lol at having kids

every married man who has kids descends soo fast its actually funny asf i would love to know the science behind it
Stress is the biggest aging thing, thats why richcels dont age fast because they dont have stressful wageslaving.
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OP is a high IQ individual, unlike most of the retarded niggers in the replies
  • JFL
  • WTF
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OP is a high IQ individual, unlike most of the retarded niggers in the replies
There will come a time when you will want kids, probably in your 30s or 40s.

Think back to when you were a little kid and someone brought up the idea of a girlfriend, you would probably say "eww i dont wan't a girlfriend" or some kiddie shit like that. Guarantee same situation will happen again lol
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  • JFL
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Stress is the biggest aging thing, thats why richcels dont age fast because they dont have stressful wageslaving.
hello mentalcel glad to see you again its been awhile
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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You literally believe in the ''migrants are having kids'' myth/propaganda. If you only knew how to read statistics and data on this, you'd know that migrants have way less kids than their counterparts at their countries, and their kids have as many kids as the locals which means this is bunch of nonsense.

People generally are having way less kids nowadays, even in shitholes like in latin america. It's a trend in the whole world. Even the african countries who are achieving higher income now are starting to slow down. All the low IQ masses are falling for this ''don't have kids'' globohomo propaganda.

You're just proving my point. But yeah be a good goy, don't have kids go wageslave and spend all your money on meaningless tech and other stupid copes. Meanwhile:

View attachment 2975977View attachment 2975979
Based fuck kikes. Besides, HELLO, MY LIFE SAVIOR!
  • +1
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"I know what to do. I will have a kid because that way my life will improve and I can carry on my legacy!"
Indians of Armenia
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: datboijj, leanmaxx74 and HTN_Mentalcel
There will come a time when you will want kids, probably in your 30s or 40s.

Think back to when you were a little kid and someone brought up the idea of a girlfriend, you would probably say "eww i dont wan't a girlfriend" or some kiddie shit like that. Guarantee same situation will happen again lol
What a brainless cope.
You're just implying people have kids when they're old and washed cos they are too pathetic to do anything else. Which I agree with. However, if people didn't think like that we wouldn't have billions of disgusting losers roaming the planet.

Kids don't improve your life, in fact people are happier before kids. But most NPC subhumans are so delusional they think anybody cares about their "legacy" and that the world needs their rotten offspring. It doesn't
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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dude it's crazy how blue pilled this forum is lmao
Blackpill is just about genetic predeterminism, if you give your kids good genes through a foid its no problem.
  • JFL
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bro its completely different nowadays though. most researchers in my field aren't having kids and for a good reason. they will live in an era where AI will take their jobs and they will have no purpose.

also kids are being born with microplastics for the fist time in history. who knows what will come of that.
people who really understand AI are not really worried about it. There's this big fuzz over this because *now* NPCs found out about things like chatGPT and they're freaking out.

We're still taking baby steps. Plus AI is expensive, even if we really do achieve one day that utopical level of advancement, by Moore's law there should be a limit we'll hit soon that will unable us to keep up improving tech, it will also just be so expensive and will require so much energy it just won't be feasible.

Plus people forget a lot of these things have been around for a while and we still got people as cashiers and shit. A human semi-slave is still better and cheaper than some expensive robot or software for the most part.
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  • JFL
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Is everyone in this thread AI?

Do people actually believe in the “bro once you die you die and nothing matters so just give up on children and jerk off all day” chit? this seems like some kind of psyop
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998, datboijj, optimisticzoomer and 1 other person
OP is a high IQ individual, unlike most of the retarded niggers in the replies
He's soft.

''Muh world is so cruel mama didn't leave me a penthouse I'm ugly no money for surgery oh nooo''.

My kids will step on the necks of cucks like this.
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  • JFL
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people who really understand AI are not really worried about it. There's this big fuzz over this because *now* NPCs found out about things like chatGPT and they're freaking out.

We're still taking baby steps. Plus AI is expensive, even if we really do achieve one day that utopical level of advancement, by Moore's law there should be a limit we'll hit soon that will unable us to keep up improving tech, it will also just be so expensive and will require so much energy it just won't be feasible.

Plus people forget a lot of these things have been around for a while and we still got people as cashiers and shit. A human semi-slave is still better and cheaper than some expensive robot or software for the most part.
dude I know people who work in AI research it's grown A LOT since the last decade and it will continue to grow. that is because it has the potential to help expand research work and solve problems people weren't able to solve. in my field we are already investing in AI to assist in research for the ocean. you have no idea what is coming espically since it will get to the point where you can have a robot doing a job for free when you have to pay a person.

the problem is we've got too many useless people on earth rn. ideally the world would have 500 million people with AI doing the lower jobs and assisting in research while people fill research and niche jobs.
  • +1
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dude I know people who work in AI research it's grown A LOT since the last decade and it will continue to grow. that is because it has the potential to help expand research work and solve problems people weren't able to solve. in my field we are already investing in AI to assist in research for the ocean. you have no idea what is coming espically since it will get to the point where you can have a robot doing a job for free when you have to pay a person.

the problem is we've got too many useless people on earth rn. ideally the world would have 500 million people with AI doing the lower jobs and assisting in research while people fill research and niche jobs.
Thing is though people arent reproducing, there is a shit ton of oldcels now, the economy and system is in risk of collapse because there isnt any young people, having less population is probably better but who is gonna deal with all these oldfags?
people who really understand AI are not really worried about it. There's this big fuzz over this because *now* NPCs found out about things like chatGPT and they're freaking out.

We're still taking baby steps. Plus AI is expensive, even if we really do achieve one day that utopical level of advancement, by Moore's law there should be a limit we'll hit soon that will unable us to keep up improving tech, it will also just be so expensive and will require so much energy it just won't be feasible.

Plus people forget a lot of these things have been around for a while and we still got people as cashiers and shit. A human semi-slave is still better and cheaper than some expensive robot or software for the most part.
also you didn't address the fact that your kids will likely be mircoplastic ridden
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  • JFL
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also you didn't address the fact that your kids will likely be mircoplastic ridden
bro ofc morally you probably shouldnt have kids but its human nature, everyone once they reach a certain age wants kids. THere is no escaping this unfortunately.
  • JFL
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Thing is though people arent reproducing, there is a shit ton of oldcels now, the economy and system is in risk of collapse because there isnt any young people, having less population is probably better but who is gonna deal with all these oldfags?
well if there is pulse vent that takes out the power gird that could help

the thing is without modern medicine and electricity the world population has potential to decrease by 90%

but that likely is not going to happen anytime soon. this is where AI could help though.

AI can produce a much larger output than a person can since it basically can repeat the same task forever. in this case AI can help sustain the economy and keep the output growing. also in an ideal world people will be able to contribute meaningful work whether in research fields, arts etc longer because they will live longer and have more optimal health. although this is far form reality rn.
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
dude I know people who work in AI research it's grown A LOT since the last decade and it will continue to grow. that is because it has the potential to help expand research work and solve problems people weren't able to solve. in my field we are already investing in AI to assist in research for the ocean. you have no idea what is coming espically since it will get to the point where you can have a robot doing a job for free when you have to pay a person.

the problem is we've got too many useless people on earth rn. ideally the world would have 500 million people with AI doing the lower jobs and assisting in research while people fill research and niche jobs.
I think this AI mania is akin to what the dot com bubble was in the late 90s. A lot of hysteria, but in the end there will be a lot of broke people/business and maybe a few, actual useful and innovative things/businesses might survive and stay around.

But yeah we do have too many people (at least that's what they seem to believe) and hence why they want to get rid of us so fiercely.

also you didn't address the fact that your kids will likely be mircoplastic ridden
It's true but there things that can be done. Get completely rid of microplastic is impossible nowadays but you can reduce it as much as you can by not falling for other agendas these people want to shove down our throats.

Don't ever go vegan, for instance.
  • JFL
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bro ofc morally you probably shouldnt have kids but its human nature, everyone once they reach a certain age wants kids. THere is no escaping this unfortunately.
this is true

it's just nature.

im not saying dont have kids but asses your situation properly.
  • +1
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I think this AI mania is akin to what the dot com bubble was in the late 90s. A lot of hysteria, but in the end there will be a lot of broke people/business and maybe a few, actual useful and innovative things/businesses might survive and stay around.

But yeah we do have too many people (at least that's what they seem to believe) and hence why they want to get rid of us so fiercely.

It's true but there things that can be done. Get completely rid of microplastic is impossible nowadays but you can reduce it as much as you can by not falling for other agendas these people want to shove down our throats.

Don't ever go vegan, for instance.
there being less people will help free up a lot of space and produce much less environmental harms.

most meats nowadays are also contaminated with loads of mircoplastics. especially supermarket meat. the only way to avoid this is getting meat straight from a source such as a farm. but this presents another dilemma. many can't afford this luxury and there is too many people rn not to rely on factory farming. factory farmed animals are incredibly bad for your health as they contain a bunch of contaminants.
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  • JFL
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Also, microplastics are nowhere near as harmful as grains, sugar, carbs, regular internet use, etc so who gives a fuck really. mega lol at crying about plastic
  • JFL
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It doesn’t really matter. If they don’t someone down the line will. They can deal with it just as I have.
the thing is is the our generation was not born with micro plastics assuming you are gen z

this new generation is the first of it's kind to ever be born with mircoplastics from birth and it isn't know what this could effect down the line.
the thing is is the our generation was not born with micro plastics assuming you are gen z

this new generation is the first of it's kind to ever be born with mircoplastics from birth and it isn't know what this could effect down the line.
oh yeah? Maybe I’ll get them an extra large pair of big girl panties then just to make sure they can handle it
  • JFL
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Also, microplastics are nowhere near as harmful as grains, sugar, carbs, regular internet use, etc so who gives a fuck really. mega lol at crying about plastic
you are clearly ignorant asf

mircoplastics have already been shown to disrupt normal hormone balance and microbiome and this is just the beginning of the research.
  • +1
Reactions: ecig
you are clearly ignorant asf

mircoplastics have already been shown to disrupt normal hormone balance and microbiome and this is just the beginning of the research.
disrupt deez nuts
Also, microplastics are nowhere near as harmful as grains, sugar, carbs, regular internet use, etc so who gives a fuck really. mega lol at crying about plastic
it's also been shown to be large player in the decreasing fertility of men
  • So Sad
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I'm not dying till I try everything this world got to offer, including having a kid jfl it's just a video game, why would you leave unexplored content?
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we are living in unsure times

our parents and grandparents didn't have to worry about this because they were living in times of progress and optimism where you could a afford a living on a basic job. this is no longer the case though.

you can even see it in the shift of futuristic movies where they went from flying cars and high tech metropolitan cities to now making movies on dystopias where the world has been ruined.
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Reactions: disheartenedcel, ecig and HTN_Mentalcel
Is everyone in this thread AI?

Do people actually believe in the “bro once you die you die and nothing matters so just give up on children and jerk off all day” chit? this seems like some kind of psyop
That's the only logical approach.
Anyway, having kids is just selfish and doesn't bring you any benefit (especially when dead). So if you're dead, why would you care about your pathetic offspring wasting precious resources? There's far better ways to impact the world than leaving behind a couple of extra stains out of billions of others who also thought they were special
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: disheartenedcel and HTN_Mentalcel
That's the only logical approach.
Anyway, having kids is just selfish and doesn't bring you any benefit (especially when dead). So if you're dead, why would you care about your pathetic offspring wasting precious resources? There's far better ways to impact the world than leaving behind a couple of extra stains out of billions of others who also thought they were special
All people are selfish. All living beings, down to our very genes are selfish.
It’s so silly to pretend that you are above that. You, by opting not to have children, are not doing it because you’re some paragon of morality. It’s all for YOU, because YOU believe this will give YOU the best outcome. And I will do the same, but for me that involves having children. I don’t care about impacting the world, but by allowing my genome to live on. I would see the rest of mankind burn without a second thought if it meant that my genes would live on.
  • JFL
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All people are selfish. All living beings, down to our very genes are selfish.
It’s so silly to pretend that you are above that. You, by opting not to have children, are not doing it because you’re some paragon of morality. It’s all for YOU, because YOU believe this will give YOU the best outcome. And I will do the same, but for me that involves having children. I don’t care about impacting the world, but by allowing my genome to live on. I would see the rest of mankind burn without a second thought if it meant that my genes would live on.
Actually one of the key reasons I'm not having kids is because there are too many people, so no, it's not just for me. I'm not contributing to a human population estimated to grow to 10 billion in the next 30 years, further destroying any wild spaces. I look around and already see way too many people, roads, buildings. It's terrible.

Just cos you lack that ability to reason doesn't mean everyone does.
Muh genes live on. That's the biggest cope of all time. On par with religion. It allows people to think they will achieve immortality in some way, but no, you won't.
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  • JFL
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That's the only logical approach.
Anyway, having kids is just selfish and doesn't bring you any benefit (especially when dead). So if you're dead, why would you care about your pathetic offspring wasting precious resources? There's far better ways to impact the world than leaving behind a couple of extra stains out of billions of others who also thought they were special
If it doesn't bring you any benefit how can it be selfish?

You're literally giving your time, resources on someone who by all means might not retribute it in the future. If anything it comes out a desire to share something with someone.
Actually one of the key reasons I'm not having kids is because there are too many people, so no, it's not just for me. I'm not contributing to a human population estimated to grow to 10 billion in the next 30 years, further destroying any wild spaces. I look around and already see way too many people, roads, buildings. It's terrible.

Just cos you lack that ability to reason doesn't mean everyone does.
Muh genes live on. That's the biggest cope of all time. On par with religion. It allows people to think they will achieve immortality in some way, but no, you won't.
Again. I do not care about any of that. I would eradicate 500 species a day to ensure my genome could live on.

This individual form will die yes. This consciousness and everything with it. However, I choose to think of this body as being more of an ephemeral form of my genes, an agent that exists purely to ensure that the next in line is able to come into being, to do more. As an individual, I have accepted my death. However, I have a goal to achieve before then.
  • JFL
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Actually one of the key reasons I'm not having kids is because there are too many people, so no, it's not just for me. I'm not contributing to a human population estimated to grow to 10 billion in the next 30 years, further destroying any wild spaces. I look around and already see way too many people, roads, buildings. It's terrible.

Just cos you lack that ability to reason doesn't mean everyone does.
Muh genes live on. That's the biggest cope of all time. On par with religion. It allows people to think they will achieve immortality in some way, but no, you won't.
What are you gonna do when your 30-50 and beyond that?
  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
If it doesn't bring you any benefit how can it be selfish?
Because they think it will, and they use it to cope and bring a change. It's selfish because no one else wants you to have kids, it's not for the greater good, purely for your own ego.
You're literally giving your time, resources on someone who by all means might not retribute it in the future. If anything it comes out a desire to share something with someone.
Another ego problem. If you care that much about caring for someone or "sharing with someone" then adopt. There are loads of kids out there from other selfish parents who are already here, and need parents. Not something that's not even born yet. But you won't, because it's not about helping, it's just about your ego and thinking your own offspring are somehow superior or more worthy to others. Newsflash: everyone thinks this.

Childhavers like using that bs pretense that they are having kids due to good nature, but it's so easy to debunk
Again. I do not care about any of that. I would eradicate 500 species a day to ensure my genome could live on.

This individual form will die yes. This consciousness and everything with it. However, I choose to think of this body as being more of an ephemeral form of my genes, an agent that exists purely to ensure that the next in line is able to come into being, to do more. As an individual, I have accepted my death. However, I have a goal to achieve before then.
Your genes are subhuman and worthless buddy. All the people that don't have kids are proof and a testament to the fact that we don't "need" to have kids, you're just incapable of the higher thought process required to assess pros and cons.

Just lol at thinking your "genes" (which will within no time be only a fraction of your own) are important. Even your descendents receiving those genes couldn't care less jfl
  • +1
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Your genes are subhuman and worthless buddy. All the people that don't have kids are proof and a testament to the fact that we don't "need" to have kids, you're just incapable of the higher thought process required to assess pros and cons.

Just lol at thinking your "genes" (which will within no time be only a fraction of your own) are important. Even your descendents receiving those genes couldn't care less jfl
They are only subhuman and worthless if they do not pass on. That is the only factor in determining the value of genes.
  • JFL
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What are you gonna do when your 30-50 and beyond that?
The same as people with offspring, except my time won't be taken up by them. That's like asking what someone is gonna do once the kids have moved out.

The reality is most childhavers are wageslaving, and then they can't even enjoy freedom in their remaining hours due to some kids which they inevitably regret (but cope and pretend otherwise), and look forward to the day they move out. People just use their kids as an excuse to be a loser
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
Because they think it will, and they use it to cope and bring a change. It's selfish because no one else wants you to have kids, it's not for the greater good, purely for your own ego.

Another ego problem. If you care that much about caring for someone or "sharing with someone" then adopt. There are loads of kids out there from other selfish parents who are already here, and need parents. Not something that's not even born yet. But you won't, because it's not about helping, it's just about your ego and thinking your own offspring are somehow superior or more worthy to others. Newsflash: everyone thinks this.

Childhavers like using that bs pretense that they are having kids due to good nature, but it's so easy to debunk
I'm just pointing some inconsistences in your thinking. Whos ''else''? Granted, some people don't want others to have kids. But a lot of people are either indifferent or appreciative of that. It's not a coincidence the birth of a child is celebrated in every culture around the world. People are congratulated when they have children.

And why should people do things for the greater good? What if what they perceive as the greater good is having as many children as possible?

What about people who also adopt kids but also want their own? Some people might feel that life is such a great wonder they should bring more children, not simply about raising who's already here. For them, maybe depriving souls from this experience is selfish, so what? Just food for thought.
The same as people with offspring, except my time won't be taken up by them. That's like asking what someone is gonna do once the kids have moved out.

The reality is most childhavers are wageslaving, and then they can't even enjoy freedom in their remaining hours due to some kids which they inevitably regret (but cope and pretend otherwise), and look forward to the day they move out. People just use their kids as an excuse to be a loser
most people shouldnt have kids but imo if you have decent money and not completly subhuman, choose a foid with good genes and upbringing and thbey can have a good life.
I'm just pointing some inconsistences in your thinking. Whos ''else''? Granted, some people don't want others to have kids. But a lot of people are either indifferent or appreciative of that. It's not a coincidence the birth of a child is celebrated in every culture around the world. People are congratulated when they have children.

And why should people do things for the greater good? What if what they perceive as the greater good is having as many children as possible?

What about people who also adopt kids but also want their own? Some people might feel that life is such a great wonder they should bring more children, not simply about raising who's already here. For them, maybe depriving souls from this experience is selfish, so what? Just food for thought.
It's a nonsensical argument to talk about giving something that doesn't even exist rn the "opportunity" to live. You should only be concerned about the welfare and opportunities of something that actually exists. If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't be disappointed at not being born because I wouldn't have existed and thus couldn't suffer or regret at all

Also, humans for the large part may live relatively comfortable lives now, but in general life itself is a hardship. It's not a "great wonder" or experience. Ecologically humans should have to worry about predation, we should also be at risk of dying from diseases, infections etc. The life of an impala isn't wonderful, they spend their lives wary of predators only to likely get eaten one day. A similar fate would have happened to our ancestors, who may also have thought they were doing a good thing creating another person (although probably not, they probably didn't even intend for the kid nor did the males stick around to raise it - just no contraception)
  • +1
Reactions: Latinus
You literally believe in the ''migrants are having kids'' myth/propaganda. If you only knew how to read statistics and data on this, you'd know that migrants have way less kids than their counterparts at their countries, and their kids have as many kids as the locals which means this is bunch of nonsense.

People generally are having way less kids nowadays, even in shitholes like in latin america. It's a trend in the whole world. Even the african countries who are achieving higher income now are starting to slow down. All the low IQ masses are falling for this ''don't have kids'' globohomo propaganda.

You're just proving my point. But yeah be a good goy, don't have kids go wageslave and spend all your money on meaningless tech and other stupid copes. Meanwhile:

View attachment 2975977View attachment 2975979

I live in France and ethnics have way more kids than white people, it’s a fact.

Go have kids and live in your idiocracy, some people wanna use their time, money and energy to do other things.

You are still very young Amnesia and I are older we have done lots of surgeries, we are blackpilled you are just trying to sound smart on an autistic forum.

I will never bring kid into this shitty world.

good luck.
Last edited:
Thousands of years of pure white genes ruined just like that
It's a nonsensical argument to talk about giving something that doesn't even exist rn the "opportunity" to live. You should only be concerned about the welfare and opportunities of something that actually exists. If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't be disappointed at not being born because I wouldn't have existed and thus couldn't suffer or regret at all

Also, humans for the large part may live relatively comfortable lives now, but in general life itself is a hardship. It's not a "great wonder" or experience. Ecologically humans should have to worry about predation, we should also be at risk of dying from diseases, infections etc. The life of an impala isn't wonderful, they spend their lives wary of predators only to likely get eaten one day. A similar fate would have happened to our ancestors, who may also have thought they were doing a good thing creating another person (although probably not, they probably didn't even intend for the kid nor did the males stick around to raise it - just no contraception)
you're going to deep into this. Again, I never said I think this way not sure why you're fighting this argument as if I'm the one who thinks that. I'm saying just like you got YOUR take on this, other people might think differently, and that's totally ok. And you are not any better than they are for holding your edgy doomer teen views. Some people enjoy life and for them it's a blessing, get over it.

And so what if nature is brutal? Thankfully through millennia we were able to create a system where we don't NEED to be living in such conditions and fearing predation. We literally built a world for us to live where pain is as absent as possible just to have some internet pricks say life is sooooo bad and thus it's immoral to have kids.

Please, grow a pair and accept life is not supposed to be some TV commercial, pain and struggle is part of life. Be grateful we don't have to suffer as MUCH as we are supposed to. Like literally, it's so arrogant for some random dude simply says ''life IS objetively bad because of suffering, thus YOU should not have kids'', like, said who? Are you some enlighted being levitating above us just because you read online you're ugly and now you're know for a fact that life sucks, like for all? :lul:
you're going to deep into this. Again, I never said I think this way not sure why you're fighting this argument as if I'm the one who thinks that. I'm saying just like you got YOUR take on this, other people might think differently, and that's totally ok. And you are not any better than they are for holding your edgy doomer teen views. Some people enjoy life and for them it's a blessing, get over it.

And so what if nature is brutal? Thankfully through millennia we were able to create a system where we don't NEED to be living in such conditions and fearing predation. We literally built a world for us to live where pain is as absent as possible just to have some internet pricks say life is sooooo bad and thus it's immoral to have kids.

Please, grow a pair and accept life is not supposed to be some TV commercial, pain and struggle is part of life. Be grateful we don't have to suffer as MUCH as we are supposed to. Like literally, it's so arrogant for some random dude simply says ''life IS objetively bad because of suffering, thus YOU should not have kids'', like, said who? Are you some enlighted being levitating above us just because you read online you're ugly and now you're know for a fact that life sucks, like for all? :lul:
Dn rd but of course life is suffering. That's nature

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