Allah made the women from North Africa the most beautiful inside and outside šŸ˜

Weak shit, won't lie. Recycled trash seems to be your only thing to say. No shit, actually, seeing as you are trash yourself.
Your dad is Phillips servaty cuck boy. Thereā€™s literally nothing else I gotta say. Youā€™re a cuck baby. Your cope is as bad as pajeets ā€œno my women arenā€™t getting fucked by bbc, no Iā€™m not black Iā€™m whiteā€ jfl make sure my croissant is warm when I get to Paris. Oh wait your visa wasnā€™t approved. Guess you have to watch ur women get cucked in France through ur computer.
Saar. U mirin?

  • JFL
Reactions: 97baHater, emeraldglass and Autismcel
Your dad is Phillips servaty cuck boy. Thereā€™s literally nothing else I gotta say. Youā€™re a cuck baby. Your cope is as bad as pajeets ā€œno my women arenā€™t getting fucked by bbc, no Iā€™m not black Iā€™m whiteā€ jfl make sure my croissant is warm when I get to Paris. Oh wait your visa wasnā€™t approved. Guess you have to watch ur women get cucked in France through ur computer.
Nigga. :feelswhat:
  • JFL
Reactions: emeraldglass
Just put that retarded high E cumskin on ignore tbh. All bark but no bite.

He was literally seething and coping after learning that @st.hamudi but 6ā€˜5 heightmogs and framemogs him

Also probably facemogs him (@Gengar said he saw his face in PMs and that he could model)

Arabs and black people live rent free 24/7 in his head, it's insane tbh
Yes of course he did jfl, given the fact that he was following my threads lmfao
Your dad is Phillips servaty cuck boy. Thereā€™s literally nothing else I gotta say. Youā€™re a cuck baby. Your cope is as bad as pajeets ā€œno my women arenā€™t getting fucked by bbc, no Iā€™m not black Iā€™m whiteā€ jfl make sure my croissant is warm when I get to Paris. Oh wait your visa wasnā€™t approved. Guess you have to watch ur women get cucked in France through ur computer.
I just got some info on you bro, and honestly, I can't take you seriously anymore, man. Have a good day; it seems life is fucking you over harder than I ever could.
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar and Autismcel
Your dad is Phillips servaty cuck boy. Thereā€™s literally nothing else I gotta say. Youā€™re a cuck baby. Your cope is as bad as pajeets ā€œno my women arenā€™t getting fucked by bbc, no Iā€™m not black Iā€™m whiteā€ jfl make sure my croissant is warm when I get to Paris. Oh wait your visa wasnā€™t approved. Guess you have to watch ur women get cucked in France through ur computer.
Again with the BBCs..

@emeraldglass @Gengar
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass and Gengar
I'll cut off my left testicle if this guy is not a pajeet. He has pure pajeet pheno. He simply dodged the question. :feelskek: This isn't the first time a pajeet has been a cuck for blacks. :forcedsmile:
When did I dodge a question about pheno?
I will rape Marroc pussy
Because I hate marrocs
They pull knifes and try to steal
based i hate morrocan males their so fucking annoying
The woman r great tho, some of them have bad attitude thošŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
based i hate morrocan males their so fucking annoying
The woman r great tho, some of them have bad attitude thošŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬

@MaghrebGator @wsada @97baHater @Yahya
  • JFL
Reactions: 97baHater, wsada and MaghrebGator
Wtf is going on here? Niggas hijacked my thread. I'm never posting about nafri women again. None of you deserve to speak about these queens.
  • JFL
Reactions: yuyu, wsada and Autismcel
based i hate morrocan males their so fucking annoying
The woman r great tho, some of them have bad attitude thošŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬
Yes only the women are good
Good bodies and puss puss
Great Charakter and caring
  • +1
Reactions: beefliverontop
I just got some info on you bro, and honestly, I can't take you seriously anymore, man. Have a good day; it seems life is fucking you over harder than I ever could.
- sandcoon mod on incel forum who is upset about being black
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
based i hate morrocan males their so fucking annoying
The woman r great tho, some of them have bad attitude thošŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬
Nah, the women are toxic af. Idk why OP simps for them like that. Had he claimed they were "queens" then I would've not said anything.
  • WTF
  • Hmm...
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Nah, the women are toxic af. Idk why OP simps for them like that. Had he claimed they were "queens" then I would've not said anything.
How so?
like 95% of moroccan girls i spoke to were kind
Especially those cute hijabi girls
Hijbais are usually the biggest sluts aswell lol
Bhaaiii if I convert can I get a cute hijabi wifey??:feelsohh::feelsohh:

Aren't you on Muzz? They hate kafir men. Even the liberal ones. They admit they're non-religious but at least admit they can't marry kafir men.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: yuyu, rg1235 and rand anon

Aren't you on Muzz? They hate kafir subchads. Even the liberal ones. They admit they're non-religious but at least admit they can't marry subchad kafir men.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: rg1235 and SecularIslamist
Some of the most extreme examples of birdcel foids I've ever seen were North African
Since mild-birdceldom is pretty much their default pheno, they dont look like they've lost much of their max potential by being extreme birdcels, whereas extreme birdcel white foids are easy to take pity on because of how far away they are from the angel skulled antefaced white foid ideal.
I have to admit the thought of watching an extreme birdcel nafri foid sucking on my dick is amusing because of how the mechanics of their chin might look while they're gasping for air through their terrible airways while sucking my dick.
I also felt the urge to banderas internally once when I seen a couple of giga makeup frauded nafri birdcels taking selfies of themselves on a plane as if they were "bad bitches" with something to show off.
Have you ever had them as classmates? :feelswhat:
Bruh western Muslims mix liberal feminism with Islam and their traditional culture. It doesn't count. It's the same for curries. Or any ethnic for that matter.
  • +1
Reactions: rg1235
Bhaaiii if I convert can I get a cute hijabi wifey??:feelsohh::feelsohh:
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
Quran 2:256

Reverting to Islam should be sincere bhai otherwise it doesnt count.
  • +1
Reactions: 97baHater, Gengar, rand anon and 1 other person
Have you ever had them as classmates? :feelswhat:
i have like 3-4 moroccan female friends. Their very kind but i know a few moroccan woman who also deserved to be raped brutally. With moroccan woman its either their kind asf or their the worst sluts on earth NO inbetween. Most moroccan female classmates were super nice to me always
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
Bruh western Muslims mix liberal feminism with Islam and their traditional culture. It doesn't count. It's the same for curries. Or any ethnic for that matter.
No, that's not the point. It's not about their way of life. It's about the way they speak. They cuss a lot, and they have an attitude. They act very manly. It's very toxic/unappealing.
  • +1
Reactions: rg1235 and Htobrother

Aren't you on Muzz?
Yeah, u saw my recent paki match bhai:forcedsmile:
They hate kafir men. Even the liberal ones. They admit they're non-religious but at least admit they can't marry kafir men.
Even converts? I hve ā€œnot practicingā€ on my muzz and still get a ton of profile views, u donā€™t think if I changed it to practicing I might be able to compensate for my height on there and get more matches?:feelsthink:
i have like 3-4 moroccan female friends. Their very kind but i know a few moroccan woman who also deserved to be raped brutally. With moroccan woman its either their kind asf or their the worst sluts on earth NO inbetween. Most moroccan female classmates were super nice to me always
Brutal, you must be good-looking then, and I got this kinda treatment because I'm just ugly as fuck. LOL.
No, that's not the point. It's not about their way of life. It's about the way they speak. They cuss a lot, and they have an attitude. They act very manly. It's very toxic/unappealing.
Nah, the women are toxic af. Idk why OP simps for them like that. Had he claimed they were "queens" then I would've not said anything.
Nah but its true some of them know how to be very sweet especially from my city everyone says they have the best accent but the wallet suffers a lot from that

Some of them sound like honey. But some, majority i would say think too high of themselves because they get constant validation since catcalling is extremely common (Everyday i see it like 30 times and even more especially today a saturday night)
  • +1
Reactions: yuyu, rg1235, 97baHater and 3 others
Nah but its true some of them know how to be very sweet especially from my city everyone says they have the best accent but the wallet suffers a lot from that

Some of them sound like honey. But some, majority i would say think too high of themselves because they get constant validation since catcalling is extremely common (Everyday i see it like 30 times and even more especially today a saturday night)
No, that's not the point. It's not about their way of life. It's about the way they speak. They cuss a lot, and they have an attitude. They act very manly. It's very toxic/unappealing.
They just show their better side to men they find attractive, but even then they'll slip up and show their true face. :feelswhat:
  • JFL
Reactions: MaghrebGator
No, that's not the point. It's not about their way of life. It's about the way they speak. They cuss a lot, and they have an attitude. They act very manly. It's very toxic/unappealing.
You're not :blackpill:ed if you didn't realize that all women (regardless of race) are toxic sluts. Religion may be an exception sometimes. (Islam and Christianity, jews are evil)
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Gengar
No, that's not the point. It's not about their way of life. It's about the way they speak. They cuss a lot, and they have an attitude. They act very manly. It's very toxic/unappealing.
I've not seen a single or spoken to a single one like this. It's a western problem. Same with curry. You think they act like their mother's who were shutin housewives?
  • JFL
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Reactions: 97baHater, SecularIslamist, Htobrother and 2 others

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