Why do people still deny the Body/Physique Pill?

You don't need to

Really, you need to hit each muscle group twice a week, and you need to get 3-6 sets in per major muscle group. You can do this pretty efficiently with 4 workouts per week, or if you're really pressed for time, full body twice a week compounds only with some facepulls
Yeah, I have 2 pull and 2 push days in a week and find that well fit for me. Also use different exercises each workout
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yeah being a 12% bf twink is a meme now i am bulking for straight 5+ months not caring about the bloat and avoid alcohol :what:
Take the carnivore pill , you can be near single digit bf%, yet retain a decent size

I’ll never bulk again , I’m not giving away my hardly earned hollow cheeks :feelswhy::feelswah:
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Would rather want to have this body but I think it might be too much for some girls. Chico’s body looks more ideal for younger girls imo. Also lundgrens physique isn’t natty
I think that Chico's physique is ideal for the best facial appearance, but is in itself not a halo. Having too much muscle can cause you to be bloated, make your face look out of proportion with your body, etc. That's why male models aren't on roids with some exceptions.

Lundgren's physique is a halo in itself. Obviously he has a good face, but if he had an average face he would still do well.
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Jared leto physique is ideal, lean as fuck with slight muscles
This is ideal -
Brad Pitt Fight Club Workout
Brad pitt workout routine Main
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Take the carnivore pill , you can be near single digit bf%, yet retain a decent size

I’ll never bulk again , I’m not giving away my hardly earned hollow cheeks :feelswhy::feelswah:
damn bro looks good asfuck how much do you eat and how does your day in eating looks like and what is your gym routine
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Guys like you and @Discipline fail to understand that you don't walk around in public with your shirt off 24/7.
In clothes a person with that physique will look DYEL (do you even lift).

You need to look like you lift with both your clothes on and off. Therefore more muscle mass is required than the classic fightclub physique.
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If you’re not sub 15% body fat as a man, you’re not even in the dating game yet - you’ve not reached your full dating potential.
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Physique is the only visual tell that truly separates lazy low T whiners from men who execute their plans. You can claim you've been using tretinoin and it's "just not working." You can cry about how you didn't choose your height, how dermarolling and minox isn't growing hair. But if you don't look like you lift, it's because you don't lift. And a lot of guys on this site will never consistently follow through with any of their looksmaxing plans
90% of them being faggets.
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Guys like you and @Discipline fail to understand that you don't walk around in public with your shirt off 24/7.
In clothes a person with that physique will look DYEL (do you even lift).

You need to look like you lift with both your clothes on and off. Therefore more muscle mass is required than the classic fightclub physique.
I agree to some extent, but I talk from women's point of view, most women are attracted to a lean-fit physique. And to be honest, most men who look like their muscles are about to tear their clothes are anyways an indicator of gymming/roids which is repulsive for most women. You also ignore the fact that in the west, men frequent the beaches, roam with their vests showing etc., those are the places where women could develop attraction towards you cause your upper body is showing.
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I agree to some extent, but I talk from women's point of view, most women are attracted to a lean-fit physique. And to be honest, most men who look like their muscles are about to tear their clothes are anyways an indicator of gymming/roids which is repulsive for most women. You also ignore the fact that in the west, men frequent the beaches, roam with their vests showing etc., those are the places where women could develop attraction towards you cause your upper body is showing.
Are you a woman?

If no, stfu

If so, no one's tryna fuck some weird girl who looks at looksmax.org on the internet 🤣😂
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@Kingkellz , an explanation for why do you think lean-fit isn't ideal when women's attraction is concerned?
@Prettyboy pls reply:lul:😢
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I wish I could workout that frequently, and I believe that frequent training is more effective, but hardly anyone has time to go to the gym 6 times a week
My gym is a 2 minute walk from my house. :lul:
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I made a list from what a model said who struggled with getting hollow cheeks. 2 things cause you not to have hollow cheeks. Body fat and water retention. This is what you need to do:
-No sugar or salt
-No dairy or wheat
-Drink a lot of water -4-6 litres
-Drink peppermint or dandelion tea
- Take Magnesium and Potassium
-HIIT workouts and Testosterone. He said higher testosterone makes your face more defined so either do workouts that promote more testosterone or inject ig.
-Lose body fat, gain muscle mass - WORKOUT - dumbbell workouts, high intensity circuit training 3 times a week, dips,20burpees, 50,000steps walk
-Drink smoothies - spinach, blueberries, bananas, broccoli

Haven't done all this shit but in theory it should work and sounds good.
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-No sugar or salt
-No dairy or wheat
no need to completely eliminate these especially sodium is necessary
-Drink a lot of water -4-6 litres
-Drink peppermint or dandelion tea
- Take Magnesium and Potassium
-HIIT workouts and Testosterone. He said higher testosterone makes your face more defined so either do workouts that promote more testosterone or inject ig.
-Lose body fat, gain muscle mass - WORKOUT - dumbbell workouts, high intensity circuit training 3 times a week, dips,20burpees, 50,000steps walk
-Drink smoothies - spinach, blueberries, bananas, broccoli
make sure the whole fruit/vegetable is blended as a whole and NOT juiced so you get the fiber too.

Ultimately you need to be in a calorie deficit to get leaner/lose fat to get "hollow cheeks".
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This site cowboys4angels (https://cowboys4angels.com/company/) is a straight male escort company that caters exclusively to women.

Some are bald while others have hair
Some are white others are black
Some have tats while others don't
Some are older some are younger

But they all have one thing in common:
lean muscular looking physique
View attachment 1406420View attachment 1406421

If face and height were the ONLY things that mattered then why is their site plastered with pics of men showcasing their impressive physiques?
Remember these are straight men catering to women, so if face and height were the only things that mattered we wouldn't see so much emphasis on body pics.

Even back in the 1900's, the cover of romance novels always had a guy with a gymcelled physique
View attachment 1406439View attachment 1406440View attachment 1406441

The reality is these escorts and models on the cover of romance novels have almost the entire package if not the entire package (face + height + physique). But they do not neglect the importance of a good physique when it comes to sexual attraction unlike many on PSL sites do.
Because to get that physique u need good genetics. An incel with the same muscle mass and body fat wouldn’t look impressive. All those men have large frames and dimorphic faces
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@Prettyboy pls reply:lul:😢
I preach the gympill

I went from twink with prettyboy face before gymmaxxing
34D4CE6B 524E 4A87 A53E EE1EC2A79200

To same prettyboy face but this now
4686DFDC 0840 4464 8149 0084039067D9

25827C09 7E8D 4778 87DC FD99A7BDE4A9

If you are at least average height & face, gymmaxxing combined with leanmaxxing is the easiest way to the top 🤩
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Fun fact: Male dancing is more valueable than Male Prostution.

Business is booming on one. The latter is an open joke.

Not too many men have incredible bodies while Women can get dick everyday of the week.

Your pysique has more value than your dick boyos
  • +1
Reactions: LooksmaxxHopeful and Kingkellz
This site cowboys4angels (https://cowboys4angels.com/company/) is a straight male escort company that caters exclusively to women.

Some are bald while others have hair
Some are white others are black
Some have tats while others don't
Some are older some are younger

But they all have one thing in common:
lean muscular looking physique
View attachment 1406420View attachment 1406421

If face and height were the ONLY things that mattered then why is their site plastered with pics of men showcasing their impressive physiques?
Remember these are straight men catering to women, so if face and height were the only things that mattered we wouldn't see so much emphasis on body pics.

Even back in the 1900's, the cover of romance novels always had a guy with a gymcelled physique
View attachment 1406439View attachment 1406440View attachment 1406441

The reality is these escorts and models on the cover of romance novels have almost the entire package if not the entire package (face + height + physique). But they do not neglect the importance of a good physique when it comes to sexual attraction unlike many on PSL sites do.
Laziness mostly, although I think being skinny + lean with decently broad, square shoulders is more than enough.

I think roiding works well, but I often ask this question.

Can I look like zyzz by roiding, but without killing myself with tren and dnp?

Tren has the unique factor that no other roid possesses. It completely lowers subcutaneous water retention and increases intramuscular water retention which gives swole meaty delts and shit, with dick skin conditioning.
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Reactions: Lmao, Kingkellz and AscendingHero
That (Trevor Sigs body) and Prime Steeve Reeves

Bonus Honourable Mentions:

Imagine the halo

I would like to be Trevor ideally with a bit more mass (ie reeves)

6'4-6'5 height. Perfect insertions, wide delts, scapula/clavicles/sternum, high igf-1 and androgen receptors etc.

This this, even with a normie face you will giga slay provided you aren't a mega manlet.

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Tbh prime Chico’s body would be ideal if slightly more gymmaxxed.
6‘3.5-4 tall
Really great shoulder to waist ratio and insertions. This man has it all
View attachment 1406545
Frame isn't robust and wide enough. Not he's nowhere near ideal jfl, but good wholesome package.

For the best all around package Reeves, Lundro, Walker, Maher, and that mexican med looking chad OP posted in his epitome male thread.
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What's your bodyyfat percentage now and before you would say?
I was around 13% back then if I remember correctly and 70 kg, a bit shorter but not that much

Currently I would guess I’m around 10% and 87 kg, so needless to say I carry a lot more muscle now
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Small physique is ideal copers also forget about the mog factor. For instance, lifted with my bro an hour ago. He's much more shredded than me and his physique is much better looking in photographs atm, because I'm still three months out from completing this cut

But at the gym, I simply mogged him in to nothingness because I'm 6'2 with wider clavicles, and much more muscle mass. If I wasn't there, girls might perceive his physique as ideal. But because I was there, he was borderline invisible. Anyone can get mogged and I do sometimes, but in general the bigger you are the less likely it is. Don't worry about looking disgusting like an IFBB pro. None of you could ever get remotely close to that big anyway
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I notice every time I see a physique on here, it's either a horrible physique from a guy who is coping, or it's an average physique from a guy who says he's jacked af. I think very very few people here are actually jacked

I am jacked. It's such an obscene halo, I feel bad for anyone who doesn't understand this. If you are simultaneously muscular and lean, just a great masculine body, it drives women crazy.

I mean, no shit. Think about how WE perceive the female body. Imagine a tight skinny body with a nice ass and perky tits, and imagine how we react to seeing it. This is how females perceive muscular men
I posted a thread about this just yesterday. Being a twink pretty boy vs. having a great masculine physique is like this


vs. this


the first one is nice to look from an aesthetics pov at but only the latter really gets your dick hard. it's the same shit for women. that's why pretty boys rarely slay unless they have status or they're thugmaxed.

I have a nice face which gets my foot in the door but girls never just give it up to me like they do buff frat douches and athletes. just ends in being strung along and looked at as a "serious" option when I'm not trying to date.
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I posted a thread about this just yesterday. Being a twink pretty boy vs. having a great masculine physique is like this

View attachment 1406824

vs. this

View attachment 1406825

the first one is nice to look from an aesthetics pov at but only the latter really gets your dick hard. it's the same shit for women. that's why pretty boys rarely slay unless they have status or they're thugmaxed.

I have a nice face which gets my foot in the door but girls never just give it up to me like they do buff frat douches and athletes. just ends in being strung along and looked at as a "serious" option when I'm not trying to date.
Holy fuck at the second one. Lima is a still exceptional in the face, could've used better examples imo.

This fogs for the bottom pic imho

Female version of the ideal body for men.

Body is the biggest smv/sex appeal multiplier.
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I made a list from what a model said who struggled with getting hollow cheeks. 2 things cause you not to have hollow cheeks. Body fat and water retention. This is what you need to do:
-No sugar or salt
-No dairy or wheat
-Drink a lot of water -4-6 litres
-Drink peppermint or dandelion tea
- Take Magnesium and Potassium
-HIIT workouts and Testosterone. He said higher testosterone makes your face more defined so either do workouts that promote more testosterone or inject ig.
-Lose body fat, gain muscle mass - WORKOUT - dumbbell workouts, high intensity circuit training 3 times a week, dips,20burpees, 50,000steps walk
-Drink smoothies - spinach, blueberries, bananas, broccoli

Haven't done all this shit but in theory it should work and sounds good.
4-6 litres of water a day ? its too much jfl 2 liters is enough for healthy adult
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Primordial and Kingkellz
Holy fuck at the second one. Lima is a still exceptional in the face, could've used better examples imo.

This fogs for the bottom pic imho
View attachment 1406832View attachment 1406833View attachment 1406834View attachment 1406835View attachment 1406836View attachment 1406837View attachment 1406838View attachment 1406840

Female version of the ideal body for men.

Body is the biggest smv/sex appeal multiplier.
Girls don't care about body even as close as men.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Girls don't care about body even as close as men.
true face>>all, I'm just saying it's very important for sex appeal and a good smv multiplier+halo in general
  • +1
Reactions: Offensive Bias, LooksmaxxHopeful and Deleted member 7098
This site cowboys4angels (https://cowboys4angels.com/company/) is a straight male escort company that caters exclusively to women.

Some are bald while others have hair
Some are white others are black
Some have tats while others don't
Some are older some are younger

But they all have one thing in common:
lean muscular looking physique
View attachment 1406420View attachment 1406421

If face and height were the ONLY things that mattered then why is their site plastered with pics of men showcasing their impressive physiques?
Remember these are straight men catering to women, so if face and height were the only things that mattered we wouldn't see so much emphasis on body pics.

Even back in the 1900's, the cover of romance novels always had a guy with a gymcelled physique
View attachment 1406439View attachment 1406440View attachment 1406441

The reality is these escorts and models on the cover of romance novels have almost the entire package if not the entire package (face + height + physique). But they do not neglect the importance of a good physique when it comes to sexual attraction unlike many on PSL sites do.
OP post examples of the female version of this, curious.
yeah being a 12% bf twink is a meme now i am bulking for straight 5+ months not caring about the bloat and avoid alcohol :what:
Bulking is a meme. Lean bulk only
  • +1
Reactions: Slob, Lars and AscendingHero
I posted a thread about this just yesterday. Being a twink pretty boy vs. having a great masculine physique is like this

View attachment 1406824

vs. this

View attachment 1406825

the first one is nice to look from an aesthetics pov at but only the latter really gets your dick hard. it's the same shit for women. that's why pretty boys rarely slay unless they have status or they're thugmaxed.

I have a nice face which gets my foot in the door but girls never just give it up to me like they do buff frat douches and athletes. just ends in being strung along and looked at as a "serious" option when I'm not trying to date.
fr bitches always try to cuff me meanwhile they’re getting their backs blown out by randoms:feelsree:
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what do I do bro, i’m 6’2 160 lbs and I got a one inch fat pad above my dick that’s taking away from my size, it’s dead serious driving me crazy

I’ve never had abs in my life, i’m visibly skinny but not cut looking (chubby face and arms). What do bro i’m on the verge of buying a penis extender or roping 💀
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Reactions: Lmao and Kingkellz
yeah max 2800 calories a day and not missing a gym session i will gain some fat but easily gone after a cut , better get to my endgoal body before 21 so i just need to maintain it and stay lean the whole year
made me feel old im almost 23 :hnghn:
Frame isn't robust and wide enough. Not he's nowhere near ideal jfl, but good wholesome package.

For the best all around package Reeves, Lundro, Walker, Maher, and that mexican med looking chad OP posted in his epitome male thread.
His frame is wide when you keep in mind that he has a huge skull, is tall and almost untrained here.
If he would gymmaxx some years his body would be unmoggable tbh. He has ideal ratios and proportions overall
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People underestimate the thick neck halo so hard.
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they like to pretend it doesnt matter so they dont have to workout jfl
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Reactions: FreakkForLife, Slob, klamus and 1 other person
That (Trevor Sigs body) and Prime Steeve Reeves
View attachment 1406737View attachment 1406738View attachment 1406739

Bonus Honourable Mentions:

Imagine the halo
View attachment 1406743View attachment 1406744View attachment 1406745

I would like to be Trevor ideally with a bit more mass (ie reeves)

6'4-6'5 height. Perfect insertions, wide delts, scapula/clavicles/sternum, high igf-1 and androgen receptors etc.

This this, even with a normie face you will giga slay provided you aren't a mega manlet.

MHP1910 1024x1024

Sergio Oliva has the ideal male skeletal structures.

Upper body mass that puts Arnold to shame with a 27 inch waist.
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what do I do bro, i’m 6’2 160 lbs and I got a one inch fat pad above my dick that’s taking away from my size, it’s dead serious driving me crazy

I’ve never had abs in my life, i’m visibly skinny but not cut looking (chubby face and arms). What do bro i’m on the verge of buying a penis extender or roping 💀
you gotta just bite the bullet and lean bulk tbh. I was/am in the same situation as you and it's ass cus if you try and get lean you look auschwitz but if you bulk you lose facial definition and start looking and feeling fat

last year I was 6'1 160 now I'm 180. I'm bigger now but I still don't look like I lift and my face went down like a full point but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. I'll probably try and cut to abs in a few more months and hopefully it'll be easier from there
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you gotta just bite the bullet and lean bulk tbh. I was/am in the same situation as you and it's ass cus if you try and get lean you look auschwitz but if you bulk you lose facial definition and start looking and feeling fat

last year I was 6'1 160 now I'm 180. I'm bigger now but I still don't look like I lift and my face went down like a full point but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. I'll probably try and cut to abs in a few more months and hopefully it'll be easier from there
giving me no hope nigga i might as well die
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4-6 litres of water a day ? its too much jfl 2 liters is enough for healthy adult
hey, this is what the model said I just took notes :lul::lul:, I see people suggesting to drink half a gallon cos it makes u retain less water
You don't walk around with your shirt off all day everywhere do you?
In clothes he would look DYEL
Therefore you need much more mass than those guys have.
like I said no women under 30 want a man that looks very muscular

Its all about shoulder width that's all that matters
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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like I said no women under 30 want a man that looks very muscular

Its all about shoulder width that's all that matters
If you have shitty shoulder width then it's even more important to gymcel my dude. Try to fix the falio and turn it into a halo. I might get roasted for this pic because my physique still isn't impressive at all, but I went from looking like a Holocaust survivor to a regular dude in like 2 months of gymcelling. I will never be in the top 1% because of my bad frame, but maybe I can get in the top 5% of male physiques and that would be a major major improvement from my starting point. You can't know if you don't try.

Also stealing this from an article because I'm too lazy to dig up the free study..

The raters were students in their teens or early 20s enrolled at Oklahoma State University and Australia's Griffith University.

Perceptions of strength closely aligned with the men's actual strength.

The researchers also discovered a linear relationship between a man's rated strength and his attractiveness.

So BAsed on this study, according to prime age women stronger always = better without exception. So ottermode mogs skinnycel, jacked mogs ottermode. I Don't see why people deny this stuff, isn't it a good thing that you can make behavioral changes to improve your life and it's not all 100% genetics??
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like I said no women under 30 want a man that looks very muscular

Its all about shoulder width that's all that matters
Yeah I'm sorry m8, but this is just such a cope. Just last weekend I was in bed with a fwb, and she randomly said "I love your body daddy." I get comments like this all the time. When I'm driving girls always grab my arms and chest. Drunk girls at clubs and bars even start groping my muscles out of the blue

Every jacked guy I know slays to some degree. Obviously face is key, but take an average 5'10 white guy with an average face. With a shit-average body, he is practically invisible from a standpoint of stranger girls wanting to fuck him because he makes them horny. Very rarely gonna happen. Give that guy a Zyzz physique, and he will run through pussy more than you'd believe. I've seen it time and time again
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Banger thread
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