Being a hard PMO addict in your puberty years hinders it's benefits



Feb 16, 2022

I would say a hard addict is someone who faps everyday or multiple times a day
here's the study mentioned on the thread above, it was done on lab rats, but is probably the same to humans

"Sexual satiety is a phenomenon common to males of
many species; it appears after repeated ejaculation and is
characterized by a long-term inhibition of sexual activity

[16, 17] . A particular sexual satiety paradigm was estab-
lished in which sexually experienced male rats were al-
lowed to mate ad libitum with a single receptive female
during a 4-hour period [18] . During this time, the males
executed an average of seven ejaculatory series before
ceasing copulation. The recovery from sexual satiety is
: males need at least a 15-day resting period to com-
pletely recover their full mating capacity [17] . Following
this sexual satiety paradigm, it is clear that 24 h later, two
thirds of the population show a complete inhibition of
sexual activity while the remaining third is able to exe-
cute a single ejaculatory series without recovery

The reason why i think it hinders puberty changes is because testosterone and DHT alone (without receptors) can't do shit, and so by lowering your androgen receptors you can deduce that the changes induced by your puberty will probably be smaller than if the person wasn't a heavy porn and masturbation addict
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could just be people who are more likely to fap daily are less likely to have sex as a result of being subhuman
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This is cope, cooming has nothing to do with your Androgen Receptors. Sure if you coom 10x a day it will be harder to coom the 11th time but it doesn't change your receptors.

AR sensitivity is based on your mother's genetics if you're a man and can be either parent if you're a woman.

So if your mum is high test and puts on muscle easy you will probably have high AR sensitivity and gain muscle easier, etc
AR sensitivity is based on your mother's genetics
yeah thats the genotype part

but think logically, your body sees it's cuming 3x a day for like a year, that means it's reproducing A TON right?
why would the body want to waste nutrients, vitamins etc for you to have pronounced second sexual characteristics? since its already doing a good job in the outside world (in your monkey brain's mind)
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yeah thats the genotype part

but think logically, your body sees it's cuming 3x a day for like a year, that means it's reproducing A TON right?
why would the body want to waste nutrients, vitamins etc for you to have pronounced second sexual characteristics? since its already doing a good job in the outside world (in your monkey brain's mind)
I see your point but I dont think the body works like that, when you think about it your facial aesthetics or whatever only really matter in the current world, a strong ugly caveman could just rape his way into his genes existing today, I know this doesnt really relate to the point directly but its an example of how evolution doesn't necessarily care about all features. So the development of those characteristics might be one of those things that is pretty random because it didnt determine the survival of your ancestors.

Like for example look at height growth, it is stopped by Estrogen which is converted from Test. I think it is more common for the body to have feedback loops for processes rather than "think" even though the "think" concept makes sense to us. A good example is if you look at hormones produced during pregnancy and child birth, I don't remember all the examples from memory but there are many feedback loops involving hormones which take place.
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