What most people dont get about roiding...

Can roids blow your neck up? I read and see bones change (@Dark Badboy holy zygos), skin changes in texture, attitude in life goes 180, but let's get down to business.
Can it yolk your neck? Exclude upper traps
Can roids blow your neck up? I read and see bones change (@Dark Badboy holy zygos), skin changes in texture, attitude in life goes 180, but let's get down to business.
Can it yolk your neck? Exclude upper traps
Yes, its highly androgen receptor sensetive
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  • +1
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So since the demand is so high can somebody finally write a guide for reliable sources of roids in the common countries or where to find them.
So many people are roiding now its unbelievable

there is no doubt in my mind 15-20% of people in the average gym are roiding

All athletes are roiding,

most old school boxers like

Evander Holyfield
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Even Mike Tyson was roiding because the screening was so bad for it
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the worlds most famous boxers nowadays are roiding

its physically impossible for anthony joshua not to be roiding considering his height, muscle mass and bf

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Its a well known fact everyone in the mma are on roids. even guys you dont expect to be are on it, like jon jones the best mma fighter of all time who wasted busted for it

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both these hunks were on roids as well

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roiding = ultimate looksmaxx hidden from the masses due to cucked media
Anthony joshua is on HGH imo
myostatin = everything (for gymcels)
myostatin = everything (for gymcels)
I've seen the yk11 myostatin inhibitor condemned on this site with no expansion on the statement. Structurally similar to DHT, but does it really carry the same costs and drawbacks? I wouldn't expect too many people to have experience because I presume no one needs it until they're maxxed out and let's be honest, probably <.5% of users here are body maxxed. I'm still open ears though
I've seen the yk11 myostatin inhibitor condemned on this site with no expansion on the statement. Structurally similar to DHT, but does it really carry the same costs and drawbacks? I wouldn't expect too many people to have experience because I presume no one needs it until they're maxxed out and let's be honest, probably <.5% of users here are body maxxed. I'm still open ears though
I thought about myostatin genes

no experience with YK11
Totally depends on your genetics honestly but unless you have GREAT genetics you can't turn heads without it. The caveat is you don't need that much to look good even low dose test at 200 per week will give a big improvement
The most gifted natties can reach a level where some un-gifted roid users can never reach.

Now I'm not saying that most cases won't be fake natties claiming they've great genetics. That's the case almost always.

Flex Wheeler for example had 1 knockout on one of his MSTN alleles giving him a huge Myostatin deficiency. No bodybuilders have had the "exon 2" gene where both alleles were knocked out.

Combine an MSTN polymorphism like Wheeler's with an active ACTN3 gene which is very rare: (I've a thread about ACTN3) and the stats involved with it. https://looksmax.org/threads/truth-actn3-is-the-holy-grail-for-genetic-athletic-advantage.44868/

Even if you have the active ACTN3 and no Myostatin deficiency, you still have a huge advantage.

So it's not true that genetics aren't the #1 factor, because they are. But in the practical modern day world of vanity and "fitness influencers"; they're pretty much all on roids, or some PED, regardless of their genetics.

EDIT: Flex Wheeler actually has the exon 2 mutation
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You are the guy that claims he gained 20 kg of raw muscle in one year as a natty.
jflcel at you
Even a trenned up ronnie couldnt do that
  • +1
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Kinobody is fucking so smart. He might've ran a cycle back in 2014-2016. But I'm pretty sure he's focusing on building lean muscle w/o any anabolics.
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What do you consider normal height?

Ronnie used tren though didn't he?

He is 200 cm+ though but still
olivier richters the dutch giant guy gained 80kg in span of few years. u need to realise things scale up heavily

my 20kg is like 10kg for avg height person scaled down
What do you consider normal height?

Ronnie used tren though didn't he?

He is 200 cm+ though but still
Ronnie did whatever it took to make all kindsa gains

Kinobody is fucking so smart. He might've ran a cycle back in 2014-2016. But I'm pretty sure he's focusing on building lean muscle w/o any anabolics.
JFL at anyone thinking kinobody's physique is attainable without ever touching gear.
JFL at anyone thinking kinobody's physique is attainable without ever touching gear.
It's attainable for some people without ever touching gear.
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It's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique naturally. Probably no one will. But some people have the capacity to. I'm not even saying Kinobody himself is natty or not. I'm just saying it's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique without steroids.
It's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique naturally. Probably no one will. But some people have the capacity to. I'm not even saying Kinobody himself is natty or not. I'm just saying it's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique without steroids.

This is natty. He could've achieved Kinobody's physique if he put his mind to it.

7 year old, not eating tonnes, not training heavy, not injecting steroids.

Look into the genetics.
  • +1
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Hes natty with good genetics

he looks natty, his shoulders and traps havent blown up

his physiqye is achievable for people with great genetics. The typical west african can be bigger and leaner than him
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  • +1
  • JFL
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It's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique naturally. Probably no one will. But some people have the capacity to. I'm not even saying Kinobody himself is natty or not. I'm just saying it's not impossible for everyone to achieve his physique without steroids.

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This is natty. He could've achieved Kinobody's physique if he put his mind to it.

7 year old, not eating tonnes, not training heavy, not injecting steroids.

Look into the genetics.
Uhh is that not 7 year old "little hercules", the kid who was given steroids by his father and benched 210 at the time..?
Popping dbol like candy
eat clen, tren hard, dbolish your goals, test your limits, always winn anavar give up boyos
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Also Yoel Romero was busted, but then they said one of his supplements was tainted, but come on, he's fucking 42yo, look at him, no way he's clean.

Tainted with tren i see
could be a myostatin deficiency
Lol no when hebgrew up he lost it all they were feeding the kid winstrol at very small doses winstrol was by the way used in children
It's attainable for some people without ever touching gear.
We're talking 0.01% of people
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  • JFL
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All the retarded kids here posting pictures of obvious roiders and calling them natties with average genetics is a text book example of why I keep ranting about this forum being full of fucking kids. So much fucking cringe.

Listen dudes, I can understand why discovering the truth about "natty" lifting is shocking. I was also demoralized after finding out about it. But I'm telling you: THERE LITERALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS GETTING A GOOD BODY WITHOUT ROIDS. Sure, you can look "in shape" without roids, but without roids and great genetics you will NEVER look good enough so that people can actually tell that you lift. You have no idea how badly you have been brainwashed. Some years ago I use to know this recreational athlete who did 10x the exercise of the average person and also lifted at the gym. He still just looked like a normal person albeit a bit more in shape. Body transformations aren't possible without roids.
  • +1
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All the retarded kids here posting pictures of obvious roiders and calling them natties with average genetics is a text book example of why I keep ranting about this forum being full of fucking kids. So much fucking cringe.

Listen dudes, I can understand why discovering the truth about "natty" lifting is shocking. I was also demoralized after finding out about it. But I'm telling you: THERE LITERALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS GETTING A GOOD BODY WITHOUT ROIDS. Sure, you can look "in shape" without roids, but without roids and great genetics you will NEVER look good enough so that people can actually tell that you lift. You have no idea how badly you have been brainwashed. Some years ago I use to know this recreational athlete who did 10x the exercise of the average person and also lifted at the gym. He still just looked like a normal person albeit a bit more in shape. Body transformations aren't possible without roids.

typical .co line of thought - if it doesn't bring me to chad level alone, there is no point in doing it. My stance - if it gives me even e 0.2 PSL boost without costing me much money (I have time), then you fuckin bet I'm doing it. Go back to your autistic political rants, defeatist oldie.
  • +1
Reactions: Mateusz74, Superking, Kade and 1 other person
typical .co line of thought - if it doesn't bring me to chad level alone, there is no point in doing it. My stance - if it gives me even e 0.2 PSL boost without costing me much money (I have time), then you fuckin bet I'm doing it. Go back to your autistic political rants, defeatist oldie.

that's not what he says at all, jfl
that's not what he says at all, jfl

thats what I get from it, also "Body transformations aren't possible without roids." - it doesn't get any more fat/skinnyfat cope than that
All the retarded kids here posting pictures of obvious roiders and calling them natties with average genetics is a text book example of why I keep ranting about this forum being full of fucking kids. So much fucking cringe.

Listen dudes, I can understand why discovering the truth about "natty" lifting is shocking. I was also demoralized after finding out about it. But I'm telling you: THERE LITERALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS GETTING A GOOD BODY WITHOUT ROIDS. Sure, you can look "in shape" without roids, but without roids and great genetics you will NEVER look good enough so that people can actually tell that you lift. You have no idea how badly you have been brainwashed. Some years ago I use to know this recreational athlete who did 10x the exercise of the average person and also lifted at the gym. He still just looked like a normal person albeit a bit more in shape. Body transformations aren't possible without roids.
the only one brainwashed, is you. im so sorry man for your terrible truecel genetics, gotta move on
  • +1
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My chadlite friend 100 % natty but he's natural T is 950 ng/DL
Trains hard AF sometimes 2 times day , amazing genes


  • hgfhgf.jpg
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That's little Hercules lmao, his dad put him on gear since young

Wait that picture is real??? I thought somebody just photoshoped some kid's head on a bodybuilder wtf
My chadlite friend 100 % natty but he's natural T is 950 ng/DL
Trains hard AF sometimes 2 times day , amazing genes

Plz be a troll or else my earlier point is proven jfl.
All the retarded kids here posting pictures of obvious roiders and calling them natties with average genetics is a text book example of why I keep ranting about this forum being full of fucking kids. So much fucking cringe.

Listen dudes, I can understand why discovering the truth about "natty" lifting is shocking. I was also demoralized after finding out about it. But I'm telling you: THERE LITERALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS GETTING A GOOD BODY WITHOUT ROIDS. Sure, you can look "in shape" without roids, but without roids and great genetics you will NEVER look good enough so that people can actually tell that you lift. You have no idea how badly you have been brainwashed. Some years ago I use to know this recreational athlete who did 10x the exercise of the average person and also lifted at the gym. He still just looked like a normal person albeit a bit more in shape. Body transformations aren't possible without roids.
i disagree, i think youve taken it too far here

of course you can get a good body without roids and good genetics, it just takes much more time and you will never truly look insane

but yes you will never look as good as roiders even if they have shit work ethic and genetics
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Wait that picture is real??? I thought somebody just photoshoped some kid's head on a bodybuilder wtf
No jflcel
He's little hercules, now he looks like shit but his daddy gave him yummy roids when he was young.
Wait that picture is real??? I thought somebody just photoshoped some kid's head on a bodybuilder wtf

Plz be a troll or else my earlier point is proven jfl.
no troll 100 % serious here i swear
To have huge amount of musle like bodybuilder you need roid, BUT that doesn't mean that you can't look big compared to normal people. I think natural limit is somewhere where you become you're not to big to be reasonably fit. Most bodybuilders are so big that they can't do any other sport than lifting. Mma fighters roid maile for faster regen. They train 2-3 times a day, mostly sparing, techincal workouts, conditioning so it's mainly cardio with some addition of liftnig in some stages of prep. To have this amount of musle with so much cardio you need roid, there's no other way arround. I think i would never jump on roids to improve my physique, if i was ogremaxing yes. I think your natural limit is perfect for aesthetics

i disagree, i think youve taken it too far here

of course you can get a good body without roids and good genetics, it just takes much more time and you will never truly look insane

this was me pre cycle

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but yes you will never look as good as roiders even if they have shit work ethic and genetics
I think looking good and big are 2 different things. You're big but smaller guy with better insertins would look better. You have decent frame though
thats what I get from it, also "Body transformations aren't possible without roids." - it doesn't get any more fat/skinnyfat cope than that

he's saying that you can't get as big as you think you can.. and he isn't wrong

it's just like when girls say ''squats!!!'' when in fact they've been getting fat transfers
My point is that any roider would blow them out of the water. Yes they look better than most of the pop but that's a small achievement when they would get mogged to death by anyone on cycle. If you're looking to musclemaxx imo you gotta roid.
There are roiders that look like shit too
This is the best you can hope for without roids if you have good genetics:


His physique isn't obtainable naturally even with good genetics. In fact even with roids you might not look like him with just average genetics. If you have good genetics you might look like the guy above. 95+% of people will never look anything like Scott or Omar.
Looked better than him while i was nattu ffs my 16 yr old bro gymmaxing rn could look better than him in 3 yrs ez
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Its simple: for ((them)) and the whores, below 8/10 men CANT IMPROVE THEIR LOOKS . So roids are this and that. FUCK JEWS FUCK WOMEN good evening
If you wanna know what is possible without roids just look at photos of bodybuilders before roids were invented, then there's no question. yeah it's possible to achieve a little more nowadays with better knowledge of training effects. It's the only way to avoid endless arguing over who's natty or not. even bodybuilders in 'natural' comps roid they just have to use them less to pass testing.

I def. don't have amazing genes but found working out invaluable. Being big is super fucking important. If you are a head taller than a woman, and double her body weight and not fat, the chances of her being attracted to you skyrocket.

If you are not going to roid you can still us redpilled knowledge to improve your looks over other bluepilled lifters, even some roid users. neck, shoulders, forearms, and calves. focus on those approx 3x harder than a normal lifting plan tells you. train core with things like stomach vacuums and planks to keep your belly tight and flat; you actually don't want the narrowest possible waist because then your waist:hip ratio can become feminine and unattractive. train lung capacity and stretch your rib cage. take a seriously hard look at yourself and train specifically to fix your flaws and maximize your strengths. i have really good biceps and chest insertions so like a typical gym bro i can over-focus on these but for me it pays off. my weaknesses are small forearms, calves, and neck so I blast those. shoulders are better than average, back is normal, quads kinda meh, hamstrings and lower back good.

before you roid you should know exactly what training you want to do and what you want to grow and how much. a lot of guys fuck themselves up by doing things like over training their lats. they think they are making themselves wide and manly giving themselves a v-shaped torso. but the wider your lats are, the smaller your clavicles appear and the worse your arms hang. while a lot of guys like the idea of lats so wide their arms don't hang down straight it's actually the worst thing possible because women aren't programmed to see that as omg huge lats they see ewww tiny collar bones.

i've never roided but do think about it. i'm just wary of the cost and side effects. i let myself go pretty badly due to depression so am working on getting myself back to where i was natty years ago. but as you get older training gets harder. you get tired more easily and small injuries linger longer and happen more often.

i would heavily advocate natural weight training for any looksmaxxer as it actually fucking works. so many products you could spend time buying and using do fuck all or barely anything considering the price. working out is beneficial to your health, mentally and physically, and even fi you take roids eventually you're better off doing it with some training experience under your belt.
You don’t think Omar is natural lol? Been training for 10+ years and still doesn’t look that good and is 15% bodyfat..of course he’s natural.

Scooby admitted to TRT...

Omar is probably the WORST example you could have used...he’s probly the only one that isn’t on steroids
males expected to take dangerous drugs so we can just be STANDARD while women oly requirement is to stay reasonabmy lean and yet complain about it .

Beauty double standsrds enrage me so much
Wait that picture is real??? I thought somebody just photoshoped some kid's head on a bodybuilder wtf

Plz be a troll or else my earlier point is proven jfl.
How bad are ur genetics man? Lmao
If you wanna know what is possible without roids just look at photos of bodybuilders before roids were invented, then there's no question. yeah it's possible to achieve a little more nowadays with better knowledge of training effects.
Back then they had much higher testosterone levels on average than we do. For (((whatever reason))), testosterone has been decreasing year after year, decade after decade, so that now the """healthy""" range has been lowered to what a 78 year old man would have had in the 70s.
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