The inbred white JBW copers constantly putting down brown people is fucking ironically hilarious

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jfl at this coping paki
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Most of the time its brown people putting down eachother on this site. Jfl

White people are on another league, they are not failod by their race. So they are not crying about their race and focus their looksmaxxing on their bones etc and not their coloring/race like curry users here do.
We went to a hiking spot near my house and smoked.... 8k posts on incel site in a couple months equals wise experienced life advice, good to know lmfaoooooooooo
hikes me
Lol white cope, you clearly haven’t been seeing how white women in the west start to love ethnic cock? I do agree that currys or dark arabs/ugly blacks are kinds fucked but seems like every girl wants a “seasoned boy” in UK/Europe now, so a med or mullatto, literally been told by so many white girls that white boys are boring lol.

this tbh

if ur a lightskinned, tall currycel u could slay a decent white chick
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this tbh

if ur a lightskinned, tall currycel u could slay a decent white chick
You’d probably have to mog her by a bit but yeah if you’re good looking you can fuck white women a bit below your looksmatch
Cringing hard, I just kissed a girl today while U are on a rotting streak, keep crying doggy
You mean you got a pity kiss because she sees you as a pet. 5’8 manlet :lul: :lul: :lul:
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Contrary to popular belief, the ethnics on here put themselves down. Although whitecels will claim dumb shit like "Asians can't be higher than 4."
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I live in California and every single one of my indian friends (including me as a paki) had at least a gf or had sex before they were 17. My 5'10 5/10 face friend even lost his virginity with a 6/10 virgin blond girl.

It's always the angriest ugliest whites that spam JBW even as turbovirgins and put down other ethnics constantly just to cling towards any minuscule amount of innate superiority they think they have.

None of you even go outside to realize that swag or (clout), sex appeal (muscular low bf body), and hygeine (clear skin, teeth, hair) are legit all you fucking need unless you're deformed or have serious mental illness.

Most hilarious part is a study showed most incels are whites most shooters are whites most bullied people are whites.

You hypocritical fucks are just as bad at women for determining a human's value by an unchangeable trait.

Just fucking laugh.

INB4 "Shitskin cope xD" and no actual response or debate of substance.
You are sticking up for indians even though you are a paki?
You mean you got a pity kiss because she sees you as a pet. 5’8 manlet :lul: :lul: :lul:
You have 3k posts on an incel site bro. Make the most of you youth in your one life! lol
Tales from the taj mahal
You have 3k posts on an incel site bro. Make the most of you youth in your one life! lol
You have (who knows how many) alts on an incel site bro. Make the most of you youth in your one life! lol
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