are ~6psl or more. Women just want you cuz your looks. But for THE MAJORITY of guys, idk 90% maybe it matters cuz they are not 6psl and THEY WILL NOT reach 6psl.

Thats why lets say 5psl extroverted, dark triad, fun etc guys get more girls than a 5psl shy, basement dweller without friends:y'all::Comfy:
this format kinda sucks, bro
this format kinda sucks, bro
Damn bro, good work. So far I think your one of the best users here. Also, jfl at the fact that niggas on a incel forum are bluepilled
The thing is personality and NT is also genetic

So if u have an aspie husband then ur child will likely be aspie and get less social status and resources

Of course when we say that personality matters we aren't talking about cringe PUA shit, we are talking about extraversion, status, emotional intelligence and leader capabilities.

Daily reminder that testosterone makes you more confident and low inhib, and it also increases your dimorphism. So looks and personality are more interconnected than you think

Still reacted to the thread cuz even if we disagree I can see that you are one of the most intelligent posters on the site
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not seen you on this site in a while Selinity bro
imo the reality isn't a pill you throw down your throat, it's a combination of all pills, but black and white are the most relevant
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decent formatting
first thoughts, the quote at the beginning helps set the scene, on this serious topic

brutal blackpill irl today
this girl ik was talking about my friend [dude] going out w this girl [lets call her gf] who's apparently modeled in the local area
dude is a nt socialcircle maxxed dravidian
she was saying the gf could do better
gf walked past us a few minutes later
'you could do so much better than [friend's name]'
gf laughs awkwardly 'that's so mean', then walks off

this girl is super rude too 😭😭
she never says thanks or sorry, she acknowledged it today, but said she doesn't like Dude because he's 'rude'
what does being rude even mean?
there's these 2 gay kids in our year who always get called rude
they don't do anything in class apparently
during our two weekly sports classes, they just stand around, when the balls goes near them, they don't do anything, let themselves get hit

this girl kept throwing raisins at me today...tbhhh we used to beef last year, but its calm nowadays, but i only talked to her b4 to get close to her best friend
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It means you're acting above your position in the hierarchy.
> dravidian
> gay average height for our age cel (5'6)
> gay ex-chav (5'9-5'10)
> my friend who's Bi or smth and in a throuple who's 5'8
> girl with subhuman facial fat distribution genes and has larger hands and wrists than me at 5'4
> my other friend called some handsome average heightcel (5'7~) rude as well

tbf my other friend was 5'3 as a 14 year old, and now he's 5'10, at 15.5 gg to him

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