Why you want to aspire to be HTN/Chadlite and not Chad

- You won't outcompete most men in looks, leading to making friendships with other men easier
- Women will not be very intimidated by you
- You'll make friends really easily with both genders
- You'll be treated normally/well by both genders
- You won't be judged, criticised or analysed by everyone
- You won't be stared at by everyone, everywhere you go
- You won't be expected to be or behave a certain way
- People are less likely to make assumptions about you before talking to you
- Women will approach or have a friend approach you for them
- You won't be assumed as a player, someone with a harem of women on your phone, or likely to cheat
- You'll be introduced into more social circles, making it easier to meet more women

That was my experience when I was a 7 or 8/10. As soon as I reached the 9 or 10/10 mark, most of that was stripped away and it can be quite lonely unless I am proactive in making friendships/meeting women, although they typically don't last long due to jealousy/competitiveness/envy, etc. In the last 2 years I've probably made over 100 friends and have only 4 left due to the reasons I just mentioned.

I'd say the only real benefit of being in the 9+ territory is you become the selector. That is, you pick whichever woman you want rather than the norm which is women are the selectors. You can get numbers super easy, will get plenty of approach signals, have no trouble finding a date on the same-day/night, and get sex relatively easily (still requires a bit of talking, but also requires a girl who is confident enough to actually talk to you - that's the hard part), but that's about it.

The reasons listed above are why you don't want to be chad and why you should aspire to be HTN. If you go out into the real world, it's the HTN who slay the most.
Who are some celebs you look like?

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