Why don’t Amazigh counties of North africa unite to form 1 country



These fools could never make me sweat
Nov 10, 2020
Think about it, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria morroco forming 1 country.

They’re ethnically and culturally the exact same, all ethnically Amazigh Berber countries with the same amount of peninsular Arab DNA in each one (10% around), same religion (Sunni Islam),

Same language etc.

Wouldn’t it make sense for them to unite under one country called Tamazighia or smth

@emeraldglass @MaghrebGator
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Think about it, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria morroco forming 1 country.

They’re ethnically and culturally the exact same, all ethnically Amazigh Berber countries with the same amount of peninsular Arab DNA in each one (10% around), same religion (Sunni Islam),

Same language etc.

Wouldn’t it make sense for them to unite under one country called Tamazighia or smth

@emeraldglass @MaghrebGator
All these countries consider themselves Arab nations. Morocco has the highest number of Amazigh speakers, followed by Algeria. Despite this, both countries identify as Arab, though their populations are predominantly Amazigh genetically. Tunisia and Libya have almost completely Arabized, with minimal Amazigh populations remaining. Also, political relations among these countries have been strained for the past fifty years. Nonetheless, the Maghreb could have been a great nation, if only the population would know it’s true genetic history and see beyond politics.
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All these countries consider themselves Arab nations. Morocco has the highest number of Amazigh speakers, followed by Algeria. Despite this, both countries identify as Arab, though their populations are predominantly Amazigh genetically. Tunisia and Libya have almost completely Arabized, with minimal Amazigh populations remaining. Also, political relations among these countries have been strained for the past fifty years. Nonetheless, the Maghreb could have been a great nation, if only the population would know it’s true genetic history and see beyond politics.
I met some amazigh supremacists online, hating on Arabs. :fuk:
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Gaddafi unironically tried this and got NATO’d .
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I met some amazigh supremacists online, hating on Arabs. :fuk:
lol i've seen em too

they think they're european, they make right wing videos in a similar style to the save europe kids and talk shit about peninsular arabs and african imimigrants in their countries
lol i've seen em too

they think they're european, they act right wing videos in a similar style to the save europe kids and talk shit about peninsular arabs and african imimigrants in their countries
Meanwhile they look like every other shitskin. :fuk:
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Meanwhile they look like every other shitskin. :fuk:
lol they're a mixed bag tbh,

some of em do brown like saudis, some look med/levantine, some look mulatto while others look full on white

they're an ethnically diverse bunch
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lol they're a mixed bag tbh,

some of em do brown like saudis, some look med/levantine, some look mulatto while others look full on white

they're an ethnically diverse bunch
Yes, they’re diverse for sure. But I’ve never seen one who was actually completely white-passing. Their ethnic facial traits give it away. The coloring won’t change that. :ogre:
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Yes, they’re diverse for sure. But I’ve never seen one who was actually completely white-passing. Their ethnic facial traits give it away. The coloring won’t change that.
i've seen some white passing algerians, tunisians
I met some amazigh supremacists online, hating on Arabs. :fuk:
lol i've seen em too

they think they're european, they make right wing videos in a similar style to the save europe kids and talk shit about peninsular arabs and african imimigrants in their countries
They are misguided as well. The Amazigh think the others are fully Arab, and the so called Arabs think the same. The Amazigh want to separate and take over northern Morocco, while the Kabyle in Algeria have same aspirations. On the other hand, some self identified Arabs want to erase their Amazigh heritage and believe they are entirely Arab. Both sides are at fault due to their lack of understanding of their genetic heritage.
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Yes, they’re diverse for sure. But I’ve never seen one who was actually completely white-passing. Their ethnic facial traits give it away. The coloring won’t change that. :ogre:
lol they're a mixed bag tbh,

some of em do brown like saudis, some look med/levantine, some look mulatto while others look full on white

they're an ethnically diverse bunch
In Morocco, there's a joke that every Moroccan family has at least one member who looks black, one who looks mixed race, one who looks fully white, and one who looks Asian. Honestly, I've seen all these variations in Morocco.
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They are misguided as well. The Amazigh think the others are fully Arab, and the so called Arabs think the same. The Amazigh want to separate and take over northern Morocco, while the Kabyle in Algeria have same aspirations. On the other hand, some self identified Arabs want to erase their Amazigh heritage and believe they are entirely Arab. Both sides are at fault due to their lack of understanding of their genetic heritage.
What is the situation you would like to see the region in, if it was up to you?
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What is the situation you would like to see the region in, if it was up to you?
Good question. I'd like to see a unified North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and perhaps Libya and Mauritania. This nation would embrace both its Amazigh heritage and it’s recent Arab history, with Islam as its state religion and Sharia as its sole legal system, functioning as a theocracy without democracy, monarchy, or a president and pushing away all external influence. That would be my ideal scenario, my wet dream.
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Good question. I'd like to see a unified North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and perhaps Libya and Mauritania. This nation would embrace both its Amazigh heritage and it’s recent Arab history, with Islam as its state religion and Sharia as its sole legal system, functioning as a theocracy without democracy, monarchy, or a president and pushing away all external influence. That would be my ideal scenario, my wet dream.
Thanks bhai. And nice, that would be pretty cool. I hope your wet dream becomes a reality. :Comfy:
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Good question. I'd like to see a unified North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and perhaps Libya and Mauritania. This nation would embrace both its Amazigh heritage and it’s recent Arab history, with Islam as its state religion and Sharia as its sole legal system, functioning as a theocracy without democracy, monarchy, or a president and pushing away all external influence. That would be my ideal scenario, my wet dream.
So basically an entity similar to the gulf Arab states if they were to unite and kept their political systems
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Thanks bhai. And nice, that would be pretty cool. I hope your wet dream becomes a reality. :Comfy:
Thanks Bhai, in Sha Allah.
So basically an entity similar to the gulf Arab states if they were to unite and kept their political systems
Something like that, but with less emphasis on regional differences. Of course, every region can maintain its culture, but there should be no distinction between people from different regions. One country, with no independent states within it.
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Because north african countries are pawns and proxies of bigger powers mainly USA and France in a way bigger scheme, and then random countries with no history in the region like Russia own half of Lybia while Turkey has big influence on the other half because they need more access to the mediterranean in case they get blockaded

Only hope for this united Maghreb dream would be to expand Turkey's influence in the region. On the other hand we are racist with eachother not on a national level but just on a local level for petty stuff but that is something that can be overcomed.
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Thanks bhai. And nice, that would be pretty cool. I hope your wet dream becomes a reality. :Comfy:
And for you Bhai? How would you like the region of Pakistan to look like?
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Thanks Bhai, in Sha Allah.
No problem bhai! :feelsautistic: In sha Allah.
And for you Bhai? How would you like the region of Pakistan to look like?
I would get rid of all the unbelievers (including qadianis), liberals, feminists, soyboys and make sure we have a similar entity to the Afghan Taliban who keeps everyone in check, using sharia as their system along with technocracy. Technocracy means electing people that are the best skilled at something. I would also get rid of nepotism which runs deeply within politics.
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I would get rid of all the unbelievers (including qadianis), liberals, feminists, soyboys and make sure we have a similar entity to the Afghan Taliban who keeps everyone in check, using sharia as their system along with technocracy. Technocracy means electing people that are the best skilled at something. I would also get rid of nepotism which runs deeply within politics.
Based based based. This would be so different to see and unique, I am now so curious to the outcome if this would happen.
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Based based based. This would be so different to see and unique, I am now so curious to the outcome if this would happen.
I imagine it would look something like a Sunni version of the current Iranian regime
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with Islam as its state religion and Sharia as its sole legal system, functioning as a theocracy without democracy, monarchy, or a president and pushing away all external influence. That would be my ideal scenario, my wet dream.
do you mean strict sharia law with all the penal code punishments implemented and strict moral policing, or something like a watered down sharia law mixed secular law like in the gulf,
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Based based based. This would be so different to see and unique, I am now so curious to the outcome if this would happen.
Thanks bhai. :Comfy::Comfy::Comfy: Unfortunately, the country is ruled by a nepotistic bunch that made the place very corrupt. And they’ve got the army on their side, which is the most powerful institution. They have a long history with Zia-ul-Haq who declared martial law in the country after disposing of the prime minister in a bloodless coup. He islamicized the country by introducing more Islamic laws and condemning qadianis but he got killed because of the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and internal traitors. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: However he was also the one who helped get the current family into power, so that explains the ties between the army and them.
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do you mean strict sharia law with all the penal code punishments implemented and strict moral policing, or something like a watered down sharia law mixed secular law like in the gulf,
No, I mean the full implementation of Sharia, with every law enforced completely, without any dilution or alteration of so called outdated laws. Islam should be followed in its entirety, not selectively based on personal preferences.
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Thanks bhai. :Comfy::Comfy::Comfy: Unfortunately, the country is ruled by a nepotistic bunch that made the place very corrupt. And they’ve got the army on their side, which is the most powerful institution. They have a long history with Zia-ul-Haq who declared martial law in the country after disposing of the prime minister in a bloodless coup. He islamicized the country by introducing more Islamic laws and condemning qadianis but he got killed because of the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and internal traitors. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: However he was also the one who helped get the current family into power, so that explains the ties between the army and them.
In Sha Allah everything will be fixed and all will be good.
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No, I mean the full implementation of Sharia, with every law enforced completely, without any dilution or alteration of so called outdated laws. Islam should be followed in its entirety, not selectively based on personal preferences.
Then prepare to have waves of athiesm and apostacy rates greater than even that or Iran,

I garuntee you if this political system exists and maintains control for an extended period of time, after just 50 years this rule the Maghreb region will be non Muslim
Then prepare to have waves of athiesm and apostacy rates greater than even that or Iran,

I garuntee you if this happens for an extended period of time, after just 50 years this rule the Maghreb region will be non Muslim
If you allow Western influence, then maybe. But even then, millions of people would still support it. The security provided is superior to any other law.
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If you allow Western influence, then maybe. But even then, millions of people would still support it. The security provided is superior to any other law.
Elaborate and explain how with western influence the outcome I described could be plausible but without it this would not happen
Libya is failed state . So they won't get in and the other nations leaders probably dont wanna share power because they are all dictatorships
Elaborate and explain how with western influence the outcome I described could be plausible but without it this would not happen
I meant that if Western influence, which promotes decadence and exploits people's temptations, is allowed in, then people might indeed be against laws like Sharia, which aim for the well being of society compared to the decadence of Western lifestyles packaged as 'freedom.' Which is a Trojan horse. If a country minimizes this western influence, Sharia would gain support over time definitely.
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If you allow Western influence, then maybe. But even then, millions of people would still support it. The security provided is superior to any other law.
Precisely. Only if you let western cucks meddle with your affair this would happen.
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Precisely. Only if you let western cucks meddle with your affair this would happen.
Biggest poison is external influence which in response kindles the flames of opposition inside the country. Almost all major empires crumbled because of the traitors inside not the enemies outside.
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Biggest poison is external influence which in response kindles the flames of opposition inside the country. Almost all major empires crumbled because of the traitors inside not the enemies outside.
Precisely bhai. The most successful enemies are always within your own borders.
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Think about it, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria morroco forming 1 country.

They’re ethnically and culturally the exact same, all ethnically Amazigh Berber countries with the same amount of peninsular Arab DNA in each one (10% around), same religion (Sunni Islam),

Same language etc.

Wouldn’t it make sense for them to unite under one country called Tamazighia or smth

@emeraldglass @MaghrebGator
There's a lot of disagreement between those countries, and everyone looks different depending on the region.
For example (I live in Europe) and if I don't say my name or my ethnicity they assume I'm Romanian or Italian, my niece gets told she looks swedish/Norwegian and my cousin looks like he just got out of the Kenyan jungle
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I meant that if Western influence, which promotes decadence and exploits people's temptations, is allowed in, then people might indeed be against laws like Sharia, which aim for the well being of society compared to the decadence of Western lifestyles packaged as 'freedom.' Which is a Trojan horse. If a country minimizes this western influence, Sharia would gain support over time definitely.
Dissidence will always be there, this is inevitable. It happened to ALL the prophets (Peace and Blessings be upon them) and many of them were chased by their own people.

Islam does not rule by the majority and we are against democracy, Allah says (Interpretation of the meaning): "And if you pay heed to the majority of those on the earth, they will lead you astray from God’s way. They follow only conjecture (not knowledge), and they themselves do nothing but make guesses (they pronounce and act according to their fancies, selfish interests, and personal value judgments)."

What needs to be built is a loyal percentage and give them power. I would do everything possible to release ulama that have already proved their loyalty to Islam like the ones from Saudi Arabia imprisoned in recent years (Using high level negotiations if necessary and trade of resources), and then put them in positions on power. I would also invest a lot on education and the youth and make it as islamic as possible. I would also crackdown on crime big time and make Bukele look like Spongebob, and see what can be done with drugs and how halal or haram it is to trade stuff like hash and if there can be exceptions, and i would use the mediterranean as a bargaining chip so everytime an european state tries to f me up i would drown them with migrants and send tens of thousands into boats whenever it is necessary.
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Dissidence will always be there, this is inevitable. It happened to ALL the prophets (Peace and Blessings be upon them) and many of them were chased by their own people.

Islam does not rule by the majority and we are against democracy, Allah says (Interpretation of the meaning): "And if you pay heed to the majority of those on the earth, they will lead you astray from God’s way. They follow only conjecture (not knowledge), and they themselves do nothing but make guesses (they pronounce and act according to their fancies, selfish interests, and personal value judgments)."

What needs to be built is a loyal percentage and give them power. I would do everything possible to release ulama that have already proved their loyalty to Islam like the ones from Saudi Arabia imprisoned in recent years (Using high level negotiations if necessary and trade of resources), and then put them in positions on power. I would also invest a lot on education and the youth and make it as islamic as possible. I would also crackdown on crime big time and make Bukele look like Spongebob, and see what can be done with drugs and how halal or haram it is to trade stuff like hash and if there can be exceptions, and i would use the mediterranean as a bargaining chip so everytime an european state tries to f me up i would drown them with migrants and send tens of thousands into boats whenever it is necessary.
True, indeed, you have to utilize every aspect and every bargaining advantage available to you. The pillars of every nation are its youth, So, if you straighten the youth, you straighten the path to success.
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True, indeed, you have to utilize every aspect and every bargaining advantage available to you. The pillars of every nation are its youth, So, if you straighten the youth, you straighten the path to success.
Thank God i'm not a politician and never will

It's one of the worse kinds of existence spiritually speaking
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Thank God i'm not a politician and never will
It's one of the worse kinds of existence spiritually speaking
Yes it’s a enormous responsibility

Ali RA related: Once I saw 'Umar RA riding on a camel without a saddle, moving swiftly. I asked, "Where are you going, O Leader of the Believers?"

He replied, "One of the charity camels has fled away, so I am going in search of it."

I said, "You have established a difficult example to be followed by your successor."

Umar RA replied, "Do not blame me Abu Hassan. By Allah, the One who sent Muhammad with Prophethood, if any baby goat is lost on the bank of the Euphrates, then I will be held responsible for it on the Day of Resurrection."

Abu Mūsa al-Ash‘ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I and two of my paternal cousins entered upon the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him).

One of them said: "O Messenger of Allah, appoint us rulers over some of what Allah, the Almighty, has entrusted you with." The other said the same.

The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "By Allah! We do not entrust this post to anyone who seeks it or is keen to attain it.’"
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Thank God i'm not a politician and never will

It's one of the worse kinds of existence spiritually speaking
true there's a very high chance of it corrupting you

politics is a dirty game that is better for the believer to refrain from
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Even tribal niggas are supremacists

bro have you seen their videos lol

they're always hating on saudis calling them indians and comparing them to cherrypicked white looking nafris and saying 'look the difference saar'

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bro have you seen their videos lol

they're always hating on saudis calling them indians and comparing them to cherrypicked white looking nafris and saying 'look the difference saar'

Idc about their vids tbh

All words, doesn't change my life quality in the slightest

I just click on "not interested"
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Idc about their vids tbh

All words, doesn't change my life quality in the slightest

I just click on "not interested"
W mindset
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Both sides are mostly zoomers arguing online and spiking their cortisol for no reason lel

Ngl I used to get heated seeing online racial, sectarian and political beefs and wars but then I realized it was all retarded and a waste of time and stopped interacting with such content
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