The real racepill



Nov 18, 2019
The real race pill is not that white is the highest SMV. The real race pill is that interracial pairings are extremely rare, which shows that women largely find men of similar race to them attractive.

Also the real race pill is that the overwhelming majority of interracial relationships are super obviously money based. Most common is the old rich white man or woman going to a poor country to abuse the power of the dollar/Euro to fuck Stacys and Tyrones. Also common is the rich black celebrity marrying white, or the rich Asian STEMcel who finally got with a white woman once he started making over 200k a year. Interracial relationships based on genuine desire are the rarest type of relationship, which shows that women simply aren't genuinely attracted to other races. THAT'S the real race pill. JBW copers fight me
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I CHOSE YOU, @Lifeisgood72

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Here comes the jbw coping. Oh just fuck off!
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The real race pill is not that white is the highest SMV. The real race pill is that interracial pairings are extremely rare, which shows that women largely find men of similar race to them attractive.

Also the real race pill is that the overwhelming majority of interracial relationships are super obviously money based. Most common is the old rich white man or woman going to a poor country to abuse the power of the dollar/Euro to fuck Stacys and Tyrones. Also common is the rich black celebrity marrying white, or the rich Asian STEMcel who finally got with a white woman once he started making over 200k a year. Interracial relationships based on genuine desire are the rarest type of relationship, which shows that women simply aren't genuinely attracted to other races. THAT'S the real race pill. JBW copers fight me
Low iq
A my curry mom is 45 and talks a tennis player blond guy she and her friends watched on TV 50 25 year ago
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The real race pill is not that white is the highest SMV. The real race pill is that interracial pairings are extremely rare, which shows that women largely find men of similar race to them attractive.

Also the real race pill is that the overwhelming majority of interracial relationships are super obviously money based. Most common is the old rich white man or woman going to a poor country to abuse the power of the dollar/Euro to fuck Stacys and Tyrones. Also common is the rich black celebrity marrying white, or the rich Asian STEMcel who finally got with a white woman once he started making over 200k a year. Interracial relationships based on genuine desire are the rarest type of relationship, which shows that women simply aren't genuinely attracted to other races. THAT'S the real race pill. JBW copers fight me
Paring marriage =betabuxx ur retard
My white 22 year old discord friend is currently reverse betabuxximg a 32
Asian doctor
And also has a young arab side chick
The real race pill is not that white is the highest SMV. The real race pill is that interracial pairings are extremely rare, which shows that women largely find men of similar race to them attractive.

Also the real race pill is that the overwhelming majority of interracial relationships are super obviously money based. Most common is the old rich white man or woman going to a poor country to abuse the power of the dollar/Euro to fuck Stacys and Tyrones. Also common is the rich black celebrity marrying white, or the rich Asian STEMcel who finally got with a white woman once he started making over 200k a year. Interracial relationships based on genuine desire are the rarest type of relationship, which shows that women simply aren't genuinely attracted to other races. THAT'S the real race pill. JBW copers fight me
Young white normies> ethnic Chad's
Keep copeing white people are the most desirable ppl on earth u little scum
How dare u defy the white man
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All women on average prefer white men. Fuck off with this stupid shit.

I’m brown by the way.
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white is hottest followed by black, common knowledge
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All women on average prefer white men. Fuck off with this stupid shit.

I’m brown by the way.
Bro, you yourself said black men just be black bro

white is hottest followed by black, common knowledge
Nope. It’s white Latino middle eastern black asians and then aboriginals etc on average as a whole in terms of dating and sexual success

Depends on the individual though. If you look good it doesn’t matter much
  • JFL
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There must be something racial rather than it being based purely on wealth, otherwise we would see Japanese (richest Asians) men slaying in poor/shithole countries, yet they don't as far as I'm aware.

Are you willing to accept that a rich Japanese man would get a girlfriend easier in the Philippines than a poor white man? I think Tinder would show otherwise.
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This is only a racepill when you wanna date outside your race
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High IQ and evidence-based, good thread.
if you travel across the world, you are gonna see a lot of same race couples. but this forum thinks that america=world
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Just lol if you think jbw isn't real

JBW falls under the money based interracial relationships I talked about. In the areas where people run to do JBW game, the Asians see the whites as a walking ATM/green card. Why do you think JBW game is run mostly in Philippines and not somewhere like Singapore?
Paring marriage =betabuxx ur retard
My white 22 year old discord friend is currently reverse betabuxximg a 32
Asian doctor
And also has a young arab side chick

Young white normies> ethnic Chad's
Keep copeing white people are the most desirable ppl on earth u little scum
How dare u defy the white man

Counting discord users as friends - incel trait
Racial supremacy - incel trait

You have incel written all over you bro. I feel sorry for you, therefore I won't fight you.
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The real copepill
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JBW falls under the money based interracial relationships I talked about. In the areas where people run to do JBW game, the Asians see the whites as a walking ATM/green card. Why do you think JBW game is run mostly in Philippines and not somewhere like Singapore?
Back when I was a fat 3/10 and turbo aspie with next to no social skills there would occasionally be a noodle interested in me whenever I went out. Not necessarily ugly ones either.

I'm not saying every noodle is a white mans whore but JBW is very real in the west as well.
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Back when I was a fat 3/10 and turbo aspie with next to no social skills there would occasionally be a noodle interested in me whenever I went out. Not necessarily ugly ones either.

I'm not saying every noodle is a white mans whore but JBW is very real in the west as well.
Every noodle loves to eat mayo, bathe in mayo, worship mayo.


All women on average prefer white men. Fuck off with this stupid shit.

I’m brown by the way.

They prefer white men for beta buxx and green card, then have a same race Chad on the side. I am from a shithole African country, I see this shit all the time bro
Back when I was a fat 3/10 and turbo aspie with next to no social skills there would occasionally be a noodle interested in me whenever I went out. Not necessarily ugly ones either.

I'm not saying every noodle is a white mans whore but JBW is very real in the west as well.

Fat 3/10 white men are the best beta buxx and the best for VISAmaxxing too. These foreign chics talk openly with their same race people about these dynamics
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Every noodle loves to eat mayo, bathe in mayo, worship mayo.

I was honestly shocked the first time I witnessed it. I had thought of myself as unfuckable for my entire life.

I'm not even tall either
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only exception ive seen is asian girls ngl. never rly seen it for any other race.
If your race isn’t white black or Latino it’s over
There’s a difference between marrying and who you want to fuck.

30% of Asian American girls marry out of their race, remove the cultural stigma and family values and that number would go up even farther.
I was honestly shocked the first time I witnessed it. I had thought of myself as unfuckable for my entire life.

I'm not even tall either
Jfl if you think jbw is real
Things would be a lot better if different races couldn't reproduce
Black are stealing white women we need to do something Brothers!!!!!
Black are stealing white women we need to do something Brothers!!!!!

There’s a difference between marrying and who you want to fuck.

30% of Asian American girls marry out of their race, remove the cultural stigma and family values and that number would go up even farther.

Yes, they are beta buxxing their way out of their shithole countries, dummy. They would much rather fuck Chang if not for their circumstances.
Yes, they are beta buxxing their way out of their shithole countries, dummy. They would much rather fuck Chang if not for their circumstances.
Except Chang is exceptionally rare when compared to Chad.

There’s entire subreddits created by Asians because all their women are going to other races (mostly white men). Cmon man, this is a cope. In real life I rarely see an Asian girl dating another Asian man. Especially the younger generations, they are usually with white men.

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I don't even feel bad tbh. The ethnics who cry about this are the same who lust for white women.
Just date inside yuor race, it's not hard.
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literally under every post theres you posting some anti white shit. and you always write with these big letters like the faggot on the group chat you needs to get recognized.
your dedication for hating whites just tells me you just cope with being an ethnic gay who listens to shitty despacito and talks like a jew on Estrogen gestures of an gay.
your probably not even a black just a feminized puertogayo homo despacito mongrel :LOL:
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literally under every post theres you posting some anti white shit. and you always write with these big letters like the faggot on the group chat you needs to get recognized.
your dedication for hating whites just tells me you just cope with being an ethnic gay who listens to shitty despacito and talks like a jew on Estrogen gestures of an gay.
your probably not even a black just a feminized puertogayo homo despacito mongrel :LOL:
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  • JFL
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The real racepill is that mulattos are the biggest slayers, period
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yeah continue coping. just bitter that your women are ugly
way you write is top tier autism
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Except Chang is exceptionally rare when compared to Chad.

There’s entire subreddits created by Asians because all their women are going to other races (mostly white men). Cmon man, this is a cope. In real life I rarely see an Asian girl dating another Asian man. Especially the younger generations, they are usually with white men.

Good looks are rare in all races, your race coping is showing.
Good looks are rare in all races, your race coping is showing.
White men have a much higher rate of chads compared to Asian men.
I thought this was a blackpill forum? Why are so many people coping and denying jbw theory?
I thought this was a blackpill forum? Why are so many people coping and denying jbw theory?

Because JBW theory is something that was invented by sheltered guys in the west looking at things from the outside. Ask people who live in the shithole countries where whites run JBW game, they will tell you, these whites are purely being used for the money/VISA
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The real racepill is that mulattos are the biggest slayers, period
I'm mixed race

Not mulatto

But I'm pretty unique

Mixed race is best race
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Because JBW theory is something that was invented by sheltered guys in the west looking at things from the outside. Ask people who live in the shithole countries where whites run JBW game, they will tell you, these whites are purely being used for the money/VISA
I already told you I experienced jbw myself multiple times by western noodles a few years ago. In The Netherlands and in the UK. You don't fuck a guy a few hours after meeting him if you want to betabuxx him
Feels good to be white:D
people want to have children that resemble them

mind = blown
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