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The White and Yellow man have propelled mankind forward, while the other races [Ethnics] seem to just leech off them and their technology.
I say this as someone who's half "ethnic" himself, though that itself shouldn't even matter in the first place if what I'm saying is true.
I don't necessarily say this out of genuine malice or even outright hatred for them; it's just a fact of human history.
Aside from maybe a few outliers here and there I just don't see what they've really done.
This is a continuation of:
I say this as someone who's half "ethnic" himself.
Though I mention "ethnic" here and there this really isn't just about the "ethnics" or necessarily even race, but rather the predictor/greatest determining factor of genetic potential on a more fundamental and individual level...
Imagine if all the stupid [low IQ], temperamental [volatile/primitive], and criminal [low trust] people in the world were segregated off into some shithole of their own making where they belong [Australia experiment 2.0].
They'd never amount to anything or bother anyone else ever again as they'd be too busy sabotaging each other's success, and the world would only be left with the best Humanity has to offer.
The brightest, most capable, and good-natured people all left to usher Humanity into itsnext first true golden age.
I support eugenics on a mass scale for all of Humanity via the sterilization of those with an IQ of under 110, and/or of those who prove themselves unworthy of spreading their genes.
Worthiness is based on either potential genetic contributions to the next generation's gene pool [IQ], or contributions to the advancement of Human civilization through pure merit. That way worthiness to breed will not be based on just race and/or genetic potential, as that alone isn't enough to prove oneself capable of greatness [be it in blood and/or achievement].
Sterilization combined with the segregation of Humanity's worst from its best will ensure the next generation is born with the capability to do what Humanity was meant to: Transcend.
muh "bu- but 20th century scientific racism n shit bro"
or muh "but like how are you even going to do that bro?"
and of course muh "but that's like genocide bro!"
First, regarding a few misconceptions...
Eugenics doesn't necessarily entail genocide and can be brought about within a generation or two though simple sterilization.
However, eugenics shouldn't be based on trying to "remove a race from a gene pool" but rather just individual low quality genetic traits themselves; that is why selective preference should ultimately be based on traits that actually matter for a high functioning society instead like IQ.
"Modern" eugenic approaches already familiar to most people include genetic screening for inheritable diseases, and/or even just the heavy bias and selectivity in donors for sperm banks.
Society also already does this on a basic level anyway through birth control measures like contraception, though it's only under the guise of curbing the apparent "overpopulation" problem.
There is absolutely no reason why "everyone" should be encouraged to breed when some people's genes end passing undesirable traits into the gene pool.
This is especially true when said genes are spread to their children and result in some severe disease or deformity for the child.
Take for example "parents" who willingly choose to breed knowing full well that they'll only be condemning their child to a life of suffering due to some highly inheritable genetic disorder.
Such petty selfishness should not only be prevented from ever happening in the first place, but also punished and subject to compensatory damages on behalf of their child.
Second, why even bother with eugenics?
Eugenics ultimately comes from a place of good and doesn't have to be seen in such a negative light due to the ignorance of the masses.
I only ask you but to close your eyes and simply imagine a world where Humanity's brightest, most capable, and well-natured people are all able to thrive in a society composed of others just like them.
This dream can be more than just fantasy and ultimately realized through eugenics, as it's only by enabling the best of Humanity to flourish that our species can finally be ushered into its first true golden age.
Pushing the average IQ of the global population to above the same figure [110] would also lead to an increase in the amount of very high [120-130] IQ people within a generation or two, as the only people who will breed are those passing on the genes for high intelligence.
The next generation's society would look so much better being full of so many smart people.
FQ&A and Rebuttals:
I say this as someone who's half "ethnic" himself, though that itself shouldn't even matter in the first place if what I'm saying is true.
I don't necessarily say this out of genuine malice or even outright hatred for them; it's just a fact of human history.
Aside from maybe a few outliers here and there I just don't see what they've really done.
This is a continuation of:

The More I Look at Low IQ People the more I Despise them - How will Humanity Ever Reach Greatness?
Ethnics and/or [really just] the low IQ in general don't belong in regions of homogeneous, non-temperamental, high trust, and high IQ people as they'll inevitably just ruin these places like they always do. I say this as someone who's half "ethnic" himself. Though I mention "ethnic" here and...
...and/or [really just] the low IQ in general don't belong in regions of homogeneous, non-temperamental, high trust, and high IQ people as they'll inevitably just ruin these places like they always do.Ethnics...
I say this as someone who's half "ethnic" himself.
I'm half Iranic [as in Persian + Dardic; yes, I consider Dardics Iranic-adjacent] and half White [Euro]
Though I mention "ethnic" here and there this really isn't just about the "ethnics" or necessarily even race, but rather the predictor/greatest determining factor of genetic potential on a more fundamental and individual level...

Imagine if all the stupid [low IQ], temperamental [volatile/primitive], and criminal [low trust] people in the world were segregated off into some shithole of their own making where they belong [Australia experiment 2.0].
They'd never amount to anything or bother anyone else ever again as they'd be too busy sabotaging each other's success, and the world would only be left with the best Humanity has to offer.
The brightest, most capable, and good-natured people all left to usher Humanity into its
I support eugenics on a mass scale for all of Humanity via the sterilization of those with an IQ of under 110, and/or of those who prove themselves unworthy of spreading their genes.
Worthiness is based on either potential genetic contributions to the next generation's gene pool [IQ], or contributions to the advancement of Human civilization through pure merit. That way worthiness to breed will not be based on just race and/or genetic potential, as that alone isn't enough to prove oneself capable of greatness [be it in blood and/or achievement].
Sterilization combined with the segregation of Humanity's worst from its best will ensure the next generation is born with the capability to do what Humanity was meant to: Transcend.
Before any of you say something like muh "but Jfl who cares about IQ bro only and good looking people should breed"
Keep in mind those with a high IQ are already aware of this and would probably be the first to suggest it in the next generation.
A generation of high IQ people would be more open to these ideas than the current more feeble minded sheeple who can't so much as bother to even use their headsinstead of regurgitating single dimensional pathos based buzzword ridden arguments that aren't their ownlet alone just think ahead or of the bigger picture.
In Humanity's past it was the White and Yellow man who furthered its advancement, though admittedly there were a few exceptions in between [ancient Egyptian Hamites, non-Semitic Sumerians, Semitic Akkadians, Persians etc.]
However, the achievements of these great people(s) would be leeched off of and given to the savage hordes not yet ready for such power.
The ethnic hordes were able to appeal to these great people(s) greed and trick them into giving away their technology/knowledge for trade of commodities such as gold and spice; the latter being no more than a worthless poison.

Eugenics is Good for Humanity
It only gets a bad rap because of typical one dimensional normie tier arguements that always fall back on... muh "bu- but 20th century scientific racism n shit bro" :feelswah: or muh "but like how are you even going to do that bro?" :feelsuhh: and of course muh "but that's like genocide bro!"...
...of typical one dimensional normie tier arguements that always fall back on...It only gets a bad rap because...
muh "bu- but 20th century scientific racism n shit bro"
or muh "but like how are you even going to do that bro?"
and of course muh "but that's like genocide bro!"
First, regarding a few misconceptions...
Eugenics doesn't necessarily entail genocide and can be brought about within a generation or two though simple sterilization.
However, eugenics shouldn't be based on trying to "remove a race from a gene pool" but rather just individual low quality genetic traits themselves; that is why selective preference should ultimately be based on traits that actually matter for a high functioning society instead like IQ.
"Modern" eugenic approaches already familiar to most people include genetic screening for inheritable diseases, and/or even just the heavy bias and selectivity in donors for sperm banks.
Society also already does this on a basic level anyway through birth control measures like contraception, though it's only under the guise of curbing the apparent "overpopulation" problem.
There is absolutely no reason why "everyone" should be encouraged to breed when some people's genes end passing undesirable traits into the gene pool.
This is especially true when said genes are spread to their children and result in some severe disease or deformity for the child.
Take for example "parents" who willingly choose to breed knowing full well that they'll only be condemning their child to a life of suffering due to some highly inheritable genetic disorder.
Such petty selfishness should not only be prevented from ever happening in the first place, but also punished and subject to compensatory damages on behalf of their child.
Second, why even bother with eugenics?
Eugenics ultimately comes from a place of good and doesn't have to be seen in such a negative light due to the ignorance of the masses.
I only ask you but to close your eyes and simply imagine a world where Humanity's brightest, most capable, and well-natured people are all able to thrive in a society composed of others just like them.
This dream can be more than just fantasy and ultimately realized through eugenics, as it's only by enabling the best of Humanity to flourish that our species can finally be ushered into its first true golden age.

Everyone with an IQ Under 110 Should be Sterilized
It'd be for the benefit of Humanity. East Asians are incredibly smart as a whole due to having a large amount of people with an IQ of over 120-130; this larger number of high IQ people is easy to find in a population when your average IQ is around 110. Pushing the average IQ of the global...
East Asians are incredibly smart as a whole due to having a large amount of people with an IQ of over 120-130; this larger number of high IQ people is easy to find in a population when your average IQ is around 110.It'd be for the benefit of Humanity.
Pushing the average IQ of the global population to above the same figure [110] would also lead to an increase in the amount of very high [120-130] IQ people within a generation or two, as the only people who will breed are those passing on the genes for high intelligence.
The next generation's society would look so much better being full of so many smart people.
FQ&A and Rebuttals: